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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2016 in all areas

  1. When I'm out on the water, the only sounds I am interested in listening to is nature.
    12 points
  2. Son, grandson and I fished the Disney World lakes last week and we had a blast. Scott is pictured below with a five pounder and I caught 4 3-pounders and over a dozen between one and half up to two and a half pounders. Grandson got to reel in a lot of them for us. Photo below is with one of the ones he landed. He was afraid of the bass at first but got the hang of it and had a good time. We lost count of the number we caught around 18 to 20. We had a great four hour trip and now I can take it off my bucket list. Special thanks to "Captain Bill" who made us feel at home and he helped my grandson have a good time. LikeCommentShare
    5 points
  3. When this came up one time a while back, I made the comment that I don't play music when I'm fishing and I don't want to hear yours. Some guy raked me over the coals for having a bad attitude. But, I still stand by my earlier comment.
    5 points
  4. The Dorito commercial was by far the best one and topped my list.
    5 points
  5. I don't know how your music affects the fishing but I do know sound travels very well over water so everyone else is entertained by your tunes whether they want to be or not. I prefer not to listen to music while I'm fishing, mine or yours. If you like to listen, consider those around you and use headphones.
    5 points
  6. We had a conversation about puppymonkeybaby at work, mainly, what was the pitch guy who came up with that smoking when he thought it up?? I kept waiting for the punchline while it was on tv, and it never happened.
    4 points
  7. I have the same bait, but I have caught some nice fish on it. I was fishing it at a friend's pond once and his dad was poking fun at me because it was "too big". He had just asked "What are you fishing, a beer can?" when a 5 pounder came unhinged on the bait and scared all of us with the viciousness of the explosion. He didn't have anything else to say after I took my pictures and turned the fish loose.
    4 points
  8. You can, but I'd go with 15-20 to handle the impact of setting the hook. Heavy braid that's normally used isn't just for the heavy cover, it's for pushing 1 or 2 large hooks through a potentially very hard part of a bass' mouth. I don't fish them in real heavy cover either and still use 50lb braid.
    4 points
  9. With their last couple releases (scatter rap and shadow rap), excuse my lack of enthusiasm.
    4 points
  10. Finding out I was going to be a grandfather was exciting enough, now the twins are almost here, the doctors said they would be here the week of the 27th barring any unforeseen emergency, they were to busy at the office today to schedule the C-section but we will find out sometime in the next couple of days when the procedure will take place, OH MAN I cant wait !!! If I may ask for prayers from you guys for a healthy and safe delivery for mom and babies they would be truly welcomed !!!
    3 points
  11. When I'm fishing I'm only in the mood for fishing, nothing else.
    3 points
  12. @Fishin' Fool my most sincere apologies. I just realized reading back i never said THANK YOU for finding and pointing the rod out to me on ebay.
    3 points
  13. We whacked them this Saturday, 4 of us caught 34, all were between 3-4lbs. They are shallower than they should be this time of year. My buddy stayed and fished Sunday, we had to head home for Super Bowl party, and he whacked em again with his biggest 5 right at 20lbs. Some of the females looked like they spawned already and the others were about to pop, some had eggs oozing out. Gonna try and head up there again this weekend. With the mild temps big mommas should be dropping. Wish I could give location but have a buddy that's fishing a tournament and he wasn't far from us.
    3 points
  14. My wife & I had a similar response What The Heck ? ? ? ? If they were going for the Stupidest Waste of Air Time Commercial ~ Hey, They Won First, Second & Third with that pile of intellectually Insulting Foolishness ~ And I'll reserve my actual response as decorum dictates. A-Jay
    3 points
  15. I don't have anything playing while fishing. I like to hear when the fish jump.
    3 points
  16. I'm not a "Cam hater" but for those that are, his interview after the game will solidify peoples hate for him. He's pouting like a child. We get it, you lost, it was a disappointment, and you aren't the "Lebron of the NFL" like you thought you were. Show some class you clown.
    3 points
  17. Phil Anselmo with Pantera or Down. Walk, 5 minutes alone, far beyond driven, CFH, Cemetery gates...so many GREAT songs you can't list them all. Also a big fan of Max Calavera of Selputura.
    3 points
  18. Releasing the clutch under load is hard on a reel and much more likely to damage something than the chances of drag failure which is nil in any but the most neglected bass reel.
    3 points
  19. Gaga is spectacular. I don't care what she looks like, the woman can sing. I do think she looks good as a blond...or brunette...or redhead....
    3 points
  20. Although I would generally agree with Dr Rotella, the author of this article, he teaches GOLF. Not exactly a contact sport. So my response to this is actually a quote from Mr Like Tyson ~ "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." What I like so much about the quote is that its application stretches far beyond boxing (and football). It really has meaning in any area of life, whether the blow comes from a health issue, losing your job, making a bad investment, a traffic jam, whatever. It's how you react to that adversity that defines you, not the adversity itself. A-Jay
    3 points
  21. I like the Alberto ( modified Albright).
    3 points
  22. I thought the Doritos ultrasound ad was pretty funny, and I think my favorite was the Prius bank robbery escape. Didn't care for much of the other ones, especially the puppymonkeybaby lol.
    2 points
  23. This is the way they made them during WWII. Shortage of metal, so the lips were made of plastic. Hootie
    2 points
  24. I don't know how it would affect the fish. Coming from a small speaker probably not at all, but from a bigger system built into the boat I would think might have some adverse affects. I don't think you'll ever catch any music coming out of my boat though. The sounds of being on the lake, the wildlife rustling on the bank, the eagles flying overhead, fish splashing, or bullfrogs croaking. I also think it doesn't let you catch those little things, like the sound of the fish jumping. Fishing without it makes me feel more in tune with what's going on around me. For those who do listen to music, please be considerate and either use headphones or keep it on very low as sound carries a lot farther over water than it does any other place.
    2 points
  25. Doesn´t matter which brand, why ? ----> because I tell you and I tell you because I´ve tried a bunch of brands since tubes were invented and makes no difference at all, however, BPS brand has a ton of colors from where to choose.
    2 points
  26. My first bass ever back in 1980 was caught with a C-rig ....... a C-rigged RAPALA ORIGINAL FLOATING MINNOW. So, not only soft plastics are C-rigged FYI .
    2 points
  27. Sorrt of a loaded question..... I guess it all depends on how you fish and what you fish for, also where you fish? If you EVER find yourself on the water in dense fog, or on the California Delta, you will be wishing you had the GPS with the trail feature turned ON.
    2 points
  28. Got some time on lake this weekend with the new dobyns champion. Cast very well and smooth. Did notice a bit of noise from line going through eyes, even with slick8 power pro. Not enough to worry about though. I really liked the guides overall. I tried repeatedly to tangle line around eyes and each time it slipped right on down with no effort. Unfortuantly i cannot say how it handles a fish, got skunked. That just makes want to go back and figure pond out more, since this was only my 2nd time on it. Overall i am impressed and extremely pleased with it so far. I will defintly be looking more at other rods from dobyns.
    2 points
  29. No bass this trip, just pickerel, yellows and crappie. Some what of a high pressure day and the fish were not as enthusiastic as normal for this locale.The yellows are full of roe now and on the feed.About 7 of them,with 1@ 13=1/2" . 2 nice crappies @13",that took a 4" jerk. Everything on jerks, from 2=1/2" to 4" Wt 45 =I wish my arms were longer to get better pics
    2 points
  30. weak for the most part.... but i did like the Heinz commercial with all the dachsunds, that was great!
    2 points
  31. I have a Bluetooth speaker that I use with my iphone. I keep it low enough so I can hear it in the background and cover the constant ringing in my ears. My boat came with a built-in radio but it doesn't work and will be coming out this spring.
    2 points
  32. If you're fishing places that are largely without vegetation, considering the reel, it is completely unnecessary to use braid and, if you hook into a good fish and have braid that is normally used for frogging (40-65#), there is a good chance you could damage your reel. I have 15# Big Game on my Black Max and use it for anything from topwater to spinnerbaits to Texas rigs and jigs. Mono is actually perfect for what you're describing, in my eyes.
    2 points
  33. I've had better luck on the 90 size for both quantity and quality. I prefer the bone color and have both the 90 and 130 size. I throw the 90 size on a 7'6" mh crankbait rod with 12lb mono and I throw the 130 on a 7' H Duckett with 20lb mono. Both setups work well for me and produced a lot of fish in later December 2015.
    2 points
  34. So when is carolina showing up?
    2 points
  35. Some of the comments about back-reeling and not trusting drags on either spinning or BC reels, along with recent threads about folks disdaining BC reel braking systems and maintaining that only an "educated thumb" is necessary...make me think of Fred Flintstone's car with the hole in the floor. Don't need fancy technology - just stick your feet on the ground to stop the car... Just sayin'...
    2 points
  36. Just won an Orochi X4 Oneten Stick on the auction site
    2 points
  37. I like how they had 4 mvps.
    2 points
  38. It's gonna be old by Summer....lol
    2 points
  39. I use these for drop shotting. Allen
    2 points
  40. The only album Metallica completely bombed and probably regret releasing was St. Anger. That album sounded like Animal from the muppets took over Lars with only a snare drum. Everything Black and before was legendary. After that it was a little bumpy but still patinum stuff. I've seen thm once and I regret not going more when i was younger.
    2 points
  41. Both have the 6.2:1 gear ratio at the size 30. Same spool size too. According to the Pflueger site, the Supreme has a 31.8 inches per turn while the size 30 President LE has 31 inches per turn: http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/pflueger-reels-spinning-reels/pflueger-president-limited-edition/1371884.html http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/pflueger-reels-spinning-reels/pflueger-supreme-spinning-reel/1347902.html So, retrieve rate is basically a wash. Weight is close too, 7.5 oz for the supreme, 7.7 for the President LE. Given they are the same price with the rebate, I'd go with the Supreme.
    2 points
  42. Went fishing with this guy and my 5 year old. Only had a few frost"bites" but still a good day.
    2 points
  43. Easy question. A few clicks in the spreadsheet results in: Bait: 5" single-tail grub Total: 528 Breakout: 478 LMB 49 Warmouth 1 Bullfrog
    2 points
  44. Put it on them in a bad way. Thought I had my 4lb curse broke in February... 3.14 on Drews sizzle jerkbait.
    2 points
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