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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2016 in all areas

  1. I just have to wonder who are the bigger fools here. Is it the people who are harassing a fisherman and insinuating that he's gay for having long hair or the people that even remotely suggest shooting someone for harassing him and insinuating that he's gay for having long hair (or whatever the insult was)? The fact that firearms are even mentioned in a thread about "what to do about rude people" is a large part of the reason certain people go after the right to bear arms. Obviously you walk away from rude people, do you really need to be told that? Boys fight, men walk away. Unless they are robbing you or physically harming your family or something you ignore them and walk away from confrontation. If you ask me anybody that doesn't already know that should really think about leaving the gun at home.
    4 points
  2. what? i don't follow... you've "narrowed it down" to three rods, as in like done some research i assume, but because one of them is taking part in a killer promotion they're out? this is truly uncharted territory i believe... good luck with your decision.
    4 points
  3. I would just find a new place to fish..
    4 points
  4. Well if the owner says so, then it should be totally OK ~ You're kidding right ? At some point in this process there has to be a time when you realize that some humans are occasionally less than completely truthful. Unless you plan on using the boat in saltwater as well, is there really any reason to go down that road ? I'm going to say no on that one. A-Jay
    3 points
  5. If you want vibration go with one blade . I dont understand why double blades are so much more popular than single . In my opinion the single is the more versatile and superior fish catcher . The Strike King Midnight Special is the only one I see at the stores now days . I modify my own double bladed lures and like to use a single willow or a small turtle back blade . A small turtle back blade puts out a lot of vibration for its size and has done well for me .
    3 points
  6. Apparantly they don't, imho, they ruined very good reels by adding the TWS, it's an "improvement" they didn't need.
    3 points
  7. Sieberts and War Eagle.
    3 points
  8. Click on triumph x and then read the description. Free daiwa. http://stcroixrods.com/shop/freshwater/
    3 points
  9. There's a BIG difference being in imminent danger of being killed and getting butthurt because some idiot doesn't like fishing. I don't know why C&C is even brought up here. It's irrelevant, and if it isn't, then why haven't the police been called? The whole story sounds fishy to me.
    3 points
  10. been keeping my big fish streak alive, 6.4lbs on a 8.5 inch glide bait
    3 points
  11. I'm no expert but judging by your picture maybe you're loosing fish because you forgot to take the first fish off the lure before you caught the second one.
    3 points
  12. Maybe this should be in "everything else", but I figure it will be moved by an admin if need be. I lost a very good friend yesterday, he was a sophomore in Engineering and the president of the University of Illinois fishing club. We are going to frame his jersey and add a small plaque at the bottom. We are debating what to put on the plaque, either something simple, like "gone but not forgotten", or something fishing related. I'm a fan of "gone fishin," it's short and sweet. Does anyone have any ideas of something I could put?
    2 points
  13. I had a place in Galveston for years, now I upon return my house, would flush the engine out for about five minutes and also would spray the heck out of the inside and out and also the trailer. It mattered not, I was still replacing this and that all the time. Even the electronics would have issues with connections and stuff Like the other guy said no reason to go down that road unless you have to.
    2 points
  14. Is it just me or is the site acting a little odd today? Every time I post it leaves a copy of what I just posted in the box and tells me I cant post again so quick. So its posting it once then it still have my post in the box as if it never posted it. Also starting today i cant give anyone a "like" or reputation thing on their post. I just get the screen like I added a image of to this post.
    2 points
  15. You can't control how other people act, only how you react. I can honestly say, having fished for many years, I have never once had any confrontations, issues, arguments, close calls of any of that stuff while fishing. Boat, bank, off the boat docks at the ramp, nothing. No one has ever shot me the evil eye, tossed a comment my way, let me know they didn't like me for just being there, insulted me or anything like that fishing. Sure, I have seen stupid people do stupid things, but its kind of sad to see that our country has now come to a point where people refer to their guns and concealed carry permits as possible solutions to their issues with other people. Seriously? You're going to shoot someone because you can't figure out how to be an adult and walk away long before it turns into something tragic for you, your family, your friends, their family and friends? People seriously think the way to handle "being disrespected" is a way that could cost you your lifestyle and possibly life because you don't have enough sense to respect yourself, your family, your friends to not get into it over something trivial and stupid with someone you don't even know? It just seems very sad that we are all turning into gangbangers packing guns and our thoughts to settle being "dissed" seem to involve violently assaulting each other. I am very happy I don't fish near fisherman who think like that and I seriously hope I never do. I fish to have fun and relax, if it ever turns into "walking in the valley of the shadow", I'm done fishing.
    2 points
  16. “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
    2 points
  17. This whole thread is one of the most baffling things I have ever read...
    2 points
  18. Actually you are only gaining 5 mm length, I doubt it will make THAT much of a difference, remember that you are only cranking with half of the handle length.
    2 points
  19. Unless they're going to make my mortgage payments. I'm mowing when I feel like it.
    2 points
  20. http://fish.shimano.com/content/sac-fish/en/home/products/fishing-reels/baitcast.html
    2 points
  21. Thanks, one thing I forgot to mention is that the predictions I made only apply to my personal location, water, and fish... A lot of it has to do with my personal documentation of specific details from previous years and comparing them to learn what the difference is, and how the current year differs from the previous. If you would like me to explain in more detail let me know as it's a big subject. It rained cats & dogs last night/early this morning with lightning and thunder, today turned out to be nice so I fished and caught 13 bass, and now tonight it's thunderstorms again. Here is a interesting picture from today... WolfyBrandon
    2 points
  22. Hey guys, no need click the support link and send a message when you get an error. We're already well aware of the issue. Thanks! Glenn
    2 points
  23. It will make your cranking a little easier, especially with resistance lures.
    2 points
  24. I don't care if the fishing is great. I;m not going to subject myself to this kind of crap. Find a better place to fish with other fisherman that are not low life's. The whole thing seems very strange to me! After fishing for over 40 years, I have never run into a situation even close to this.
    2 points
  25. Now, there have been 3 posts including the one I just made. The everything else forum shows mikes post from 3 hours ago as the last one made.
    2 points
  26. Where are you fishing that multiple people, including gang bangers, are trying to start fights with you? No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to picture that scenario in my head. Perhaps some deeper issue here? In any event, you have a few options as I see it: Ignore them Find another place to fish Issue them a beating As has already pointed out, the latter is probably not your best recourse.
    2 points
  27. I was in this same dilemma to, for your price range you should see if you can find a triton magnum. They are so much of a nicer boat than the trackers. I paid 8500 for my 03 176 with a 115 on the back.
    2 points
  28. 1 oz rattle trap Fired straight at the dome piece
    2 points
  29. I went to Westwood Lake in New Castle today. Thanks for the suggestion, Brian, it was a beautiful park. It was cold and windy. I didn't land any giants but I caught enough bass to keep it interesting. I will definitely be going back.
    2 points
  30. Pick up a new spinning rod to compliment my bait caster for those light lures today. I got a BPS Carbonlite 6'9" Medium Light fast rod with a Shimano 2000FE reel. Going to try to get out tomorrow afternoon and then the wife wants to go fishing on Sunday.
    2 points
  31. I mow my lawn on my schedule, not on my neighbor's.
    2 points
  32. When I was much younger, if my neighbors peed me off, I would tend to put megadeath on, press the repeat all button, turn the volume up just enough to be heard, and go out for the day/night. Ahhhh...apartment living.
    2 points
  33. Could be a faulty flux capacitor.
    2 points
  34. Gentlemen, hide your wallets. Just when you thought the 110 was going to be the death of you... The Kanata cometh. Hot dayum what a beast! This beaut is en route and is going to get thrown EVERYWHERE.
    2 points
  35. When a crawfish feel threatened it flip its tail which propels itself forward (well actually backwards), it does this 3-4 times really fast, then stops, & goes into a fighting stance. This fleeing reaction is irritating to the bass which is why I short stroke a jig or T-rig off the bottom. When casting a jig or T-rig two ways of moving them that are highly productive are stroking (hopping) or dragging. Best ways to learn feeling a jig/t-rig bite is to fish em & fish em at night!
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Was able to get 1 nice catch Monday after work at a local pond (5 lbs 2 oz). Picture quality was horrible, sorry.
    2 points
  38. Like many "older" members I grew up in an era when bass fishing took this nation by storm. Not only did I watch it & read about it, I was there! Lures are mass produced because someone convinced a Bill Lewis, a Lonnie Stanley, a Tom Mann that this sport is about money not passion. Oh they sell them under the pretense of passion but bottom line it's about money!
    2 points
  39. Call the police, don't take it into your hands unless you have no other options. Today's world is not the place to try to be a Lone Ranger. If you really believe that the people that are there are gang members and possibly doing illegal things you can let the police know that they're there and they can try to contact them. Most likely they're not going to want to hang around an area if they keep having run ins with the police.
    2 points
  40. If you have multiple people arguing with you and wanting to get into fights, I have to wonder what they are accusing you of doing??? I can't say as I have ever had someone yell at me or want to fight me while fishing. I've had people cut me off when in the boat, I've had people fly past me going WOT 50 feet off my side, and while shore fishing I have had lots of people throw at my feet from boats.. I always choose to keep calm and ignore it and not yell at them. I've never had someone yell at me. I guess those instances I mentioned would be rude, but I never wanted to assault someone for doing it.
    2 points
  41. sorry to hear of your friend Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. - Henry David Thoreau
    2 points
  42. The Storm Wiggle Wart comes to mind, as well as the Luhr Jenson Speed Trap.
    2 points
  43. I see this page has a lot of comic relief? anyway thanks for the help maybe it's something that takes getting used to.
    1 point
  44. No Bucoos, but several other Falcons. Several years ago I picked up a 3 rod package of Experts. Loved the 7' Medium. Fell face first into a pile of rocks breaking two pieces off the tip. Called Falcon. Told them what happened. Sent the rod section with the specs and $80. Sent me a new $200 rod. Some might think this wasn't a good deal, but I feel Falcon didn't have to do anything for me as it was 100% my fault. Have bought more Falcons since.
    1 point
  45. If I had time in the morning to mow, then that's time to fish.
    1 point
  46. blade bait such as a silver buddy. Cast parallel or jigged vertical
    1 point
  47. Not sure why, but I always had a bias against rebel lures. It might go back to the eighties when I had trouble catching bass on them but the rapala's worked fine. I do admit to catching the biggest trout of my life on a wee craw
    1 point
  48. This is quite a Coincidence ~ I just sold my 2006 GTO 3 weeks ago to help fund a new boat purchased. I was very fortunate in that it worked out and the boat is on order. I also went with an aluminum hull (Lund). Good Luck A-Jay
    1 point
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