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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2016 in all areas

  1. I would just find a new place to fish..
    5 points
  2. Call the police, don't take it into your hands unless you have no other options. Today's world is not the place to try to be a Lone Ranger. If you really believe that the people that are there are gang members and possibly doing illegal things you can let the police know that they're there and they can try to contact them. Most likely they're not going to want to hang around an area if they keep having run ins with the police.
    5 points
  3. One of the best parts from last night.
    5 points
  4. Latest members of the family! 3 for 3/8-1/2oz weighted Keitechs 4 for 1/2-3/4oz weighted C Rigs Edit: added this photo, they really do stand on their own, pun intended. Lol
    5 points
  5. Dey be saying to yall that yall needs to be leavin da tension thing alone, n let da dc thing do all the work. In German; relaxen keepen das fingersoffen.
    5 points
  6. I'm with John on this. If you spend $200 and up, you're gonna get a good piece of gear, that with regular maintenance, will give you years of fine sevice; no matter who made it, or where. In terms of gear quality, these are the good old days. Our rods, reels, lines, baits, electronics, etc, are all so much better than what we were all using 20 years ago. I'd like to see what's in store 20 yeras from now. Or 50 years. One of these days soembody will make a baitcaster that will cast a 1/32oz bait, never backlash, hold 300 yards of whatever line you want, have 82 pounds of drag, weigh less than 3 ounces and cost 50 bucks. And you know what will happen? Somebody will complain about it.
    5 points
  7. Could be a faulty flux capacitor.
    4 points
  8. I use the force. I just let em know these aren't the droids they're looking for and let them go on their way.
    4 points
  9. Yes ~ It's perfectly common place for those you routinely live criminal, felonious, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, unlawful, & wrongful type lives. For the rest of us, who strive to live decent, good, honest, honorable, just, moral, right, righteous, right-minded, straight, true, & virtuous type lives, then the answer there would clearly be no. Sadly, the numbers of us in the above group seem to be dwindling at an alarming rate with each new generation. A-Jay
    4 points
  10. If you have multiple people arguing with you and wanting to get into fights, I have to wonder what they are accusing you of doing??? I can't say as I have ever had someone yell at me or want to fight me while fishing. I've had people cut me off when in the boat, I've had people fly past me going WOT 50 feet off my side, and while shore fishing I have had lots of people throw at my feet from boats.. I always choose to keep calm and ignore it and not yell at them. I've never had someone yell at me. I guess those instances I mentioned would be rude, but I never wanted to assault someone for doing it.
    4 points
  11. We've updated the member map to include new features! You can check it out here: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/membermap/
    3 points
  12. If you're taking the expense to take him to El Salto, a low end spinning combo shouldn't be a huge issue. You can always use it afterwards
    3 points
  13. I've heard about this from several members, but this is the only example provided. If it's happening to you, please post a screenshot with specific steps you did that caused the error. This will help us troubleshoot. Thanks! Glenn
    3 points
  14. Is this seriously a question? What to do when street gangs attack while bass fishing???? Fish somewhere else
    3 points
  15. Was able to get 1 nice catch Monday after work at a local pond (5 lbs 2 oz). Picture quality was horrible, sorry.
    3 points
  16. Three screws and out comes the Micro Computer and Spool.... As you can see there is a Spool Bearing mounted on the spool this time around ...
    3 points
  17. save up money, buy a kayak to get you off the bank or find another spot.
    3 points
  18. Only to you perhaps or be it your opinion. Opinion, something everyone is entitled to. Its been much less than a decade in fact just this spring when I bought 2 Chronarch CI4's in effort to give shimano another try. The huge gap surrounding the plastic brake dial was instrumental in allowing plenty of water into the reel. Unimpressed. Are you going to follow every post I make while policing me in my points purgatory? Always having a snide comment..... Please just ban me and lets get this over with......
    3 points
  19. Ya'll just need to chill lakeside with an adult beverage of choice, wave lapping at the shoreline, cool breeze coming off the water, thumbs all tore up from a great day of fishing.... and scene....
    3 points
  20. Got a membership to a local gym and started weight training and running again, only been back lifting for like 2 weeks and I feel way better mentally and physically... Surprised I can still run well haha, I guess I just have running in my blood... I want to run a marathon eventually, I've ran halves but never a full one, it'd be nice to get one under my belt!
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. well of course... because it will likely be outsourced to Mars, and we all know how those lazy Martians have no Quality Control....
    3 points
  23. 1. Walk 50-feet from bank when moving from place to place. 2. Use a "fan" pattern for all presentations. Go right to left and then left to right each time you change baits or techniques or places. Use this "fan" pattern a few times and be patient. 3. Think of your body of water as a giant ice cube. Along the bank gets warmer than the deeper part. The bass will use the bank to feed and enjoy the warmer water. Always look straight down as your new personal best could be resting at your feet. 4. Wear a PFD in case you fall into the water. Do not wear waders unless you are sure of the bottom composition. 5. Use all baits in your arsenal. Start with topwaters then go to moving baits and then to your plastics. The fish will tell you what they want and at what depth. 6. Always bring your needle nose pliers with you. 7. Bring a swimming pool thermometer to check the water temperature. At this time you are seeking the warmest water you can find. Remember, the north and west banks heat up the fastest as they receive the most sunlight. 8. Hit all structure in the water as you can a number of times. 10-casts to one piece of structure with the same bait is a start. 9. The dam side of the pond or lake is the deepest. 10. Try to find any drop offs and fish them. 11. Don't forget drinks and snacks. Use zinc oxide as a sun screen. Expensive but the best you can use. And have a flap on the back of your fishing cap to help keep the sun off your neck and ears. 12. Have fun. Bank fishing is a blast and you can really enjoy yourself along the bank.
    3 points
  24. I'm no expert but judging by your picture maybe you're loosing fish because you forgot to take the first fish off the lure before you caught the second one.
    3 points
  25. I have 3 G series Citicas that I have been using almost exclusively this season. I think, so far they are great little reels. They are performing flawlessly. I still have my Cores, my E series Chronarchs and Curado 50e's, my Curado i's, my Calcutta 100b's. Stradic 2500fj, and Sahara 3000,...blah....blah....blah. Shimano....Shimano. Hootie
    3 points
  26. Well guys, I'm just now recovering from a long weekend of fishing. Went up to Toeldo Thursday at noon to prefish for the best 6. By 3:30 I had 12 fish for 52lbs. 8.07 was my biggest. Caught her on a Carolina rig brush hog. Friday, we caught about 75 fish, no nothing over 3lbs. Saturday the tournament begun and we caught a 5.5 and a 5 and a bunch of 2-3lb fish. Probably caught close to 100 fish total and our 12 we weighed went 37lbs which put us in 6th going into Sunday. Sunday we caught 75 fish or so, but no big bites. Only weighed in 28lbs and finished up in 10th place. Got a check to cover the weekend and had a good time, but big bites were few and far between his weekend for me. I caught one 6lb fish on a crankbait Thursday and never got another bite on it the rest of the trip.
    3 points
  27. After reading this thread, I will definitely say I agree with everyone who has said to move on, and find a new spot. With the mention of firearms I would suggest that you remember one of the tenets of carrying a gun for a defensive tool is that the firearm is the last link of the chain of defense. And the first is always situational awareness. Do not put purposely put yourself in a situation that you see violence as a possibility, for a recreational sport. Move on, find a different spot to fish.
    2 points
  28. I have a sweet ch201e7 going up for same soon. Keep your eyes peeled if you're looking.
    2 points
  29. A general comment about the dichotomy of posts that show up whenever there's a Shimano thread. I wasn't really impressed with the Chronarch CI4, at that price point, though I'm not sure I've ever seen a waterproof brake dial. Water's been getting into my Daiwas for 20 years, and it never caused a problem. As far banning…all you have to do is hit the log out button, if you hate it here so much. BTW, political posts are no Bueno here. Just a friendly reminder.
    2 points
  30. Y'all can talk technology all ya want but they are still "plastic" lures spit out by a machine! That's all fine & dandy but why ya charging me 4 times the cost for something that is "really close" to the original! I sorry but I got some hand carved, hand painted, hand tuned, Alphabet baits that I bought from Bill Norman, Cotton Cordell, & Jim Bagley. So to answer the question "Is there any tackle/gear that was better ~20 years ago?" Yes there is! Rant over!
    2 points
  31. Rick clunn square bill by lucky strike
    2 points
  32. None run better than hand carved & hand tuned cranks!
    2 points
  33. Put your reel on and tighten it down. Take a colored sharpie and carefully put a dot on the threads above and below the nut. Back the nut off and put plumbers tape on the threads between the dots. When you tighten it back up it should be a good snug fit and you won't see the tape.
    2 points
  34. Oh man that is some killer video, I love that! What type of bait are you using with fly rod for bass like that? I used to throw small poppers on a fly rod for bass but would only catch little fish, like real little. Always wanted to catch bass on a fly rod and finally resorted to putting a spinning reel on one. Caught some bass that way and by the time I broke it I was loading up hooks with corn and catching carp with the fly rod. Only lasted for one summer but had fun with it for awhile. I still have a regular fly rod setup in the garage but haven't touched it in years. I have some rods that are set up a little different but, for the most part, I spool my baitcasters with braid and my spinning gear with mono. I have one spinning rod set up with that Berkley nano-fil and it's awesome. At $20 a spool I only did the one but then I read up on here how guys back with mono and just use the better line for the last quarter spool or so. I will definitely do that the next time I need to spool up. I don't want to spend $20 per reel but I will certainly split a spool of that line between 2 or 3 reels if I use a mono backer. My mono of choice has always been 8# Trilene XL, and my braids are a mixture of Spiderwire, the generic Power Pro at Cabelas, and some spools I got from my dad. Next spool I buy with definitely be 20# PP after all I've heard about it. No tournaments for me, I'm just fun fishin'.
    2 points
  35. I pulled up a shopping cart at the foot of Ontario st with 50 lb braided a few years ago
    2 points
  36. Another great outing, this time with some bigger fish showing up on poppers. Biggest two of 28" long each went 10lbs flat, and 8.5 lbs. Stay tuned for more saltwater videos!
    2 points
  37. I love these jig threads, reading everyone's advice and techniques. After moving to Tx and fishing Fork I was introduced to a guide who is known to be very proficient at catching LM on Fork with jigs, and this is what he taught me. Position the boat in the creek channel and cast the jig up onto the flats, which are just covered with stumps and slowly drag stop drag the jig across the flat and down the creek bank. He said the bass will be sitting there and the jig will sneak up on them come over a root and fall next to them out of nowhere and bam reaction strike.
    2 points
  38. Maybe not 20yrs but there was a time when all crank baits were made of balsa. I know some people think that todays molded plastic ones are better in some ways, given todays technology, but to me nothing ran truer with an action all thier own, than a pure balsa wood crank and/or jerk bait Mike
    2 points
  39. Somebody spent too many years in the Army. Is it so ingrained that you find yourself showing up at 0200 for a 0300 start fishing time and dont toss a line until 0600?
    2 points
  40. The best reel for my money is a used one at a fraction of its original cost. Quality reels are built to last and with a little cleaning and lubrication they will cast like new. The fish don't mind a little boat rash and neither do I.
    2 points
  41. Caught my PB bass today! Felt bad laying him in the grass but atleast it was wet. The line broke right at the bank and I couldn't control him with one hand to get the hook out and figured wet grass was better then clutching him to my chest. I have a nice trout net, I really need to start carrying it all the time. I also am gonna cut a small piece of tyvek to fold and carry in my little chest pack. I can even mark lengths on it to get a rough measurement. I caught him on a fluke in the Fran Uhler Rec area, which is a pretty creepy abandoned park right by Bowie State. There is no car access within about 2 miles unles you drive around a gate and have a decent off road vehicle. Even then I saw more than one ruined tow strap on the trails, so I suspect even jeeps get stuck on occasion. It's a great spot and I saw a ton of beds, so I will be going back.
    2 points
  42. been keeping my big fish streak alive, 6.4lbs on a 8.5 inch glide bait
    2 points
  43. the technology in fishing is like any other technology. it just keeps getting better and better. the problem comes from corporate decisions to cut costs. Moving production off shore, china and the like does not automatically mean inferior quality but it certainly can. so like Hog Basser says one must beware. Where I think technology has worked against improving quality is in lure manufacturing. The old time baits were made from wood. since you can't melt wood and pour it into molds the manufacturing process for wood is much more expensive. hence the demise of the production wood lure. Yes, I know companies still make them but they used to be the primary material for crankbaits, topwaters, and jerkbaits, now they are specialty items like vinyl records. Ask anyone who used the original bagleys balsa wood crankbaits and they will tell you that the action was different and not as good when they switched to plastic. sam is true for may other baits. I had a wood zara spook for years that was all chewed up but still out fished any super deluxe JapanesemegacraftZtenthousandendorsedbytackletour bait on the market. Lost it to a small black tipped shark and my life has never been the same since
    2 points
  44. Thanks, here are two more pictures of that bass... WolfyBrandon
    2 points
  45. i prefer mad dog 20-20 orange jubilee with my swisher sweets, but i'm a fairly sophisticated individual.... likely a little too high class for you raider!
    2 points
  46. I have several E7'S and I's I like them both. The I's are actually smoother imo. Time will tell regarding longevity but so far the I's have been solid reels.It seems like every time Shimano changes models everyone is critical of the new model. I fish muskies in addition to bass. The Calcutta 400TE was considered the Cadillac of musky reels. When it was discontinued and replaced by the Calcutta D, Shimano fans were generally quite upset. The TE's started selling for more than they cost new. I love the TE's but actually prefer the D's. I see the same thing with the E7's. Two years from now when the Curado J or K comes out everyone will be talking about how great the I was. Hard to go wrong with Shimano.
    2 points
  47. A Chevy and a Mercedes do the same thing too, what's the need for a Mercedes? Some people just like nice gear that will last.
    2 points
  48. Going to try one more time with these pictures:
    2 points
  49. Your question is too broad to answer in any detail. Start with the top of this forum page with jig fishing questions...18 pages should keep you busy for awhile and then come back with something more specific. Tom
    2 points
  50. I say this in all sincerity, fishing a jig is the easiest thing to do but the hardest to learn. When I was teaching my grandson how to fish a jig, we started with small jigs, I suggest something like the Strike King Bitsy Bug with the bitsy craw trailer. The reason they are hard to learn is that they aren't a numbers bait, they tend to get bit by larger fish on average and during a tough bite smaller fish that would bite a worm will often pass a jig by without as much as looking at it. Bites are going to be one of 3 distinct ways, the first is the "thump", that is the one we all like, there is no mistake on whether it was a bite as it just about rips the rod from your hands, these are the ones you get the least. The second type of bite is the "tap-tap" this is one you get most of the time and there is no mistake, you will know when you get this type of bite. The 3rd type, and the one that is the hardest to detect, is the "extra weight" or "weeds" bite, you'll often get this type of strike when dead sticking (letting it sit still for a minute or so) a jig, you begin to move the jig slowly and it feels like it is bogged down with weeds of something else that feels "mushy", these are missed by the novice jig fisherman but once you catch that first fish on a jig, that is when it gets much easier. I remember when I started fishing a jig, it was with a 1/2oz Arkiy style jig and I remember thinking that the fish in my waters won't eat that since it is so big. I fished with it for a full day and nothing so the next day I decided to only make a few casts and then forget about it, and on my second cast I felt the "tap-tap" and I set the hook and it was my first largemouth on a jig and we didn't have hand held scales back then but we did have a tape measure and it was my first bass that was over 17", the fish went 20" and I was a jig fishing fool since, that was 1981 or 82.
    2 points
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