So...a couple years ago, the guy who was supposed to join me on a Canadian trip had to back out (he had a good reason, family medical issues).
I happened to mention this at a meeting I had for a local conservation group.
One of the guys at the meeting spoke up and indicated he'd like to go if there was room. We'd fished together a a few times, and while he hadn't been the best partner I'd ever fished with, he hadn't been terrible. I thought about it a while and thought, "What the heck, how bad can it be?"
Here's how bad:
Didn't want to come up the night before and pre-pack the boat and truck so we could get going on time.
One of his "tackle boxes" was a 5 gallon bucket...the other one was a 12 pack Leinie's corrugated box.
Lure organization was...a pile.
We were 40 minutes down the road when he remembered he'd left his passport in his truck.
Sat at a different table when we stopped to eat on the way up.
On the first day of fishing, at the end of the day...this plays out:
When I'm done for the day in Canada, I like to spend some time straightening up the boat at the dock so it's not a three-legged cluster #@%$ in the I start doing this, putting stuff away, cleaning off fish schmutz...
My fishing partner...let's call him "Bob"...picks up his three rods, his Leinie's box and his bucket and takes off for the cabin...keep in mind that there's a dozen boats at the dock, with tens of thousands of dollars worth of tackle and gear n them...all better than his...
I think to myself, "What the heck?"...and then I thought, "NO problem, he's probably going to fix dinner."
I finished cleaning up the boat, headed back to the cabin, walked in, where "Bob" greats me with, "Hey, I hope you've got something to eat, I just brought enough of this for myself." BTW...he was standing there drinking one of my beers... I warmed up some killer chili I'd brought along...about the time it was done, he says "That sure smells good, can I have some?" I said, "Sure." and I went to bed. When I get up in the AM, the chili is still on the stove and when fumblenuts stumbles out of his bed a while later, he let me know, "Hey! You left the chili out last night."
All week long, he wanted to fish for walleyes and lake trout...even though they were not biting and pike, muskies and smallies were killing each other to get to our lures.
He never...not once...helped net a fish, all week.
He never commented when he had a follow on a fact...the few times I saw him have a follow, he try to hide it, or flat out deny it.
He's a musky guy and never boated one all week...mostly because he kept throwing huge baits when they told us, clear as a bell on day one, that they liked stuff that was about 7" - 8" long...
He sulked for two days when I caught 3 muskies in an hour...
He didn't offter to drive at all on the way home...just sat in the passenger seat and complained that the sun was too hot on him and that we needed to turn the A/C in the truck down (it was set at 70°).
"Bob" and I don't fish together any more...he keeps asking...but oddly, I've always got all the seats in my boat full for that trip...