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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2016 in all areas

  1. You are currently involved in the sport of fishing. This involves one outfit and catching fish. Most of us started where you are now. The question you pose suggest that you are considering entry into the world of tackle buying. You will never again find the enjoyment you now have if you take the plunge into the world of finding a better rod and reel than what you now have. It becomes never ending and all-consuming. Eventually you wind up with a room full of tackle while spending endless hours on the internet looking for a great deal on a better rod and reel. If you're lucky, occasionally you will find time to fish and evaluate your purchases, but the pure love of fishing will have been replaced by the love of buying better tackle. Embrace the rod and reel that you can't see yourself abandoning, and spend as much time as you can on the water catching fish.
    19 points
  2. .Got out to the big fish lake. Had a cold front move through...for az ppl that is 55degrees lol. The fish out here always eat good after a cold front which is weird to other places ive fished. Ended up with only 21lbs. I only say only because of the average size fish in here are up around 5lbs. I was there about an hr and another guy comes by and says "any big ones"? I said ya a 5.2lbr was big fish for the day. He says "meh average" lol thats when u know its a quality lake. Caught all my fish on a black 1/2ounce spinnerbait or deep crank in green gizzard. Lost 2 nice ones that woulda culled my smallest ones.
    8 points
  3. Caught this girl today on a pop max in 4 fow. Wind 15-25 mph, 60 degrees, 63 degree water temp, overcast
    5 points
  4. I've been bass fishing for a loooooooooooooooong time. Way longer than most of you whippersnappers have been alive. so it goes without saying that I have tons of tackle. Most of it hasn't seen water since Noah and the flood. well, almost anyway. so I need to make some room and in order to throw out useless wifey crap, I had to demonstrate my own willingness to sacrifice. Man, what a chore. It actually was a labor of love, going through the old tackle boxes finding lures that are no longer made, and some that shouldn't have been made LOL. I did manage to thin out the herd by about half which is pretty good. Will donate the still good but no longer useful to me stuff to the police who sponsor free clinics for kids along with a local club. It took me three days to go through it all, but it was fun, and oddly satisfying on that deep level no non-fisherman could ever understand.
    4 points
  5. Well was able to get out in between deployment prep and working. We got 2 days off so i am taking advantage yesterday and monday. Caught 33 total. Alot of small fish but did manage a 17.8lb 5 fish limit. This is a different area than i been fishing. We just skip our spros or live target sunfidh as far under the brush in the pictures as you can and BOOM explosions. Alot of post spawn fish. Here are our best 5 and even had a double up.
    4 points
  6. I always Texas rig my tubes with a 4/0 or a5/0 EWG hook. I might add, I typically only use 4" tubes. A tube bass. For perspective, the boat seat is 16 1/2" wide. Hootie
    4 points
  7. I've never met a fisherman that didn't enjoy going through their tackle and thinking back to all the fish each bait had (or hadn't), caught.
    4 points
  8. Thanks for all the new fishing gear. Don't worry I ordered you some packer stuff, and a mail order bride. Both should be on there this week.
    4 points
  9. I fished Housen 1-10pm Friday. Water temp was 68-69. I didn't go near the bank. I was fishing post spawners 8 to 15 fow. 6 fish caught on 5XD CB and TR worms. Best five were 9, 7.5, 6.2, 6, and 4 lbs. My biggest fish came at 8:45 on TR junebug worm. I fished points and secondary with creek channels adjacent to them. There was also isolated grass and stumps. If you didn't hit either you didn't get a bit. They were chocking the 5XD. I didn't caught many but all quality fish. Good luck and hope this helps. I want be on the lake for 3 to 4 weeks due to baseball. Quick picture and all released.
    4 points
  10. I've cleaned a number of river fish with beer bottle caps in their stomachs. Made me wonder what they'd been drinking.
    4 points
  11. perhaps you should have read 4 more lines down before crying wolf.. "In the event of a needed restroom break or refueling situation at a marina gas pump, partners are allowed to leave the boat; however, in that event, all fishing must cease until partners are back together in the boat "
    4 points
  12. Even though the wind absolutely sucked, i still got out for a little bit on Saturday and Sunday. Of course when the wife was gone all weekend and i had the green light to fish sun up to sun down, mother nature had other plans. I'll fish in just about any conditions except for brutal wind because in the kayak it just sucks. That said, i hit the pond not far from the house on Saturday and found the place to be pretty poor in terms of the water. It already gets over fished and no management, but now the water is so low i'm surprised to see any fish. so i hit the drainage pool on the backside that doesn't seem to get fished. Hooked up with 1 little bity guy that put up zero fight once hooked and came straight to the bank. That was all the action i had at the pond. Yesterday i hit the road early and got on the lake right at sun up. Wanted to get out there before the wind started howling again. It was cold, 37 degrees but water temps were about 57 when i put in. I paddled over to the other side of the channel from the ramp and hit the first few docks i could see and about the 5th dock i ran the spinnerbait right by the posts and nearly had the rod pulled out of my hands! one nice sweeping hookset on it and she was pinned. this beauty had ZERO intentions of coming in the kayak though. the fight was as good as any i've had in quite some time. i'd get her just close enough to lip and then she'd have the rod nearly in the water taking another run on me. she even head butted the kayak one good time in an effort to shake the bait, but i finally managed to bring her in. 4lb2oz on the digitals, but felt like it was a DD all the way til i got her in! couldn't believe the fight in this one! ended up being the only fish i caught as the wind started to make life miserable yet again, but man was it worth it! like i said, 2 polar opposites!! skinny guy, no fight: prize fighting heavyweight champ (look at that tail too!):
    3 points
  13. My nephew is nearly 4 now and loves to fish like his "Unc" (that's me, the uncle) and loves to hunt like his dad! last week they had youth week in NC where kids under 16 were allowed to turkey hunt 1 week before the season opened for everyone else. My dad and I got the little man a lifetime hunt & fish license for his 1st birthday and he's already making it count! My brother and his buddy took the little guy to a honey hole where they hoped he'd get to see and hear a gobbler. They've had a blind set up there all winter so the turkey were used to it. My brother's buddy has a huge farm and doesn't hunt nor let adults hunt there, but he'll some youngsters come deer and turkey hunt there. My nephew was practicing all day Friday with my brother on the single shot .410 and some paper targets. My brother was holding the butt of the gun and little man would aim and pull the trigger. he was surprisingly good at hitting the paper at about 30 yards! Saturday morning came and he woke me up about 5AM to tell me he was going and to wish him luck! about 7:30 the little devil calls me and said he had something to show me and to meet them at mcdonalds. he bagged him a nice gobbler with a 10" beard from about 20 yards! my brother's buddy got a video of it and his excitement after the shot was priceless! he high fived my brother about 3 or 4 times and was busting at the seems! i think you can tell from the photo, my brother was one happy camper, so proud of his big boy! my nephew told everyone he saw last saturday that he got him a turkey and that he was going to grill it!! yesterday my brother had it on the smoker the whole day and little man was so proud that everybody got to taste "his turkey"! absolutely priceless, had to share it!
    3 points
  14. #2 was an ugly, skinny 5 lber i caught in the pouring rain so i won't post that one. #3 was pretty special though. my lil' niece came over for some fishin' and we had a blast. of course i don't fish much when i'm with one of the young 'uns. those trips are all about having fun and making memories. it's just so cool to experience a fishin' trip through the eyes of a child. Putting the "magic" sunglasses on them for the first time and then watching their jaw drop when suddenly they can see right through the water and look at all the cool stuff underneath is priceless all by itself. then there's catching the bait which seems so fun to a child that they would be happy to forgo everything else and just catch minnows all day. then there's the complete pandemonium that breaks loose when a bassin' rookie hooks into a good fish and wins a hard fought battle. and finally there's the high fives, the pics, the bragging, naming the fish, and watching her swim off upon release knowing you might just be lucky enough to hold her again another day. it's a shame that sometimes we get so caught up in how big or how many and we forget the simple pleasures that addicted us to the sport in the first place. after catchin' several fat little fish on my favorite numbers lure, i asked her if she wanted to go after a big one. of course, who says no to that? so i started showing her how to catch little bluegill, explaining that we'd use those for bait. i really thought i'd lost her there because she momentarily decided that catching tiny fish was the coolest thing ever. but she got back on track and we went on the hunt for a biggun. i spied a nice one cruising, urged her to be still, and cast a little bluegill close. she took it from there. this fish was nice and healthy, somewhere between 5 and 6 lbs. i intentionally did not weigh the fish because i do not want it to be about that for her. she said it was huge and that's all that matters. great day.
    3 points
  15. We're fishermen -- don't we call that color "merthiolate"?
    3 points
  16. Hey guys, Another trip to Hilton Head in the books this week! Fishing was a bit tougher than I thought it would be. For some reason, the golf course pond largemouth were not in much of a biting mood but it's a good thing the BIG redfish were! The weather was a bit dicey and I was getting a little bit concerned when it became clear the wind and tide would not allow us to sit on our initial spot but my guide had a plan B just as he always does. We found a nice slick on top of some sandbars just outside the sound that was calmer and we let the cut mullet do its work. Before long, the bull reds were giving us a workout, and man let me tell you how much fun it is to tussle with those bad boys on 5k size spinning reels! After all was said and done, 8-9 bull reds came to hand all between 17 and 23 lbs so it was nice to set a new redfish PB. For those of you who PM or ask about guide recommendations in HHI -- this is why I recommend this guy to everyone!
    3 points
  17. i found a "great deal" some time ago as well
    3 points
  18. ask her where she has it, and then tell her you have a relative nearby that is willing to go and check it out or even pick it up, that would be best for her as shw wouldnt have to pay shipping charges... most probably she will reply that is not possible and give some excuse....
    3 points
  19. Apparently you've never been to wisconsin
    3 points
  20. Green pumpkin variant White Black/Blue or Black/Red I throw the Green Pumpkin variant more often than not.
    3 points
  21. Yeah. This Indian Winter depression is starting to take its toll. I haven't even had the heart to practice pitching off my deck...
    3 points
  22. Understand the fish growth and behavior, their relation to structure and prey, 2 books will help you tremendously, "spoon plugging" by Buck Perry and anther called "in pursuit of giant bass" by Bill Murphy.
    3 points
  23. Haven't been out since December since life has been in the way. Had two hours to kill yesterday and decided to go to a pond since I haven't gone pond hopping in years. Brought my 7' MH St Croix Legend Elite with a Shimano Metanium Hg and 16lb Sunline FC Sniper. First fish of the year caught on a black and blue Siebert Outdoor Brush Jig with a Netbait paca chunk in black and blue with the tips dyed chart. Weighed in at #5.04
    3 points
  24. I went to my gdaughters t- ball game and got there late for the first game.First thing I asked is What's the score.? The person I asked looked ate funny and said They don't keep score.I looked at her funny and said What's the point of playing the game then?.And she said The kids are just having fun.I thought dang, I had fun when we kept score when I was a kid.No wonder most of the kids look bored.One kid struck out and they gave him a fourth strike and he struck out again.Moral of the story is that most growth in life takes place from hardships and dissapointments.
    3 points
  25. finished it up this morning.
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. I think I can help decipher what you have here. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Obviously this is a text type document, ok, so far so good. <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/> <title>00 mod has sent you a message</title> <style type="text/css"> It appears here that 00 has used his head to send you a message, makes sense so far. #outlook a {padding:0;} body{width:100% !important; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; margin:0; padding:0;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} #backgroundTable {margin:0; padding:0; width:100% !important; line-height: 100% !important;} It appears here that he is sending some type of protection warning about protecting your body with external class padding that is laying on the table in the background. img {outline:none; text-decoration:none; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} a img {border:none;} .image_fix {display:block;} p {margin: 1em 0;} h1 { color: white !important; } h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {color: #333333 !important;} Obviously the color white is important, I'm assuming he is referring to the padding on the table in the background? h1 a:active, h2 a:active, h3 a:active, h4 a:active, h5 a:active, h6 a:active { color: red !important; } I think it's obvious here that he congratulates you on living a very active lifestyle and thinks the red shirt your wearing is important. h1 a:visited, h2 a:visited, h3 a:visited, h4 a:visited, h5 a:visited, h6 a:visited { color: purple !important; } Looks like he has come to visit you on several occasions wearing the important purple color, not sure however if he is admitting to you that he is in fact, the real tooth fairy... table td {border-collapse: collapse;} table { border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } Obviously the table in the background collapsed. a {color: #4a8aca;} /* Unhides cells that we set to hide in the HTML in case the client doesn't support style properly */ *[class~=hidePhone] { display : block !important; width : auto !important; max-height: inherit !important; overflow : visible !important; float : none !important; } *[class~=hidePhone][width="30"] { width: 30px !important; } *[class~=hidePhone][width="40"] { width: 40px !important; } td[class~=hidePhone] { display: table-cell !important; } @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { a[href^="tel"], a[href^="sms"] { text-decoration: none; color: blue; pointer-events: none; cursor: default; } .mobile_link a[href^="tel"], .mobile_link a[href^="sms"] { text-decoration: default; color: orange !important; pointer-events: auto; cursor: default; }" Not sure about this part, it's repeated several times how important it is to hide your phone, or maybe it's telling you to paint your phone to disguise it, or he could be telling you to put down your phone and grab a bag of skittles... Recap, 00Mod left you a message about all the white body padding he left for you on the table that had collapsed in the background while coming to retrieve a tooth you left under your pillow in the purple outfit he was wearing and took notice of the red shirt you were sleeping in that proclaimed you lived an active lifestyle and that he painted your phone and then hid it from you because it contained evidence of him in his purple winged outfit, he was also trying to let you know that these were hard times and that a monetary offering was not possible at this time so he slipped a bag of skittles under your pillow.
    3 points
  28. A-Jay has given you the best advise , and that is your trailer and how it affects your presentation. The first thing is if your jig didn't come with a snap, then use one, but it should have came with a size 2 or 3 Duo Lock Snap. The next part is crucial, these come in a short, medium, and long bill, the short bill one has to be reeled fast in order to vibrate, the medium one will vibrate at just about any speed and the long one will vibrate at only a slow retrieve, a little too fast and it will sort of lay on its side and just come in straight. When you say MF rod, do you mean a medium power rod with a fast action or a moderate fast action rod? That can have an affect also but it is either the bill type or the trailer like A-Jay has said, I use the 1/4oz with a 3/0 hook in a medium bill with a Zoom Fluke Jr., I think the 4.5" slug-O is too big and the 3" is too short, the 4" fluke Jr. seems to work the best and the action of a small swim bait seems to cancel out the action from the head, it make seem to kick a little faster but that is it, with a fluke Jr. it makes the bait come to life while keeping the profile small.
    2 points
  29. I forgot about them countries. I was going to get him a lady boy. Then they would never fight over the toilet seat, but after buying a lot of fishing gear, and packer stuff for him. I was reaching his credit limit.
    2 points
  30. Sapphire Blue!!! What are bass thinking when they eat this bright blue worm with silver flake in it? I don't know but I won't ask either, I'll just keep throwing it since they seem to want it in some waters I fish.
    2 points
  31. Denny Brauer was asked what a jig bite felt like, he answered "I don't know but I know what it doesn't feel like!" Went on to say he sets hook on everything that doesn't feel right!
    2 points
  32. It got into some of the marshes true. But the media over hyped it. How do I know this, because I was down there. So much was made up. The marsh grass dying, the oil they were finding 3ft below the sand and blaming the oil spill. I don't think so. So many I've talked to were shocked they burn the marshes every year. Yep, light them on fire. Where do the hydro carbons go....into the bottom muck which if you disturb and dig into will produce a sheen from the organic break down. My friend, the rice fields were not affected by any oil. You're worried about the crayfish, what about the rice and sugar cane that is produced in those same areas where they harvest crawfish? The oysters they still export and sell from down there, the shrimp, the snapper, the blue crab? All have been shown to be safe and they DO come from the Gulf. If the media actually told you what was really going on down there (mainly a lot of people ready to clean up a spill sitting around doing nothing in a big tent getting a paycheck) then it wouldn't have been that great of a story. Sorry to tell you, the oil never made it to the ponds that they harvest them from. Saltwater kills most plants and rice would be one of them. The rice fields are far from the Gulf and any salwater. Besides most of the crawfish ponds are located in the central and southwest sections of the state. The spill affected a small portion of the delta and a couple bays around Fourchon just west of Venice LA as well as some areas of Mississippi to the mouth of Mobile Bay. The crawfish are safe to eat. Just like the ducks and geese that fly down to the delta every winter and then travel all over the US. They eat the marsh grasses from the delta. Got a better chance with them then the crawfish. But highly unlikely to find anything there either.
    2 points
  33. If you do a search for Srounger threads & posts you'll find a bunch. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/search/?&q=scrounger&type=forums_topic&search_and_or=or&start_after=1325376000&start_before=1460246400 It's not a super popular presentation but it is Very Effective & Outrageously Versatile. I'm a big fan of the 3/8 oz long bill but do fish the 1/2 & even the 3/4 oz baits when the circumstances dictate. After some trial & error - The Tremor head is the only bait I'll throw. It possesses the best Blade size & stoutest hook I've found. http://www.tnrivertacklecompany.com/officialpage_006.htm These bait "Balance" very well which may be part of the problem your having with the baits you're throwing now. Clearly your trailer choice is crucial as one that is overly large or small (both on length & or mass) can retard the baits inherent vibrating action. Additionally, some swimbait type trailers seem to contradict the baits sweet shimmy - and that's where all the magic lies so that's a big problem. If there was one single piece of advice I can pass regarding Scrounger type bait, it's that you can never fish them Too Slow. The slower the better. And a pause is often so very good too. Think Low & Slow and then slow down some more - regardless of the water temp. Good Luck A-Jay
    2 points
  34. I love baseball, but (aside from the DH), the recent rules aimed toward speeding up the game and preventing injuries are an insult to the game. Players like Rose and Fisk would make fun of that kind of pampering of players.
    2 points
  35. Nice carp! The second fish is a brown trout, and a nice one too.
    2 points
  36. Picked up this 6'9 ml villian at bass pro for $79!Normally don't do Abu but I couldn't help myself.Little stiffer than i'd prefer for a ml but I won't complain.Should be a decent small jerkbait/popper rod.Just gotta throw an mgx on her now!
    2 points
  37. I used to do a good bit of work with bubble gum fluke style baits, senkos, and trick worms...............I don't know why I ever stopped using them. They never stopped producing. I caught them spring, summer and fall...........clear or dirty water.
    2 points
  38. Stout Bass ~ Congrats btw - that hoodie is burning my Retina A-Jay
    2 points
  39. Yes you are feeling something, when you don't feel anything, the lack of the presence of the bait at the end of your line. So what you "feel" or "don't feel" are parts of feel.
    2 points
  40. Ready for the warm weather coming the next two weeks! Now hopefully it stays there!
    2 points
  41. Another day another trick darter load lol... Hakusei glitter carp and a kameyama glitter this time. Trick darters are my Achilles heel. I seriously can't stop.
    2 points
  42. My nephew started playing football last year when he was 9 years old. He is a big kid that can move. They had him at inside linebacker. I told him before the game that I wanted to shoot the gap and nail the QB. Well he did and then the little **** ran to the sideline and gave me the thumbs up. The other kid is laying motionless. He knocked him out. All of the parents are looking at me like he is a monster.
    2 points
  43. This is a slide ~ Weeeeeeeeeeeeee A-Jay
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. From Billy V. Northeast Rodbuilders. He has blocks and strips, but I cut my own strips most of the time. He has mandrels now too. I'm probably gonna be ordering a 5/8" from him. Sometimes you need a bigger one than 1/2".
    2 points
  46. If any man asked if he could follow me into a bathroom, he better be able to run faster than me! Mike
    2 points
  47. Had a beast of a fish get off right under the canoe on my second cast of the outing but I still nailed some nice chunky pre-spawn fish to make up for it.. Stuck with the catchem caro uncle manny minnow and got 6 fish that morning, water is still pretty cold up here..
    2 points
  48. Take a good dump that morning before the tournament starts
    2 points
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