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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2016 in all areas

  1. I can finally post something here lol.
    11 points
  2. Thank you guys- I'm not a big poster but always check in. I think Glenn and his wife have done a great job over the years....I'm a big fan! z
    9 points
  3. Mail lady was good to me yesterday! Got my Recon 2 683c I got from the auction site (mint condition). Then i got my used, but mint, Yumeya BFS MG 32MM spool for the Curado 51e. My new finesse casting rig! Yard casts were very nice! (sorry to Goose, no fish slime yet!)
    8 points
  4. Call me a stick in the mud......I hate social media .
    7 points
  5. Felt like the longest week ever but it's here and oh my goodness it's nice!
    7 points
  6. I had a family emergency I was bank fishing, loaded up my car as fast as I could and headed for the emergency room. I got home 10 hours later to a message on my home answering machine, which with cell phones hardly ever gets used anymore. Mr. Harvey this is so and so we found your tackle box at the pond and would like to return it. now this is my big tackle bag 1000s of dollars worth of lures in this thing it would take me years to build it back up, not counting all the irreplaceable lures that are either old or just good fish catchers. I want to ask this community what should I do for them in return when I meet to get my tackle this afternoon? im thinking some cash but how much im not loaded by any means, or maybe offer them a day out on my boat this summer? either way I cant begin to explain how thankful I am someone honest found my bag and then used my fishing license to track me down makes me have a little faith in society.
    5 points
  7. Last night was a fluke....a chance....and gave me my personal best. I had left work a bit early, and was sitting on the couch watching Andy Griffith when my wife came in the living room and said dinner would be a while and I should go fish for an hour or so since the weather the rest of the week would be suspect. I mentally slapped myself for not realizing that, loaded up a finesse rig, and hit a small neighborhood pond about 2 miles from my house. I almost never catch anything big in this pond, a couple 3lb-ers over the years, and scores of smaller fish. I almost strictly use a Ned Rig since it's about the only thing that catches anything here. I threw my first cast, felt a small tick, set the hook and had a cute little dink on the line. I casted a few more times with nothing resulting, but then my phone rang and it was my mom, and I always answer for mom. As I was talking, using my shoulder to hold the phone to my ear, I cast once more in a small pocket of the lake. I was talking, so I didn't get the lure moving, it just sat there a while. I was keeping an eye on the line, 18lb Gliss in yellow, which is so thin and tiny that it's tough to line watch it, even in yellow color. I hung up the phone and decided to move to an area that had a culvert. As I reeled the slack up, I noticed my line was taking up, but not moving in the water, so I gently reeled in case there was a fish on the other end. I felt resistance, I gave er' a sharp gunshot hookset since the Ned Rig is a pretty tiny hook. Crap....it must've been a log or rock under the water, but wait, it's moving. I reeled up any additional slack and keep reeling. My drag started peeling out bit by bit and I thought well, I have a carp on the end. Then I see the bass slowly surface and lazily thrash on the surface, it's the biggest one I've seen in person. The fight was on. I fought her (I assume it was a her) for about 60 seconds, praying frantically that my line wouldn't break, or the hook bend out. I finally landed her, and my fist easily fit in her mouth with room to spare. She thrashed a good bit, but I got her on my scale for a few seconds before she shook off of it, and she came in at 6lbs - 3oz, beating my previous best of 4.5lbs by nearly 2 whole pounds. Needless to say, the wife got credit for the catch since she convinced my lazy butt to take advantage of a nice early spring day!
    5 points
  8. my mom was in a near death car accident when i was about 13 and was airlifted from franklin, nc to asheville, nc... my dad was driving my brother and i over and was hauling.... a state trooper friend of ours had put out the word that we were headed to the hospital and not to pull him over so he was doing about 90 MPH the whole way there. along the way a car was just puttering along in the left lane and then started taunting my dad as he would try to pass them in the right lane. he managed to get beside them and they were laughing and gave him the middle finger, which usually sets my dad off anyways! about that time he pulled out the S&W 357 with the 6 inch barrel and rolled down the window and didn't point it at the car, but up in the air. they locked down the brakes and went from about 55MPH to nearly 0MPH instantly!!! we went on to the hospital!
    4 points
  9. How about a gift certificate from a tackle shop. Most people I think will take a GC instead of cash.
    4 points
  10. You're giving bass too much credit in it's ability to identify a fish it has never seen before and has no knowledge of. All a bass knows, is that it looks like a smaller fish that it can fit into it's mouth, and that's all that really matters.
    4 points
  11. Caught a couple good ones tonight at a new lake between my work and home before the rain hit. Water Temp 63-64. Fished a river inlet to the lake.Texas rigged Power Bait 7 inch curly tail in motor oil.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. He is WAY wrong. I ALWAYS have at least 2 jigs tied on all year long! Jeff
    4 points
  14. Was a little chilly this morning, but by afternoon the fish perked up a little. This is the best of four. Hootie
    3 points
  15. So I am a chef by trade. Today was baking day so I decided who can say no to a fresh baked fruit pie and cookies. So this and a thank you card, and an offer to go fishing where I will also provide a home cooked lunch will be my thank you. Appreciate all the ideas everyone. I truly feel blessed I'm getting this back will post pictures of the tackle when I get home to show the magnitude of this event for me
    3 points
  16. Nothing fancy... Ss 663 however due to some confusion on the boca order and me not paying attention I do have 6 lightning abec 5s in this. 2 each handle 2 level wind. Making this my dedicated Sammy/Fluke Rod
    3 points
  17. I trust ya buddy - I know you'll slime it up...
    3 points
  18. Here is what I would do if I was on either end of this: If I was the guy who found it...........I would return it as is, and expect nothing but a thank you. If they offered something, I would decline, unless it was a small gesture.............no harm, no foul in accepting a token of someones gratitude. If I was the guy who lost something and had it found and returned............I would offer a fishing trip, or a gift certificate for a family dinner/etc.
    3 points
  19. If you're from a small community as I am, a public thank you in the community newspaper is a nice gesture. oe
    3 points
  20. Offer a day out on the water and maybe youll make a new fishing partner. I wouldn't accept cash for returning someones property
    3 points
  21. Went to BPS today for some upgrades for my boat. Bought a Hummingbird Helix7 DI GPS to replace my Lowrance X52 and a MotorGuide X3 Digital Bow-Mount Trolling Motor to replace the old, warn out, beat up Motorguide I have on it now along with a BPS heavy-duty boat guide-ons for the trailer. Going to have a buddy help me put all this on this weekend and will have some before and after photos. Also going to order some new seats to replace the old ones too. Anyway that was my day
    3 points
  22. I have had success with ponds by simply removing every bass like you mentioned, only releasing those rare larger fish or fish that just looked extremely healthy. Thing is, that might not be the answer for your pond. Best thing for you to do is get some advice from someone who knows what they're talking about. http://www.bassresource.com/lake-management/
    3 points
  23. And, a good day it was.................................for the bait monkey's cousin, the boat monkey. Not much beats new toys.
    3 points
  24. Isn't the BassResource online forum a Social Media site?
    3 points
  25. Trip #6 of 2016 Went out for a few hours this evening.........poking around in back water area's looking for largemouth.........never went out on the lake and looked for smallies. Caught two 2.5lbers, and a handfull of pike......not much activity in the shallows yet. Water temps there are still in the low to mid 40's, and the hoards of panfish that the bass usually follow have yet to seem to show up either. Pike are still spawning in there..........at least some late stragglers............past history tells me that the bass and panfish mostly stay away until the things with teeth that eat them leave LOL.
    3 points
  26. We had a real good day on Lake Chickamauga today. It was rough and windy starting out, but after we snuck back into the slews, we had much better luck. The bass bite was hard, so we turned to rockbass, blue gill, and crappie. We caught about 30 keeper crappie and brim, but these are the highlights. Although it's hard to tell from the pic, my grandma caught a 14" crappie! Well, tight lines! And remember; if the wind is blowing too hard, get out of it and get back in a slew! ~ Mr. Netfish and Chill
    2 points
  27. So I fish this small pond near my house a lot but the past 10 or so trips I have been getting skunked and am catching nothing. I used to at least see a few bluegill very shallow but now I see no fish at all. I've used all types of lures, crankbaits, whopper plopper, dropshot, fish head spin, spinnerbaits, and even frogs. I can't catch anything. Tips?
    2 points
  28. I guess that's what I'll keep telling myself too.
    2 points
  29. Bob Lusk Pond Boss http://www.pondboss.com
    2 points
  30. I can't stand rubber neckers.. Drives me insane..
    2 points
  31. I'm not sure this constitutes "road rage" but it's close enough. This harkens back to my lobstering days. A particular, extremely large, close to four hundred pounds, fisherman returned to port after a three day offshore trip. When he tried to start his car, the battery was dead. He flew into a rage (must have been a tough trip) got out of his car, climbed onto the roof and jumped up and down until the entire roof was buckled in. Someone came along with jumper cables. Too late. He had to cram himself, hunched up, into the car. I'm not sure, but those of us who witnessed the display conjectured that the consumption of adult beverages might have played a role. It didn't help that we broke into laughter at the sight of this huge fellow collapsing the roof of his vehicle, which seemed to feed his frenzy.
    2 points
  32. I'm hoping to cash in all my mojo tomorrow ?
    2 points
  33. Life is good. Great fishing and catfish eating afterwards. Private lake Wiggins, MS.
    2 points
  34. It is indeed, as are all the other message boards, blogs, and professional networking sites I visit. I never said I wasn't a hypocrite...
    2 points
  35. There is no way you can compete with Zoom for least cost. I am not trying to discourage you but just stating facts as I learned them through research. Zoom uses an industrial machine that can shoot like 3k baits an hour that is how they keep costs down. There are companies that can do this for you but you must order like 5k of the same bait in the same color. Additionally if you want a custom mold for one of these machines they are $4-6k. Custom lead molds are cheaper and will cost about $300- 400 per size for each size in spincast. Like I said earlier you need to find a niche market and build a loyal customer base. The attached swimjig head I had custom made and the master cost me $168 and if I want them to make a production mold it will be another $160. I plan on starting a lure business when I have enough free time and have set aside about $5000 to start just for reference. Allen
    2 points
  36. I flip in heavy cover all the time for large bass. Sure sometimes you get your nose yanked in, but that doesnt mean you lose the fish! Never once have I fallen out of a boat either. Outside of harpooning whales 12 miles out to sea, Ive yet to find a bass fishing style that I can't achieve on a kayak.
    2 points
  37. Sorry about that. Not sure why it is sideways
    2 points
  38. Anyone wanting to just go ahead and give blue and I the money for Tuesday feel free! HA! JK JK. Can't wait to see everyone!
    2 points
  39. No fishing related but I have a couple
    2 points
  40. Alberto knot, easy to tie, strong, small and can be trimmed right down to the knot so it passes thru guides very well.
    2 points
  41. If you thought somebody here was going to try to talk you out of a tackle purchase, well, you've picked the right last name. sorry man, couldn't resist.
    2 points
  42. This isn't from 2016 but it's worth telling as a cautionary tale. In late February of 2015 on a beautiful overcast and unusually warm 70's day I was kayak fishing on Germantown Lake in VA. Air temp 72 degrees, water temp 40 degrees. I was set and ready to go with rods and tackle loaded. Dressed in layers. As I arrived at my chosen spot I was uncomfortable with my seat position, it was in the high location. So I went about adjusting it. I couldn't catch my breath at first. I knew I wouldn't drown because I had my PDF on (always, hot or cold). I couldn't touch bottom but I remember looking at my Lowrance and knew I was in 8 to 9 feet of water. But the water was sooo COLD. Mostly I was terrified of having a heart attack and being a floating popsicle for my wife to see. I quickly grabbed ahold of my capsized kayak and side stroked to shore. The going was ever so slow. I was praying out loud to GOD to save me, and hoping to get some ground under my feat. I still couldn't control my breathing. I finally got to shallow water and hauled my kayak and my soaking wet ass to dry ground. I was freezing. Hyperventilating. Trembling. There was nowhere close to go for help. But back across the lake to my truck. I finally got some semblance of composure back, righted my kayak, and secured various items on board. It was then I noticed what was missing. Three GLoomis rood and one St. Croix. Three Shimano's and one Abu Garcia, grand total $1600.00. I retrieved one rod light enough to float the end. paddled, nervously, across the lake to the boat ramp. Hauled the kayak ashore. Walked like a drunk to my truck and sat in it with heat on high until I could feel my bones again. It was so stupid what I did. I knew better. I knew it when I leaned forward, pulling on the seat, and felt the kayak move underneath me. I went back later dragging a stringer with all the hooks open and retrieved one setup. My newest GLoomis and Curado I series. The rest are down there. Somewhere.
    2 points
  43. if you can stand in it, you can flip in it. i do from my ride 135 quite a bit. big rig should be no problem. i've had bass tow me around on a spinnerbait just as much as a jig, that's part of the fun for me!
    2 points
  44. We are manly fishermen so we don't use "pink" lures we use "bubblegum" there is a difference. Allen
    2 points
  45. Well, I have found they only work on days ending with a "Y".
    2 points
  46. I wouldn't suggest going above 10# on a spinning reel if you're using mono and you'll probably be best off with 8. If you want to use stronger line you'll be much better off going with braid and adding a leader.
    2 points
  47. Hit some small ponds here in Saint Charles and caught four large mouth in 30 minutes. 1-1/2 - 2 lbs. Used a craw color 1/4 oz swim jig with a keithtech 4" paddle tail plastic. The were hungry.
    2 points
  48. 2 points
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