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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2016 in all areas

  1. I think I can help decipher what you have here. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Obviously this is a text type document, ok, so far so good. <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/> <title>00 mod has sent you a message</title> <style type="text/css"> It appears here that 00 has used his head to send you a message, makes sense so far. #outlook a {padding:0;} body{width:100% !important; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; margin:0; padding:0;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} #backgroundTable {margin:0; padding:0; width:100% !important; line-height: 100% !important;} It appears here that he is sending some type of protection warning about protecting your body with external class padding that is laying on the table in the background. img {outline:none; text-decoration:none; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} a img {border:none;} .image_fix {display:block;} p {margin: 1em 0;} h1 { color: white !important; } h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {color: #333333 !important;} Obviously the color white is important, I'm assuming he is referring to the padding on the table in the background? h1 a:active, h2 a:active, h3 a:active, h4 a:active, h5 a:active, h6 a:active { color: red !important; } I think it's obvious here that he congratulates you on living a very active lifestyle and thinks the red shirt your wearing is important. h1 a:visited, h2 a:visited, h3 a:visited, h4 a:visited, h5 a:visited, h6 a:visited { color: purple !important; } Looks like he has come to visit you on several occasions wearing the important purple color, not sure however if he is admitting to you that he is in fact, the real tooth fairy... table td {border-collapse: collapse;} table { border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } Obviously the table in the background collapsed. a {color: #4a8aca;} /* Unhides cells that we set to hide in the HTML in case the client doesn't support style properly */ *[class~=hidePhone] { display : block !important; width : auto !important; max-height: inherit !important; overflow : visible !important; float : none !important; } *[class~=hidePhone][width="30"] { width: 30px !important; } *[class~=hidePhone][width="40"] { width: 40px !important; } td[class~=hidePhone] { display: table-cell !important; } @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { a[href^="tel"], a[href^="sms"] { text-decoration: none; color: blue; pointer-events: none; cursor: default; } .mobile_link a[href^="tel"], .mobile_link a[href^="sms"] { text-decoration: default; color: orange !important; pointer-events: auto; cursor: default; }" Not sure about this part, it's repeated several times how important it is to hide your phone, or maybe it's telling you to paint your phone to disguise it, or he could be telling you to put down your phone and grab a bag of skittles... Recap, 00Mod left you a message about all the white body padding he left for you on the table that had collapsed in the background while coming to retrieve a tooth you left under your pillow in the purple outfit he was wearing and took notice of the red shirt you were sleeping in that proclaimed you lived an active lifestyle and that he painted your phone and then hid it from you because it contained evidence of him in his purple winged outfit, he was also trying to let you know that these were hard times and that a monetary offering was not possible at this time so he slipped a bag of skittles under your pillow.
    11 points
  2. Received my 2 new 2016 Destroyer Rods from Japan Angler. F2-60X Criffhanger,and the F3-610 XSVLC. I like the design,and actions of these rods so I pulled the trigger! I also picked up the Destroyer X7 F5-75X7 Extreme Mission for heavier worm and jig applications. I don't mind that the Criffhanger is only a 6' rod as most of my finesse rods are only 5 1/2'. My 2500C sits nicely on the reel seat,and is very comfortable in hand. I'll be taking them out Saturday,and hopefully I'll catch a few fish and get a good feel for these rods
    7 points
  3. Bomber orange craw Winter 8.64lbs Arizona
    7 points
  4. Wacky translation school = educated at the school of hard knocks, $12,569.62 Time taken to achieve the Master skill level = A lifetime Finding out that the Tooth Fairy actually does exist and just happens to be one of our very own BR members = Priceless !!!
    6 points
  5. Now on its new permanent home. Orochi XX Perfect Pitch Balance is very good for a rod of its power rating.
    5 points
  6. A little something I'm working on this week.
    4 points
  7. Think you've played some lousy golf, or had some nightmare holes? Well if so, you are in good company. In fact, I doubt that any of you can do worse than what Ernie Els did at the Masters today. He seven putted from two feet. That's right, it took him seven strokes with the putter from within two feet of the cup. Some of those gimmees missed the cup by a good four inches. So, the next time you three putt, or four putt, or even five putt a green, keep your chin up. It could be worse. Especially if you are a pro in the same class as the Big Easy.
    4 points
  8. I'm not a ichthyologist but i'm pretty sure that is not a carp. It is a sucker. And not the kind that is born every minute.
    4 points
  9. Pretty good so far. 6.43, 5.2, 3.2, and 2.8 in two full days. Drop shotting is about all that works. Good fish for Oregon.
    4 points
  10. Wow! You guys are catching monsters. Based on your criteria, here's a photo of mine...
    4 points
  11. It is really kind of silly. They carry a beginner stigma because it is what you would tie on to help someone inexperienced easilly catch fish. Ironically, that is all I want to do...have an easy time catching fish.
    4 points
  12. Hey guys, Another trip to Hilton Head in the books this week! Fishing was a bit tougher than I thought it would be. For some reason, the golf course pond largemouth were not in much of a biting mood but it's a good thing the BIG redfish were! The weather was a bit dicey and I was getting a little bit concerned when it became clear the wind and tide would not allow us to sit on our initial spot but my guide had a plan B just as he always does. We found a nice slick on top of some sandbars just outside the sound that was calmer and we let the cut mullet do its work. Before long, the bull reds were giving us a workout, and man let me tell you how much fun it is to tussle with those bad boys on 5k size spinning reels! After all was said and done, 8-9 bull reds came to hand all between 17 and 23 lbs so it was nice to set a new redfish PB. For those of you who PM or ask about guide recommendations in HHI -- this is why I recommend this guy to everyone!
    3 points
  13. New PB... North Mississippi
    3 points
  14. I don't get the negative comments about using a jig & minnow for bass. It's just another way to skin the proverbial cat. It is not cheating & it is certainly not akin to trapping. I don't look down my nose at someone trying to catch fish as long as it is legal.
    3 points
  15. You've been talking to my ex.
    3 points
  16. That´s because you are in the company of "pros", KVD wannabes & self entitled bass "masters" , right here art BR you are not, we´re just a bunch of fellers that like to ketch fish.
    3 points
  17. And they match your Lucky Shirt ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  18. LMAO!!! This is hilarious! Well played! Now, back to the original issue - looks like you have "html" turned off in your email client, but the email notifications are in "html". Therefore, your email client is showing all the html code. So you need to change the setting in your email client to read "html" or "rich text". Glenn
    3 points
  19. Stuck home with a sick kiddo, been reorganizing and cleaning fishing gear all day. I remembered I haven't posted a pic of the quiver lately so here goes. Behold: my four horsemen. (Bottom to top) 7'3" HXF 13 "NV" Black w/ Lew's BB1 Pro & 40# Smackdown. Kicker frog tied on. 6'10" MHF Megabass Destroyer Phase 3 Elseil W/ Shimano Exsence DC & 12# CXX. Biwaa Divinator tied on. 7'1" G. Loomis NRX 852c green w/ Daiwa Ito Ai Alphas &15# Smackdown. Megabass Hazedong Magnum w/ Trokar mag swimbait EWG weightless t-rigged. 7'1" 13 "NV" Black MLXF w/ Shimano Stella 2500S & 9# Gliss (reel is currently enjoying the day spa @DVT) I love these combos. Together they cover so many bases and all are simply a joy to even hold and look at, let alone fish.
    3 points
  20. @Nitrofreak how did you figure out my secret code? LOL Jeff
    3 points
  21. Jig fishing in light rain or light wind is prime time for big bass to be active. The ability to detect strikes is what separates a good jig fisherman from the average regardless of weather conditions day or night. You can't rely on any one sense, sight plays a roll along with feel and intuition of knowing what is going on with the jig at all times. As Catt has recommended many times learn to jig or T-rig at night to develope all your senses, especially feel. I grew up feeling my line as it comes off the reel using my index finger and thumb feeling for any changes in line tension, ticks, movement increased or lack of tension, weight or movement that alerts me a bass has my jig in it's mouth to get a hook set. Rods, reels and lines have improved over the past 60+ years of jig fishing, however hasn't improved over feeling line with the most sensitive strike indicator...your finger tips. Tom
    3 points
  22. I have one of Simon's production handles...but it's on a 2650 ! The only CDL stuff I have is the complete, factory, teal CDL from the 2012 run:
    3 points
  23. As long as its abu ...we are the MEN of men
    3 points
  24. This is what happens when you have time,access to parts!
    3 points
  25. In-line spinners will catch everything that swims. I use bigger spinners for bass, but pike, perch rock bass and walleyes will all hit them. Your local tackle store is trying to catch trout fishermen by marketing spinners to them.
    3 points
  26. Largemouth Black jointed Jitterbug July, A little after midnight. 5 lbs 1 oz 20.5 inches NY State I have tied this mark or come extremely close almost two dozen times the last two years but I just can't break it. Hopefully this is the year. Smallmouth Strike King ElazTech finesse worm, drop shot. August 4 lbs 4 oz 19.5 inches NY State
    3 points
  27. My big feet and a 3lb bass .im not a give spots away guy seems to cause a flood of your fishing hole . I will be seeing you sunday morning im the red boat hope to finally meet you
    3 points
  28. Perhaps thats the reply to your message.
    3 points
  29. I night fish a lot so I aint much of a line watcher! Maintain contact with your jig at all times, allow the jig to free-fall unrestricted, but without letting slack form in the line; follow your jig down with your rod tip. Once on the bottom feeling a jig bite requires keeping a certain amount of tension on your line while at the same time keeping a certain amount of slackness in your line. To the average angler this makes no sense at all but to the experienced jig fishermen it makes total sense.
    3 points
  30. Had a beast of a fish get off right under the canoe on my second cast of the outing but I still nailed some nice chunky pre-spawn fish to make up for it.. Stuck with the catchem caro uncle manny minnow and got 6 fish that morning, water is still pretty cold up here..
    3 points
  31. So...a couple years ago, the guy who was supposed to join me on a Canadian trip had to back out (he had a good reason, family medical issues). I happened to mention this at a meeting I had for a local conservation group. One of the guys at the meeting spoke up and indicated he'd like to go if there was room. We'd fished together a a few times, and while he hadn't been the best partner I'd ever fished with, he hadn't been terrible. I thought about it a while and thought, "What the heck, how bad can it be?" Here's how bad: Didn't want to come up the night before and pre-pack the boat and truck so we could get going on time. One of his "tackle boxes" was a 5 gallon bucket...the other one was a 12 pack Leinie's corrugated box. Lure organization was...a pile. We were 40 minutes down the road when he remembered he'd left his passport in his truck. Sat at a different table when we stopped to eat on the way up. On the first day of fishing, at the end of the day...this plays out: When I'm done for the day in Canada, I like to spend some time straightening up the boat at the dock so it's not a three-legged cluster #@%$ in the morning...so I start doing this, putting stuff away, cleaning off fish schmutz... My fishing partner...let's call him "Bob"...picks up his three rods, his Leinie's box and his bucket and takes off for the cabin...keep in mind that there's a dozen boats at the dock, with tens of thousands of dollars worth of tackle and gear n them...all better than his... I think to myself, "What the heck?"...and then I thought, "NO problem, he's probably going to fix dinner." I finished cleaning up the boat, headed back to the cabin, walked in, where "Bob" greats me with, "Hey, I hope you've got something to eat, I just brought enough of this for myself." BTW...he was standing there drinking one of my beers... ...so I warmed up some killer chili I'd brought along...about the time it was done, he says "That sure smells good, can I have some?" I said, "Sure." and I went to bed. When I get up in the AM, the chili is still on the stove and when fumblenuts stumbles out of his bed a while later, he let me know, "Hey! You left the chili out last night." All week long, he wanted to fish for walleyes and lake trout...even though they were not biting and pike, muskies and smallies were killing each other to get to our lures. He never...not once...helped net a fish, all week. He never commented when he had a follow on a fish...in fact...the few times I saw him have a follow, he try to hide it, or flat out deny it. He's a musky guy and never boated one all week...mostly because he kept throwing huge baits when they told us, clear as a bell on day one, that they liked stuff that was about 7" - 8" long... He sulked for two days when I caught 3 muskies in an hour... He didn't offter to drive at all on the way home...just sat in the passenger seat and complained that the sun was too hot on him and that we needed to turn the A/C in the truck down (it was set at 70°). "Bob" and I don't fish together any more...he keeps asking...but oddly, I've always got all the seats in my boat full for that trip...
    3 points
  32. Vanish has been improved in the last few years, but it's still not a very good fluoro (and that's coming from a Berkley fan). I really like their 100% fluoro as it's less brittle and manages well. The differences between Vanish and a mono are their water absorption, their sensitivity, abrasion resistance, and how they act in the water. Fluoro doesn't absorb water so it's characteristics stay consistent throughout the day. Mono in general will absorb water and when it does it becomes a little more stretchy. Fluoro is made out of a more dense material so not only does it sink in the water column, but it also transmits vibrations better and in my opinion creates a more sensitive line. For the same reason, I feel it helps transmit bites better for semi-slack line presentations such as wacky rigging. When it comes to abrasion resistance between the two, I feel there's a trade off. In a mono, there isn't as much abrasion resistance, but to me it doesn't seem to lose as much strength if it is nicked. Fluoro is more abrasion resistant, but when it does get a nick in it, it seem to lose strength a bit quicker than a mono. As far as how they act in the water, like I mentioned mono floats in most cases, where fluoro sinks. Although the two lines have somewhat similar stretch rates, I think this is why people don't feel that fluoro stretches as much. With mono the line is almost always wanting to rise up in the water column creating somewhat of a bow in your line under water. When you set the hook you're overcoming the slack in the line and pulling it tight and then the line stretches. With fluoro I think the line keeps a more direct path to the bait so when you set the hook with that you only feel the line itself stretch. Above are my observations from using both mono and fluoro. Both are good lines and have their place in the fishing arsenal. If I were you I'd venture away from Vanish and at least step up to 100% Pro Grade. If you're worried about the cost difference, I intentionally left the same line on one of my most heavily used rods for two years just to see if it broke down over time. If it did I didn't notice any loss of performance, and still had zero issues with it. If I had to choose between vanish and XT or XL I'd choose either of those mono's before Vanish but to each his own. Figure out what you like and what works for you!
    3 points
  33. 1/8 oz panther martin black with yellow dots and gold blade is my ultimate "secret weapon" catches mostly everything that swims around these parts. trout, bass, crappie, catfish, bluegill and i'm sure other fish that i've caught on that lure. it's my go-to for trout, but that lure just flat out catches fish, all fish.
    2 points
  34. Im about to buy one next weekend hopefully for 100 bucks with trolling motor and 2 seats
    2 points
  35. I have a number of them in my 'Skunk Repellent' box. I also will let youngsters use them when they become fairly proficient at casting, until then it's the good old Beetle Spin.
    2 points
  36. I caught my first trout 43 years ago with a Mepps Aglia, gold blade dressed squirrel hair hook, I caught my first bass 33 years ago with ...... the exact same in-line spinner.
    2 points
  37. The inline spinner is definitely the most effective multi species lure, I have personally caught nine different species of fish on it. I doubt it was created specifically for trout, I think it was probably just made to catch fish. It's not often mentioned on this site because it's somewhat considered a beginner's lure, even though there are a number of people that use it, they usually don't talk about it for fear of ridicule.
    2 points
  38. I have caught MANY bass with a Mepps. When I was young, on lazy days I would toss one behind my trolling motor equipped Jon Boat and troll the lake we lived on. It was shockingly effective.
    2 points
  39. Welcome to the forum. This is pinned at the top and should be a big help to you if you haven't already read it. People will want to know if you fish from shore or boat. What kind of cover you fish. How much are you willing to spend? One of the best places to buy a rod or reel is from this forum's Flea Market and the For Sale forums on other sites. State bass forums are also good places to look for used gear. Since you fish a lot of plastic baits, I am going to suggest a 7' or longer MHF or MHXF casting rod if not fishing from restricted areas....meaning bushes, trees, etc. close by. This is the area where people are willing to spend more to get as much sensitivity as they can for their money. Check out St. Croix Bargain Room and Cabela's Bargain Cave. Watch for closeouts. Sports Academy has Rod Riot and Reel Riot sales where you can save a lot.
    2 points
  40. It's just outside of lowell michigan. It doesn't have a name so it's hard to tell you which one. It's just southeast of lowell. A buddy's friends family owns it so I'm allowed to fish there
    2 points
  41. Hit a small lake in the lakes region today 2 hours not a bite. Hopefully next time i get i'll have my new bass pro qualifier, and a little more time.
    2 points
  42. Caught this slob there last year
    2 points
  43. Yes the smallie fought well. Caught her in about 22 fow bouncing that bait off bottom.
    2 points
  44. I bought a KastKing "Royale Legend" Chinese 12BB bait caster for thirty-five bucks, just to try it. I think it was pretty much a waste of money. I would recommend spending at least a hundred bucks on a name-brand reel, even if it means waiting to save up the money. I have two Daiwa Tatulas I bought new for $92 each and I honestly enjoy them as much as other reels I have costing two or three times as much. "Made in China" is not a guarantee of a sub-par product, but I don't think I'll mess with any more of those reels until one with a proven value is identified. Tight lines, Bob
    2 points
  45. Nitro557, what are thooooosssseeee! Your footwear, I can't stop trying to figure those things out??!!
    2 points
  46. One must resist the urge to get emotional and defensive over....fishing line. It won't love you back. Trust me. But don't ask how I know!
    2 points
  47. My first DC reel ever on my first G. Loomis rod. The Exsence DC is definitely heavy, but it feels like a tank. I'm still debating whether I keep it or sell it to get a Met DC instead. I think it would work great in my next trip to Argentina
    2 points
  48. Definitely ~ And I'll say that Every Bait can be a good search bait. Just depends on how big your search area is and how fast you want "search". A-Jay
    2 points
  49. Metanium mgl arrived today and I was finally able to complete my newest combo. Shimano Poison Adrena 6'10 M/MF with Shimano Metanium Mgl XG
    2 points
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