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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2016 in all areas

  1. I got invited to fish a private strip pit this past week, only catch was I had to provide a boat, which I just happen to have Water was super muddy (less than 6" visibility), and we've had cold front after cold front and we were in the middle of a cold front on this day. Knew it would be tough but at least those conditions make locating them easy. So I rigged a rod up with a black finesse jig with a black and blue trailer and started flipping at everything right on the bank. Took about 30 minutes before I lifted my rod after the initial drop and it was smoking off the bank. The new 70XHG caught up with her quickly and buried the hook home. Not much movement on the hookset made me feel happy on the inside and when she did her cold water wallow on the surface, it brought a smile to my face. She ate the jig completey down the hatch like I love to see. A quick couple pictures and a weight (5lb 7oz), and she was back in the water to get warmed back up and get ready to make some babies.
    13 points
  2. I have a dear friend I fished with for over 30 years. Over those 30 years I fished with Tom Shaw almost every weekend. We fished all over south Florida and one little habit drove me nuts. If I was catching fish and Tom wasn't he would start whistling different songs and his whistling stunk! I would never say anything to Tom about it, because if he was whistling, I was killing them and he wasn't. I forgot to tell you, Tom was my boss, and the best boss you could ever have! We lost Tom a few years ago, and I would give anything to hear Tom whistling again in the back of that boat. There is never a day, or a trip, I don't think about my buddy! Friends like Tom are far and few between. Love you buddy!
    9 points
  3. Something crazy tomorrow
    7 points
  4. I had a good day fishing by myself. They were hammering a Bama Craw Finesse Jig with a Baby Bama Rage Craw. The biggest was 4.4lbs. Good day and some fun.
    7 points
  5. Went Friday afternoon and the fish fooled me. Was only able to trick 1 dink. Went back this morning and we fooled them! Caught plenty, mostly small, but did fool this one gal off a wind blown point in about 14 fow with a swimbait. Jeff
    7 points
  6. Here's a short clip on the NEW Rage Tail Swimmer that I promised during our BassResource Dinner at the Classic... Be sure and let me know if you have any questions! They should be hitting some store shelves, online etc. here pretty soon. Hopefully Siebert Outdoors will receive one of the first orders too... I'm trying to get his orders moved up the list, we'll see The differences to other swimmers out there: *More And Faster action at slower retrieve speeds. *More body action as well & RT body keeps moving at faster speeds where others only has tail action at faster speed. *We have 6 per pack on 4.75's they have 5. We have 7 3.75s where they have 6. *Our bodies have hybrid rage bug/rodent ribs where others have straight ribs. Hope you like'em!!! https://youtu.be/XC_un6to74U
    5 points
  7. We had the dreaded spring cold front pass through Friday night just as the water temps were hitting the 60 degree mark. Was fishing with two other anglers on Saturday and we all struggled to find the bite. I got 3 bass in a full day of fishing but at least they were all quality fish. I was pitching a 1/2 ounce Stanley Spinnerbait around shoreline wood.
    5 points
  8. 5 points
  9. Got out after the guys from a local tourney finished, (the winning bag was only 11.02 pounds) but had a hard time finding water that hadn't already been hit to hard. Did fairly well once I found a good cove, with the total being seventeen bass. I was fishing in two to five feet of water in the back half of coves, most bass coming off of sun warmed rip rap banks. A lot of them were just little twelve inch dinks, but my best five weighed about 9-10 pounds. I tried fishing a jig, but only got two little giys. The rest were caught on the trd fished with a very different retrieve. I started out using the drag/deastick, blanked, tried swim glide shake, blanked, and then tried hopping it off the bottom like a jig. Surprisingly the retrieve they wanted was giving it two little hops and letting it sink back to the bottom, kind of like using a jig. Maybe the bass thought it was a crawfish or little invertebrate, but that was the first time I had tried that retrieve. It was still windy today, but it was a little less and it didn't swirl around changing directions so much, making it possible to find a protected cove.
    5 points
  10. Threw a set og corks I had around on the J dream and some Boca 7's
    5 points
  11. Thank you guys- I'm not a big poster but always check in. I think Glenn and his wife have done a great job over the years....I'm a big fan! z
    5 points
  12. Ended up tying my PB rainbow for I think the third time with a 21"er. Pretty fish for a stocked trout.
    4 points
  13. if that fished weighed 4 pounds you have the biggest thumbs I have ever seen or you need a new scale just kidding nice fish
    4 points
  14. and the two of you meet my new PB!!! Me: Yeah these look nice, think i'll pick up a few of those. Wife: Don't you have enough baits by now? Me: Don't you have enough shoes by now? Wife: So which colors are you getting?
    4 points
  15. It is all in your mind. If you don't mind, it don't matter. The converse is also true. I've used Trilene XL for years. I use 4, 6 and 8 on my spinning reels, and 8,10,*** on my castings reels. The only exception is when I go trout fishing, I'll spool up a couple of spare reels with 4lb Invisx, because sometimes it makes a difference when fishing for trout in clear water. After reading the many threads about line, I'm amazed that I catch any fish using this line. According to the "wisdom" often dispensed hear, I have many problems. 1. I can't feel any bites because my line is so insensitive. 2. I can't set the hook when I do managed to detect a bite, because my line is so stretchy. 3. in the unlikely event that I do manage to get a hook set, I can't land the fish because my line will break if it comes in contact with anything, because my line is so non-abrasion resistant. And, because my line absorbs water, which makes it even weaker and stretchier. I guess I'm really lucky to catch any fish at all.
    4 points
  16. Fished Friday and Saturday mornings with much better success for Friday.. I caught 6 fish in the first hour and had a BEAST of a fish get off under the canoe on my second cast. I did get to see her and she had a mouthful of swimbait and weeds until coming off. I would have been more dissapointed if I didn't get a few 3.5 pounders to eat up but the action was great. All of the fish came on the catchem caro uncle manny minnow..
    4 points
  17. Been out a few times over the last several days and had ok results. Yesterday I hit a couple local ponds, one skunked me and the other with is our subdivision pond honored me with this roughly 3 pounder on my first cast. Bought a new AVID X - ML-XF so it was rewarding getting a fish on a new rod with the first cast. Used Uncle Ned with a PB&J TRD.
    4 points
  18. I have that one friend, who works out like a beast and is too strong for hook sets. I let him borrow my rod 1 time.....1 TIME.... And he breaks it on a hook set. Jeff
    4 points
  19. I've got that friend that never pays or thinks that $10 should cover it when I drive an hour both ways and run all over the lake. I've got that friend that borrows tackle and then forgets to give it back at the end of the day. I've got that friend that's always later than he says he'll be. I've got that friend that never mentions he has to leave early until we get to the lake. I've got that friend that as soon as I catch a fish he's digging through his box to find the exact same thing. I've got that friend that asks a million questions on what he should do, then does the exact opposite of the advice I give. I've got that friend that no matter how many fish I'm catching refuses to take any advice or baits I may offer. They're all still my friends though. Nobody is perfect and I'm not going to let minor things ruin my day or my friendship with people.
    4 points
  20. Some of my small Ambassadeurs. My favorite light lure reels.
    4 points
  21. 4 points
  22. Just hit the news the new rage tail swimmer looks interesting and come packed 6 vs Keitech 5 I know there are some Ragetail fans here.
    4 points
  23. I often see posts with anglers replacing trebles and split rings on baits and the one split ring that is mentioned most of the time is the Owner Hyper wire split rings. Well, as a tackle maker and an angler I'm telling everyone that we are over paying for 16 or 14 split rings. I spoke to a rep from Worth manufacturing where I get my spinner blades and ball bearing swivels from and asked them why the Owners are so much better. They told me to order their standard split ring in nickel or zinc plated steel, those are made from the same type of steel as the hyper wire rings, and that is "spring steel". The spring steel makes them stronger with very little to no memory and that was music to my ears since I go through a lot of split rings making bladed jigs. The problem with stainless is that they can deform, and then they weaken and open up, spring steel can deform but it goes right back to its original form keeping its strength and it has worked for me. I was having a problem with opening split rings for my bladed swim jigs and the ring would just stay open, then I got the hyper wire and problem solved but they aren't cost effective. So after I contacted Worth I found I could get the nickel plated spring steel split rings from Barlows Tackle and it would cost me a little under $5.00 per 100 and so I tried them and I've been using them ever since. 6 solid years and zero failures even with a flipping stick and 65lb braid, after that test I was sold and I've been happy ever since. The Owner Hyper Wires are great, I know because I bought them too but the price for so few rings had me search and ask questions and I'm happy to say that I've found a cost effective solution. So, if you need split rings look for "spring steel" in the description, those are the best in strength and memory.
    3 points
  24. My grand daughter and her first ever.
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. Jealous as hell... I look out the window here and its snowing... Good luck!
    3 points
  27. Nice fat chunk for sure! Jeff
    3 points
  28. This is my favorite smallmouth color. I like the half of a pink trick worm or a pink grass pig Jr.
    3 points
  29. I buy a lot of stuff and never thought of posting it. So gonna post a small amount of stuff I recently purchased. Wish I would of seen this earlier, but have a good amount of stuff being purchased in the next cpl months.
    3 points
  30. Punching is nothing more than making sure your jig or texas rig make it through the cover on the surface and falls to the bottom. Often Fall Rate is the key to getting bit, but you can control the fall rate by controlling the line (I find that tough to do at times) or using a larger skirt, type of trailer etc. Braid is great for cutting weeds, but it is also loud and can also get hung up alot and dig into any wood or certain types of grass. Have some 25lb test leader ready just in case, or you can just pull of 20 yards of braid and use some copoly or fluoro for mainline so you only have one knot and it helps for abrasion resistance...make sure you protect your not with a bead, soft bait button, or extra bobber stop so the weight is not banging it or anything sharp....Tungsten will cut through your line if it lacks an insert or has sharp edges. Punching a Senko is a great way to get through heavy grass or mats with less weight and still get a fast fall. If it takes me an ounce to punch through a mat with a Punch weight and creature/craw, I can usually put a senko on a weight half the size, maybe even a 1/4 ounce if I use a larger senko and streamlined head like a grass style Jighead with the Line Tie at 90%, the kind most people swim. Good examples of great punch jigs are the Dandy Jigs, AT Punch Jig, and Strike King Hack Attack is a good all around shelf jig for swimming or punching etc...Depends on the type of grass but a few jigs in each weight 1/4,1/2,3/4,1oz and 1.25 is all you really need, and 3/8. One last tip...Many times during the day especially when the sun is out, the Bass suspend under the mats, and if you hear bluegills popping, try to let your bait fall and then lift it up and pin it against the mat. Once pinned, Shake it, pause, and maybe bang it and let it fall a few feet and repeat..Once you find a pattern, it should hold up for a while..I always try to use the lightest weights possible, but sometimes you think you are getting through but you really are only getting down a few feet. Make sure you know how deep the water is, and put a marker on your line so you know that you are on bottom...From there you can experiment...Different types of skirts slow the fall, rubber vs. Silicone etc. Bulky baits vs. Slim. I rarely go over 1.25 oz, I don't enjoy using anything heavier because it can be tough to hook fish as the bigger weights pop when you set the hook and you miss fish more than you would like. It is early to have to use over an ounce anyhow but sometimes a fast fall in clear deeper water helps. I would make sure you get some Punch Jigs since some days they want a jig over anything else, sometimes a texas rig with small creature (Most common for heavy weights since you need a streamline bait) and get a few punch skirts-some days they won't touch a bait with a punch skirt, some days you almost need it, plus it helps you get lighter weights through without junk on them. Make your own, save money, and you can make them with a little creativity once you see one. You don't need alot of colors either...Green pumpkin,Brown, Watermelons,blacks...and a shad color...if panfish in area, add some orange or chart...spike it markers save you lots of money...Good luck, setting the hook in heavy cover never get's old, and when in doubt, swing, you never know...Even the best guys swing at times when grass is stuck on the jig, you learn to weight it but sometimes hits are mushy, you feel the double click, or just get hammered...as mentioned, watch your line on the way down, if it jumps it is a fish. I like bright line and I color the ends so I can see the line but the rest is camo...
    3 points
  31. Fallfish or River Chub, whatever you want to call it. If you squeeze them while unhooking them they make a really weird squealing noise lol. Catch them frequently when searching for trout with the fly.
    3 points
  32. If this is gay, I don't want to be straight...
    3 points
  33. With a firm $200 budget I'd go St. Croix Avid.
    3 points
  34. BPS ProQualifier/CarbonLite combo sounds right up your alley.
    3 points
  35. 15.5ft 1981 DuraCraft SS with 77' 55hp Chrysler. Johnson TM. She's older, but she's in great shape and works flawlessly.
    3 points
  36. I am too old for that stuff now I only run for two reasons Cops and Bears
    3 points
  37. I have a "that guy". He takes FOREVER, and it doesn't even matter what it is. He is always late, and every little step is as if he was a 80+yo man... Loading the boat could take an hour lol. Stopping for gas? Who knows. Could be a coffee, a sandwich, a bathroom break, all of the above and maybe a pony ride too if they've got 'em.
    3 points
  38. My partner and I guide on the Mattawomen for snakehead and bass. It went from booming bonanza to very tough fishing. We still catch them but, man do you have to work hard. Bowfishermen not only decimate the fish but, the grasses too. That affects the largemouth. They use the outboard to run right at the edge of the hydrilla and spadderdock fields, a lot of the times leaving it quite a mess. Snakehead have their nitch in the ecosystem. 85% of their diet in the Potomac River system is banded killifish. There is zero proof the snakehead are affecting the forage base, bass or other native (relative term) fish in the water system. Snakehead breed many times per year. Their young have become a major food source for fish and birds.
    3 points
  39. This is the latest addition to my old baitcaster collection. It's the brown Ambassadeur 5500. Manufacture date,....Jan. 1976. Hootie
    2 points
  40. Well, spring break is finally over and back to work tomorrow. The weather has been less than desirable with several days with very heavy rain. Only got out a few times but made it worth while. I fished for about an hour today. I caught 3 and missed two. Here are a couple of them...
    2 points
  41. Here is my advice for a budget of $150 Buy a spinning rod and reel. Spinning gear will allow you to buy higher quality for a lower price. Spinning gear is necessary in some situations. For example I have been fishing the shad lately and throwing a small lightweight jig to catch them. No way could I throw the jig on my baitcaster. You can also throw into heavy wind. You can cast at night etc... If your budget has to include line and possibly some tackle you will need to budget for that to get setup. Don't assume rod/reel combos are the best deal. Do your research and wait for sales. Spend your money wisely. IMO Pflueger (like the President) makes some great spinning reels for the money. Go put your hands on a lot of rods and find what feels best in your hand. Dont overlook house brand rods (BPS, Cabelas) as they often have rods made by the same places that make name brand rods and they go on sale often. They usually come with a more hassle free warranty as well. For line, I have used braid for longer than I can remember so I cant give an objective opinion on braid vs anything else. I can say I don't like Power Pro but do like Sufix. I have caught a LOT of fish on a spinning rod and reel so don't get too hung up on this vs that. Buy the best quality your budget allows and budget for everything you need before spending a penny. Wait for the sales that will come like this: http://www.cabelas.com/product/fishing/rod-reel-combos/spinning-combos|/pc/104793480/c/104762880/sc/105791580/pflueger-reg-president-reg-cabela-s-tourney-trail-reg-split-grip-spinning-combo/1325675.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fspinning-combos%2F_%2FN-1102843%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_105791580
    2 points
  42. Most of the tackle sellers like Bass PRI in Hooksett, most Walmart or a Dick's sporting goods. Biggest selection rage stuff would probably be Bass Pro. Got out on the Nashua River on Saturday as the rain started and went up to the strech around the golf course. Lost 2 shadow raps on submerged trees which was rough. The current up there is brutal in a kayak. Threw my new *** jerkbait and caught a couple of 1 pounders and some other weird fish. I included a pic to see if you guys can identify it. Maybe a white perch?
    2 points
  43. There sure are some sensitive little ladies on here. I would expect a little more Testosterone on a bass fishing forum.
    2 points
  44. You can punch with any size weight. There isn't a rule that X size is punching and <X is not. If 3/8 is light enough to get through some matted grass, then you're punching /w a 3/8 oz weight. I punch matted river grass mats /w a 1/4oz + stick bait in areas I normally use 1/2oz + /w a creature.
    2 points
  45. The PQ is awesome, I have three of them. They are perfect for some of my setups. They balance well on my carbon lite rods. So they are permanent fixture on them. They also balance on my Shimano Clarus crank bait rod. To me balance is better than lightweight. The weight of the PQ helps in those situations. I am also a Shimano guy.
    2 points
  46. I don't think it matters. I used the original Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap for many years in everything from muddy to crystal clear water with good results. Of course, that was before I knew that I was supposed to be using silent baits in clear water.
    2 points
  47. 2 points
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