I have had too many "best day ever's" to remember. But there's a few that stick out, not because they were/are better than other days I have , but because they have caught me off guard, and happened out of the blue.............or more like, I was in the "right place at the right time" for this to happen, and I have rarely been able to duplicate it since.
#1..........Late April, a few years ago..........pre-spawn largemouth fishing was already good that day, I was hitting my usual spots, and pretty much calling my shots, when without warning one of the strongest south winds I have ever been in kicks up out of nowhere without so much as a light breeze before hand as a warning. I was at the extreme north end of the lake, the boat launch is at the south end, and this wind turned my little 3 mile long lake into the Atlantic ocean. I tuck in behind a tree line, to "wait it out" and while I am there figure...........what the heck, might as well make a few casts. Well for the next hour or so, I catch a bass on dang near ever cast in an area no bigger than my living room on a lipless crankbait. And they were all 2.5-4.5 lbers, then the clouds broke, the wind let up, and it was over just like that.
#2.............Also late April, probably a year or two before incident #1...........I was struggling bad one evening after work. Nothing was working, and I was about to go home possibly skunked. Just as the sun was setting I pulled up on a main lake point, whipped a football jig out to the bank, and slowly started to drag it back. As soon as that jig "fell" off the point into deep water a decent bass just about ripped the rod out of my hand............cool, at least I am not skunked.........next cast, same thing, and then this went on every cast, for the next 1/2 hour to 45mins until the sun had finally set and was dark. Once that sun was gone, so was the bite.
#3................Late June/Early July a few years ago, I just launched the boat and a splash under a tree in the shade at the boat launch got my attention. I put the trolling motor down went over by the tree just in time to see another splash. A bird, landed on a grass mat just outside the shade line and a bass blew up on it, I picked my frog rod up, started whipping it around on the mats in the area and in the next 20 mins had 2 20lb five fish limits without ever starting the outboard. And about as soon as it started, it was over.
Now, I have caught plenty of fish, and had good days on all these spots before and since, so this was not new to me, but these were just some of those "lightning in bottle" moments that have happened over the years.