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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Offer a day out on the water and maybe youll make a new fishing partner. I wouldn't accept cash for returning someones property
    8 points
  2. http://www.amazon.com/Boomerang-BTC203-The-Snip-Braid/dp/B016070OSE Take my word for it or just read the reviews. This is what you need.
    7 points
  3. I do the opposite.............when they are really biting, they will bite anything............I try new stuff when it's a tough bite, because if I am hauling water with my usual routine, I want to see if showing them something new and exciting is going to generate a few bites............if it does, it goes in the "experiment with later" pile.
    7 points
  4. Phenix Recon 2 683C Yumeya BFS MG 32MM Spool for the curado 51e
    7 points
  5. I had a family emergency I was bank fishing, loaded up my car as fast as I could and headed for the emergency room. I got home 10 hours later to a message on my home answering machine, which with cell phones hardly ever gets used anymore. Mr. Harvey this is so and so we found your tackle box at the pond and would like to return it. now this is my big tackle bag 1000s of dollars worth of lures in this thing it would take me years to build it back up, not counting all the irreplaceable lures that are either old or just good fish catchers. I want to ask this community what should I do for them in return when I meet to get my tackle this afternoon? im thinking some cash but how much im not loaded by any means, or maybe offer them a day out on my boat this summer? either way I cant begin to explain how thankful I am someone honest found my bag and then used my fishing license to track me down makes me have a little faith in society.
    5 points
  6. Hey Folks! We have released an update to the forums with many bug fixes, performance improvements, and feature enhancements. If you are experiencing any issues, please clear your cache and restart your browser. Also note that with this update, the forums are reindexing everything right now, so you may see some anomalies for the next day or two. The most notable update is: Activity Stream Interface Improvements Activity Streams were first introduced in December’s update, and have been very well received by people who enjoy all the flexibility they create in filtering and sorting content for easy discovery of what is being posted. As with any new feature, we received a lot of feedback and have had time to take that in and make improvements to mature the Activity Streams with key changes being interface, performance, and bug fixes in the system. One recurring theme we heard were people saying "the new Activity Streams cannot do..." when actually they could do it but the options were not obvious. We used to have the options in a large drop down box that members could edit and then save to update their Stream. This meant that options were not clearly visible and therefore people did not even know all the powerful settings available to them. So we have moved those options into a new dynamic filter bar. With the new filter bar you see all your options available right there. We also changed the interface so Streams instantly update when you make a change. You no longer have to click save and update, wait for interface to collapse, and so on. Now your changes instantly update your Stream. When you do change your Stream settings a save button appears prompting you to save your new selection. You can choose to save if you like the new options or not if it is just a temporary change you made. If you edit filters on a stream you do not own then it will prompt you to save your options as a new stream. We hope you enjoy this more dynamic approach to Activity Streams. Additional New or Changed Features When your link auto-embeds in a post such as with an image, YouTube video, Twitter link, etc. an option will now display to revert the embed back to a plain text link if you do not want the embed. Facebook/Twitter integration improvements Placing a link to a Facebook status will embed when possible. Inline notifications can now be dismissed Efficiency improvements to the search index You can now close a poll independently of the topic Enjoy!
    5 points
  7. It pays to sign up to be on jpanglers email list. Looks like Steez Ltd is on clearance sale. I’d prefer we keep this info from TT because I’m not sure how much they have in stock. If you “know” please don’t "post".
    4 points
  8. Sorry it's not a bass, but it's opening day of trout season here in NY and the weather was nice so I hit up the local stream a few minutes from home. Managed to get one little stocked rainbow on a Mepps spinner and ultralight tackle. Bass fishing is still a ways off up here so I'll keep hitting the stream for a few weeks.
    4 points
  9. Bassresource.com is absolutely the #1 bass fishing website on the internet. I've been a fan for the 12+ years we've been doing the show and even before that!....and I'm constantly directing folks who want to learn and discuss fishing to Glenn's site. What I love about BR is that it's for all skill levels of fisherpeople. We've featured a bunch of BR members on the show and will continue to do so! And yes, I will be attending a BR event one of these days and recording the camaraderie of all the fine folks for the world to see! Thank you Glenn for your support
    4 points
  10. The latest Lund standard safety feature ~ safety ladder stores in hull and pulls out when needed. A-Jay
    4 points
  11. I like bocas but man their site can be confusing. That type r is super solid. Kind of wish I kept it instead of selling it. I replaced it with a exsence DC for my frog reel.
    4 points
  12. BINGO.... This is my finesse lineup, no problem for 1/8oz jigs:
    4 points
  13. 3 things... Write to the owner or gm of the place to let them know the manager they're paying is failing. Great job by your dad, kids never forget lessons like that. Honor role student? Role? Really..
    4 points
  14. I will always try a, "new to me" bait when the fishing is really hot. That will tell me, "usually" if it's a good bait. I know there are exceptions. A couple of my fishing buddies will break out a new lure when they are not hitting anything. Not a fair test in my opinion. If you can't catch them on your "go to" bait, how can you dismiss a lure you've never used before. Hootie
    3 points
  15. Metanium mgl arrived today and I was finally able to complete my newest combo. Shimano Poison Adrena 6'10 M/MF with Shimano Metanium Mgl XG
    3 points
  16. Caught two tonight. One on 5/16 spinner and one on 1/4oz jig with blue speck chunk jr. But man, fishing on a cold and windy night is like spankin it with sandpaper. I'm still gonna do it to get the payoff but it's a struggle.
    3 points
  17. I purchase lures based on patterns, not the lure or brand itself. If I see a new product that matches the patterns I typically determine, I will purchase it and use it if that pattern presents itself. I am not one that will buy a lure and then come on sites like this and ask how/when/where to use it.
    3 points
  18. As a business owner, I can tell you that feedback like yours is vital to someone who cares about customer service.
    3 points
  19. I am still learning... I must say though, upping the weight in the beginning really helped me gain a greater competency.
    3 points
  20. Uh... anything else you've recently lost... maybe I've just found it for you... oe
    3 points
  21. So you guys inspired me or was it peer pressure? I finally did it. Not only did I finally bought a Metanium, I jumped in with both feet. Bought an HG and XG! And I also bought my first Curado 200 I (HG) and a Curado 70 (XG). I put them on (temporarily) my new travel rod BPS Extreme MH/F 6'6" and I bought a new beater rod 2 PC 6'6 M/F Fenwick Eagle for my trip to Florida at the end of April. (My wife won't let me bring my rods in the jeep for the drive.) Now the problem I have is, I have 4 reels that need a new home.
    3 points
  22. I have never tried this but I have been told to climb onto the outboard and use the power trim to raise you out of the water then play monkey into the boat. Can't say for sure, lol. Of course this would only work if you have power trim.
    3 points
  23. I agree with what is stated above but I am going to add my two cents on top of it. I think there are good swimbait lakes and I think there are ones that are not so great. For what ever reason some lakes have bass that will readily attack large swimbaits and I am not just talking about large bass, I am talking 2lbers. Then there are the other lakes that have a decent supply of large bass but it seems they will not touch a big bait. I think it has to do with their genetics and adaptation to the available forage. I know on the delta I can get bit 3 to 1 or more with a blugill style bait over a trout style bait in most cases. Bluegill are a primary forage on the delta so does this mean that I have to match the hatch? Because there is another small lake near where I live that has a huge bluegill population, no shad and no trout. But I get bit better on a trout style bait there. So a no answer and a yes answer to your question are both right. Everything matters, yet nothing maters.
    3 points
  24. How about a gift certificate from a tackle shop. Most people I think will take a GC instead of cash.
    3 points
  25. If you're from a small community as I am, a public thank you in the community newspaper is a nice gesture. oe
    3 points
  26. You're giving bass too much credit in it's ability to identify a fish it has never seen before and has no knowledge of. All a bass knows, is that it looks like a smaller fish that it can fit into it's mouth, and that's all that really matters.
    3 points
  27. Jigs with built in weed guards that are compact in design are generally used for vertical presentations, falling down through the water column. Jigs that have the hook point set further back from the hook point 1" or more are design to be fished horizontally or swam through the water column. This would be the general difference, any jig can be used universally, not the ideal presentation. Using a horizontal jig like a football head may snag more often and using a Arkie vertical compact jig you may miss a few strikes. Tom PS, this will get lots of diverse opions and that is OK.
    3 points
  28. The attachment is a sat map, no contour lines to indicate what the depth may be. The Saint Lowrance River isn't an impoundment it's a river so most of the terms you read do not apply. Bass, both smallmouth and largemouth are not the primary predators in this ecosystem, both pike and musky are higher predators, so they dominate the best feeding areas. Bass in a river tend to locate where current breaks occur and let the current bring prey to them verses the bass hunting prey. Largemouth bass like slower moving water then smallmouth bass,both can occupy the same areas. Man made current breaks are the most obvious, wing dams, rip rap broken rocks used to reduce erosion, marina's, power plants, bridge pilings etc. Current breaks are anywhere you see faster moving water making an edge with slower moving water, it's the seam in between these that offer nearly no current. Where you see tree laydowns, big boulders or any structure or channel, stream or smaller river joining the bigger river that creates current breaks is where you want to target bass in a river system. Tom
    2 points
  29. This happened just last week on my way into Chicago. I was doing somewhere between 70-75mph on the interstate where the speed limit is 55. An older van gets up on my bumper like I'm going to go faster because he's right on my butt. We're in the left lane passing everyone to our right and when he finally figures out I'm not going to move over he makes a quick change to the middle lane, gasses the old POS and about the time he gets past my front bumper he makes a quick cut back in front of me. Well, that's what he tried to do. He cut it too hard and shot across both the lane I was in and the shoulder. He sideswiped the concrete barrier and blew his left front tire. The idiot is lucky he didn't kill himself. Lucky for me, I anticipated he might cut me off and slowed a little just as he did this. I watched it all in my rear view mirror. Something tells me I could have been doing 80mph and he still would have tried it.
    2 points
  30. I make a bunch of sauces depending on my mood but like slonezp said, there are so many good ones already out there that you can modify to make your own that the extra effort to make it from scratch isn't usually worth it to me
    2 points
  31. hahaha, that's funny. i get jokes.
    2 points
  32. I am a sauce modifier. I take something that is good and make it great
    2 points
  33. I pretty much always try a new lure after I didn't catch anything or I wasn't able to work a certain piece of water as effectively as I wanted with what I had. After the days over, I'll sit and think about what I saw/experienced and I'll find the lure that I think will do better. I go back and try it out. I don't want to use a new lure when it's hot. 1. I'm not putting down what works to try something new 2. I can't tell if it was the lure or the bite, other lures were working so it's probably the bite. I feel like I can best evaluate the lure when it's tougher and it takes something more precise to get a bite. Either way though, if it catches fish it's a winner in my book.
    2 points
  34. Went out tonight for about a hour. Caught this guy the first cast. Didn't have a single bite after though. My buddy caught a small, small mouth while he was trying to catch catfish.
    2 points
  35. Congrats ~ I'll be taking delivery of one @ mid to late May. A-Jay
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. I have done it, and it works like a charm. Make sure you have good footing on the cavitation plate. The steering cable makes for a convenient grab handle. Get it as close to the motor as you can. Less leverage on the cable reduces the chance of bending it.
    2 points
  38. Kids..... too young to know what a troll doll is.
    2 points
  39. i try a new lure right after i buy it.
    2 points
  40. Every couple years or so I buy jigs in bulk. Got down to about 20 a few weeks ago. And look what happened to show up the same day. I'm off work. Ain't got nothing to do boat is hooked up and charged.... I'm Patrick Swayze
    2 points
  41. Thank you guys- I'm not a big poster but always check in. I think Glenn and his wife have done a great job over the years....I'm a big fan! z
    2 points
  42. Make it a job and you wont enjoy it anymore
    2 points
  43. The Missouri Department of Conservation provides PDFs to manage new and old ponds for different types of fish. The link for managing for trophy largemouth bass (below) tells you how many pounds of fish to remove and how many forage fish to add per acre. You can find pricing for stocking bluegill on the Internet as well. Removing small bass and adding small bluegill is what it boils down to in most cases. What typically happens is the bass become too numerous, eat all of the small forage fish, and you are left with bluegill and sunfish that are too big for the small bass to eat. Adding forage fish to a 1.5 acre pond will probably run around $1000 - $1500 more or less. Since your landowner isn't likely to spend money your only choices are to remove fish, or go fish somewhere else. http://mdc.mo.gov/sites/default/files/resources/2011/05/trophy_bass.pdf
    2 points
  44. my mom was in a near death car accident when i was about 13 and was airlifted from franklin, nc to asheville, nc... my dad was driving my brother and i over and was hauling.... a state trooper friend of ours had put out the word that we were headed to the hospital and not to pull him over so he was doing about 90 MPH the whole way there. along the way a car was just puttering along in the left lane and then started taunting my dad as he would try to pass them in the right lane. he managed to get beside them and they were laughing and gave him the middle finger, which usually sets my dad off anyways! about that time he pulled out the S&W 357 with the 6 inch barrel and rolled down the window and didn't point it at the car, but up in the air. they locked down the brakes and went from about 55MPH to nearly 0MPH instantly!!! we went on to the hospital!
    2 points
  45. I would give him what cash I could spare. I would also offer to take him fishing. It is hard to find honest people like that who knows you might have just found a new fishing buddy.
    2 points
  46. The spinnerbait is my #1 confidence bait. I always have one rigged up ready to go on the deck of my boat. I've been fishing spinnerbaits for over 3 decades now. Here is a video I made explaining all the tips and tricks I've learned over the years. It's a massive brain-dump, so take notes!
    2 points
  47. Right now I have a 25 size President but I'm looking to upgrade to something faster. It takes all day to reel a DS up from very deep with that reel. I'd like to get another Supreme XT for it, but I don't like fishing a DS so I don't really want to spend that money on it. Then again, I might like fishing a DS more if I had gear that made it easier to do. The struggle is real.
    2 points
  48. Yes you can, but if you ever want to have normal children, I highly recommend doing it outside.
    2 points
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