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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2016 in all areas

  1. A white spinnerbait was on the menu at one pond I stopped at before the winds and rain started. Ended up catching 7 bass from 3-5lbs. The big one of the bunch smacked at the bait by my feet in the clear water and missed. I threw it right back over her head and slow rolled it and she slammed it that time.
    5 points
  2. I got invited to fish a private strip pit this past week, only catch was I had to provide a boat, which I just happen to have Water was super muddy (less than 6" visibility), and we've had cold front after cold front and we were in the middle of a cold front on this day. Knew it would be tough but at least those conditions make locating them easy. So I rigged a rod up with a black finesse jig with a black and blue trailer and started flipping at everything right on the bank. Took about 30 minutes before I lifted my rod after the initial drop and it was smoking off the bank. The new 70XHG caught up with her quickly and buried the hook home. Not much movement on the hookset made me feel happy on the inside and when she did her cold water wallow on the surface, it brought a smile to my face. She ate the jig completey down the hatch like I love to see. A quick couple pictures and a weight (5lb 7oz), and she was back in the water to get warmed back up and get ready to make some babies.
    5 points
  3. 28 degrees this morning. Still managed a couple. One for me, and one for my son. No matter what I do, I can't get these photos right side up! Hootie
    4 points
  4. It's been an expensive and somewhat frustrating trip making the transition from lead to lead free alloy since Massachusetts prohibited the use of lead weights and jigs under 1 oz. in 2012. However, a few months ago, www.rotometals.com introduced a new lead free alloy with a high enough melting temperature to permit a full cure of powder paint. http://www.rotometals.com/product-p/leadfreebulletalloy.htm?utm_source=Thanksgiving+Sale+2015&utm_campaign=tk5&utm_medium=email I decided to go for it and gear up for powder painting. At this point I want to say, "Thank you!" to smalljaw, a valued contributor to BassResource.com, TackleUnderground.com and YouTube, who offered advice, encouragement, and tipped me toward tjstackle.com. TJ's makes a fluid bed which sells for less than half the price of the two other online component suppliers I regularly use. Let's get started: An aquarium pump keeps the powder in the fluid bed fluffed up so you can get a thin, even coat in seconds - and by seconds, I mean two. Longer than that, you've applied too heavy a coat. To the right of the fluid bed, see jumbo and regular paper clips and a #55 drill in a pin vise. the paper clips work fine to clear a hook eye filled with paint. Do this immediately, before going on to next jig in the batch. In the 84 jigs I painted (in two batches) I had to clear fewer than a dozen eyes. I had locking forceps on hand for the project and they worked great holding light and medium wire hooks. A home made jig container/rack left over from my vinyl painting days still serves well. A Wagner HT3500 Heat Tool works perfectly as a heat source. $39.00 from Home Depot. 2 oz. containers hold Pro-Tec powder paint, packaged by CS Coatings for TJ's who sells it at a better price than most outlets. Understand that I have no commercial interest in TJ's Tackle - just an entirely satisfactory first experience with their products. These instructions are posted with permission. Take the time to read them and refer to them if things aren't going right. In a photo, the powder paint looks like pimples on a ghost's face. Take my word for it, it's bubbling. The jig rack is easy enough to make if you've got a hacksaw and a brad point drill. You'll find Sterilite 4 Quart containers (12" X 7 1/4" X 4 1/4") at dollar stores and lengths of 10-24 threaded rod at hardware stores. Don't forget to buy a box of hex nuts. I heated the first batch of jigs at this setting and went to 750º for the second. Rotate the jig slowly and count: "One smallie . . . two smallies . . . three smallies . . ." You know because you've read the instructions that you have to experiment with heating time - for each size jig - to get it just right. Same for "swish" time. Don't forget to clear the eye if you took a too-long dip. After I got done with brown Brush Jig #6 I had a forehead-smacking realization - I had forgotten to block the fiber weed guard cavities with the teflon pin! I'll either glue in a thinner guard on the 6 or go without. When using a pin, pull it as soon as possible. If it lifts paint around the hole, reheat it and it will lay back down. Now it's time for the curing process. You do know that you can't use a toaster oven to broil burgers and cure powder paint, right? I decided on Eastwood's oven and bought it on sale, direct, for $89.99. Shipped from PA to western MA the cost jumped to $113.20. Internal dimensions are: 16"W X 14"D X 8"H. As you see, there are two racks. That's more than enough capacity for this hobbyist. I placed it on a table in the middle of the tackle room because the safety information stated that there should be "a minimum of 4' of adequate cooling space around top, rear and sides of oven." There was one hot spot in the back but this heat dissipated in a couple of inches. I'm guessing that Eastwood's lawyers wrote this instruction. Think I'll still use this arrangement because while the baits are baking I'll just swivel around and work at the bench you see in the reflection. Eastwood didn't have bismuth/tin jig molders in mind when they put temperature markings on their oven. I approximated 275º best I could and watched the thermometer in the oven. Clearly, something was off. The oven thermometer read 225º after 25 minutes. Testing this thermometer in the kitchen oven set at 295º it read 300º. Hmm. Two more tests had similar results. Well, "It is what it is," as they say. I baked the jigs for a full hour. Now, time for a durability test. If I tossed a handful into a tub of Marshmallow Fluff I wouldn't be disappointed. There's nothing comparably fluffy in a smallie's habitat however, so I took the jigs to the loading dock at work. I tossed a handful up into the air and collected them where they had scattered on the concrete. Repeated this test three times. Hey, not bad. These results are acceptable. I tried to enlarge the chipped areas on the Pumpkin Brown and the Watermelon using a fingernail and could not. That tells me the adhesion is good. I was particularly pleased that the Crinkle Copper was hardly bruised at all because there was a label on that container that read "cure at 400º for 10 min." The heat was nowhere close to that. Trials on pewter come next . . . especially since the larger bismuth/tin jigs are very difficult to remove from a hot mold. Questions and suggestions are welcome.
    4 points
  5. Ended up tying my PB rainbow for I think the third time with a 21"er. Pretty fish for a stocked trout.
    4 points
  6. I had a good day fishing by myself. They were hammering a Bama Craw Finesse Jig with a Baby Bama Rage Craw. The biggest was 4.4lbs. Good day and some fun.
    4 points
  7. I've got that friend that never pays or thinks that $10 should cover it when I drive an hour both ways and run all over the lake. I've got that friend that borrows tackle and then forgets to give it back at the end of the day. I've got that friend that's always later than he says he'll be. I've got that friend that never mentions he has to leave early until we get to the lake. I've got that friend that as soon as I catch a fish he's digging through his box to find the exact same thing. I've got that friend that asks a million questions on what he should do, then does the exact opposite of the advice I give. I've got that friend that no matter how many fish I'm catching refuses to take any advice or baits I may offer. They're all still my friends though. Nobody is perfect and I'm not going to let minor things ruin my day or my friendship with people.
    4 points
  8. Bigbill...calling bigbill..
    4 points
  9. what does community reputation mean? that I'm low on the "totem pole" in regards to other members standing on here? like Brett Favre says "it is what it is" if you don't like it don't watch. Peace Bass Bros Junebugman
    3 points
  10. I remember my first tournament. I not only didn't catch a fish, I never had a bite, all day. I felt like I should go home and quit the club I'd just worked to join (I was 16 so there was some hoops to jump through for a minor to join an adult bass club). I stuck with it though. Next tournament I came back and got 4th, then a 6th, then in my 4th tournament I won! Next tournament? First again! I ended up 3rd place overall, backseater of the year, and rookie of the year in a pretty big and competitive club. Fishing is such a mental sport. You really have to be able to keep getting up after you get knocked down, because it's going to happen and there's nothing you can do about it.
    3 points
  11. The ones I'm seeing that look different are in the stores right now. I haven't bought one in quite awhile, but I saw some on sale recently and didn't buy any because they didn't even look the same.
    3 points
  12. Walmart has followed the Amazon model and has products on their website that are sold and shipped by another company. So make sure you look at what company is actually selling the item. You can filter to only items for sale by Walmart
    3 points
  13. It has a good chance of voting and drinking as well...
    3 points
  14. My co-angler/fishing partner is the ultimate "that guy." Money wise he isn't too bad. He will pick up my food and entry fees most of the time. Very rarely do I ever fish without him. We work together, we have young kids, I coach football, he refs football, so our schedule is always the same which makes us available at the same time so it works out. Anyways I have all the stuff; boat, truck, gear, tackle, etc. He brings two 6' Ugly Sticks for show and a little tackle bag that I'm pretty sure only has trout gear in it. Once we get on the water he just uses EVERYTHING of mine and he is such a thinker. I'll almost always at least triple his fish count, but sometimes when the bite is slow that big brain comes up with something that beats me like a drum. If we fish for eight hours I will have my line in the water almost the entire time. He might fish a total of two hours because he is always changing baits, my baits. When I get home it's damage control. All of the cup holders on the boat are full of plastics so I have to put them all back where they are supposed to go. I'll never ditch the guy though. First, he is as into bass fishing as I am in an area of the world that hates it. Second, he fishes off of what I do and never complains. We have had days where I've caught over a hundred fish and he might catch three and he considers it an awesome day because we caught 103 fish.
    3 points
  15. Spring is coming early and we're back out there chasing the little green fish again. Protect yourself from the sun. I know, I know... sunshine is wonderful and keeps you warm and browns your skin and you look good because of it....nice....but the reality is that the stuff can give you a really ugly form of cancer that will scar you badly and maybe even kill you....so smarten up,,,, cover up and save your own skin....literally. Wear a hat, sunscreen(fresh every year), and if you can, protective clothing. I know that some of you have heard me on my soap box before, well I'm there again. Please listen to an old man who didn't do these things. Grampa
    2 points
  16. ^^ This is the answer ^^ Tracking studies of large bass in these deep, clear strip pit type lakes shows that they suspend a good majority of the time, and stay away from the banks and shallow cover. Topwaters, swimbaits, and anything else you can fish slowly for suspended fish (large wacky Senkos, live bait?) will be the answer. -T9
    2 points
  17. Put this one together and you'll make money. A-Jay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Portable-Electronic-Hanging-Fishing-Digital-Pocket-Weight-Hook-Scale-40kg-10g-/201182152447?hash=item2ed76406ff:g:vxYAAOSwnDZUKd7b http://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-FISH-GRIP-Jr-BLACK-7-Floating-Fishing-GRIPPER-Holder-Lip-Grip-Grabber-/371558884122?hash=item5682a2a31a:g:K3UAAOSwKtlWq7HO
    2 points
  18. For those who wish to have a boater/non boater event like this post. NOTE: this event would take some planning and would most likely be held toward the end of this year.
    2 points
  19. Let's try it this way and see what we get first if you don't mind me helping W/C. How about an input on how many will be willing to attend a bank beater event sometime in May/June? We need a show of hands here for ALL who would attend, it's important so that we pick the right place. For those interested and for the sake of having a hundred posts to sort through simply like this post. NOTE: both this post and the one below will be given two weeks to gather votes.
    2 points
  20. Looks like a custom painted Spro Aruku Shad.
    2 points
  21. Agree with A-Jay. I bought the scale above and installed the fish gripper as well. Nice and accurate scale for the price and I don't have to worry about stressing or harming the fish with the gripper.
    2 points
  22. Learn techniques that target suspended fish, because once the spawn is over, that is what those bass will be doing if they're not up shallow foraging. Using different Crankbaits that run at various depths, you may be able to find the depth of some fish willing to bite. Generally, on overcast days, they'll be high in the water column and on bright/sunny days deeper. Learn to count down a sinking bait and keep it at that depth and you'll be able to use a larger variety of lures. Topwater is another option. In clear water there are times when the bass will come up twenty feet to attack one. Just remember to pause it occasionally.
    2 points
  23. Yup, when I studied at the Guaymas unit of the ITESM we used to go squid fishing in the Cortez Sea. We caught these: Of course those required slightly more powerful stuff than regular squid gear.
    2 points
  24. Some of you guys may be interested in this,,, http://japantackle.com/bargain-cave/ud000010.html Thay also have a 2600C
    2 points
  25. nicely done. when the spinnerbait bite is on, you can just leave the other rods at home!
    2 points
  26. It's true. They're more practical than you think. It's only my most expensive reel by about $40, which isn't much considering the jump in tech and function between my BB1 Pro and the Exsence, and they are on different planets when it comes to usage. I also like the 8.1 ratio more than I thought I would. Also the heaviness works in its favor when it comes to balancing out longer and heavier powered rods.
    2 points
  27. I agree with fishinfiend, 5lbs. give or take a little
    2 points
  28. Tatsu if you're mainly casting, flipping fluoro for flipping/pitching.
    2 points
  29. It gets smashed in the right situations too, especially by smallies but largemouth love it too.
    2 points
  30. I have a 2012 with a 150 Pro XS. I've got a solid year of use with it now and have been happy with it so far. I haven't gotten the prop I need for it yet to get it to full potential. Right now I'm running the 24 pitch Lazer 2 that came with it but it needs a 23 pitch to get to full performance I believe (It doesn't spin the 24 fast enough but I have a 21 that sets off the alarm at WOT). It isn't quite as fast as I thought it might be (low 50's), but a different/better prop would bump it up a bit if that's an issue for you. It is a very smooth and dry ride though, which was my biggest concern due to the fact that the wind is always blowing here. Even in rolling white caps I can run and not shorten my spine in the process. The rod locker was too small, until I took the dividers out. With the dividers it holds about 12-15 rods with a max length of 7.5 feet. Without the divider like I have it now, it holds over 30 and I have rods up to 8' long and there's still room. I wish the step up or the center storage between the seats was a cooler instead of storage and the cooler and the starboard side storage were combined into one big storage area instead. The cooler is nice if you're packing a Thanksgiving dinner for 20 with you, but mostly I feel like it's just wasted space which is so precious in an 18' boat. I like the snap out carpet and keep mine out all winter and put it back in during the hot months to protect my dog from the extreme heat in the bottom of the boat. The textured finish on the floor and interior is a pain to clean, but it looks nice when it's cleaned. The center storage area holds quite a bit of tackle and a few rods if you want but I don't use it for rods. The flip up windshield on the passenger side is a great space saver and actually does about as good as a console does with blocking wind and spray. The livewell is huge, big enough my son gets inside of it and splashes around when it's hot. The 2 back storage areas have a lot of room and the bins are easy to remove if you need to access something inside the hull of your motor (made running the wires for my Garmins very easy). Plenty of room for batteries, tools, extra oil, whatever in the back storage and it's very open so accessing it is easy. The built in boarding ladder is nice and easy to use when in the water (we use it all the time when it's hot and jumping in the water is almost required to make it through the day). The trailer is good but I really feel like it should almost be a dual axle, just seems like a lot of boat for a single axle. I really think the boat should be rated for a 200hp at over 18 1/2' long, but obviously they did their homework and felt a 175 was big enough and I'm not going to upgrade anyways. Overall, glad I bought it. It's been a great first step into the world of bass boats and I wouldn't have a problem recommending it to someone else.
    2 points
  31. I have noticed this as well, I'm a fan of the "original version" of the RC STX's, I don't like the look of the new ones... the paint isn't as detailed, and the body has a more pronounced scale pattern to it. You can identify the new versions as they have the blue Luck"E"Strike logo on the front bottom of the package, the old ones don't. +1 Just when I had a perfectly good cheap Megabass Vision 110 alternative they had to go and ruin it, thanks a lot... WolfyBrandon
    2 points
  32. I've got over 75 reels. It's become an obsession
    2 points
  33. Its tough to say as reel types are a personal preference. Spinning reels seem to be easier for people to learn to use but most people eventually migrate to a bait caster. There are some techniques that are better suited to spinning gear and some that are better suited for bait casters so you may need to make a choice between spinning and bait casting before you decide anything else. There are several threads on the boards regarding best reels and rods under $100. I personally prefer bait casters and if I could only choose one setup it would be a 7' Medium Heavy, fast action rod paired with a 5+ ball bearing 6.4:1 reel.
    2 points
  34. Hot Sauce should only be used on Mexican food. It has no place in the fishing industry for this guy!
    2 points
  35. It's a synthetic Explosive for all you guys that didn't know like me. I learn somthing new every day! Thanks AJ!
    2 points
  36. Wish I had a scale to weigh this one. Caught her dropshotting a trick worm on 10lb test. What do you guys think she weighs.
    2 points
  37. if that fished weighed 4 pounds you have the biggest thumbs I have ever seen or you need a new scale just kidding nice fish
    2 points
  38. This time of year I like short arm Colorado blade by Stan Sloan Zorro lures or big beetle spins (listed as saltwater version) or War Eagle 5/16ths finesse spinner baits with colors depending on water clarity.
    2 points
  39. Fished Friday and Saturday mornings with much better success for Friday.. I caught 6 fish in the first hour and had a BEAST of a fish get off under the canoe on my second cast. I did get to see her and she had a mouthful of swimbait and weeds until coming off. I would have been more dissapointed if I didn't get a few 3.5 pounders to eat up but the action was great. All of the fish came on the catchem caro uncle manny minnow..
    2 points
  40. Something else to add- Make sure your rod has enough backbone to set the hook. With light wire hooks this shouldn't be a problem, but some of my Shakey Heads have Owner deep throat hooks, and with that gauge wire on a hook you need a bit stouter rod! Jeff
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Both! Both work well when conditions meet the need for each application.
    2 points
  43. Thank you guys- I'm not a big poster but always check in. I think Glenn and his wife have done a great job over the years....I'm a big fan! z
    2 points
  44. It aint the line It aint the rod It is the operator Like it or not you are letting it get in your head & your partner beating you 15-3 is making it worse!
    2 points
  45. Something crazy tomorrow
    1 point
  46. Mark, in the 2012 season of your show you fished with Davy Hite at the Kingfisher Soc. You took great care to point out the feeders there and mentioned that we may see other shows filmed there whose hosts may fail to mention that fact. I saw such a show and listened while the host waxed poetic about all the elements of nature coming together to result in such a profusion of huge bluegill. Then I saw a feeder in the distance and put 2 and 2 together. I still see this guy from time to time (he belongs out there in the wild). What a tool! We luv ya cause we always get the real deal. Keep up the good work. Lynn Not fishin' for a reply here! Just putting it out there.
    1 point
  47. War eagle spinnerbaits all the way. All of there spinnerbaits are fish catching machines.
    1 point
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