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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2016 in all areas

  1. Quick trip to DSG last night to grab some braid that i actually "needed" .... this one color of senkos were on sale for like $4.50, grabbed both bags they had, then needed the owner wacky hooks to go with them, then saw the crazy flappers..... it's a downward spiral!
    11 points
  2. Just a reminder. When you saddle a new reel onto a rod to spool it up with line, make sure your dog(s) are in the other room and don't get tangled in the line. Jeff
    5 points
  3. That would be a state record in all but, what? California, Texas and Georgia? Don't mean to offend, but that sounds like a fish story. What else can you tell us about the lake? Size,surface temps, geography, location, depths, natural or man-made??? Bass can and do move to depths regardless of clarity. How deep is 'deep water structure'?
    4 points
  4. I think I tend to be pretty quiet on the hook set. Once a fish is on the line I'm all business.
    4 points
  5. Nothing pulls drag quite like a scared dog. Doesn't sound like there was any hooks involved, so that's a good thing.
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Just Add Water. A-Jay
    4 points
  8. This counts as a problem with spending money to fish for me. I have never bought more than a jon boat. Anyway yesterday I picked it up. Still needs some cleaning I just hosed it off on my way home yesterday. Its 18ft 2000 model with a 115 Johnson so nothing to fancy.
    4 points
  9. Got off work and hit the pond for an evening fix. Tried a yum money minnow and caught a few. No dice on the senko. Finally figured them out throwing a zoom ol monster with 1/4 Oz bullet on the steep drop off near the bank. Second time out in the new to me bass raider. Loving it so far.
    3 points
  10. The candy men UPS, USPS stopped by with some treats for me today. Trying these TearShot rattling drop shot weights...
    3 points
  11. This. What's more sensitive and transmits vibration better, an uncooked spaghetti noodle or a cooked one? Obviously the stiffer, uncooked one. With regard to the cost of a rod, specifically the $400 vs $50 comment, this is false in the sense the more expensive rod typically has a higher modulus (stiffer grade) blank material. Is that difference perceptible? That's where the grey area lies. Elite pros probably don't care or need the $400 rod to catch fish consistently. But that doesn't mean they cannot feel the difference between an NRX and an Ugly Stik. I would state that high end rods also use better quality guides, cork, bling, etc. which don't quite affect a rod's sensitivity as much as the blank's material, action, and power. I agree there is a point of diminishing returns (as in all products) but unless you've actually fished with a $400 rod side-by-side vs. a $50 rod, you cannot make such foolish blanket statements. I agree with T9 that a rod's action and power do influence a rod's vibration transmission. It's just a matter of degree and what you can feel through to your hands and what you can afford.
    3 points
  12. i always walk out with more than i intended buying in the first place i went in for some barbarian trebles and walked out with 2 glide baits last week
    3 points
  13. if you don't know what to do with the extra feel from a $400 rod, you might as well be using a $50 one
    3 points
  14. "Here we go" "There he is" "Got 'im" "That's a snag" "Darn branch" Or nothing at all...
    3 points
  15. It's true. I have a tendency to obsess. Also the paddle is already on CL to be rented out for freshman frat initiation weekend.
    3 points
  16. I'm sitting on the couch reading and I hear this awful noise which sounds like my dog has something stuck in her throat. I check on her and she's fine, so I turn on the tv and then realize what that choking sound was. IT WAS THE WASHINGTON CAPITALS ABOUT TO LOSE ANOTHER PLAYOFF SERIES? Worst bunch of under achievers I have ever seen!!
    3 points
  17. Seaguar Red Label is the best value fluoro I've tried, and I've tried a lot of them.
    3 points
  18. I'm not defending anyone's actions, but it seems to me that you're assuming quite a bit. If the night fishermen that may have been drinking actually caught the fish, there is the possibility that it was gut hooked and died as a result. If they were fishing for crappie, they had no interest in it or the drum. The missing eyes are likely from scavenger birds that could have pulled it up the bank some. If I were bass fishing and gut hooked a crappie, chances are I'd toss it ashore rather than back in the water. I'm sure crappie fishermen would frown on that. What about the anglers that catch and keep bass? The bottom line is; The only actions you can control are your own and the best you can hope for is that those actions will influence others to follow your lead. Be upset. You have a right to be, but even if all your assumptions are correct, what others do with their catch is beyond our control.
    3 points
  19. There is validity to sensitivity being in the hands but there is most definitely a difference in rods. Less between price points as you near top end but $50 Rod is no match for a $400 one. Not to say the lesser won't catch fish but the experience will be different and some things will go undetected. as for the OP power has no affect on sensitivity in and of itself. Action may have limited affect in certain applications. The single biggest factor sensitivity wise is weight to stiffness ratio hence the rise of high modulus graphite.
    3 points
  20. I have three kayaks, an 18' Xpress, and a 22' Bullet. I pretend to fish in every one of them. Come up with some real criticisms next time, we do not allow trolling. This one done.
    3 points
  21. LOL! When you live in this state, you appreciate those! I don't live in California anymore!
    3 points
  22. Being in Law Enforcement, I never will understand how lawyers justify the job they do, especially in today's world with the justice system so screwed up. I considered the fire route as well because of the strong urge to serve, but in the end I went the LEO route, it could have gone either way really though. Don't do it because someone is pressuring you into it, even if it is your brother. Do it because you want to do it and for the satisfaction of waking up and getting to go to a job that you don't hate. Serving others is a noble profession. Putting your life on the line every day, knowing it's a very real possibility that today might be the day, it's too much for a lot of people. This is going to sound dark, and it's hard for a lot of people to deal with because it touches a reality they don't like to think about, make a will and get life insurance to take care of your family if something does happen to you (I have extra benefits towards disability too in case I was injured to the point I couldn't work again). People are killed every day in fire and LE jobs (a detective was shot and killed in KC just today pursuing a suspect). A friend of mine was shot multiple times, once in the face by the guy as he stood over him and told him he'd never see his family again. He was just in the store to get a drink and something to eat on the way home in the middle of the night and just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. You'll see things at traffic accidents and in fires that nobody should ever have to see. I've seen them, it's not something that you ever get out of your head completely. Sorry to be all "doom and gloom", but I see so many new guys that get torn apart by the mental abuse both lines of work can put you through. I figure it's better to know now so if it's something that can't be dealt with, you can pull the plug before having to go through it. A good friend of mine is a firefighter, we trade horror stories from the job, it kind of helps both of us to deal with some of the stuff. Good luck with your decision. Having the chance to do something like that with your brother sounds great. You'll make some of the best friends you could every have working a job like that. It's very rewarding when you get the chance to do something that truly does impact a persons life in a very real way.
    3 points
  23. I wouldn't skimp here. Use a time tested copolymer or coated line like CXX or YZ Hybrid, if you don't want to spend a lot on line. These lines are less than $10 a filler spool.
    2 points
  24. If I'm fishing with someone else, I say "got one." Myself, it's usually "there's one."
    2 points
  25. I'll usually say "fish on" or "there it is".
    2 points
  26. I'm simply not respondsible enough to live that close to fishable water.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Why Your Palomar Knot Fails
    2 points
  29. All ready for the years first boat ride. Symetre Fj-7' mf sc3 stradic fj-7ml sc3 certate-rx7 781 calcutta-imx 783 50e-imx 782 100b-primere 66mm fingers crossed for something worthy of latest pics catch thread.
    2 points
  30. I pick up anglers litter every time I fish from the bank(fours times a week, weather permitting) I have plastic bags in my back pack. I'm in shock when I don't find litter, plus here in Michigan beer cans are worth ten cents. Talk about a bonus!!
    2 points
  31. Doctors, nurses, EMTs, plant managers, cops, firemen, factory workers, security guards, and anyone else that works the night shift. Know your neighbors and treat them kindly. Too many Americans have become so self centered they can't see past their own little worlds. Hello!?! There are other people in the world! Sorry, sounds like I was ranting again...
    2 points
  32. Craws have long tails, beavers don´t have tail, it might work for beavers ? probably Yes, actually in Japan they sell a very interesting gadget called Neko rig Master: You screw it to your bait and slide your hook through a hole:
    2 points
  33. Ouch dude....luckily my dog is scared of fishing rods and won't go near them in the house lol
    2 points
  34. I mis threaded a casting Rod one time and looked right at and didn't see it. Put it aside and checked next day and sure enough.
    2 points
  35. Do you usually tie a Palomar with fluorocarbon? That's one of those knots that has to be tied perfectly or else it cuts in to the FC and will snap. If I use FC leader, I'll tie a clinch knot with about 6 wraps, or a 6-7 wrap uni knot. If I'm fishing a non-weedless hook, I sometimes tie a snell.
    2 points
  36. That's the biggest thing I like about it, I previously used the double Uni and actually liked it for it's ease of tying and for the diameter leaders I was tying it wasn't too bulky IMO, but I had breakage issues on hooksets. With the FG knot, if you tied it correctly, it will not break, the knot to the lure will first. If you get something hung up and need to break off you can have confidence that that is where it will break, which is nice.
    2 points
  37. There are about 20 colors ...keep them simple .1 dark 1 with a mix and white that will do it if not you will have 10 bags of every color and get stumped (dont ask me how i know) all i know now is basic is all i need
    2 points
  38. Im the opposite. MAX that sucker out and pay it off early. If you have a rainy month and are running low in the wallet, then your payment is still low and you wont have to worry about the bank coming to get it.
    2 points
  39. Two From Grove Started around 10:30 AM with no bites until 11:00. Gear: MBR844C/ Chronarch 50Mg/ #40 Smackdown/ #15 Tatsu leader/ 1/2 oz Rage Blade (white skirt)/ Rage Structure Bug (white with the tail stained chartreuse using JJ's Magic). Cast and retrieve near, but not on the bottom. First bite, first fish at 11:00 on top of the ridge at the second culvert. I thought I was caught up on the jig magnet that you all know so well! Initially lifted the rod softly, but when the line jumped I became Bill Dance with my hook-set! The fish inspired me and another guy fishing across the pond in the snake & tick forest. Estimated weight 6 1/2 lbs. A few more casts and back around to the walkway. Second bite at 11:15 just beyond the second bench. I caught this fish several times last year and a few members here also landed what we believe is the same fish. Last year it was officially weighed at 7 1/2 lbs. I hope one of you catch and weigh her, I think she will go 8 or maybe even a little better. Please be careful with our pets. Take a quick pic and release them gently. -Kent
    2 points
  40. I've heard some say an ultra-light rod is more sensitive. I've heard others say the heaviest power rods are more sensitive. They're probably both correct, and I don't believe either one. Sensitivity is the most over-hyped, over-marketed, over-propagandized term in this industry. and we've all drunk that koolaid to a certain extent. Being a completely subjective property; it is virtually meaningless. For every person who claims "this" rod is most sensitive, there are some who will claim "that" rod is the one,, and some more who go for the "other" rod. Again, they're probably all correct, and I don't believe any of them. I do believe that all other things being equal, a lighter rod is more sensitive. Starting with the same blank, build one to match a factory rod, and build the second with a lighter reel seat / handle assembly, and smaller, lighter and fewer guides(most rods have too many guides), and the second rod will out-perform the first. I believe that because I've done that. And last, I think part of the differences of opinions on which is the most sensitive, other than fanboy adoration, is the way each person holds the rod while fishing. Which is in part a personal preference, to some extent dictated by the reel mounted at that time. to the OP, these dyas, if you spend $100+ you're going to get a rod that will do the job nicely. Buy waht feels good to you, with the reel mounted. Then it's up to you to get the most out of it. Sorry folks, I don't know what happened with that post. I had sectioned out in paragraphs, and it posted as one block. weird
    2 points
  41. Outstanding post, Clayton.
    2 points
  42. I like how the Owner Twistlock makes them last longer, but my hookup ratio is horrible with them for some reason. Other than those, a 4/0 EWG works great but they only last 2 fish at best.
    2 points
  43. I guess I am still to old school I do not really like the EWG style hooks. I use them some but seem to have much better success with the offset style worm hooks. I want that hook point un-obstructed as much as possible. I like it out there with nothing but the skinned plastic between it and the fish lips. 5" I would prefer a 4/0 maybe even a 5/0 if I know Im on some big ones. Definitely heavy wire, and as stated already cross their eyes.
    2 points
  44. I pick up ALL trash, mine or not.
    2 points
  45. I must be way too old, I couldn't care less what anyone else has bought and definitely don't want to watch them unpacking it. I appreciate the difference between your own shopping and opening sponsor's product though. The world is a bit mad if people sit at home on their computers watching people unpacking their shopping. I might start a channel with a live fridge cam, so people can watch the traffic in and out of my fridge. Should be a huge hit!
    2 points
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