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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Had a pretty solid day at Buggs Island. 12.24lbs puts us in 2nd in the state championship on day one. The forecast for day two looks like a lot of rain but we are hoping to scratch our a few before the storm rolls in wth thunder/lightning and shuts us down.
    10 points
  2. I've been working hard to pay off some debt before I retire in a few months, so that I can afford to pursue my dream of fishing professionally. I just made the final payment on a credit card bill that I was awarded in my divorce a few years back. That bill has been a monthly reminder of the biggest mistake of my life. The feeling of knowing that I never have to make another payment is indescribable!
    5 points
  3. Most important rule about kayaks (besides safety) - the SEAT! Buy the kayak with the best seat you can afford. SEAT SEAT SEAT!
    5 points
  4. Fishing...A Haiku I'm a fisherman Love to be on the water Hey look...there's a duck!
    4 points
  5. Caught 13 on the home lake last evening.Most were caught on senkos and trick worms.Total fishing time was 2 and a half hours.Windy ! This one was the biggest.Caught on watermelon seed trick worm.Caught my PB 30 feet from where I caught this one.
    4 points
  6. These r the 7 NRX rods and 5 reels I got so far. Will post pics once I get my next set of rods. In pic 893C 854C 853C 852C 804C 822S DSR & 822S SYR I fished w them this past Thursdays and was absolutely blown away. The sensitivity is beyond anything I imagined. With braid I could feel everything and fish bites were impossible to miss. And the rod & reel together made casting effortless. And increased my accuracy dramatically.
    4 points
  7. been having a good run of big fish lately this one ran 7-5
    3 points
  8. The biggest big bass catcher that has ever stepped on this forum, nobody here has caught as many big or as big as he has: Fishes EXCLUSIVELY with SPINNING GEAR so, seriously my man, you aren´t missing anything.
    3 points
  9. Anyone that knows me knows I'm super into the trendy fashion and doing what looks cool I also love ignorant blanket statements. I know several guys who have had to have chunks cut out of them to remove skin cancer (one that missing most of his ear now, which is a great look). I wear contacts and if you do, you know what it's like to get sunblock infused sweat into your eyes during the heat of the summer, nothing like blurry vision for the rest of the day. Getting sunblock into every part of your ears, around your eyes, nose, and mouth, in your hair not covered by a hat, it's almost impossible. Or I could put one of these things on and be covered. That combined with a sun shirt and now a pair of sun gloves, all I have to sunblock is my legs, which are easy to get completely covered with sunblock. I don't dress to impress anyone on the water, anyone that's seen me with my holy sweatpants tucked into my camo Muck boots wearing a dirty hoodie when it's colder outside knows this.
    3 points
  10. My fishing day Friday didn't go so great. Go the okay to leave early and fish later. Decided to go to Cedar Valley since the fish there should be used to muddy water. The lake was closed No warning until I got right to the top of the parking lot, the gate was closed and locked there. Decided to go to Wilson since I was already half way there. It sucked, water was high and muddy and the fish just were not playing. I think we caught 8 in 2.5 hours. Decided to punt again with the intention of going to Pleasanton. As we were going across 54 I saw the sign for Bourbon State Lake and decided to call an audible. Lake was just over full pool since it had been way down. Water was a little muddy but not terrible. Missed a lot of fish but finally got on them pretty good fishing a beaver on a swing head. Highlight was Jacob catching his new PB off a laydown by the overflow, 5 1/2 pounds on the dot. Thursday I went to SMP for 2 hours and did surprisingly well in the kayak.
    3 points
  11. Anyone that knows anything about the effects that UV rays have on human skin, doesn't mess around when it comes to UV protection. I'll wear a pink buff with Hello Kitty logos all over it if that's all I had to protect my skin from UV rays.
    3 points
  12. Got the stradic fk out today and hooked into a few 1-2 lb Lm. My daughter wanted to try and did really well casting a 7' spinning rig and now wants one of her own. Girl has expensive taste lol. This guy also wanted to see what the commotion was about. Probably my heaviest cichlid to date. The picture doesn't do him justice and wouldn't lay still for more than a couple seconds but he was very round and scrappy. All in all, this combo is here to stay. An absolute joy to fish with. Light, smooth and connected plus a silky drag. Fantastic. Stradic 1000 fk 7' ML/F 2 piece Avid x 10/2 power pro & 6lb fluoroclear leader
    3 points
  13. The only way to know is trial and error and color is funny. There is always an argument about color and whether is is just for us or if it matters and the truth is probably a little of both. The only real way to know is to try and then keep a log.
    3 points
  14. Another great outing, this time with some bigger fish showing up on poppers. Biggest two of 28" long each went 10lbs flat, and 8.5 lbs. Stay tuned for more saltwater videos!
    2 points
  15. Over the last couple years I've really started to get away from fluorocarbon. The issues have just outweighed the benefits, especially in our mostly stained waters where line visibility isn't really an issue. I've had pretty good success with Red Label and InvisX, but I'd made the move almost completely to braid, copolymer, or mono. Given the chance to try a premium line like Tatsu though, who's going to pass that up? I opted for 15lb and spooled it on my Curado 70XG that's saddled on a 7' MH/F St. Croix LTB that I normally fish a finesse jig on. Headed to a small state lake that is close by, known for numbers but not big fish, so I'd have a good shot at catching multiple fish. I was really blown away by how well the line cast. Minor overruns just seemed to be a way of life with fluoro. They were nearly nonexistent with Tatsu, even throwing a small jig long distances in the wind. I mean long distances too, this stuff comes off the spool so smoothly that I was casting noticeably further than usual. The fish were holding in deep brush piles and after 3 hours of dragging a bait through brush and rock, I never retied once and the line had nary a nick in it. It tied easily (SDJ knot), and cinched down well on the first try, which is a common issue for me with other fluoros. Price is the biggest drawback, but I only used about 50 yards off the 200 yard spool, so I should be able to spool up about 4 times, which breaks the price down to a much more tolerable $13.25 a spool instead of $40 if I had spooled the entire reel with fluoro. I was ready to write off fluoro for everyday use and only break it out for trips to clear water lakes, but now the monkey is on my back telling me I need to look into this stuff further. Only time will tell how it holds up, but as of right now, I feel I've made a terrible/wonderful mistake.
    2 points
  16. I feel like a fisherman today not just a guy that went out and fished. i was on the large body of water of Maskatatuck Wildlife Refuge for about 5 hours before the storms rolled in. I got 17 LMB in, 2 threw the hook and 1 got in the weeds and broke my line. I was fishing a White Zoom Fluke on the edges of weeds, lily pads, and over the top of submerged timber in 4-6 ft depth. Visabilty was 2-3 ft.
    2 points
  17. Price doesn't matter? Stella 1000
    2 points
  18. ~ X2 ~ Story time ~ Ended up in the middle of a Massive wide open smallie topwater bite. Sad part, could get bit on anything. For two hours I threw everything. No Takers. It was a big Mayfly hatch. Came back next day ( and year after year) with a fly rod - Wrecked them. They are suicidal with the right presentation. A-Jay
    2 points
  19. Caught this fatty on the James at Robious Landing Park. I was using a Texas rigged rubber worm and 1/8oz bullet weight while fishing a submerged tree near the shore line.
    2 points
  20. I'm dubious whenever someone says I only need spinning or I only need casting gear. It always seems to be a little egotistical. This post wasn't like that at all. Good honest questions. Paul probably nailed it when he talked about baits that pull back. I also find that casting gear is easier to fish seated in a kayak, canoe, or small jonboat. It keeps your hands on the same level, so no crook in your back either. I can control a cast pretty well on a spinning rod feathering line as it peels off the spool, but not like I can thumb a casting reel's spool. Try and do a deep drop with a baitcaster though, and it's worse than watching paint dry. I'd rather open the bail, and let the bait fall. Spinning gear is nicer when it's really cold too. Your fingers always get wet with a baitcaster. Lastly, line twist drives me nuts. It's inevitable with spinning gear. Almost never happens with casting gear. Those are my takes on it. I have quite a few of both, and also a couple clicker reels, centrepins, and fly reels. I even keep a trusty 25 year old Zebco 33 hanging around. If you're fishing, it's all good!
    2 points
  21. Spent number of hours Friday, all between Ryans Dam and Fountainhead. Picked up a couple quick two pounders and thought it was going to be a great day. Sadly, just a couple dinks after that. Yesterday I took the kayak from BRM. 10 min in, I had 2.5 and was excited about the prospects. Didn't catch another bass all day. Maybe I should just go out for an hour each time. The wife would appreciate that. I did get about a half hour of excitement, however. Stuck my crankbait into a log....but the log started moving. Slow enough at first that I wasn't certain what was going on. Then he took off. Dragged me all up and down Bull Run for 20 or more minutes. I flagged down a passing boat to ask if they had a net. Good thing they did...not sure how I was going to get this in my kayak.
    2 points
  22. I bet you can still kick some ass if needed. Especially in your line of work.
    2 points
  23. Finally sort of getting the hang of catching fish out of the kayak. Setting the hook has been a difficult thing for me to figure out, but I'm getting there. Made the best of the 2 hours I had at a really tough lake.
    2 points
  24. I'll give you guys a situation that happened to me on water that Munkin here knows pretty well. I was fishing the Susquehanna River with my buddy 2 years ago, it was a tough day as the water was falling and it was a bright bluebird day. After 2 hours without a bite I found a bait that was working, a 3" Senko in black neon (black with red flake) rigged on a 1/16oz ball head jig, kind of like a Ned rig. Anyway, after I land my 3rd fish my buddy goes to the same set up but the only thing is he has Bass Pro Shop 3" Stick-O worms and the closest color was one called "Sure thing" , it is a laminated color with black neon on one side and green pumpkin on the other side. I just released my 6th fish and he still didn't have a bite, he then switches to all black, and still no fish and so he begins to tell me it isn't the color, it is the fact I'm using a different brand, so I switch to an all black and after 30 minutes no takers, I go back to the black neon and immediately get another fish, my buddy then conceded and borrowed my worms and he suddenly began catching them too. I always carry black and black neon in my waters, especially the river as I've learned, by accident, that there is something that the fish in that water like about the red glitter in it. The accident that happened was many years ago when Yum first came out with their Craw bug, it was a great bait and I was getting a bag of black and the place I was at didn't have black, only black neon so I figured it was close enough, and it turned out to be the only color they would hit and ever since that trip I make sure to have that color in all my soft plastics.
    2 points
  25. For me I use matte in dingy water/dark days - reflective in clear water / sunny days - lots of exceptions - but for jerk baits and crank baits I generally follow this pattern. Soft plastics are another thing altogether in that I use natural colors in clear water but then lots of guys out there throwing bright pink plastics in clear water and catching - there you go.
    2 points
  26. Even the big one is really small though. I have a bigger one still in the package. Bought it before I saw one in the store, pretty disappointed with how small it is. I'm sure it will catch fish, but it's going to have to really impress me for me to want to buy another.
    2 points
  27. 6" Line Thru will be your best bet without needed heavier equipment.
    2 points
  28. Thanks all! This is my first big catch of the season so far. I'm limited to public parks and pond fishing for now until I get a boat. If anyone is looking to fish in the area, let me know. I'm always up for finding new spots or just shooting the breeze while we fish.
    2 points
  29. Really? did you see my Pic! You couldn't be further from the truth! Cool? I don't think so.
    2 points
  30. Because the swimbait doesn't BEHAVE LIKE A HEALTHY bluegill. Bass are predators, they evolved to be able to detect healthy/strong animals from the unhealthy/weak and they feed on the unhealthy/weak before attempting to feed on the healthy/strong.
    2 points
  31. How often do you catch fish ? No where near as often as I'd like. A-Jay
    2 points
  32. Why does a bass or any fish for that matter "attack" a lure ? There's a ton of conjecture and most every fisherman has his or her own idea as to why we are able to catch fish on artificial offerings. However in my somewhat limited mind, there's really only two things to remember about the whole deal. One, I'll never know exactly why and two, I don't care to because it doesn't matter. The fact that they do and I know that that do is what I bank on. As for living in perfect harmony, I'll offer you this example. I've often walked right up to & even petted cows in the field. They were quite content to accept my attention and seem completely oblivious to the fact that as a meat eating human, I am perfectly ready, willing and able to slaughter them in any manner possible in order to satisfy my craving for Ribeye. No to mention, turning them into a few ball gloves and a very functional & stylish pair of work boots. A-Jay
    2 points
  33. "Generally" to whom? You can do everything with spinning if that's what you want to do. You don't *have* to do casting no matter what anyone says. Otherwise, use both.
    2 points
  34. Hopefully the tournament will go as well as practice! This one went 4.3, I think I shook off enough for us to catch tomorrow ?
    2 points
  35. Walmart Special - - - - - - - - - - "Simple But Effective" WolfyBrandon
    2 points
  36. Shimano Alde 50mg. This reel will complete my 50 series collection and will be joining a Core 50, Chronarch 50e, Curado 50e, and Scorpion 1000xt.
    2 points
  37. This question is sort of like asking if big boobs are better than small boobs. Either way they're still boobs
    2 points
  38. I say this in all sincerity, fishing a jig is the easiest thing to do but the hardest to learn. When I was teaching my grandson how to fish a jig, we started with small jigs, I suggest something like the Strike King Bitsy Bug with the bitsy craw trailer. The reason they are hard to learn is that they aren't a numbers bait, they tend to get bit by larger fish on average and during a tough bite smaller fish that would bite a worm will often pass a jig by without as much as looking at it. Bites are going to be one of 3 distinct ways, the first is the "thump", that is the one we all like, there is no mistake on whether it was a bite as it just about rips the rod from your hands, these are the ones you get the least. The second type of bite is the "tap-tap" this is one you get most of the time and there is no mistake, you will know when you get this type of bite. The 3rd type, and the one that is the hardest to detect, is the "extra weight" or "weeds" bite, you'll often get this type of strike when dead sticking (letting it sit still for a minute or so) a jig, you begin to move the jig slowly and it feels like it is bogged down with weeds of something else that feels "mushy", these are missed by the novice jig fisherman but once you catch that first fish on a jig, that is when it gets much easier. I remember when I started fishing a jig, it was with a 1/2oz Arkiy style jig and I remember thinking that the fish in my waters won't eat that since it is so big. I fished with it for a full day and nothing so the next day I decided to only make a few casts and then forget about it, and on my second cast I felt the "tap-tap" and I set the hook and it was my first largemouth on a jig and we didn't have hand held scales back then but we did have a tape measure and it was my first bass that was over 17", the fish went 20" and I was a jig fishing fool since, that was 1981 or 82.
    2 points
  39. It's humorous to me that you ask this question AFTER you bought it. TOO late! : )
    2 points
  40. Thanks for the clarification. I too am a bit brand loyal for reels and only run Daiwa/Shimano. The Tatula is a VERY good reel and can be found for just a bit over $100 on EBAY. I purchased mine in mint condition here for about $75. The reel is extremely user friendly and nearly impossible to backlash even when trying to put a bit of something extra behind the cast. It is also very good when casting into the wind. The drag is smooth and strong the retrieve is smooth and powerful. Just make sure the frame of the reel is comfortable in your hands as it is a bit larger than other casting reels. The Tatula CT should be a bit more compact and more palmable. Would also be worth a look but I have not used the CT version.
    1 point
  41. Sorry misprint. I would NOT be afraid to try one based on the ones I've had. Sorry for the miscommunication.
    1 point
  42. Greetings and Welcome back Brent ( thanks for your service)
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Brent - Welcome back to Bass Resource. Enjoy the forums. Thank you for your service.
    1 point
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