I'm old, I'm just the opposite, it was just the family there for a while and then the girls grew up, one moved out and the other graduates college this year.
I have always had a passion for the sport in both fun and competition, I invested in some of the smaller tournaments (less than $250.00 entry fee) just to get used to the idea of the mindset, the timing, the pressures one may be put under etc... the past two years I have really put myself in the mix of things and worked hard at putting things together, next year, I want to start tournament fishing, it's something I have had to put aside for quite some time now but, family is always first.
I feel like I find it more appealing knowing how much I am learning and how much more I have to learn, I am looking forward to the challenges and the stress but I think I can keep the stress part at bay for some time to come, after raising a family and dealing with the stress this economy has had, this, if I can keep it simple and start easy, should be the best time ever!!