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  1. Nope. Just start your own "MFBAB's Pond/Bank fishing" thread . . . Catt started a "So Yall Want To Learn Toledo Bend?" on August 8th 2008 ! Over the past 7 years plus it has generated 202 pages of useful responses and counting . . . . . . A-Jay
    6 points
  2. What pound test are you using to drop shot him?
    5 points
  3. That's what the thread I linked in the first post is, and it's a completely inefficient way of doing this anyway.....and it's not the same deal as catt's thread. His thread is in a regional fishing forum, where it belongs. You can't have a forum for each specific lake, Pickwick, Guntersville, Falcon, etc...If people want to talk about those lakes, then start a thread in the appropriate region and go nuts. Bank/Pond Vs. General Bass fishing in a boat on reservoirs is a totally different comparison. On the bank: - Totally different angles (ever try to fish an outside grass edge from the bank?) - Limited to fewer presentation options (1-2 rods, a small box of lures) - Limited to a much smaller and more specific area (1 pond, not a whole lake) - Far less options in terms of moving or finding different patterns, you have got to hunker down and fish what's in front of you. You don't get to just move on to another pattern as the day goes on. - Always fishing Uphill, no way to move off the bank and try various casting angles. You can use some of the same baits, but not in all of the same ways. - Obviously, a lot of baits w trebles or snaggy baits are off the table because you will lose them Comparing bank fishing to boat fishing is like comparing walking to driving, IMO. I know this isn't going to happen, I'm just making the point clear that there's not a good reason why
    5 points
  4. I did this. I spent 3 spawning seasons not fishing just observing for spawn initiation, taking temperatures and tallying beds, in a series of small ponds. Because of the confounding multitude of variables (nature is not a simple place) I cannot say that the moon phases had no effect. One thing I could say though was that major spawn movements could, and did, occur directly between full and new phases. While I can say that I saw spawn movements sans moon, I also saw large movements during both full and new lunar periods -some quite impressive- for which I couldn't discount lunar influence. However, if you figure in the couple days either side of both the full and new moons you are already accounting for a third of any given month. The chances are that if there are other factors (and there are) they are likely to coincide with some moon phases. If an angler sees a big movement near a moon phase they are likely to proclaim it true. Happened to me too, once upon a time. It was when I started to see phases that did not produce a movement that I started to get suspicious of the quality of my observations, (after a number of years of just shrugging). So, I decided to really look. There aren't many good rigorous research papers on this either. But here's one, and the title is a spoiler: http://sfrc.ufl.edu/allenlab/Popular%20Articles/Rogers&Allen_BassTimes.pdf There appears to be no interest by the scientific community in the "solunar tables" assembled by J Alden Knight. The only attempt I'm aware of, by someone with research background, was done by Ralph Manns. I have tremendous respect for Ralph; He's probably brought more great observations and interpretations on bass behavior to the table than just about anyone before or since. However, he attempted to publish this work in a scientific journal and it was dinged on statistics -they being too weak to support his premise of positive solunar influence on fishing results. He did publish in In-Fisherman and you can read it there. The problem with trying to assess fishing results is that they are not consistent across anglers and days. Trying to cough up the real reasons why someone did or did not catch fish by hook and line is impossible, simply because the measure (angling) is inconsistent and fraught with so many confounding variables. In my mind (with experience in both realms), the term "scientific angling" is an oxymoron.
    5 points
  5. Got on 2 fish today from 7 to 11 am. Both on deep str8ke king 6xds. 8.50lbs and 6.94lbs. Love this fishery!
    4 points
  6. There's a few answers here depending on the application ~ For a wild open & world class Cannibal Bite - I like to go with 400lb test parachute cord - unless I start getting bit off then I'll add a short section of piano wire. And when I'm going for these . . . I'll usually go with whatever the Tow truck is rigged with . . Thanks for asking. A-Jay
    4 points
  7. I have ~ and all At Night. Well, except for that rabid geese thing - but skunks, bats & diabolical beaver - will get ones attention pretty good too. We could have a forum just on that . . . . A-Jay
    4 points
  8. They actually also included the day of the quarter moons, adding two days to the tally, which occupies now better than half of the lunar month. Why did they add quarters? Well... there are some moon theorist anglers that like the quarter, and it just so happens a few record catches happened to fall on the quarter day. Interestingly, and either confoundingly or tellingly, there have been moon theories proposed by a number of well-known/respected anglers that, if taken all into account, essentially cover the entire lunar month. My response from a previous thread on the mid-day subject: There is good info in that video, such as the general idea that large bass are successful predators, and there is research to suggest that aggressive individuals do grow faster and have a better chance at getting big –provided the food is there, and angling pressure and associated mortality is low. But, do big bass feed more at midday? Are more big bass caught at midday? Are big bass more vulnerable to angling at midday? Are these even the same questions? I’m not sure we can actually get at the first question or third questions by answering the second. -First, saying anything about “big bass” is a statistical nightmare –most often comprising low number data sets. Second, angling success data offers precious little control, even recognition, of the possible variables involved. Collecting angling data across the continent, (and ignoring season, weather, sky and water conditions, prey type, availability and vulnerability, angling pressure, angler habits, angler effort, etc), is a recipe for chaos. -Bass vision: There is a fair amount of research that pertains to bass behavior and lighting, and some of it doesn’t really jive with what is stated in the video. The fact that bass have color vision does not mean they cannot hunt in low light or are even less efficient –esp compared to their prey. According to some research I’ve seen bass can see much better than bluegills in low light. Many small prey fish species head for cover or shelter for the night -for good reason. Telemetry studies have shown increased crepuscular and nocturnal activity in bass in many waters. Probably depends a lot on season, prey, angling pressure. -Prey vulnerability to bass. There is research that has looked at hunting success by LM under different lighting. One in particular found that under brighter lighting bluegills were able to avoid LM and capture rates by the bass fell. During low light bass could approach closer and capture rates increased. I’ve seen this type of thing myself on ponds I fish where I purposely watch bass hunt from high banks. Under brilliant sun, bass make fewer chases and time and again I’ve seen bass enter a cove and see the bluegills stream away and into cover well out ahead of the cruising bass. It’s apparent that they can see the bass from a long ways out. Now, one could argue that these are not “big” bass. Yet they are the largest and oldest bass in these small ponds. Thus they should also conform to Hannon’s suggestion that these are the “rule followers” –the one’s that have survived. There’s a hole I see in the “rule follower” idea that assumes that there is one set of rules that bass follow, as if every year or every season would be the same. Prey abundance, prey vulnerability, cover density, and other factors can vary greatly year to year. One set of “rules” may not pan out the next season, much less the next year. Becoming “big” is not a formula that is met at all times. And being an “aggressive individual” carries tremendous risks. There is some research in brown trout too -a fish that has the ability to diverge in growth pattern from cohorts due in large part to aggressiveness in feeding- and many of these individuals burn out and die depending on what’s available to support such growth. Growing “big” is, in large part, luck. -Bass vulnerability to angling: I think it’s safe to say that, at least for northern largemouths, large bass are most vulnerable during the cold water periods. In the north, sun angle can be low enough that the prime periods tend to shift to midday. Dunno how this pans out for floridanus, and I know Hannon has written that he caught most of his big bass in summer. His experience is with Florida strain largemouth. Maybe floridanus is different? Certainly sun angle, and water temps, would be different. Roger? -Angler effort weighs in heavy. I remember all the excitement around the Texas Sharelunker program catch rate and moon phase comparison. At one point early on, a poorly done statistical investigation suggested that catches of lunker bass clustered around the full and new moons. Well, that ended up being wrong. Catches were pretty much evenly distributed against moon phases. The most solid conclusion that could be drawn turned out to be that the most significant period to catch a Sharelunker qualified bass in Texas was … on a weekend. How does angler effort vary across the day on each water body? As to time of day, how many anglers get up at 3 or 4am to be on the lake at sunrise? Also, I don’t know about you but it often takes me some time to get my act together, figure out what’s going on for the day, and then to revisit those good locations ferreted out for the day. By then, it’s not 9am anymore. Does time to get to casting change with age? Do older, and presumably more experienced, anglers tend to fish later in the day than many gung-ho younger anglers –if so, maybe it’s more a matter of energetics than it is success rate on “big” bass. I wonder how success rate on big bass would compare between night and day, if corrected for effort? Do big bass feed more at midday? How would we know?
    4 points
  9. Fish a Strike King Bitsy Bug.
    4 points
  10. It's called fishing for good reasons, if you want a guarantee your in the wrong sport. Tom
    3 points
  11. About a half dozen years ago or so, I did a lot of testing on suspended jerks, trying about a dozen different brands. Most will suspend under specific circumstances. What that boils down to is it's all about water temperature. If a bait is designed to suspend in 50 degree water, it will sink (slowly) in colder water and rise (again, slowly) in warmer water. A pure law of physics. If a bait promotes itself as guaranteeing that it will suspend, that's just pure hype. Personally, I do not like using Suspend Dots or Strips. Reason being is that affixing weight, of any kind, to the body of the bait will change it's sitting characteristics. Most quality jerks shimmy and shake a bit on the pause. SD's or Strips have a tendency to dampen that critical action. It could affect your strike ratio. The only way I alter any jerkbait is by carrying with me a small spool of welding solder (or pipe solder). You can get some very thin diameter spools of this stuff in any hardware store real cheap. I wrap a small section around the shank of the front treble. By changing the amount you use, the plug can still do what it was designed to do, yet position itself where you want it - rising, falling, or suspending. This gives you quite a bit of flexibility. I actually prefer the bait to slow fall, especially in cold water.
    3 points
  12. no better than a drug dealer!!!! "my guy" just dropped off a "package" with 8 boxes in it!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM tagalongs!!! tagalongs and fishing gear.... recipe for disaster!
    3 points
  13. I'll chat with locals, just not about how, what, and where. I'm a firm believer on finding your own fish. I thinks it's far more rewarding when you figure something out on your own. It's made me a much better angler for sure. I'm certainly not opposed to sharing some things though. I often get asked about baits and patterns if I do well at a tournament, which I'm always willing to share....just not down to the fine details. I never lie though. I just speak in more general terms... "I caught them flipping a 1oz jig in grass 6-10ft deep."
    3 points
  14. Sometimes it works if you say something like "man the bass love these____" Then they usually can't help but tell you something that works for them.I don't mind sharing info.with other fishermen,esp.if they practice catch/release and have kids with them.
    3 points
  15. Well... I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Lots of good serviceable observations out there -even compilations of them (i.e. theories). But none that sweep everything in to make it entirely simple, much as we'd like it to be so. Or at least cover all possibilities we could face out there. We ballpark stuff, refine the ballpark, then... fly by the seat of our pants. I want to add that I really like Tom's Cosmic Clock. Making sense of something so complex and making it visually accessible is no small undertaking. It doesn't answer all our questions but it does provide an insightful starting place for bass anglers.
    3 points
  16. I can't speak for the rage rod but I do know about the Mojo and it is not the same blank but the same material. I called because I was convinced the Avid X was a different blank than the Avid since it felt so much different and here is what I was told. The Avid and Avid X share the same blank, and when I inquired about the new Mojo the guy laughed a little and said that they do use the same material but the Mojo has slightly different tapers as it uses different mandrels and it uses a different scrim and resin. So there you have it, the Mojo uses a different set of mandrels with different scrim and resin which makes them a different blank than the Avid. I didn't ask about the Rage rods.
    3 points
  17. If you have an Academy nearby, go there and get an Ethos rod.
    3 points
  18. Welcome aboard! You'll be on great footing if you stick around here and read all that is available - that's a guarantee! As far as your question goes, A-jay's suggestion is spot on. Buying a combo reduces the cost considerably. If you prefer buying individually, then do consider the President as your reel for sure. Very dependable, cost effective and durable reel. Also, take a serious look at the Berkley Lightning Shock rods too. You get one for a very reasonable cost on Walmart.com. Just check daily as the price goes up & down, depending on their stock availability. You should be able to find one at around $40.00. A great value, in my opinion. Consider filling your reel spool with a quality 8# or 10# braid for your main line and attaching a 4', 10# test fluorocarbon leader (learn and use the Alberto knot for your connection!). This will cast your lures very well and serve you wonderfully over this season. (My preference is for Fireline Crystal.)
    3 points
  19. You said you may be able to make an exception for price. You can get a 6'10" M/XF St. Croix Rage from their factory store for $90. That is a lot of rod for the money. http://stcroixrods.com/shop/freshwater/rage-spinning-rods/
    3 points
  20. Hello Justin and Welcome to Bass Resource ~ I'd recommend one of the rod & reel combo's that Cabelas offers. This Pflueger President Spinning Combo is pretty sweet, very reasonably priced and would suit your Senko fishing needs nicely. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=1308567&type=product&MDK=dynbanP_TR&MDC=cat104762880 Good Luck A-Jay
    3 points
  21. He just gets lucky now and then. BTW, he doesn't own ANY hard baits either...Imagine that.
    3 points
  22. You guys are not helping here ~ at all. The RC76MHMF 7'6" Med-Heavy Power Mod-Fast Action 12-25# 3/4-1 1/4 has been screaming "Buy Me" ever since St Croix started this sale. Well, I Just Couldn't Take It anymore . . . . The $89 bucks and free shipping was TOO MUCH ! They even threw in a Free Hat - I think it was the hat that actually did it. A-Jay
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. My son has the hydraulic ones on his back bay/flats boat and wouldn't have it any other way. Now, let me list all the reasons for not putting them on your them on your bass boat, a. They might make you enjoy going fishing more when you see how much better the boats gets on plane and handles at lower speeds where the hull is just barely on plane. b. If you go fishing more, the wife is going to be even more aggravated with you for spending more time fishing when you could be spending that time and money with her shopping.
    3 points
  25. This seems to be a very divisive topic and I can't figure out why. I'm new here, so I may be missing something. I would like to make a specific suggestion akin to what I posted about earlier in this thread. New Forum Name: Pond Walkers, Bank Stalkers, and Pond Management Forum Description: Everything pond and bank fishing, including discussion on pond management techniques. Link to articles from pond management experts and discuss what works/what doesn't when managing smaller, private waters. I would be happy to add plenty of content and pictures on pond management and fishing. I've scoured every article in the fish and lake management section of Bass Resource and it's a big reason I love the site. I would definitely like to have a place to talk about it now that I'm getting into the practice of pond management on my own property. This is VERY different from fishing public lakes and large waters, lots of the philosophies for big lake fishing go out the window when you're trying to manage your pond for your specific goals. I think bringing these like-minded individuals together in this forum would be very beneficial to the site. There is already an entire section of articles devoted to it here, why not discuss it?
    2 points
  26. If you want something that will last, the Zebco Omega is a very nice spincast reel.
    2 points
  27. I tend not to ask right away. Usually I BS with the person, shop around, etc. Ease my way in.
    2 points
  28. How would you feel about going 2 inches shorter than 6'6"? 6'4" M-XF Fenwick Aetos, $75: That was a $180 model before it was discontinued! There's also the 6'9" M-XF Fenwick Elite Tech Smallmouth caster for basically the same price
    2 points
  29. In modern English the term "theory" can have different meanings. In common usage it may mean a supposition, nearly the opposite of proven fact. But in modern science, "Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge."[1] In angling, however, and Catt I think you just might agree with me here, it's more like informal reckoning: "My theory is, if I pitch this bigass worm to the shady side of yonder cypress stump, it's gonna be walloped by a big old mama in less than half a second."[2] Now when you formalize your informal reckoning and put it in fancy tables and such, where you need a calculator and a magnifier to read it, some folks are liable to think you've got some proved science to back up that hogwash. But as we've seen, you don't.[3][4] References 1) Schafersman, Steven D. "An Introduction to Science". 2) Me, after 1 1/2 beers 3) Me again, in cynical mode 4) member Paul Roberts, above (thanks again, Paul) Disclaimer: angling being what it is, a meld of science, technology, art, and the shared experience of incredible anglers who made the sport what it is today, I have great respect for the skillful anglers of the world, both past and present. And from what I've read and seen how Catt has graciously shared his wealth of experience with those who read this site, Catt is one of those greats.
    2 points
  30. I know ~ I bum out when I nick myself shaving . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  31. Thank you, Paul. If there is no scientific evidence for the validity of the scientific-looking tables of solunar theory, there is insufficient reason in my opinion to pay any attention to it at all. It becomes the angling equivalent of astrology. Some people really believe in astrology, but most scientists regard it as baloney.
    2 points
  32. Here's a link to Barlow's "Vibrating Blade Lure": http://www.barlowstackle.com/Vibrating-Blade-Lure-P2631.aspx and here's a photo of one I assembled: Crestliner2008's description of how to work this bait is right on the money. And you will hang a few in a day's fishing which is why it makes sense to buy Barlow's blanks and assemble a bunch yourself.
    2 points
  33. Went to BPS in Columbia MO Saturday evening to see if they had any deals. Wound up grabbing some flukes and Powerbaits worms and craws and some Paca craws. There's a rebate that allows you to get 5 bags of Powerbait plastics for $1.75 each which I took advantage of. And last week I took advantage of a great deal offered by a fellow forum member on this Daiwa T3 MX 7.1:1 reel. My first JDM reel, and I'm pretty excited about pairing it up and using it. Planning on spooling up with 15 lb. fluoro and using it as my jig setup. I'm trying to decide what rod to pair it with, thinking about a Daiwa Zillion or Tatula, in keeping with the Daiwa JDM aesthetic. Recommendations? I love the subtle patterns of the Zaion frame!
    2 points
  34. Hope you get a handle on it tomorrow. i sure do like my dual pro charger. good luck.
    2 points
  35. I always Love your perspective Paul!! Also, on the Full moon deal, as scaleface pointed out, maybe more guys are fishing during those periods... Also, something that occurred to me that probably accounts for that "marginal" advantage that *Hannon, etal try to play up, is that during the spring there really is a big advantage to the Full Moon (IMO and supportable by some data referenced above), and that is probably enough to skew the numbers slightly higher for the whole year. *I went back and re-read Hannon's Moon section in "Big Bass Magic", and he clearly cherry-picked a block of years (8 year period) for his record-catch results, and as I said before, it was all species, not just bass. It just smacks of marketing to me. It's like the X files, I want to believe
    2 points
  36. I definitely think there should be a bank pond forum. I fish a lot of small rivers and creeks. There is definately a difference there than fishing a lake. Reeding the water, proper bait placement, fish location in current, etc. actually a River forum would be awesome, it would probably be pretty heavy on bank fisherman participation.
    2 points
  37. Yes, and i would fish a Netbait Tiny Paca chunk or a Zoom swimming chunk!
    2 points
  38. Strike King Bitsy Bug x 2 They don't last a very long time but they're great for beginning. They work really well and have a good profile plus they're very inexpensive. If you prefer to get higher quality right off the bat, Siebert Outdoors makes a finesse jig called the Sniper jig that is great and we'll reccomended. There's a link to their site at the bottom in the sponsor logos.
    2 points
  39. Just because it says ScIII doesn't mean it's "the same blank". The scrim, resin, and mandrel are all different from the Avid. That's like saying the Legend Elite and Legend Xtreme use the same blank as they are both SCV. Both utilize similar materials but aren't the same blank. Little bit of research never hurt.
    2 points
  40. Unfortunately BPS is just a destination to me, and the Fishing Classic is just an event at a destination. Really not much of anything on sale, considering how over priced they are to begin with.If you think it's bad now. What's it gonna be like if Johnny gets a hold of Cabelas. I've never been a fan of competing companies buying each other out. The consumer always loses in the end.
    2 points
  41. I agree with the post above....I think pond management is an important topic that I would love to learn more about and I am always searching out information since I have 5 ponds in the development where I live, and I have tried making 2 of them into really good spots with less bass but much larger fish, and then I put the slots in the other pond, along with stunted bluegills or any random fish I catch that do not belong. I notice the young Kids love fishing the 2 ponds that are void of structure, super clear, and are loaded with Bass in the 10-13" range since I remove most of the bass from 2 of the ponds with the goal of growing a few trophies... One cool thing to note...Here in Florida and I would imagine in most states, If you want to fish a pond that may be on Private property or on the side of the road etc...You can often call FWC or the DEC and we have a program called "Adopt a Pond" which basically allows you to fix a pond by adding structure, cleaning it, taking samples for Ph and Oxygen, and they work with you on how to fix the pond based on goals...Most developments have a retention pond or stormwater pond and they usually are one small part of a much larger watershed which leads to a large lake. Having permission to fish the "Watershed gives you the ability to fish and fix the ponds connected without tresspassing." Most owners who question you end up happy when you explain to them you are a "Volunteer" trying to keep the pond or ponds better for fishing. Managing small ponds is very difficult and it is amazing how fast fish will grow if you pay attention to the size of the bluegills and the bass, the shiners and other forage should take care of themselves if the 2 fish mentioned are in ratio....If you have a pond that is full of stunted bass and huge bluegills, then turn it into a trophy panfish pond, and then raise shiners in that pond as well, but it is so important to remove fish from good ponds, if you have a pond full of 4-5lb bass, that is great, but I promise in a few years you will have a few really big fish and lots of skinny bass unless you start a slot etc.. So growing trophy bass and pond management, ratios and what fish to add and how is a thread I would love to have since I know I am not the only one who tries to manage a pond to grow a giant...
    2 points
  42. When I first started texas rigging worms , I didnt own that many . My 6 inch Jelly Worms quickly became 5 inches , then 4 inches . I swear , I must have been the only person fishing worms in this one 6 thousand acre lake . Me and my fishing partner caught thousands of bass on a channel swing with stumps one summer , all on Jelly worms and we always bit them down smaller and smaller . .
    2 points
  43. I bought that rod in August and used it quite a bit in the late summer and fall. Seems to work, catches fish. It fishes exceptionally well at the heavier end of its weight range and handles this bait (which I think you will recognize) with no problems... It seems like he caught a LOT OF BIG BASS on the 7'11" mod-fast Rage rod (which I have as well but obviously don't use it as well as he does...).
    2 points
  44. Perfect - Now if I could just boat a few like that guy ~ I'd really be doing something. A-Jay
    2 points
  45. MLF had a recent tournament where the fishing was really tough, the anglers struggling to catch a few dinks. Todd Faircloth was fishing a marina and tried several presentations, even the Ned rig and caught 1 small bass and left. James Watson was fishing the same marina docks having similar poor success, then he rigged a flutter spoon to pitch under the docks and in 2 hours he went from last place to more then doubling the weight of second place finisher, all the bass caught on the spoon during mid day summer. Spoons are the oldest lure dating back to before 1800's and over looked by bass anglers. Surface spoons, weedless spoons, wobbling spoons, flutter spoons and heavy structure jigging spoons and all catch bass. Tom
    2 points
  46. Your rod will work well with any FC with the exception of Vanish, because Vanish is junk.
    2 points
  47. I've used several different flutter spoons. Exclusively off shore structure. Most of the time I lift it off the bottom pretty high. After the spoon hits bottom, I start with the rod pointed at around 5 o'clock and lift to at least 12. You have to be a line watcher to detect the bite cause it will almost always be on the fall. Then I do swim them but not often. Again, I let it hit bottom then I reel it then give it a little twitch so it falls on slack line. It's important to let it fall on slack line so not to interfere with with a vertical fall. It needs to fall straight down IMO. I like to have some sunshine and some wind to help sell the lure. I fish it when the big fish are schooled up on ledges and in a positive feeding mood. At times the big bass will be chasing big gizzard shad toward the surface. You'll see a big shad come busting out of the water trying to get away from something. These big fish will be all over the water column. Not really holding there but suspended and it's like a carnage zone going on down there. That's usually when it's time.These are some of the spoons I use. I really like the 3rd one from the left. The giant Ben Parker spoon I fish a little different(the one all the way to the right). I start at 5 o"clock and rip it off the bottom back over my shoulder similar to a sweeping hookset. This lure will catch big fish but it hits the bottom so hard it looks like a bite. It helps to learn the time it takes to fall. I also use a stinger hook. None of these have them on there in the pic. It's a dropshot hook tied with about a 2-3 inch piece of braid to the lie tie. Hope this is some help.
    2 points
  48. My beloved Triton 176 Magnum
    2 points
  49. LOL, but so very true. I have 19 y.o. son, ever since he got first cellphone I would not accept texts from him that did not have proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and NO shortcuts. I think this reinforced some parental bounderies and burned into his mind the proper way to communicate when getting older. Now for my wife...."for getta 'bout it.......her texts are a case study in current hieroglyphics. She blames small keyboard and I gave up the fight with her years ago:)
    2 points
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