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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Just got my Scorpion 70 hg in hand. Looks and feels great.
    7 points
  2. I almost always bring way too much - But if I position it correctly & counter balance it properly, I'm usually OK. A-Jay
    6 points
  3. I only fish when the water's wet! I only fish on days that end with a "Y"!
    5 points
  4. If you're still calling them "poles" I would just hold off for a while. Hootie
    4 points
  5. No superstitions. My son and I do have a tourney day ritual. Stop at Thorntons for chocolate long johns on the way to the tourney. Also, I may or may not drink a pot of coffee every morning. I do not drink coffee on tourney day. More so that I don't get stuck taking a dump in the livewell than anything else. Could be considered a ritual.....
    4 points
  6. I never toss worn plastics on the floor of my boat and get irritated when my fishing partners do. They always wind up back in the bilge area where they get sucked up into my bilge pump and block it up. But in response to your question, I am not the least bit superstitious. My psychic told me not to believe in that stuff.
    4 points
  7. Never fish hungry! If I could I would take a Golden Corral on my boat.
    4 points
  8. I try not to fish a tournament hung over from the night before............done that twice in 10 years of tournament fishing, 1 time we won, the second time we tanked...........I guess it wasn't good luck after all, because I have won at least 1/2 dozen more without being hung over LOL. In all seriousness...........I do have one pre- tournament ritual, for that matter..........any pre-trip ritual, and I do it regularly, not for luck, or any other reason, I just do it because I do it. My grandmother, sister, uncle, and mother are all buried in the cemetery on the north end of Silver lake that over looks the lake, I drive right by it every time I go fishing and on my way home, and every time I go by, I say little something to one, or all of them..........
    4 points
  9. 15 lbs is not a bad starter kit weight.
    4 points
  10. I have LOTS of these This may be my favorite ever....Really awesome colors. This one is just sickening to look at as I look at this Saturday's high of 28 and low of 8. This was 40 miles offshore in North Carolina but worth sharing. That's me on the bow...I was in awe for the entire morning. Then the mahi and tuna started biting Anna in the winter is usually this spectacular every morning and evening
    4 points
  11. Well, as some have noticed, I am trying to get rid of all the videos on my external hard drive and finally have time to make videos. The quality on this kinda sucks. Can't stand how some videos just won't transfer well to the tube. This reservoir used to drive me nuts. You could go all day without a bite and come back the next day and catch nothing. Good thing about fishing tough reservoirs is it gives you a chance to learn more about fishing structure. I eventually figured a few things out about this reservoir, but it came after a lot of failure. Enjoy! Shimmy
    3 points
  12. Another suggestion for 2016: Fish your new stuff when you are on a good bite. There is no way to judge a lure when the fish aren't biting! This applies to colors also.
    3 points
  13. I'm still pretty much in shock. I took my kayak out to the hot side of Lake Anna to get my fix like I have been all winter. Today was a really tough day, wind was blowing hard, making 90% of the lake unfishable from a kayak, water temps were low, and the waves coming over the nose and side of the kayak had me soaking wet. I'm not one to throw in the towel because of less than favorable conditions, so I ended up paddling for around 2 hours to find some protected water that was warm enough. A toasty 64 degrees compared to the 54 I started in. 4th bite of the day I lean back on the shakey head and start winding. Wow feels like a good one, then she *tries* to jump and I realize what I'm in for. I was only a few feet from a set of bridge pilings and that's exactly where she was headed with my 8lb leader. Somehow I managed to paddle myself away from the bridge and coax the fish into open water. A few heart stopping moments later I was able to lip the fish and bring her in the kayak with me. WOW what a fish. She measured 25" long 17" around, my last PB was 24" so I can at least call it a PB even without a weight. She wouldn't have bit anyways if I had a scale in my kayak! Not sure if I was okay to hold the fish like this, give me some feedback please. I was a little excited
    3 points
  14. The War Eagle Mike McClelland Finnesse Spinnerbait is awesome. Has the longer skirt in the middle to act as a trailer and pulls through cover great.
    3 points
  15. Google card ghosting. Something these new chips are supposed to protect against.
    3 points
  16. Just happened to my wife's account not 2 months ago. Drained her checking and because she had overdraft protection linked to her savings, drained nearly all of that. Luckily he company has a credit union and that's where she banks. Took about 15 minutes worth of paper signing and they shut down her account, opened a new one and put every dime back in it. Now the credit union is going after the scumbags.
    3 points
  17. Pro Blue and French Pearl OB should cover most of your needs. I also like the GG Trout OB and the countless Japanese colors...
    3 points
  18. The answer is always one more than you currently have.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. After extensive research, the answer is 17.5
    3 points
  21. I always struggle with pre filling the live well before the first fish is caught.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. Favorite lake picture? Here's mine. Here's another.
    2 points
  24. Here's a quick tip that's saved me a lot of time. Hope you enjoy it!
    2 points
  25. I caught a hog of a crappie on a swimbait at lake cachuma CA fishing for bass on Sunday! Lol
    2 points
  26. 742c hp. I just got it. Awesome rod.
    2 points
  27. I always bring bananas with me because they taste good. Otherwise no superstitions
    2 points
  28. X2 ~ I do the same thing - something about it, it just smell right. Hits me in the very center of my inner Soul . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  29. My only superstition is if I get bit on my first cast it's going to be a slow day.
    2 points
  30. There's more potential harm than good to come from tampering with the components of a roller bearing. Completely unnecessary. But to each his own.
    2 points
  31. I would advise you to just freak the hell out, buy a ton of stuff with no idea what it really is, then slowly do some reading and figure out what you actually need. This is what I did and it worked out great! Joking aside, my advice as a pretty new fisherman is to work on casting skill and technique as much as you can and avoid jumping from style to style. Learn to work a given lure/presentation well before you move to something else. No lure is going to catch you fish if you can't get it to them in a efficient manner. I spent months slamming lures into the water and loosing them to trees before I figured out that a pro with a rusty hook and a gummy worm will out fish an unskilled guy with a tackle store in his truck. Build up casting skill, then go crazy with lures and gear.
    2 points
  32. Don't be in a hurry adding more gear until you really know what else you "need". These are examples of a few that come to mind: Dedicated A Rig, jerkbait rod and if you fish a lot of deep-diving crankbaits, that's another. BTW, "rod" is the preferred term for "pole".
    2 points
  33. Left: Yum Gonzo Grub, Right: Yum Wooly Beavertail.
    2 points
  34. First day out this year on sunday. Hit Clinton. Water at the marina was around 45 fished in water from 45 until 49 or so. did not fish the hot water arm. Caught a limit of bass and brought home some white bass for dinner. Good start.
    2 points
  35. What the hell would we do without water and bass?
    2 points
  36. Panorama of Lee Hall Reservoir...
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. Jack-The-Horse lake...sunset....Northern Mn. Bottom pic is my "home" lake. Happy Holler Missouri. Not a big lake but very "bassy" LOVE this thread
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Not a lake, but a cove of the Potomac. Not my pic....photo credit to my wife
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Not so much the lake, but when topwaterrob took my wife and I out on the Everglades while we were on vacation, these guys made me a little more careful about how close to the edge of the boat I was standing.
    2 points
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