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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2016 in all areas

  1. Caught my personal best 5.5 pound smallmouth on Lk St Clair today. Anytime you can get out during the work week is special and catching my PB is the icing on the cake. It's still cold out there wore multiple layers all day long and water temps are 52 to 56 degrees.
    12 points
  2. I took my 20 month old daughter fishing for the first time and she loved it. I went to a small pond. She touched her first bass with both hands. She spent most of the time throwing rocks in the pond, but it was really great having her their with me. When it was time to leave, she threw the biggest fit crying at the top of her lungs. I guess I have a new fishing buddy now. Cheers!
    9 points
  3. 155 packs of "extra" soft plastics I'm giving to a neighbor kid.
    9 points
  4. The wait is over just placed an order with Japan Lure Shop.......
    6 points
  5. Over the last couple years I've really started to get away from fluorocarbon. The issues have just outweighed the benefits, especially in our mostly stained waters where line visibility isn't really an issue. I've had pretty good success with Red Label and InvisX, but I'd made the move almost completely to braid, copolymer, or mono. Given the chance to try a premium line like Tatsu though, who's going to pass that up? I opted for 15lb and spooled it on my Curado 70XG that's saddled on a 7' MH/F St. Croix LTB that I normally fish a finesse jig on. Headed to a small state lake that is close by, known for numbers but not big fish, so I'd have a good shot at catching multiple fish. I was really blown away by how well the line cast. Minor overruns just seemed to be a way of life with fluoro. They were nearly nonexistent with Tatsu, even throwing a small jig long distances in the wind. I mean long distances too, this stuff comes off the spool so smoothly that I was casting noticeably further than usual. The fish were holding in deep brush piles and after 3 hours of dragging a bait through brush and rock, I never retied once and the line had nary a nick in it. It tied easily (SDJ knot), and cinched down well on the first try, which is a common issue for me with other fluoros. Price is the biggest drawback, but I only used about 50 yards off the 200 yard spool, so I should be able to spool up about 4 times, which breaks the price down to a much more tolerable $13.25 a spool instead of $40 if I had spooled the entire reel with fluoro. I was ready to write off fluoro for everyday use and only break it out for trips to clear water lakes, but now the monkey is on my back telling me I need to look into this stuff further. Only time will tell how it holds up, but as of right now, I feel I've made a terrible/wonderful mistake.
    5 points
  6. I dont know if this counts but i bought these gun cases at cabelas to store my reels in to keep them from getting damaged when traveling...
    5 points
  7. Right off the bat, Hello and Welcome to Bass Resource ~ Just like fighting fish in saltwater, each fish & fight are different. Often the "Technique" used is dictated by the circumstances of the event. The type of tackle, the line & lure (single or treble hook bait) govern how to best succeed in landing your quarry. Stouter tackle & a single hook usually brings the whole thing to a close quickly; wind it in & scoop with net. Conversely, lighter gear, as in the case here, usually requires a bit more finesse. It's more of a coaxing rather than tug of war mentality. Still some fish will come right to you, others will lose their mind by performing all manner of crazy & acrobatic moves in an effort to earn their freedom. In these cases, after an appropriate hookset for the tackle & bait used, I try to apply sufficient pressure ( also appropriate to the tackle) in the Opposite direction from where the fishes head (and the hooks) are. In other words, I want to be pulling back against the fishes tail. If & when the fish changes direction, I try to reverse the angle of my pressure as well. What I never try to do is to pull the same way the fish is heading, especially when it's coming right at me. I've lost many a bass in this scenario pulling the hooks right out of the fishes mouth. I'll try to pull down here, often plunging the rod in the water, best I can. Pulling straight up over head with a fish coming right at me is a lost bass more often than not. When a bass is particularly big & or spirited, and determined to make a run(s), I may loosen my drag a bit. All of this can and usually does happen pretty fast, several times in a row & often in rapid succession. It's usually pleasantly intense too. As for your tackle choice, for me a ML anything is too light for a 4' swimbait. I'm at least going M there. A-Jay
    5 points
  8. I wear one too. I find it very convenient to roll off the lake and immediately go rob a bank. No wardrobe change needed!
    5 points
  9. Added videos from the past 2 tourneys out on the rez. Caught most fish shallow, no site fishing though. Nothing giant but still a fun time out there as always. Give me some tips on making these videos better please! Hope you guys enjoy Matt
    4 points
  10. Yes, they are tough to find, but they are out there. 7-1 from a small central NY lake.
    3 points
  11. Wait . you can guess the weight of the fish shown on a fishfinder ? I cant even tell what kind of fish they are .
    3 points
  12. Said no one ever
    3 points
  13. You should get a $500 loomis rod. Also the StC legend is very good.
    3 points
  14. Stratos's secret weapon is; Mr. Alan Stinson. A veteran many times over, Alan was not only the founder of Nitro Boats, which he sold off to Bass Pro Shops, but he was the designer of the well known Skeeter Starfire, and the world record holding Stratos 201 hulls. He has designed every hull Javelin Boats currently have in their production line up. These are the same hulls they have been running under Javelins for some time now. He also designed the proven 19, 20, and 21 foot Stratos SS hulls. Alan Stinson has designed every hull that Larry Nixon has fished from since 1976! I have a Stratos.258.
    3 points
  15. Out with the old in with the new for the Met.
    3 points
  16. I used a 7ft mh with either 12 or 20lb flouro depending on how this the grass is. The reel is a 6.1:1 gear ratio. Generally the same setup as spinnerbaits.
    3 points
  17. When I did bank fish I would just take one rod and a hip sack like people wore back in the 90s. I always hated having to get everything together just to move 20 yards down the bank and so on. Since a lot of lures that work great from a boat absolutely suck from the bank, I'd just toss in a couple spinnerbaits, one or two shallow diver, and a pack of worms with a couple hooks and sinkers. I found I actually caught more fish just because I spent more time fishing and less time trying to keep track of my belongings. Plus I was way more mobile, I didn't have to stick to one spot. I was always moving down the shoreline just as you would in a boat. I found a fly fishing vest also works very well for bank fishing, just a little warmer then a hip sack.
    3 points
  18. Trip #14...........was on the water late this afternoon from about 4pm-7pm. Not a lot of action.............BUT........I did put a pair of hog largemouth in the boat, a pair of 4lb smallmouth, and a 2lb smallmouth to round out the limit. Pike were biting too. The two big green fish were a 6-4, and a 5-1............on back to back casts. The area gave up nothing after these two. And now for terrible pics. of the 6-4:
    3 points
  19. When I am catching fish and doing well it is all a result of my extensive skills. When I have a bad day on the water, that is due to bad luck. Chance plays a part obviously, but like anything the more you learn and the more skill you acquire the better you are able to determine where fish are and how to trigger them to bite. A-Jay's signature is a perfect encapsulation of this axiom.
    3 points
  20. Wear your Life Jacket ~ all day ~ every day. A-Jay
    3 points
  21. Is "yes" a choice? I buy whatever polarized shades are cheap and look good.
    2 points
  22. You are a bad man. I have been debaiting this reel or the Met MGL.
    2 points
  23. I choose the Pad Crasher because it's cheaper and every bit as good as the Spro. It's a softer body which equals better hookups (not that the Spro's are bad either). I live up in the land of the toothy critters though and I've caught hundreds of fish on both, but I've had some that get shredded on the first hit when a norther or muskie attack it. They just aren't built to handle that. Given that the action, durability, catch rates are almost the same, the cheaper one is the better value.
    2 points
  24. Critters can make bank fishing interesting! One night i was catfishing, using glow sticks as strike indicators and a racoon grabbed the glow stick and yanked my rod off the holder... I had to chase it into the bushes to get my rod back..... I let him keep the glow stick
    2 points
  25. She wasn't that big when we were married. After that I wouldn't say she got away it was more catch and release at that point.
    2 points
  26. Yep, it's just that one company. Anybody else goes. Bass on a short leash is a bit of a specialty of mine, often fishing from a kayak. It really depends on the bait, though in a general sense, use the same hookset you'd use on a long cast, but a little lighter. If I'm intentionally fishing short range, with say a jig or Texas rig plastic, I'll use a bit shorter rod, but with a decent length rear grip that I can lock into my elbow for leverage. My preferred rod is a G.Loomis 804c JWR. Strong, but stout. Pick your price point with regards what line - they're all pretty nice. I find longish, 7'+ rods a bit unweildy in this situation, even though 7-3 to 7-4 is my favorite worm and jig rod, otherwise. Use strong line, and set your drag so it's below the breaking point of the line or the rod. Keep a net handy and practice landing them yourself!
    2 points
  27. Will a moderator please close this thread down? We've already well established on this site that fluorocarbon is just a bunch of over priced, over hyped crap. Now along comes this post and I fear it might trigger a sudden fluorocarbon change of heart, potentially ruining our overall disdain for the stuff and our love of braid (and Yozuri). LOL - just kidding; Tatsu is good stuff - use it on several outfits along with Toray and other Seaguar products (all fluoros). People are always asking on these forums, wanting to know and buy the best rod or reel or type lure for a particular presentation. Why wouldn't you spend the money then on one of the best fluorocarbon lines, also? Welcome to the party -T9
    2 points
  28. not exactly tackle, but rods and reels.... i definitely have a problem. Problem is i'm married and have to hear about it every time a package shows up at my doorstep!! In the last week i've pulled the trigger on some gems and can't wait for it all to get here. I'll have to get a family photo to post in the "show off your stuff" thread once i get everything in and all together. (2) Shimano Poison Adrena Casting Rods - a 6'6" MH and a 6'6" M Dobyns Champion Extreme HP 703 Spinning Team Lew's Pro Z 7.1:1 (makes the 4th one in the lineup)
    2 points
  29. $40.00 for a spool of line!...I don't know. Guess I'm just getting old....lol. Hootie
    2 points
  30. Milk crate, used PVC pipe rod holders and used a heat gun and a beer bottle to add the flare at the top.
    2 points
  31. Thanks A-Jay, I hear you. I'm not sure if I had the fish proper hooked or what. Next time (and there will be a next time) I will get a better, quicker set. You live you learn. As far as gear, just picked up this *** rod and am digging it's lightness, accuracy, etc. I've got inshores that are more than up to the task but I think I'll spring for a freshwater medium or medium/heavy. Learned much in a morning.
    2 points
  32. +1!!! Loved it....all of it...I think your editing, timing, etc is great. I thought the drive was a great touch, also. Thank you. note...I'm impressed with your teamwork and net responsiveness!
    2 points
  33. Several years ago fishing on the ides of March I already had a 7 1/2 on a jig and pork when I found a laydown (which were rare) and threw a shallow running Hawaiian wiggler across the limbs and cranked it through the top - a bass much much bigger than my 71/2 sucked it under right in front of me. It dove back into the tree top peeling 17# trilene off my 5000 which had the drag tightened down. I never saw it again except in my daydreams - near 50 yrs. later it is still "the big one that got away.
    2 points
  34. Tatsu is to expensive for me. I recently spooled up some 18# Sniper, my heaviest # test so far, and I have no problems casting with a 1/4 or 3/8oz bullet weight so I see no reason to use anything but Sniper.
    2 points
  35. Yes, but you have to watch the weather and winds at all times. The large, open area by Eaton Ferry Bridge is extremely dangerous in windy or rough weather. Waves can get as high as four feet in this area. I used to tool around Gaston in my old Tracker all the time. No problems. Just be sure to attach your kill switch lanyard to your life vest and always wear the life vest when in your Tracker. Good luck and have some wonderful memories of Lake Gaston.
    2 points
  36. My Walmart was carrying the Pepper Custom Spinnerbaits for $5.95 I think but for some reason clearanced them all out at $3 each. I bought every one. They are 10 times the quality of the Walmart $1 ones. Blades spinn so easy and smooth. Also they have the bait holder for a soft plastic trailer behind the head of the bait. Something many do not have. As far as the wire being heavy killing vibration I haven't noticed any measurable difference in production. I haven't took any calipers to them but I'm guessing it's a .032 or .035 wire and feels quite limber comparing to the Mepps and Walmart ones I have. I have to say I like them a lot. Priced reasonable for a quality bait.
    2 points
  37. Today while fishing a local river, I found another misplaced stocked trout just like last spring. Hardest lipless crank strike I've ever experienced, I knew what it was before I even saw it even though trout aren't supposed to live there. I think someone is stocking privately somewhere along the river, so I will be back with my kayak to find out! Thank you VA "navigable waters" I didn't have a cooler with me because I was bass fishing, and didn't have time to run home before work, so I disguised it as my lunch and kept it in the fridge in the break room...
    2 points
  38. If it makes you feel any better.................this was a special 6lb'er................it was the 20th one I have caught since 2006. Most of them have come from Silver, a few from Conesus. Southern guys might not be impressed, but a 6lb up here is like a double digit down south, or in Texas/Cali. 7 and 8 lbers are not common, even the notable hog factories like Conesus, Keuka, and Erie only kick a handfull of them out a year. I am extremely proud of every one I catch over 6, I know a TON of excellent bass fisherman who have not caught one. I usually get at least 1 a year dating back to 2008, 2013 was the banner year for them, as I caught 5 that year. I used to keep track of 5lber's, but I lost count of those years ago. MOST of them have come in the late summer-mid fall. Only 4 have ever been caught in the spring, today's fish, the 2006 fish, the 6lb smallmouth from 2008, and a 6-2 last spring. October and August have been the best 2 months, with September not too far behind, I have caught ZERO in June, and only 2 in July. My 6lber totals from every year I have owned a boat: 2006-1 2007-0 2008-1 (the lone smallmouth on the list) 2009-1 2010-1 2011-1 2012-3 2013-5 (including my PB 7-1 from Conesus) 2014- 3 2015-3 2016- 1 (so far)
    2 points
  39. Man, I wouldn't dare throw one without 1000lb test braid...
    2 points
  40. Welcome to the forum. Line left outside, especially in the sun, will degrade fairly quickly. You don't say what kind of line your using or how long it has been on your reel. Mono, copolymer, or fluorocarbon need to be replaced from time to time. How often depends on use and storage, and who you ask. Braid is more durable when stored properly. All these lines have their uses, but none of them should sit out on the porch.
    2 points
  41. I fish my local holes a lot, and have a different theory. I think there are enough fish at or over 10 lbs in most places to make it possible for someone who knows what they are doing, and puts in the time. Not to brag, but as a point of reference, I've caught 10 lb fish in NY, MD, and NJ. I've even caught the same one twice. I mostly fish for numbers, but when the windows open for the trophies, I'll commit to that. I think finding good water, then learning it, really learning it, is the key. Sure, if you are lucky enough to live near and have frequent access to the well know large fish waters in the south and west, that's great, and will make it that more likely. But I think too many folks think there aren't any or enough big fish local to them to make the effort worth while. I know quite a few guys that do better than I, most keep it really quiet, lest you get all the DE plates parking in the neighborhood, and the cameras on the head thing...
    2 points
  42. Stratos boats are good boats, but there's a lot to check before you buy one used: Check the boat deck for weak spots, check the transom for flex and weakness, take it for a spin and see if it leaks, have a mechanic check the compression and motor for $150 bucks or so, check steering free play, etc. An Internet search will give you plenty of checklists on what to look for. I wouldn't skip any steps when purchasing a used boat. Some owners lie and some owners don't have the knowledge to know when a boat has problems. I wouldn't take my Mother's word on the condition of a boat.
    2 points
  43. Dollar fer dollar I would pick any Lew's model over the same priced Snimano. I switched from Curado Castics Cronarch's and Core over to Lew's from BB1 and Super Duty to Team Gold's and Gold Team,, couldn't be happier with the change,,, so naturally I would get the LFS
    2 points
  44. I think it was @Dwight Hottle that used to have this signature, "The harder I work, the luckier I get". As with anything, there is a certain amount of luck involved that can't be quantified since we have no idea what's going on in that tiny fish brain. Fishing is big because it doesn't matter what you look like, what walk of life you come from, age, race, gender, ect, everyone can get their shot if they're willing to put in the work.
    2 points
  45. Weight selection has nothing to do with water depth!!! Rate Of Fall! I'll throw a 1 oz jig in 5' of water or a 1/4 oz jig in 25' of water!
    2 points
  46. So I am a chef by trade. Today was baking day so I decided who can say no to a fresh baked fruit pie and cookies. So this and a thank you card, and an offer to go fishing where I will also provide a home cooked lunch will be my thank you. Appreciate all the ideas everyone. I truly feel blessed I'm getting this back will post pictures of the tackle when I get home to show the magnitude of this event for me
    2 points
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