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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2016 in all areas

  1. 12 points
  2. The women in my family tell us to go fishing to get us the hell out of the house. I don't know how many times my mother has called me ranting "Pick up your father and take him fishing" My ol' lady knows I won't be getting into trouble out on the lake. Like Sam said, better I'm fishing than boozing it up with other broads.
    7 points
  3. 6 points
  4. My wife likes fishing just as much as me, if not more! She also crushes it with her fantasy football teams, is a huge NASCAR fan, and is a gourmet chef! Right now, she's pestering me to go to Cabela's with her.
    6 points
  5. Has been a slow year for me until last Friday. I'd been 3 times and caught a whopping total of 6 bass. Caught quite a few fish on this day, but size was lacking until we hit one of my favorite spots in the colder water. They weren't packed in like they can get, but steady bites and much better quality saved the day for us. Had a bunch of fish on a Ned rig but all smaller fish, minus the only bigger smallmouth caught by the ramp before the camera was on, a catfish and drum. Caught a decent number of fish on the new RES tungsten 2 Tap with 1 decent largemouth, but the majority of the fish that counted were on a homemade swinging football head with a SK Rodent in watermelon red. No monsters, but lots of solid fish.
    5 points
  6. No lashes. I probably move the majority of posts, especially OUT of General. The selection is based on "predominate theme". For new members and topics that I do not consider "clear", we leave a note that the thread was moved and the location where it has been placed. The goal is to to keep the Forum organized and provide structure. Not everything will fit perfectly, but thought always goes into a move. -Kent
    5 points
  7. So I got access to a new pond recently and have been waiting to fish it. Temperature was around 65-70 throughout the afternoon, so I decided to stop by. The pond was much larger than I expected, but very well maintained. Water was stained and the wind was blowing pretty hard. The wind almost caused me to just come back another day. I recently picked up some bladed jigs and custom spinnerbaits from @Siebert Outdoors and wanted to try them out. I started out fan casting with the spinnerbait around the pond, but didn't get any reaction strikes. Decided to try out the bladed jig in summer craw with a lime purple passion pit boss rigged sideways for the trailer; I think I remember @Bluebasser86 mentioning to try the pit boss that way. This was my first time trying bladed jigs and I pretty much learned what I know about them from reading the forums. Long story short, I only got five bites the entire day. However, I now have a lot of confidence in bladed jigs. Left the new Accu-Cull scale at the truck and was on the opposite side of the pond when I caught these.
    4 points
  8. Went out today to a local, medium sized lake (150 acres) not expecting to catch anything but anxious to try out some new gear. Was delighted to hook up with two LMB in the two hours I was out there. They were both about 12" long, probably a pound and change or so. Dinks, I know, but I haven't been able to be out on the water since early December, so I was pretty pleased. Plus, I think they are my first ever winter bass- never was dedicated enough or tried hard enough before. The water temp here was probably about 36-38 or so- the coves were still iced over and there was ice along the shore. First one I caught on the Cabin Creek Spider jig, in about 16 ft of water I'd guess (didn't have my Deeper with me). Jigging it off a rocky bottom. Caught the second one (pictured) on a 1/4 oz. green pumpkin swim jig, I don't remember the brand. No trailer.
    3 points
  9. ^^ This ^^ Typically new people just post in the General forum by default. We move them, leave the "moved" notation to help them understand where it should have been posted. Soon we drop the notification if it's the same person doing it; and if it turns into a chronic issue with a particular member, then we start deleting instead of moving. But it rarely comes to that.
    3 points
  10. There doesnt have to be shad there for a shad colored lure to be effective . A shad will be close enough to a creek chub or some other forage .
    3 points
  11. This is because the topics were not posted in the correct place to begin with. So mgmt is actually doing us favor by moving these threads in the correct forums.
    3 points
  12. Swimbait stuff. Minus a box of hudds which now rest in a watery grave in the depths of an east Texas reservoir
    3 points
  13. Life is too short to waste on things that don't mater. Tom
    3 points
  14. 9.2 Finally got last summers pic up...
    3 points
  15. Take her with you ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  16. My first wife said that crap a lot...... I don't miss her one little bit!!
    3 points
  17. I know you have not heard those responses from your wife and are just giving us some samples. Only one I have heard, and I have been married since the world was water and son is 40-years old, is "How many fishing poles does a guy need?" But since I don' drink, hang out in bars, go dancing with other women, am completely trustworthy and support her quilting habit, I get to go fishing when ever I want. She and I are heading to Lake Gaston and Buggs Island later this year. She will stay in the room and quilt while I fish and go on the boat if she wants to go for a ride or just read a book as I fish. But there are a lot of insecure and immature women out there that would ask some of the questions you proposed. They want their men all to themselves and fishing can be a nasty habit and mistress.
    3 points
  18. I was back on the"new to me "pond today. I fished 3 hrs with only one pickerel & two lmb.I covered lots of cover and made many casts.About 1 pm they started liking an LC100 real good. The sun was way high in a cloudless sky.8 lmb in an hour started off and ended by nice pickerel in 6 to 7 foot depth. The lmb averaged about 2-1/4 lbs with the large around 3 1/2lbs It was a great day over all with the catch at 10 lmb==4 nice pickerel from 21"to 23" The pick pic shows the LC out of sight . She wanted it. WT just barely broke 40 deg one time. The shaded coves still had ice. My seat is 14" wide Nice trip home and I stopped at my local pond to watch the sunset in the brisk temps along with one eagle,two blue herons,several geese and one turtle up for a breath of air.I love it. Aside from the ice on most ponds now this is my favorite time of year. Its quiet ,peaceful and the fishin is a bonus.I actually show signs of being depressed about mid March when the cold water period ends. C22
    2 points
  19. What's your water temp? They ones I have do float, but raise slowly and they have a very tight kick. Look at the width of the top of the bait, there isn't much there. The tight vibration and wiggle is the action it's supposed to have. But the water temp will make a difference on how fast it floats up.
    2 points
  20. Hula poppers never let me down
    2 points
  21. If you ever need a name for a vessel, may I suggest "Perseverance"? Anyway to all the locals who participate in this thread, when we return from our annual trek to Daytona Speedweeks, and our daughter's home in GA, I'm thinking about hitting up the two small ponds close to home. One is surrounded by private property. The other, while it has a public access, you need a canoe, kayak, jon boat, Pelican or something similar to negotiate the channel that leads to the pond. So it is about as exclusive as it can get for a public pond. I'll return by the middle of March. On calm days, I plan to hit up both ponds. If the fish are biting, I'll put out the invite to any and all. Middle of April, I'll be gone again on what has become an annual expedition to Pickwick Lake for two weeks. I hope the gas prices hold for at least another three months. It's two hundred gallons to tow the boat back and forth, plus what I use in the truck and the boat down there. Thankfully, we've learned quite a bit about Pickwick so we don't burn a lot of fuel in the boats. Plus, there are plenty of ramps, so it you want to fish twenty or thirty miles upriver, we use a ramp in that area.
    2 points
  22. Can't be, he gave me his Old Timer back in '56. I haven't carried it since before Nam. I either have a Kershaw or Spiderco in my pocket, so I don't bring a knife with me specifically for fishing. I gave my headlamp away because I had to tilt my head down for it to illuminate what I was doing and I wear bi-foals. I keep a pen light clipped to my shirt pocket and hold it in my mouth.
    2 points
  23. Have a graphics place make you stickers that say Z 10 and put them over the Z 9s that are now on the boat. That should leave other fishermen scratching their heads. Shouldn't be an expensive modification.
    2 points
  24. Well, I have been gone for a week, down to Texas for the birth of my newest grand daughter! Catching up a little today. -Kent
    2 points
  25. Political aspirations...uhh no! I wrote that back in the 70s & after years of night fishing I've long since graduated beyond it. The only correlation I've observed between moon phases & fishing is in tidal movements. I usually start night fishing during the April full moon & continue through the October full moon & have done quite well during every moon phase. i fish with the same techniques, with the same lures, in the same colors, on the same locations as I would during the day. If it was working during the day it will continue working at night, bass do not morph into a new creature when the sun sets. The only thing different I add to my repertoire at night is a Q-Beam!
    2 points
  26. Had this one for so long, I think I got it from Moses. Hootie
    2 points
  27. Had a good weekend to enjoy the nice weather. Took Friday off to roll solo to Wolf. It was a grind, but found fish to make it worth it. Caught my biggest WC LMB at 3 lbs. 12 oz. on a beaver/swinghead. Caught a few others on a squarebill and even threw an A-rig around and found one. Lost one at the boat that was probably pushing the 3# mark that I have on video-didn't have the GoPro running for anything else worthwhile. Turned around and went again Saturday morning to join the 40-50 other boats. Not sure I've ever waited so long in line at the check in station, but I knew what I was getting myself into. Definitely had more problems finding fish Saturday, but could not complain even a little bit with how awesome the weather was, and getting to hang out with Micah and Adam. I caught a few small ones, but nothing worth talking about. The 3 lb. 12 oz. fish. Another chunk (different fish). Didn't get a weight but probably that usual WC special.
    2 points
  28. I have a hundred knives and usually carry more than one . When fishing I carry a Leatherman Multi Tool . Mine has a diamond file that is an excellent hook sharpener . I can even sharpen trebles with it . I EDC a Swiss army Knife and often throw something else in my pocket . Whatever floats my boat . Sometimes I wear a fixed blade like Catts Sharpfinger . Catfishing from bank I take an Ontario SP5 with a 10 inch heavy blade , I got that knife in a trade with Maximus Redneckus . Its a beast .I use it to clear a fishing spot . The Mora Clipper can be had for less than fifteen dollars The plastic sheath is cheap but can be clipped on your , belt , waistband , pocket... Its a nice utility fishing knife . Sweet . I have one too . picked up these two at a knife and gun show last winter USA .
    2 points
  29. Little something I just picked up,Any suggestions on reels welcomed
    2 points
  30. I went fishing in my toilet. Glad I didn't catch anything lol
    2 points
  31. Not me, but one of my fishing buddies.
    2 points
  32. Sunline shooter sunline fc sniper seaguar tatsu
    2 points
  33. I have an 150g reef tank display and 40g sump, old pic but I have lot of corals and 10 fish from clowns, gobies, tang, rabbit fish, chromes, shrimps,
    2 points
  34. Went up north by the 1000 islands with my buddy for a predator calling contest. Had a pretty epic weekend. Called in 15 coyotes killed 5, called 2 gray for killed 1, called a bobcat in didn't get a shot and seen one driving into camp got out snuck down the hedge row and my buddy has a 22hornet/12ga combo gun and had the 12ga barre selected on accident for a 75yard shot on a bobcat. End of our first day calling we seen a mature bald eagle also at one of the spots we called in a triple at and killed one of the 3 that came to the call.
    2 points
  35. Just getting back from the bend. We fished north of wrights landing and caught one flipping the bushes. Got our butts whipped in the wind. Ended up south, around 1215 and caught 5 more flipping. But I did catch my biggest fish ever. 6.1lbs
    2 points
  36. I'm so sorry for you guys that have to face those conditions. We had 86 degrees today. I bet we'll see spawning soon. I lived in Wisconsin till I was 18. You would think I would be used to the cold. Nope. Give me a 100 degrees any day.
    2 points
  37. This was a warm winter day with some ice in coves and the downwind parts of the lake had warmer surface temps. The fish were still on the bottom. I caught this bass (yellow circle) with a blade bait after seeing it split up the school of shad (red circles). "It's so easy a cave man can do it." This is what was in the yellow circle:
    2 points
  38. Super glue the dividers in, on the bottom and in the side grooves. Also glue a piece of non skid shelve liner on the underside of the lid. You'll be able to turn it over and shake and nothing will move. Mike
    2 points
  39. 3700 Bass Mafia Bait Coffin Top quality and built to last... worth every penny!
    2 points
  40. I begin my day always fishing for kicker fish, bigger fish, etc.. I fish this way from start to end.. I see no difference. I fish hard from start to finish. I don't fish for a living, & couldn't imagine doing so. But, fishing hard in clubs or tournaments for fun, is just that, fun. When fishing isn't fun, I will just play poker.. Give me a T-rigged plastic worm on any lake anywhere & I will catch Bass. Sometimes, really big bass..
    2 points
  41. Jig, buzzbait, SB, BIG bait, all seem to select for bigger fish.
    2 points
  42. I don't hear any of that...that's why I'm still married, 25 years and counting.
    2 points
  43. I've always assumed the crawfish thing. Related to the wart bite in cold water. Bait fish chasers usually have sharp teeth and crawfish eaters are red. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Lol
    2 points
  44. 7'11" Quantum Tour Edition Greg Hackney signature rod, Quantum Tour Edition PT "Burner" casting reel (7:1 ratio), 50-pound Suffix 832 braid ~ 1/2 or 3/4-ounce Tungsten slip sinker, Texas rigged with a Green Pumpkin Skirt, a Berkley Powerbait Beast riding on a 5/0 Owner EWG Beast hook. I'm fishing the cleaner hard bottom area at the very bottom of the second drop where it meets with the front edge of the deep weeds, And if there's some wood or a few rocks there - I check my drag right before the first cast and then I get all kinds of serious and hold my breath . . . . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  45. There have been numerous books, articles, clocks, charts, ect. Published on this great mystery of bass fishing. A lot of the authors of these publications go through great lengths explaining how difficult it is to determine these times. It is really quite simple to determine these times for yourself with a little inside information. River and salt water publications go through great lengths explaining how difficult it is to determine tidal movements. The reality is that these best times and tidal movements are related to the moon's phases. People in animal husbandry, farming, hunting, and fishing have used the moons phases for centuries. One of the oldest publications giving this information is the "Poor Richard's Almanac". The moon's phases are divided into four quarters, two of which are your minor times, and two of which are your major times. The times for the major periods are as follows An hour and a half prior the moon reaching its apex An hour and a half prior to the moon reaching its perigee The major periods are the first quarter new moon and the third quarter full moon. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon is three times greater on the new moon than the full moon. At the time of the new moon the earth has the moon and the sun in a straight line pulling together. This first quarter, dark night phase differs from the third quarter full moon phase when the earth moves between the moon and the sun. The new moon dark night is only difficult on the angler because you must rely on your sense of feel when working your bait. If you want to really learn how to fish baits that require a lot of feel like worm or jigs try new moon nights. The times for the minor periods of these moon phases are as follows An hour and a half prior to the raising of the moon on the horizon. An hour and a half prior to the setting of the moon. Now take into consideration the above listed times you end up with 3 hrs. of major time periods and 3 hrs. of minor times periods. This does not take into account weather, seasons, or your ability to locate fish!
    2 points
  46. I don't "look" for "kicker" fish after I have caught 5. I fish for 5 bites all day. I start every tournament with these 4 things on my front deck. Frog Jig T-rigged craw/creature bait, or big worm 5" Yum dinger on a heavy wire "flipping" wacky jig head If conditions are right for it, I will have a couple of moving baits out as well like a swimjig, squarebill, or chatterbait. I only start drop shotting, shaky heading, flick shaking, etc...if I have determined that it's a grind and bites are hard to come by that day.
    1 point
  47. Generally a bigger jig that combines thick living rubber and silicone with a beaver style trailer. Second would probably be a larger size topwater bait or frog during the warmer months fished early or late in the day.
    1 point
  48. It is a hard question for me because there are a few things that get bigger fish but it depends on the conditions. In summer, clear water conditions it is a T-Rigged 10" of 12" worm, in dirty water it would be a larger jig and trailer combination. In Fall during clear water it would be a 5" or 6" hollow belly swim bait, in dirty water it would be larger square bill. In the spring it may be a buzzbait no matter what the clarity or a larger jerkbait or mid depth crankbait. And as you already know, the rods and reels change with each different presentation.
    1 point
  49. I fish three types and I have three of each in two different weights. Every year I buy a few Wal-Mart cheapos with gold blades and rattle can them bright orange. A place I fish frequently has a huge goldfish population and the bass crush these Rustoleum beauties!
    1 point
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