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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2016 in all areas

  1. May we not forget the cost of freedom, may we also remember the families who have lost everything on the day we remember the ones who have given everything. Know that it is not just this day that you are all remembered, families, friends, sons and daughters who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that our families and friends shall live free will never be forgotten nor taken for granted, may God bless and be with you all. While we celebrate this weekend, please take a moment, look up and say a prayer or give a shout-out or maybe some other form of recognition to the ones who have given their all so that we may continue to enjoy our time freely with one another. Have a safe weekend, enjoy yourselves and catch lots of fishes everybody !!!
    8 points
  2. While I was eating lunch at a restaurant recently, a gentleman at another table asked if we had been fishing. We were up in northern Wisconsin where 90% of guys fish for walleye and panfish. He asked us if we caught any walleye. We told him we were bass fishermen. A few minutes later, he dropped this napkin on our table.
    8 points
  3. First off, I am or will be okay. I had a terrible accident yesterday , but I am doing better now. I decided to go horseback riding, which I haven't done in quite a while. Well, I got on the horse and started out slow, and then we went a little faster, and then we were going as fast as the horse could go. All of a sudden I fell off and caught my foot in the stirrup and the horse was dragging me around in a circle. It wouldn't stop, it just kept going around and around. Thank goodness the store manager at K-Mart came out and unplugged the carousel.
    5 points
  4. I have a couple different mets Met 13 / 16 MGL / Met DC
    5 points
  5. Soon to be on all 3!! Jeff
    4 points
  6. So This Just Happened ~ Sometimes it works out. Introducing my new 2016 Lund Pro V Bass ~ for me, it's a Game Changer. I’ll be loading in the gear tomorrow. The Maiden voyage is scheduled for this weekend, weather permitting (Big Rain in the forecast) Here's the Stats ~ Length 18’ 9”, Beam 96”, Standard Boat Weight 1475, Weight Capacity 1650, Fuel Tank 36 Gals Powered by 200 HP Optimax w 21 Tempest Prop, Mercury Smart Graft Gauge Upgrade, Sea Star Hydraulic Steering w/Tilt Helm, Vinyl Main Deck, Removable Port Console w/Wind Screen, Dual Pro PS4 4 Bank Battery Charger, 36 V system powered by 4 Optima Blue top 31’s, that's the power for the Minn Kota Fortrex 112/62/US2, 12 ft Talon x2, Hummingbird Helix 10 SI KVD X2 (flush mounted at console & bow), Hummingbird Precision GPS Receiver, all sitting on a Custom single axle Galvanized Bunk swing tongue trailer, w/ LED Lighting & a Travel Cover. Huge Props go to Maple Bay Marine in Brutus, MI. True Professionals in every sense of the word. Both the Sales & Service dept displayed a real commitment to working with me on getting this as close to right the first time as we could. With the Pro V Bass being in a totally new model, there were a few items that needed some TLC. Additionally, I had a few A-Jay Alterations I wanted to make that required some fitment modifications & in house fabrication. These guys were all over it. So this project came & went together seamlessly. I couldn’t be happier. Massive thunderstorms on the way home from the dealer required the custom cover - worked well. More pictures & info later. So who's Crazy Excited ~ This Guy ! ! ! ! A-Jay
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. If you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.
    3 points
  9. Ned rig. Not uncommon to catch many species on same bait in the same day here in the Midwest. Have caught LM, SM, Spots, Crappie, Walleye, Wipers/Whites, Catfish, Drum, Trout. I'm not sure there is a species that won't bite it!
    3 points
  10. bass trout panfish pike have all hit an in-line spinner such as mepps never caught a cat with one. Ice out to mid summer to ice on
    3 points
  11. When I see bass do that, They're telling you something. They like it, but something isn't quite right. I first try changing my lure presentation (speed up, slow down, stop-n-go, something...). If that doesn't work, then I start changing colors. Usually one or the other is all it takes.
    3 points
  12. Congrats A-Jay!! Now you just need to move down south so you can enjoy it more than 3 months out of the year?
    3 points
  13. Ridiculous prices can be found there for sure! A number of years ago, I bought more gamakatsu worm hooks than I will use in 10 lifetimes, at a dime a pack, I think I ended up buying 90 dollars worth, give or take. Have 5 Vendetta rods in the fishing room that I bought for $11.99. I always roll through the fishing section when I get sent out for dog food. 99% of the time, nothing but.... Every so often I need to explain why I spent $200 to get dog food
    3 points
  14. black and blue arkie jig with a georgia craw zoom u-vibe speed craw. (7.5 btw)
    3 points
  15. Steez parts are finally back from getting painted. I wish the sun was out to show it off better. It's a green/gold chameleon.
    3 points
  16. Fished a Ned yesterday, caught largemouth, smallmouth, whites, warmouth, bluegill, walleye, catfish, and drum. It catches every fish that swims around here.
    2 points
  17. Try using plus size mono ~ 20lb with the rod held high can help keep a bait running higher. A-Jay
    2 points
  18. I got into a fight with a goose . We were going at it hard and strong and I landed a couple of solid kicks before it finally quit . Do I crap my pants everytime i see a goose ? Of course not .
    2 points
  19. Hawgtech handles and cork knobs
    2 points
  20. A 1/16 roadrunner has caught me about everything.
    2 points
  21. By fully clothed I mean multi-layered. I think the last time I was out in either late October or early November I had thermal undies, nice work pants, two pairs of socks, tee shirt, long sleeve shirt, and a hoodie and after about an hour still put my coat on. And I wasn't miserable. Hard to be miserable when catching Great Lakes smallies.
    2 points
  22. Ya know, my first thought was a spinner as well. But then I think back to the last 2 years of discovering the Ned; and I know some are sick of hearing about it but I've caught bass, crappie, pickerel, brookies, browns, yellow perch, white perch, bluegill...basically everything that swims in my waters on them pretty consistently.
    2 points
  23. I love catching some trout, but down here in Southeast Louisiana we don't catch trout in any streams. We catch speckled trout (spotted sea trout) in bays, bayou, and lagoons in saltwater areas. And come summertime, those trout have moved out and made their way into the bigger bays closer to the gulf and many into the gulf. I'm a former saltwater guide, mostly speckled trout, and I love going get on some specks. But nothing beats a largemouth on the end of your line lol. But you definitely named my favorite bass lure for pretty much any time of year.... Rattle Trap aka lipless crank. All time favorite way to catch bass
    2 points
  24. So I bought a curado 201hg the other day and than today went to my local tackle shop and picked up a daiwa tatula 7'6" H. Super happy with the purchase. Now it's time to get on the water! ??
    2 points
  25. Dunno why used isn't popular. I've saved thousands of dollars in fishing gear going used, particularly with fly-fishing gear.
    2 points
  26. Thanks all, I appreciate the feed back. I will probably be purchasing one in the very near future. Again thanks, I know I ask a lot of simplistic questions but I am a firm believer that the only dumb question is the one never asked.
    2 points
  27. Season lasts longer than 3 months, just the other 3 months or so you need to be fully clothed...
    2 points
  28. Gushing blood for hours and you didn't bleed out. I'd say that's pretty lucky in itself.
    2 points
  29. I agree with the assessment of MHX hi mods as compared to "high end " blanks but I'm not impressed by NFC. For the price I'd pick an SCV, c4 Rodgeeks or K2. I still see the MHX hm as a little more than value blank though. Same with Rainshadow immortal and e2. At the end of the day there's a blank for most every need and budget.
    2 points
  30. Not to be a preacher or anything. I know for much of the country this is going to be the first time on the water this year. Please be safe. Use proper flotation devices. There will be a ton of idiots on the waterways. If the boat is moving wear a life vest.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. #1 First light, be on the water as early as possible & late evening #2 Over cast days #3 Cover; grass or wood Weighted or weightless plastics; Texas rigs, Senko types, & Flukes Frogs; solid or hollow Spinnerbaits or swim jigs
    2 points
  33. Man... at least it was the horse and not the rocket ship... could you imagine being dragged to the moon?????
    2 points
  34. Spent the day on the water with @kickerfish1 and his dad hoping to put them on some Kansas smallmouth, the fish did not disappoint. Over 100 fish came to the boat, a mix of smallmouth, largemouth, spots, white bass, crappie, walleye, sauger, and drum. The water was still high and muddy from the constant rain, which normally produces tough fishing, but the fish are post spawn and hungry apparently. The white bass and smallmouth were all skinny from their recent spawns, but very active and cooperative, the whites were frustrating at times they were biting so aggressively. Lots of fish were left out just because it's hard to get good video with 3 in the boat. I fished from my kayak for 45 minutes before a big storm came out of nowhere and chased me off Monday morning, but it was a productive 45 minutes, including my first catfish from the kayak.
    2 points
  35. After a week of fishing lake Anna from my boat and catching nothing over 3 lbs, I decided to fish a local pond today. Ended up pulling in this 4 lb 7 oz fish on a drop shot. New personal best! Who needs those big lakes anyways
    2 points
  36. Nope! Take Toledo Bend for instance, bass start spawning on the north end as early as late March & on the south end in May. Blue Gill start spawning in April & May There is an overlap
    2 points
  37. 1 point
  38. Had some fun in the rain today after an early work release. I threw around a 90 size whopper plopper in perch. Caught 4 bass lost about 3 due to lazy hooksets on my behalf, all in about an hour and a half. Here's one of the better ones.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Cleaning it up & starting to rig and add gear today.(in the garage) Of course the dealer did their customary clean & prep before I picked it up, but the A-Jay version is seriously next level. Always includes quite a bit more attention to detail (insert I take stuff apart). It's also I great way to check over the entire rig as well as learn a ton about every aspect of the boat, motor, trailer & all associated options / equipment. Been doing on my trucks for a while now & it has served me well. But I got the time too. So with all of that said, It's been Thundering / Raining off & on all day here and it's forecasted to continue through Sunday - Monday might be the first reasonable Launching . . And Yes, I do mean Launching. A-Jay
    1 point
  41. Wash it thoroughly, dry and treat with 303 Fabric Guard.
    1 point
  42. Welcome aboard! If you have a Bass Pro, Cabelas, or Gander Mountain near you, take your reel in and put it on several different rods to get a good feel for how it balances. House brand rods can be a great value here. I really like Bass Pro's Carbonlite series, and they fall right at $99. They are often on sale as well... Just something to think about...
    1 point
  43. There's nothing wrong with your kayak. All small vessels that are for the most part without a keel - will do all kinds of spinning & drifting in any & all directions; especially in the wind. It's part of the "fun". Effective boat handling comes with experience & time on the water. The more you do it - the better you'll get. A-Jay
    1 point
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