I fish much for the same reason you do luna,.. and a couple funny but true stories
I grew up in salem massachusetts, the ocean is right there. I had 3 older brothers that teased me as a kid when they would go with dad fishing, and i was too young to go. and boy could they rub it in,.. then at the age of 4 dad took us all to sunapee lake in nh for a week in a cabin on the waters edge. I finally got to fish, I was so excited, I'd run from bluegill bed to bluegill bed catching any fish i could see. That night I had a dream that someone stole my fishies, (I was told later by my parents) I had woken everyone up at 2;30 AM,... I was up sleep walking ransacking the whole cabin looking for my fishies , every bureau drawer in every room got checked, even the kitchen drawers, the refridgerator, the stove, and while i was doing so i was sobbing "someone stole my fishies, where are my fishies" and no one could wake me up.,... i finally passed out on the couch at about 4 am.
Maybe im still searching for them, im not sure, but i know I havent stopped fishing since,.
At the age of 7 we moved to neighboring Peabody ,...At the age of ten i had a paper route, and fridays was payday. i looked forward to it every week, saving money for my own saltwater fishing rod. I had drop lines already, but that shiny reel with that awesome black and red rod I saw at jerrys department store in downtown salem,.. I desired more than anything. So every morning before school id pedal my butt off on my bike (which I bought with paper route earnings) to get the route done before school. Finally the day came that I had enough to buy my rod, i couldnt wait to get out of school. School lets out and Im on my way to jerry's, going down a steep hill im pedaling like the wind trying to get there as quick as I can, when a car comes out of a sidestreet right in front of me, I jam on the brakes and the bikes rear end slides out from under me, and we tumble about eighty feet down the pavement. When I woke in the hospital battered, blooded, and bruised, my mom asked " do you want anything?",... My reply? "that black and red fishing rod in jerry's front window" ,. when the hospital finally released me, it was lying on my bed when i got home.
So like many here, I've been doing my whole life, it's what I do, my vice you could say. Some say Im crazy owning almost seventy rods and two boats with the idea of two more, enough tackle to embarass a good stocked tackle store, and wanting more. Maybe I am crazy, or mentally disturbed,... but if you were to ask a shrink? I could point out my brothers taunting me about fishing from day 1 has twisted my thinking from the very beginning... lmao!!