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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2016 in all areas

  1. Last Friday my wife & I took a day to hang out, relax & enjoy something we both love & respect. Nature's beauty. We headed to one of our favorite lakes within a National Forest. Back in the Old Town, human power only, fishing is allowed in only certain areas of the lake due to it being nationally protected Eagle & Loon Sanctuary & nesting grounds. It is catch & release only, no live bait, carry in, and carry out. We came across a ball of this year’s largemouth fry (group of baby fish) Lynn managed to get a close up video. She lowered the camera underwater and was amazed at the fry swimming circles around her hand & many of the fry swimming right towards the camera. Due to the high sun, you can really see how iridescent and nearly see through they are at that age. Extremely beautiful. Such a gift. A-Jay
    8 points
  2. Wow. Scrolling through this thread makes me feel INFINITELY better about my expenditures.
    6 points
  3. It's a Ranger, so the owner will tell you 75, but gps is no more than 50. (Sorry, Bullet owner joke, lol)
    4 points
  4. I believe they have the highest homeless population in the United States. You should fit right in
    4 points
  5. Good one from the big fish tournament last weekend in Yale Va. Took the win with this 9.17.
    4 points
  6. Well the deal is done. now I just need to get it shipped out to CA. I owe someone on this site a beer. They posted a link to this boat several months back. The seller was not willing to lower his price. Patience paid off. I got a steep discount. Probably the last 2016 Z522 that was available with the 300 Racing Mercury motor and brand spanking new. In pretty much the exact color combination I was looking for.
    4 points
  7. Just bought this. Can't wait to try it out soon.
    4 points
  8. I'm sure you'll find a new "friend" to stay with for free pretty quick in San Fran.
    3 points
  9. Wish I could help but I don't use a rod with spoons. Once a year I buy a dozen or so and throw them overboard on the next trip. Saves me a lot of time getting them unhooked and breaking off.
    3 points
  10. You might try contacting one of our sponsors @BizzBaits. Their Sassy Stick has more wobble in the water than a Senko and I wouldn't be surprised if they'd work with you on a bulk order. I know they'll do custom colors.
    3 points
  11. Best of 15 this morning went 19", but a somewhat "trim" 3.65lb. This is one of two I caught shallow early on a black/black cavitron, before switching to a finesse worm on a shaky head to probe a steep, weedy dropoff ...and for a little while it was a fish on almost every cast. Mostly dinks, but 2 others about 16".
    3 points
  12. Just a short story I thought was neat. Was smallmouth fishing up north yesterday evening with my son and we saw a bunch of seagulls hovering and picking at the water. It was windy blowing 25+ so we couldn't tell if bait was surfacing or something else. This went on for a good half hour. We got close enough I started throwing a crank bait over where they were but got nothing. Next thing you know a bald eagle swoops down and grabs a big fish out of the water where the gulls were at. Presumably, the fish was dead and was too large for the gulls to pick up. Chaos ensues. There was a dozen gulls attacking the bald eagle. The eagle flew back and forth between land and water trying to shag the gulls but they were relentless. After about 15 minutes or so the eagle goes to land in a tree and drops the fish and it falls in someone's yard who just happened to be outside. A young kid and his mom. I know they heard the fish fall from the sky thru the branches because they went towards the tree that the eagle tried to land in. The gulls kept screwing with the eagle until they realized the fish was gone, then they went back to minding their own business. We trolled down the bank a little further and now the eagle was back being chased by 2 small black birds, not sure what he did to tick them off. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the eagle even though he was the instigator. Something else we thought was neat was how the eagle just glided thru the air during the time he was not being attacked. The seagulls were struggling and constantly flapping their wings while the eagle just seemed to glide using very little energy. He was using the wind to his advantage rather than fighting against it like the gulls. Not sure if it was just due to the sheer size of the eagle or he was working smart and not hard. Guess I'm just so used to seeing gulls geese and cormorants(I hate cormorants) that seeing such a majestic bird is a breath of fresh air.
    2 points
  13. So lately I have been getting into Wal-Marts clearance section and picked up 10 different Cotton Cordell crankbaits all white and off white for a buck a piece and a pack of SpikeIt! markers for 2$. I took a few and colored them with my red/blue/yellow/orange markers to match popular KVD cranks. The SpikeIt! practically glows under water and I have been hammering fish the past two weeks. I have been picking up my cranks as a go to when I didn't touch them at all prior. Scent and color has lasted two weeks strong as well, anyways give it a shot and good luck!
    2 points
  14. But here is the problem- I have more! Jeff
    2 points
  15. "how many rods do i have? how many shoes do you have?" ..... end of conversation
    2 points
  16. My last boat was nearly identical. Cruised at 50ish all day long. WOT was low 70's.
    2 points
  17. I don't know how many I have, nor am I going to count. And I don't let my wife count either!! Jeff
    2 points
  18. I have thought of bringing my own card board box and sleeping in a gutter. The cost saving would be phenomenal.
    2 points
  19. For the record, I'm perfectly fine putzing around the lake at 50.
    2 points
  20. I want to retire, not work LOL !!! However the amount of construction does present the thought of possibly finding a great paying job.
    2 points
  21. I can't help with your questions...except that for the second, I'd send to DVT. I do suggest having a crochet hook with you, though...and maybe study this guy's tutorial:
    2 points
  22. What are you combos exactly? Rod/length/power/action, reel/size/age, line/brand/size/age. Your rods will effect your casting distance, but I have a feeling it's your reel and/or line that's effecting your distance the most.
    2 points
  23. Controversy? or difference of opinion? Call it what you will. but what it comes down to is which knot YOU tie best. Spend a rainy afternoon practicing knots. Tie several different knots, then break them all. See which ones you tie best, and use them. You really want to get better at this? Spend another rainy afternoon practicing using 2lb test line.If you can tie a good knot in that, you can tie a good knot with any line.
    2 points
  24. They do custom colors, but I believe there's an order limit for them.
    2 points
  25. Went Monday and picked it up. Spend all day cleaning and organizing it. Also went ahead and serviced it and put a brand new cranking and trolling battery in it. As soon as the title comes in I plan to go straight to DMV and get the registration all set. Turned it into a perfect rig for my needs!
    2 points
  26. No comparison. The Antares DC is by far the smoothest reel I have ever handled. The MGL is nice but not in the same league. My MGL I have only gotten to fish twice. I am using it for topwater and haven't caught a fish on it yet......... But it throws and reels a gunfish nicely. Haha Jeff
    2 points
  27. A bit of advice storing any LH frogs. Keep the box and insert that came with the frog for storage after using. Why I say this is, I have the original frog and I used it this evening, I haven't used it in a long time and just kept it with 2 other different brand frogs in a zip lock sandwich bag. The legs on the original frog are all jacked up. It still works and all but the legs now have more of a tendency to tangle up, because now my LH frog looks like its bow legged. With the popping frog, I put it back in the insert and box after use, so the legs stay true to kicking like it was meant to be.
    2 points
  28. I agree with bending the blade. You'll learn where and how sharply to bend it to get the action your prefer. They work with the flat blade, but the work way better for me with the bent blades. Tying your own skirts make them last a lot longer as well. A simple ziptie on the skirts you have on will make them last a lot longer. Being able to create your own colors is nice too.
    2 points
  29. I used it this evening. I got 2 bites but missed them. I think that fish was small. I caught 2 on the frog, 2 on buzzbaits and one on Hula Popper. I got this 5 lb'er on a white Hart Throb buzzbait.
    2 points
  30. I'm still looking for a permanent rod for it but grabbed a Jawbone 6'6" MH rod while at Dick's. I'm heading out of town and needed something to throw it on so I could take it with me. Believe it or not it's a decent cheap rod. Graphite, lightweight, and decent backbone.
    2 points
  31. I'll second the Lew's American Hero. I just picked one up yesterday!
    2 points
  32. Cheap but effective relief is a tennis elbow band that you put around your upper forearm. After a lot of pounding nails I get the occasional flair up, and the band will relieve it enough to get through the day.
    2 points
  33. So......you bought this reel. In a very short period of time you have A.) Dropped it in the water. B.) Lost the tension control knob. C.) Taken it apart and struggled to put it back together....apparently not believing the schematics and, I'm assuming, NOT watched any good videos showing you how to do it. My advice? Zebco
    2 points
  34. A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches
    2 points
  35. Operator error, you have a good reel, learn how to use it. Do you plan to tell the buyer it's doesn' work? Tom
    2 points
  36. I'd have given you pretty much the same answer as Raul........ Welcome to the internet.........your often going to get answers to questions, or hear opinions that you might not like when you ask them on a message board. Here's how to NOT deal with it: Pretty much exactly how you responded/reacted................which IMHO was like a 2 year old with a handful of sand up his butt hole. BTW...............I AM a smartass, and think I am better than everyone else too....So Raul and I got that in common..............us "pieces of work" as you say have to stick together.
    2 points
  37. I save old line in a box and ship it off every couple of years to the Berkley Recycling Center. http://www.berkley-fishing.com/Berkley-recycling.html
    2 points
  38. I just throw my rusted hooks and jigs in a Gatorade bottle. That way no one will get sticked on accident.
    2 points
  39. Dey be saying to yall that yall needs to be leavin da tension thing alone, n let da dc thing do all the work. In German; relaxen keepen das fingersoffen.
    2 points
  40. I voted for Pflueger. You can get the Trion reel for $40. If you need a new combo, though, Gander Mountain has their Daiwa Revros spinning combos on sale for 39.99 from 69.99. I haven't used them but have messed around with them in the store and they look legit. Read some good reviews as well.
    1 point
  41. not on your list but consider getting the Lew's American hero from Walmart. its $40 dollars and its not a bad set up. IM6 Rod and a 5 bearing spinning reel. Its my finesse setup right now.
    1 point
  42. Excellent value. I'm a big fan of their square bills & swimbaits.
    1 point
  43. The employee and I opened the only 3 remaining in the store and checked them. It was a bad batch. He said his boss would be contacting them. When we pulled them all out the tension knobs were buttoned down. I'm guessing it just cause them to lock up that way. They instantly took displays out and put the boxes aside so no one will have to go through that again
    1 point
  44. Cabelas guide wear pants I have are like windbreaker material they zip off into shorts if you choose. They're so cool in the summer never had to zip em to shorts. They also make some wit a bug repellent built in, I believe it works even after several washes my buddy was gettin attacked by horse flies lol I was fishing lol anyhow usually can get em on sale 50% off when they are on sale.
    1 point
  45. i see the live target floating bluegill everywhere.
    1 point
  46. Columbia zip offs that always stay zipped. With Columbia PFG long sleeved hoodie. The older I get, the more SPF-ified I get. Sun screen slathered on any remaining exposed skin. I can't say enough about nylon fishing pants that dry almost immediately... in the yak or in the boat. The SPF hoodies are also fantastic - was out in 90+ degree days thrice this weekend and never once thought the long sleeves or long pants were a bad idea
    1 point
  47. Just as long as you steer clear of the jorts I think you're ok.
    1 point
  48. YES just for our friends here at BassResource!!! You are the FIRST to see this new Rage Tail product, The New MAGNUM Rage Tail Bug by Strike King Lure Company (y) Hitting store shelves in mid July 2016!!! Bout TIME, Huh
    1 point
  49. I can no longer relate to any of that - nor do I ever plan to . . . A-Jay
    1 point
  50. Took her out sat got this one in her good way to break her tried that suffix camo line really nice stuff she headed into about 10 lbs of weed no problems pulling her out great line n I really enjoy this combo thanks for responses
    1 point
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