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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2016 in all areas

  1. My grand daughter and her first ever.
    11 points
  2. Metanium mgl arrived today and I was finally able to complete my newest combo. Shimano Poison Adrena 6'10 M/MF with Shimano Metanium Mgl XG
    9 points
  3. My first bass of the year here in Buffalo.
    6 points
  4. Or did they? My good man at Otterrods has done it again. Having a couple (ok 3 ) of the stage I Diablo SB rods and two of the Stage II SB rods, I was disappointed to find out that Megabass would not be building a SB variant of the Diablo Stage 3. Pairing a brand new Diablo Stage III with the slantbridge of a Jabbewock Evolution SB, I could not be more pleased with the results. Will post more pictures next week once I receive the rod. I think it will look very good with my tuned Megabass Monoblock Speciale. I'm going to call it...Diablo Stage III FXX
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. Threw a set og corks I had around on the J dream and some Boca 7's
    5 points
  7. Spent all of last week at Kentucky Lake. We caught bass every day with a few good ones. For some reason I can't access all the pictures. This is a few of the better fish. No really big fish this year. When it is windy, Kentucky Lake is not an easy place to fisH! Good trip though. Most of the better fish were caught on shakeyheads and finesse worms, with a few on Beavers. A few on crankbaits, traps and spinnerbaits. Nothing on chatterbait or A-rigs. Edit: I am the good looking young guy (in the Cablelas shirt).
    4 points
  8. Just so everyone knows that was just an April Fools gag.
    4 points
  9. Shimano Convergence 7'2'' Medium-Heavy, Fast Action, IM-7 Graphite - Baitcaster Rod (Dedicated Jig Rod) Berkley Trilene Professional Grade Braid (40lb) [Low-Vis Green] - My first ever braided line... for my dedicated Jig combo (the above rod paired with an Abu Garcia Orra SX2 Baitcaster. I decided on 40lb, because I wanted the 10lb dia. (The combo may also be used for Frogs, Swim Jigs, Bladed Jigs, & medium sized Swimbaits.) Line Review... WolfyBrandon
    3 points
  10. haven't fished in like 16 years, finally got around to buying new gear because I'm heading to Quetico for 8 days later this year.
    3 points
  11. "Just Getting Started" Guaranteed To Catch Bass I just cant catch bass Learning to fish on your own
    3 points
  12. Hey guys, Life was pretty busy for me this last couple of months and I decided to take a break from some online stuff. But now that I'm back I couldn't resist posting some fish pics. Bite's been pretty good here in NC. One of the reasons why I've been busy is that I connected with a guy on bass live who lives 5 minutes away from me and I've been fishing tournaments with him and learning a lot about lakes and boat fishing. It's been a great experience. The biggest bass in the first pic is the same one as the fourth. And he told me to hold it close to the camera It was 5.7, caught it on a chatterbait on Jordan Lake.
    2 points
  13. I had a family emergency I was bank fishing, loaded up my car as fast as I could and headed for the emergency room. I got home 10 hours later to a message on my home answering machine, which with cell phones hardly ever gets used anymore. Mr. Harvey this is so and so we found your tackle box at the pond and would like to return it. now this is my big tackle bag 1000s of dollars worth of lures in this thing it would take me years to build it back up, not counting all the irreplaceable lures that are either old or just good fish catchers. I want to ask this community what should I do for them in return when I meet to get my tackle this afternoon? im thinking some cash but how much im not loaded by any means, or maybe offer them a day out on my boat this summer? either way I cant begin to explain how thankful I am someone honest found my bag and then used my fishing license to track me down makes me have a little faith in society.
    2 points
  14. It pays to sign up to be on jpanglers email list. Looks like Steez Ltd is on clearance sale. I’d prefer we keep this info from TT because I’m not sure how much they have in stock. If you “know” please don’t "post".
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. When I saw this the fist thing that went through my head was "BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL"
    2 points
  17. So it started snowing this morning...might as well swap some parts around.
    2 points
  18. Scored a good deal on a new Megabass Orochii xx Diablo Spec R. On one of the big commercial sellers on that auction site I sent an offer than was lowballing them pretty good (they were trying to sell it for MRSP) and sure enough they accepted $240 w/free shipping so Im stoked!
    2 points
  19. Excellent reel Hootie. I'm becoming a bigger fan of the round reels myself.
    2 points
  20. I don't think it matters. I used the original Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap for many years in everything from muddy to crystal clear water with good results. Of course, that was before I knew that I was supposed to be using silent baits in clear water.
    2 points
  21. I kind of figure it was, but still had a pit in my stomach. Having just paid full price about a month ago. Now that I know I didn't overpay by $200 I can go back to my regular level of buyers remorse.
    2 points
  22. I like the logic here. If a new bait will only produce when others are working you don't need the new one. I look for new things that will add to the bites I can get with I have. Probably 75% of my fishing time is some sort or R&D related to Rod components or throwing a "new" bait or lure.
    2 points
  23. Went to a new pond last night, well i had gone once before for about an hour, but didn't catch that day. Had 3 rods with me with a spinnerbait, jig and wacky rigged senko. My intent was to catch a fish on each and i nailed it! 2 on the wacky rig, 1 jig fish and 1 spinnerbait fish (a 3rd wacky fish jumped off right at the bank). The jig was a @cadman head with a homemade skirt i tied up and a yamamoto craw which the fish nailed on the drop. Spinnerbait was a war eagle with a homemade skirt and the deadly keitech swing impact for the trailer with a little JJs magic dip on the tail. Really nice little pond with some decent cover and a big fountain in the middle of it so i think i'll be back But next time, i'm taking some bug spray with me, they nearly carried me off last night!
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I laughed at that too. Lol...
    2 points
  26. Got to take 2 Tatula 100 reels on their maiden voyage today. Wow are those smooth reels for less than $100. I am by no means a baitcast reel expert. Not a single backlash and the wind was blowing 15mph+. Even kinda tested it throwing straight into the wind not an issue. First time out for my Dobyns Fury 705CB rod. Perfect lipless rod. First time out for my Daiwa Zillion rod. Feels like a million bucks or should I say zillionAnd that 10 pound Yozuri hybrid felt great. I just wanted to give you all a shout out for your input in helping me put together some great set ups. That's not even including the NRX rods yet. I haven't fished those yet. Today was about the casting rods. Two thumbs up!!
    2 points
  27. Great! It is fun to test out gear. I'd like to hear about the NRX test. I too went out to test one of my new Metaniums (hg) and a Curado 70 XG. I didn't get to try the Curado because I just couldn't let go of the metanium. All I have to say is wow. So effortless and not only is it smoooooth I was able to hit this island that I always fell short from the bank. I had to get use to the distance I was hitting as I kept over shooting my targets.
    2 points
  28. Sounds like a great time! Love testing new gear out.
    2 points
  29. It's unfortunate that most employees will only the least amount of work necessary to get by. Finding good employees is very difficult in this day and age. Let the owner know if you can get a hold of them. As a business owner myself I appreciate constructive criticism. It only makes us want to do better and take care of our clients. Your dad sounds like a fine man. You're fortunate to have one that cares enough to do that.
    2 points
  30. Haven't spawned yet. Been really weird year. I was down in Alabama two weeks ago and they were just starting to move up for the preapawn. Coworkers buddy down in TN said they haven't started yet either.
    2 points
  31. I think their should be some kind of fine or penalty for a pro that lies about what they are throwing when they win a big tournament specially the classic. I feel that it's just straight out wrong and dishonest some sort of punishment should be given.
    2 points
  32. My old lady's not gonna be happy about this
    2 points
  33. Was a little chilly this morning, but by afternoon the fish perked up a little. This is the best of four. Hootie
    2 points
  34. http://www.amazon.com/Boomerang-BTC203-The-Snip-Braid/dp/B016070OSE Take my word for it or just read the reviews. This is what you need.
    2 points
  35. I do the opposite.............when they are really biting, they will bite anything............I try new stuff when it's a tough bite, because if I am hauling water with my usual routine, I want to see if showing them something new and exciting is going to generate a few bites............if it does, it goes in the "experiment with later" pile.
    2 points
  36. Phenix Recon 2 683C Yumeya BFS MG 32MM Spool for the curado 51e
    2 points
  37. my mom was in a near death car accident when i was about 13 and was airlifted from franklin, nc to asheville, nc... my dad was driving my brother and i over and was hauling.... a state trooper friend of ours had put out the word that we were headed to the hospital and not to pull him over so he was doing about 90 MPH the whole way there. along the way a car was just puttering along in the left lane and then started taunting my dad as he would try to pass them in the right lane. he managed to get beside them and they were laughing and gave him the middle finger, which usually sets my dad off anyways! about that time he pulled out the S&W 357 with the 6 inch barrel and rolled down the window and didn't point it at the car, but up in the air. they locked down the brakes and went from about 55MPH to nearly 0MPH instantly!!! we went on to the hospital!
    2 points
  38. They are great! I am particular to the Keitech, or other ribbed swimbaits during the pre spawn because the water is colder and the ribs displace more water. All other swimbaits will work. As far as spawn and post spawn, they work just as great. Bass become very protective of their beds, and then their fry once they are off the beds, therefor swimbaits that mimic bluegills or perch become very successful because they are prime suspects in fry killing. When post spawn turns into late summer, I will still fish swimbaits, only deeper. If the lake you are fishing has smallmouth, my favorite and most productive way to catch smallmouth is a 3" swimbait fished on a tungsten ball head jig on spinning gear fished off points in 25-40ft of water.
    2 points
  39. all 6 for $15 bucks on amazon. the rate i lose lures, if i bought named brand lures id be in serious debt.
    2 points
  40. Juice...Dont worry too much about "what seems to work well for the big dogs". If Senkos catch fish for you then You're the big dog on your home waters. Mike
    2 points
  41. Testing new gear is fun. One reason I have too much. Another reason being fishing suxs in my area so new-2-me gear keeps me going out. Sounds like you are putting together some nice outfits. Can't go wrong with a Tatula reel. About the only complaint I've read about is some don't like the ergonomics. Be sure to let us know about the NRX spinning rods and the reels you use on them. I congratulate you, and the Bait Monkey is dancing a jig.
    1 point
  42. First one on the new rod. Not a big one but it beats nothing!
    1 point
  43. About half of my bigger bass in the last 3-4 years have been on roadrunners. We should stop sharing this secret though
    1 point
  44. Put a minnow on a hook with a weight and a bobber and use another rod to fan the area with a lure while you wait for something to smash that minnow..
    1 point
  45. Make it a job and you wont enjoy it anymore
    1 point
  46. I would give him what cash I could spare. I would also offer to take him fishing. It is hard to find honest people like that who knows you might have just found a new fishing buddy.
    1 point
  47. Stick baits are used on the Elite Series. I'd post pics but I'm not allowed.
    1 point
  48. This is what I found out as well after experimenting with them for about 2 months. No difference in catch rate and the red coating would flake off after a few fish. The other thing I found was that the red hooks were weaker and broke more often than BLN ones. Allen
    1 point
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