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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2016 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. 7 points
  3. Different strokes! What makes perfect sense to one is insanity to another. Fortunately we all get to decide for ourselves though, and cheers to that!!
    5 points
  4. A few Rebel baits and a catalog! The tiny swimbaits and that packaging are from either '83, '84. or '85 and while are probably not rare, they aren't common either. I also love that Catalpa worm color on that ringworm Is a color I didn't have!
    4 points
  5. Might be the 1st person in USA with this!
    4 points
  6. Where's the flatties??? I came here looking for flatheads
    3 points
  7. I don't pay attention to it except when it's stronger, then it might influence which lake I go to. You can't catch them at home.
    3 points
  8. some people are hopelessly right handed. they probably couldn't even give you the finger using their left hand
    3 points
  9. '16 Stradic CI4+ 2500HGS
    3 points
  10. Recently I have purchased two new reels. 1. Shimano curado 201 7.3.1 2. Daiwa tatula type r 100 6.3.1 so far I have only fished the shimano. I have 60lb braid on it paired with a 7'6" heavy daiwa tatula rod. I was out at my local ranch and home today expecting to get another curado because in the last two weeks I've fished the curado it is amazing. BUT... A lot of people told me when I was considering buying a curado to check out the tatula. So when I got there I made sure to put both in my hands. The curado seemed to palm better but the tatula is nice and light. Also appealing to the eye. Myself and the sales associate started comparing pricing online and the curado at the store and on tackle warehouse was 179$ the tatula on the other hand was 199$ on tackle warehouse and 169$ in the store. So wanting to try the tatula so bad and having it be a better deal I bought it. I can't wait to get on the water and fish it to compare it against the shimano which I think is an amazing reel. I got the tatula for my cranking stick, so the applications are a lot different but I'm looking for feel, cast ability and all around performance. I know a lot of people are stuck between choosing either of these reels so I figured I'd give my full review once I have been able to fish the tatula. Thanks and stay tuned guys!
    2 points
  11. I've been driving an hour north of my house to fish the mosquito lagoon lately because of the huge fish kill we had in march in the Banana River (actually ended up being the biggest fish kill recorded in north american history).. The banana river no motor zone has been my go to area since I was a kid and it killed me among many to watch it get hit so hard.. I have been avoiding it and trying to let it recover and not add to the pressure that the thousands of other anglers are already putting on it.. Yesterday morning I decided it was time to check it out.. Glad I did.. Not only is it full of life but the water is cleaning up very nicely.. I managed to pull something off yesterday that I have been trying to accomplish for years which is the 5 species slam of a redfish, spotted seatrout, black drum, snook, and tarpon.. I have came close many times but have never been able to seal the deal on this elusive slam.. Well, yesterday the fish gods smiled on me and not only did I accomplish it, but I also got two black drum and a trout on fly.. Probably not a big deal to most but I am a complete beginner on fly so basically any fish on the whip for me is a d**n good one.. I am thrilled to see my home waters begin to perk back up... The banana river is not out of the woods by any stretch when it comes to its ecological state, but it is on the right path thankfully.. I was pretty stoked when I landed that snook and sealed the deal.. It's pretty rare to get all 5 species in a day, the banana river really produced yesterday.. Also noticed as I was paddling that I was spooking up shrimp everywhere.. Got out and threw the net out of curiousity and got a couple dozen in one throw.. Threw it about 4 or 5 more times and came away with a half gallon of nice size shrimp after I culled the little ones out so they could go back and reproduce.. I can't recall ever seeing the shrimp that thick in the no motor zone so hopefully that is a sign of things to come for the banana river..
    2 points
  12. I saw this exchange in A-Jays thread, and it got me thinking: A-Jay Said: I cannot say for sure why I don't get nearly as many bites on a bright night as I do on a totally to near moonless night, but I do. My version of the reason is that many of the lakes here have very clear water, so with a big bright moon, the advantage of "Darkness" is all but gone for me. I can see shallow water cover quite easily, so I can assume the bass can see equally as well also. I'd love to be able to catch on the brighter nights as opposed to the pitch black ones, but my results make the choice easy for me. Moon = NO Bass. No Moon = Bass. So fishing on a full moon is certainly Night Bassing, but for me there's less catching. Bluebasser Said: I also prefer darker nights. Full moon nights are extremely difficult for me, but one thing I've noticed is I tend to get at least 1 big bite on bright nights. If I had the option, I'd mainly stick to around half moon to a new moon. Catt Said: Three days either side of the full moon, I tend to fish deeper offshore structure. Around the new moon, I'll tend to move shallow. then it's a coin flip! **Unless there's cloud cover, Bluebasser Said: Maybe that's my issue. I tend to stay shallow at night regardless of moon phase. I'll have to try backing off the bank next time and seeing if that helps. I have started sticking to lighter colors during a bright moon and noticed an increase in productivity when I did that, but still way down from darker nights. .....Anyway, it really hit home HARD for me. I immediately decided to go back and examine my fishing logs for the last year and see if this trend was real or just in my imagination. I have been night fishing a lot of ponds in my area from the bank for the last year, so I am basically always fishing shallow and my primary method is topwater, and mostly a *Buzzbait. This actually helps my data-set because I essentially have a control in place: Always Shallow / Always Topwater. Therefore, I am able to compare results based on moon brightness without skewing the data with a lot of different bait presentations. (*The topwater stuff just covers water and you don’t snag, which makes night bank fishing faster and easier, even if it isn’t always the best bait selection for the conditions) OK, so I started running down my list. I decided that “Bright” was from the 1st Quarter-Full-to Last Quarter and clear skies, And “Dark” was from the Last Quarter-New-First Quarter + Cloudy/Rainy Nights during the bright period. - I had 92 night trips over the last 14 months. A trip by definition for me is however long I fish at any one pond. In other words, in 1 night I might hit 3 different ponds, so they are all logged separately as 3 trips. For “Bright” nights, I had: - 13 Good Trips - 22 Bad Trips So 2-1 poor fishing. For “Dark” nights, I had: - 42 Good Trips - 15 Bad Trips So 3-1 Good Fishing. - I had 3 to 1 more good “Dark” nights than good “Bright” nights - I had 1.5 to 1 more bad “Bright” trips than bad “Dark” trips Then I isolated big fish stats (4-8 lbs. only): There were 25 data entries in this category. By straight Moon phase w no weather adjustment, I got: “Dark” = 17 over 4 “Bright” = 8 over 4 - So 2 to 1 better on dark nights, but then I factored in clouds/rain for some of the bright nights, and it’s actually: “Dark” or “Bright” + clouds/rain = 21 over 4 “Bright” and calm/clear skies = 4 over 4 - So 5-1 better odds of a big fish for me on dark nights, or “Bright” nights w some weather!! This is pretty staggering. I felt like I was catching better on the darker nights, but I never really took the time to break down the numbers until now. What did I learn? 1 – Obviously, the dark nights produce a lot better, for both numbers and size 2 – I've got to alter my presentations on clear nights, I need to start treating the Moon basically the same as the Sun. In other words, when the Moon is bright on a clear night, and is casting a shadow, just like the Sun…I need to finesse my presentations down and fish cover or fish deeper. No Buzzbait on Clear/Bright nights-too easy to silhouette/switch to a clear Spook, Clear Baby Torpedo, or more subtle topwater No Spinnerbait or Chatterbait on Clear/Bright nights/switch to Keel-Weighted Swimbait or T-Rigs on the bottom or in cover. I want to thank Catt, A-Jay and Bluebasser for bringing this to my attention. Catt has always said “I fish the same baits at night as I do in the day”…and I think I finally get it! He is treating the Moon just like the Sun, duh Thanks guys, I hope this helps someone else. I'd love to hear others comments and experiences on this topic.
    2 points
  13. does this count as a latest tackle purchase? Havent bought any actual tackle recently but did pick up a new phoenix 919 pro xp. Long 10 week wait for it to get delivered but it is finally here and have been fishing a few times already in it!
    2 points
  14. How about a Quantum Smoke PT 151 6.6:1 with 30 pound braid on it. You could use it for every thing. A-Jay
    2 points
  15. My son took me inshore creek fishing this morning.Part of the frame of the trailer broke off on the way but at least it wasnt an essential part to making it there.Then we launch and had motor trouble.At first we couldnt figure out what was wrong because it ran fine when we checked it.So we said a prayer and it immediately started. So they wernt biting good.I attribute it to the 98 degree day we had yesterday.Just too hot for the creeks.But we fished one stretch of creek and got 4 flounder on mud minnows.Got 10 crabs or so also. A storm came up so we headed in.We had to slow down for some kayakers and go around them, which ran us up on a shallow mud spot and got us stuck.We got off okay, but mud had clogged the holes on the lower unit and the motor was running rough again so we paddled the last 1/4 mile or so against the wind.Had trouble getting the boat loaded too but I wont elaborate. We've had worse trips.Got to discuss life issues and enjoy our father-son relationship.It seems like most of the time our trips have some kind of problem that we have to solve together and that helps us bond more through the years Anyway we plan to eat them tomorrow.LOVE fried flounder!
    2 points
  16. A crazy colored husky jerk I got for Father's Day, should be great for smallies.
    2 points
  17. I'm a rightie and I reel with my right hand, always since Ive been a kid. Do what your most comfy with, unless your trying to tourney fish. If so then there's the argument that you lose to many casts by taking time to switch hands. Me I don't fish tourneys, it would take all of the relaxation out of fishing, and that's the main reason I fish.
    2 points
  18. A lot of the guys around here (Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River) love that rod for throwing rattle traps for bass and strippers. Truly it is a durable rod, good for many techniques. I own its siblings, a 7 ft mh which I use for frogs and a 7 ft hvy which I use for heavy jigs on deep structure. Some have had guide issues where the insert popped out, if that happens just find a good rod repair guy and re-guide it. That has not happened to me but I am pretty easy on my gear. Those rods catch a lot of fish around here.
    2 points
  19. Eagle Claw Lazer Weighted Swimbait 60-degree Hooks 4/0 or 5/0. - 1/8 to 1/4.
    2 points
  20. My left hand/arm might as well be attached to someone else, I'd have about the same amount of control over it. I can cast, switch hands, and start my retrieve without even thinking about it. I tried a left hand retrieve baitcaster for several months, but all I did was prove that I'm not capable of learning to use a left handed baitcaster.
    2 points
  21. I prefer to use both for several reasons. First I have been a mechanic on heavy equipment so I have used my hands professionally for a long time. Changing up helps avoid cramping in my hands during a long day out on the water. Besides that, I have come to use the left handed reels on baits that I impart action on such as a jig, a frog, a jerkait or a carolina rig for example. Here my dominant hand is on the rod ( my right hand) and my left hand is reeling in the slack. Baits that I chuck and wind like rattle traps, crankbaits, spinnerbaits etc I prefer my right hand is on the reel and that has always made my choices easy.
    2 points
  22. I have both those reels myself, in those very gear ratios actually lol. They are both fantastic reels. I'm not entirely sure which I would prefer to be completely honest, I like them both so much. The Curado might have a tiny, tiny edge. Before you spend that much for them look on ebay. I got my Tatula there brand new in box for $115.
    2 points
  23. The same people that switch hands crank spinners with their left lots of times. For me holding the Rod with my dominant hand is more comfortable. There's no right or wrong.
    2 points
  24. I only use a snap if I remove the split ring that comes with the lure...I don't like a snap to split ring.... I used to be anti snap and preferred to simply tie directly to the split ring, but sometimes lures come with cheap rings and if you are not careful you can tie your knot on the weak point of the ring causing it to come loose. It is important to tie the knot on the ring over the spot without the groove. If I use a snap, I only use quality snaps, I like the smaller saltwater grade snaps since the one's rated 30lbs are tiny, I like Spro, KVD, and the Tsunami tiny snaps and swivels... There is no right or wrong answer. Snaps are good for changing lures quickly, but they can alter the action of a lure like a minnow style lure, but for a chug bug I say either way is fine, whatever you feel is easier. Sometimes removing the split ring and tying the Rapala loop knot can help you get better action out of a lure like a chug bug and makes it easier to fish over weeds. If the snap is big, it pulls the head down creating a louder pop, but makes it harder to walk etc...Hope that helps...I am sure responses will be 50/50.
    2 points
  25. Just got word from my builder that he should have the 2 custom builds completed by this coming week in my hands shortly after. After waiting a few months for these to come together they should be worth it. Was going to post a few teaser pics I received but decided to wait until I get them.
    2 points
  26. He was perfectly willing to let me lip him but I chose to go with the tail hold.
    2 points
  27. Oh come on, I want to see you lip him!
    2 points
  28. Ordered another new crankbait today on the way home from the river. Been kicking it around for a little while. Mojo Bass Glass 6'10" "Target Cranker". Should have just picked it up at the winter show when I coveted it there but walked out with Mojo Finesse spin rod at the time instead. I've been fishing 2 Premier Crankbait Rods for quite awhile and like them. Wanted something 7 foot or close to it. Like a softer tip / slower tip for cranking. Should be here for the up coming weekend.
    1 point
  29. Great. Looking forward to a review. I don't know where Evan got his Type R for $115, but I got my first one a couple years ago for something like $131 and thought that was a great deal. My Curado is the older 201E7. A very nice reel.
    1 point
  30. The Tatula will be great! I own 5 Tatulas (both Tatulas and Tatula Type Rs) they fish great, The T wing is no gimmick, it reduces friction on the line during the cast giving you a chance for longer casts. The drag is terrific as well. I also own one Diawa Exceler which works very well for a little cheaper reel. All of them performed very well during my week long vacation on Dale Hollow Lake this past spring. All told we landed over 25 smallmouth most over 4 pounds. (just got lucky the smallies were just off spawn and were putting on the feed bag back on main lake grass flats. That lake is amazing! Enjoy the new reels
    1 point
  31. Thanks, Darren.I took my wife out fishing last night and tried so hard to put her on some fish.She hooked several but they all got off.I only caught 1 bass and 5 bream.We started using live worms and they werent even biting them .It was 98 here yesterday and they just werent biting. By the way, we caught a few spots today too.On the bone or fileted, theyre all good. Too bad about the skunk, but at least your son caught something!
    1 point
  32. I'm going fishing tomorrow so I'll have my first update tomorrow. Than another, after fishing it for a week or two!
    1 point
  33. I want to hear about this tatula chatter everywhere recently, keep us updated! I am considering one myself
    1 point
  34. Got a Abu Garcia vigilante rod today. It was on clearance at Walmart for $15. I have no idea what it was suppose to cost buy seemed like a decent rod. I got a 6'6 medium but it feels much more like a MH.
    1 point
  35. Testing out the new tripod. Gotta move it back apparently lol. I did okay this morning. Once I found the bluegill spawn beds, I found the bass. Even sight fished a couple. Best was 18". I forgot my sunglasses, and got a headache from squinting which forced me in earlier than I would have liked.
    1 point
  36. Ok, I went for the Phenix SMX-79H Inshore. SMX-79H 7'9" Line 20-45 3-8oz I think it is a good all rounder for Bigger Swimbaits and Inshore fishing. Directly went ahead and took advantage of this offer https://www.*.com/Savage-Gear-3D-Line-Thru-Trout-p/savagegear-3dlttrout.htm Now I just need a couple of weedless Huds, a 9 inch MS Slammer and I am all set! Thanks again for all the help here!
    1 point
  37. Nope! No microguides! Good ol' tough stuff!
    1 point
  38. It was today! Lol... I requested that the next meeting happen on the water since we all have kayaks. Nobody objected
    1 point
  39. Broke down a bought another Lew's Custom Lite today. 7' Med extra fast finesse rod. Now it's time to pair it up to a nice reel!?
    1 point
  40. That is the same thing I plan on doing once I get some free time. Allen
    1 point
  41. You cheated! Using a dead gator!
    1 point
  42. the place is completely finished including the new septic! no more work for years hopefully!!!!!!
    1 point
  43. Nice work dude! That's a stud!
    1 point
  44. Hey guys just thought I'd drop by and say whats up. I live in Davison and have been wanting to hit up a few of the places along the flint river and holloway. Any tips would be awesome!
    1 point
  45. I appreciate the offer., but I'm about to leave for a mission trip to Alaska, so I won't be needing a boat for the next week and a half anyway.
    1 point
  46. I use a few pool noodles to put in between the kayak and what ever car I'm taking and then I just ratchet tie the kayak down. Works with both cars with and without a roof rack.
    1 point
  47. This thread is an example of what is the problem really. A post about a tragedy gets turned into some sort of political agenda either for or against the weapon of choice. bottom line is people were killed for reasons unbeknownst to any of us and it could have been worse......my prayers go out to those families who lost someone in this act of domestic terrorism.
    1 point
  48. I don't really feel like he was making any delineation between "assault weapons". You've got crazies in China that go around and stab dozens of people, you've got crazies in India that randomly throw acid on people on buses, you've got crazies in America that shoot up planned parenthood clinics. His point remains the same: insanity and assault weapons are a bad combination. P.S. I own "assault rifles" which are actually categorized as semi-automatic high-caliber rifles, typically with high-capacity magazines.
    1 point
  49. My technique is to catch a lot of bass and sometimes I'll hook into some big ones too . I'd rather catch 50 fish and 1 lunker than three fish and one lunker .
    1 point
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