You can't control how other people act, only how you react.
I can honestly say, having fished for many years, I have never once had any confrontations, issues, arguments, close calls of any of that stuff while fishing. Boat, bank, off the boat docks at the ramp, nothing. No one has ever shot me the evil eye, tossed a comment my way, let me know they didn't like me for just being there, insulted me or anything like that fishing.
Sure, I have seen stupid people do stupid things, but its kind of sad to see that our country has now come to a point where people refer to their guns and concealed carry permits as possible solutions to their issues with other people. Seriously? You're going to shoot someone because you can't figure out how to be an adult and walk away long before it turns into something tragic for you, your family, your friends, their family and friends? People seriously think the way to handle "being disrespected" is a way that could cost you your lifestyle and possibly life because you don't have enough sense to respect yourself, your family, your friends to not get into it over something trivial and stupid with someone you don't even know?
It just seems very sad that we are all turning into gangbangers packing guns and our thoughts to settle being "dissed" seem to involve violently assaulting each other.
I am very happy I don't fish near fisherman who think like that and I seriously hope I never do. I fish to have fun and relax, if it ever turns into "walking in the valley of the shadow", I'm done fishing.