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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2016 in all areas

  1. I found an awesome one
    9 points
  2. Best largemouth is 11lb-2oz caught in Florida. Best smallmouth is 7lb-6oz caught in Pa waters of Lake Erie.
    5 points
  3. 5 points
  4. A tarp with snow on it at this moment.
    4 points
  5. Luke to Yoda: I'll try Yoda to Luke: don't try, DO ! Don't ask if something will work, do it, the worst case scenario is that maybe today it won't work but tomorrow is a completely different scenario.
    4 points
  6. Went to Bass Pro for the Premier members rewards spring classic preview. One of the sale items was a combo rod and reel. Reel is a Lews Speed Spool Tournement MB and the rod is a cheap bass pro spiral graphite. Sale price is supposed to be $149 according to a flyer I received. I looked on the price tag for the rod and reel and it was $49.99. Not just one but all of the combos on the rack. Being an honest man, I brought the mistake to the attention of the manager and he promply pulled them all off the floor. The reel alone cost $139.00 Got a free spool of fishing line of my choice with my Shimano Citica purchase for my honesty. Never seen something like that before so thought I would share.
    3 points
  7. My personal best Largemouth came on the opening day of fishing season in 2007. She was 21 1/2 inches and went 6 1/2 lbs. I caught it on a white Terminator Super Stainless spinnerbait. It was one of their bleeding bait series ones with the red hook as well as a few red strands in the skirt. My day started off pretty well when I caught an 18" LMB in the first 20 minutes. I boated one other dink shortly after, and then that tank hit. I just remember how gigantic the mouth looked when she started jump boat side. Opening day of 2008 I managed to catch my PB smallie that was 20 1/2" and tipped the scales at 5 lbs. We were fishing in my dads boat which we were quickly finding out that his tm batteries were totally shot and needed to be replaced. As we drifted across a shallow stumpy flat (because the tm was completely dead) I coaxed her from a big stump she was hiding by. The last one is tied with my PB smallie. It came in at 20 1/2" and 5 lbs even. I think it probably edges out the other one just because it wasn't caught pre-spawn. I caught her on Sturgeon Bay this past fall on a drop shot. She was down in a small school on a channel buoy anchor. She put up one heck of a fight and was a beautiful fish. The picture doesn't do it justice.
    3 points
  8. I don´t know from where people believe that nylon stretches like if it were a friggin rubber band and made setting the hook decently an impossible task. Same applies for the floating capabilities of nylon, yeah right, like it float like a friggin cork.
    3 points
  9. The amount of stretch in mono has been exaggerated!
    3 points
  10. Flipping & Pitching
    3 points
  11. I've used both. While Invizx is a terrific all-purpose fluoro line, Flippin' fluoro is definitely designed specifically for flipping/pitching. It has terrific knot strength, and is incredibly abrasion resistant. Seriously, I've tossed it into some pretty thick cover, woody bushes, etc. and was surprised at how well it came through unscathed. I didn't have to retie as much as I normally do with non-braid line. That said, it's not a casting line. It's not as supple as Invizx. That's why it's so strong. But....you're not casting it either. This is designed specifically for flipping/pitching. So that shouldn't be a problem.
    3 points
  12. Just got back from the bend.. Shallow water patterns sucked for me. Must have been the high pressure. (Just need an excuse )..... Did get on a deep water bite and caught 19 with a couple of 4s and a five. 15 to 20 fow on a football jig. This warm weather should have them on the move.
    3 points
  13. Adding weight to a rod is counter productive.
    3 points
  14. Hi Seas Grandslam 20 lb copolymer is .017D according to TW. If this line casts OK use for whatever you like, 1/2-1 oz crankbaits, spinnerbaits, top water lures, paddle tail type 6" swimbaits, night fishing with jigs and worms, frogs...lots of choices. Tom
    2 points
  15. LOL! Forgive me, but I find this quite amusing...."I've got this tool designed, tested and proven to be a fish catching machine....but....I've never used it yet, but I bet I can make it better"....
    2 points
  16. regardless of the mix, there's always 1 jig rod and 1 t rig rod ready to roll
    2 points
  17. All depends on the weather. There's a lot of things that can work for you depending on weather and water clarity, it's just being prepared for it all in the spring and knowing how to adapt to changing conditions. I caught my avatar 3.25# spot after 8 inches of cold, windy rain in march. The next day it was bluebird glass and they wanted something completely different. Jerkbait and alabama rig will be the deal until the water starts warming. Once they start moving up your options start to open up. Ball and chain was responsible for a $60k fish last Spring. Spinnerbait with a chunk may be good this year considering 7mm is still cold chocolate milk as of last weekend, but it may clear up by then. In spring you never know until the day before, this aint California!
    2 points
  18. Comparing one companies 40 ton carbon to another's is like comparing one companies IM8 to the next.. Pointless. They aren't even close to the same blank and they are not constructed\rolled the same way.
    2 points
  19. Because "hagane" is a eye catching word, not a material.
    2 points
  20. Would defenitly throw an Arig. Lots of guys catching them on the rig. Muddy water is a factor right now, but is clearing up the lower you go. My line up would be: Jerkbait Arig Finesse jig Wart Shaky head And wait for it... a buzzbait. Black on black crock-o-gator head knocker to be specific.
    2 points
  21. Visited the local Lund dealer today (Maple Bay Marine, Brutus, MI). Put together the Boat, Motor & Trailer package. GOOD TIMES ! Looking at bench seat dual console version, Black w/custom graphics, 200 Opti w/ Tempest Plus, smartcraft rigging & hydraulic steer, 36V Optima AGM system including cranking, 4 bank 60amp Pro charger, 2 Helix 10 SI GPS ( Linked & flush mounted console & bow), Minn Kota Fortrex 112/ 62" / US2, 2 12' Talons Black w/ tilt brackets, extra bike (bow) & pedestal seat (aft), custom galvanized trailer, custom travel cover & sports trax pkg. Waiting to get back the completed order for final approval - All & all should run about $29.99 . . . . . . plus tax of course. A-Jay
    2 points
  22. Someone showed me the safety pin trick years ago and I've been using it ever since. It keeps your hooks from becoming a tangled mess and they're easy to get to.
    2 points
  23. Here she is, got her on a 7" Alan Cole swimbait in April..... All I could say to my buddy was "She's BIG, get the net"! Now if I can figure out how to properly align the picture...
    2 points
  24. Too many people do not share their problems with others and carry them around while putting on a happy face. You never know what is going on in someone's mind, home, work or relationships. As you go through life you will encounter other unnecessary losses. Some you will have an inkling that there is a problem while you will have no idea about the majority. Everyone thought Robin Williams was a success; had money; a beautiful wife; a great home; movie and TV contracts; all of which we would love to have. He had a serious disease that we did not know about which was a heavy cross to bear for him. Even when things are not going as you wish there is no reason to take your life. There are too many people and services out there to help you through the tough times. So sorry for his loss. So unnecessary.
    2 points
  25. All partnered up on a XX DSR
    2 points
  26. Was it a liger? Part lion part tiger? Pretty much the top of the mystical creature food chain... just ask nepolean dynamite.
    2 points
  27. Put in my order for a Curado 70 XG and a Scorpion 70 HG this morning Hoping the Scorpion gets here before the Classic but I know the Curado won't get here before then. Always wanted to own a Scorpion, excited to finally make it happen.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Awesome year!! I got my 10th consecutive **AOY award** This season. **Disclaimer: My "league" consists of just me, my wife, our 3 yo daughter, 1 dog and 2 cats
    2 points
  30. Fishing is an activity that becomes who we are. I ripped the cartilage holding my ribs in place on the right side in mid-August. Casting hurt and handling my bass boat was almost impossible. Carrying or dragging the jon boat was completely out of the cards. Then, just as I was almost healed and was able to fish a bit, I re-injured them worse in early November. Ribs were getting hung on each other and I had a spot on the right side of my abdomen that was sticking out. Even light casting hurt. It seemed that my right rib cage was moving. If I laid on my back, it would move slightly forward. If, on my stomach it moved slightly backward. Every movement was painful. I've injured my ribs a few times in my life and the older I get, the easier it seems to tear the cartilage loose. Two different doctors told me that everything was in place but that I had extreme swelling. I had to relax and let the cartilage heal. I am just now feeling like I could fish. I plan to try working out again next week, but I am going to be very careful. So . . . . here it is mid-January, and I have only been able to fish three times since mid-August. I have the shakes, depression, and I am irritable. I wake up at night in cold sweats and can't get back to sleep. Seriously, though, the last five months have not been good. Fishing keeps me sane. I can't wait to get back on the water.
    2 points
  31. So I'm doing some winter repairs and fixes and noticed there is some slop in the throttle lever on my 3000 series control. Are there any good vids that show how this comes apart? Is there a parts refresh kit for these? Maybe just an adjustment?
    1 point
  32. Somehow I ended up getting 2
    1 point
  33. You never know LSU...you might just stumble onto a few good fish! With this weather staying warm for the next week I bet the big girls make a move up to shallower water. I'll be up this Friday and Saturday. I might fish it as well if I can come up with anything. I fished the Rattle Trap tournament on Rayburn and would have drawn a check if I'd have weighed in. Didn't thing 12.6 would have gotten it done and didn't want to take a beating to the weigh in for 12lbs...a mistake on my part. I'd have broke even for the weekend if I would have. I'll never do that again! Good luck!
    1 point
  34. Performed well for me. No issues. Wasn't the furthest casting reel, nor the smoothest, but it was great as one of my first baitcasting reels. I caught 1-2 pounders with it.
    1 point
  35. Now that is a great mailbox. Any neighbors upset?
    1 point
  36. Zebco Card 4 (the green-n-white), Quick 440N, and others... But the oldest (by a lot) is: My grandfather's Pflueger Progress brass birdcage fly reel that dates to late 1800's to early 1900's. I use it for small stream brookies at least once a season. I have two of these Sigma's: an 030 and 035. I bought the 035 for my Dad back in the 1980's. He scarcely used it and just recently he shipped it to me. It's essentially spanking new. Yeah, there are much nicer reels out there now, and even taken down and lubed properly they are a little "raspy". But I'm happy to have them. Yours look to be in fine shape too.
    1 point
  37. I suppose it would, most anything can work on a shaky head. It screams drop shot to me though
    1 point
  38. You strike me as a speedo type of guy.
    1 point
  39. Lol! Someone has been typing on a Mac. Mine does that every single time.
    1 point
  40. "Calling Bass Fishing a Hobby, is like calling Brain Surgery a Job." A-Jay
    1 point
  41. He had a wife and two children. The wife will move on, but those kids my god they will carry this with them for the rest of their lives. I shudder to think about and consider the negative impact this will have upon their lives. How could he do this to them??? If you love your kids be there for them! They need their father! So sad.
    1 point
  42. With jig trailers I leave them on the jig, never had an issue. Now I will fish the same jig till I loss it or cut it off leaving the trailer on it, let it air dry & put it in a box.
    1 point
  43. Not Bass related but my girlfriend and I were fishing for Pink Salmon last year in one of the local rivers. I foul hooked a fish on the top fin with a spinner and it snapped me off. Half an hour later my girlfriend hooks a fish and says it's foul-hooked. As she was landing it we both saw a spinner (MY spinner) on the fish's top fin and her hook hooked on the spinner. Pretty unbelievable considering hundreds of fish were moving past us in that half hour period.
    1 point
  44. A solid 8 pounder caught on my first cast with an unweighted Yamamoto Flapping Hog. It was a test cast to 'open' water to see if I could cast the thing without any weight but instead I put it right on top of a previously undiscovered submerged stump and this beast came out and ate it. Caught him on a spinning rig setup for finesse fishing; 20lb braid with 10lb flouro leader. Glad I finally learned to tie a good albright between the two. He was too big for my net which went overboard and sank. Sorry for the bad framing but it was a maximum effort selfie. As you can imagine, I've been back to this stump...
    1 point
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