On my last trip to Toho in 2008, I hired a guide..........without him I would have gotten lost out there. I hired him for a full 8 hours, and we spent the morning fishing shiners. I didn't catch a super sized hog by Florida standards, I caught one over 8lbs, and a bunch more 3-5lb fish. It WAS NOT fast and furious fishing, probably just average. About half way through the day I said "dude............I can't take it anymore, sitting here watching a bobber. Give me a flipping stick and lets get to work." He complied with my wish's , and we went to flipping worms and creature baits. Caught a bunch, and another one over 6lbs. All in all it was a good day, and positive exp. I'd do it again. The guide was a super nice guy. Picked me up at the resort, and dropped me back off. He had a "no fish, no pay" policy, and like I said, he let me do "my thing". The first hour on the lake or so with him was a little dicey.................#1 I am NOT used to running 70MPH in a boat through dirt shallow water with cattails whipping by my head like and angry swarm of bee's LOL, #2 It had been 15 years since I used shiners for bass (actually never for bass only pike) so there was a slight learning curve, and #3..........I imagine he gets a ton of clients who are 100% not fisherman, it took him a little while to realize he didn't have to "dumb down" things (other than the shiner fishing 101) for me. By the end of the day we were both on the front deck flipping and punching, talking trash to each other, and joking around like long time tournament buddies. His name is Steve Boyd, I just did a quick google search, and he popped right up and is still guiding. HTH.