Over the last couple years I've really started to get away from fluorocarbon. The issues have just outweighed the benefits, especially in our mostly stained waters where line visibility isn't really an issue. I've had pretty good success with Red Label and InvisX, but I'd made the move almost completely to braid, copolymer, or mono. Given the chance to try a premium line like Tatsu though, who's going to pass that up? I opted for 15lb and spooled it on my Curado 70XG that's saddled on a 7' MH/F St. Croix LTB that I normally fish a finesse jig on.
Headed to a small state lake that is close by, known for numbers but not big fish, so I'd have a good shot at catching multiple fish.
I was really blown away by how well the line cast. Minor overruns just seemed to be a way of life with fluoro. They were nearly nonexistent with Tatsu, even throwing a small jig long distances in the wind. I mean long distances too, this stuff comes off the spool so smoothly that I was casting noticeably further than usual. The fish were holding in deep brush piles and after 3 hours of dragging a bait through brush and rock, I never retied once and the line had nary a nick in it. It tied easily (SDJ knot), and cinched down well on the first try, which is a common issue for me with other fluoros. Price is the biggest drawback, but I only used about 50 yards off the 200 yard spool, so I should be able to spool up about 4 times, which breaks the price down to a much more tolerable $13.25 a spool instead of $40 if I had spooled the entire reel with fluoro.
I was ready to write off fluoro for everyday use and only break it out for trips to clear water lakes, but now the monkey is on my back telling me I need to look into this stuff further. Only time will tell how it holds up, but as of right now, I feel I've made a terrible/wonderful mistake.