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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2016 in all areas

  1. What makes a finesse reel? A bail that flips over the top of the spool
    8 points
  2. Fished sunup to sundown on my kayak at lake Anna today. Water temp was 48-49 degrees on the cold side, surprisingly I found a school of hungry bass and caught 8 of them on a 4" swing impact on a 1/8oz head. Hot side wasn't nearly as warm as usual, I started in 50 degree water and ended up in 59 degree water when I got closer to the plant. Fishing was really tough compared to usual on the hot side, I landed 16 largemouth there. 3 of them were on an alabama rig (two of which were caught at once!), and a couple on a 4" swing impact, but most of them ate either a pointer 100 or pointer 78. In the hot side I found a cove where a huge school of bass had pinned a school of shad the size of my living room to the very back of it. It looked like grass at first but then I paddled over and saw the thousands of shad too scared to leave the shallow water. I even tried chasing them back toward the bass to ignite the frenzy again but they wouldn't leave. I camped on the spot for a couple hours picking off fish when they would start schooling, it was a blast. Groups of 5-10 bass would follow the hooked fish to the boat when it was "on". The fish came in flurries today, I found the school at 3pm and had only landed 4 fish at that point. Best fish of the day, 18-19"ish The double COLD!
    4 points
  3. *Sees "huge sale" and "Rage Tail" in the same sentence* *Runs to website*
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. I am building a 76m crank bait rod on a Rainshadow blank I have been slowly working on this for the past couple months and finally got it wrapped and have about half of it Epoxied. Not the cleanest but I am happy with it so far. I have experimented a little on the wrapping. I have the silver highlights on the lower wraps and skipped them on the upper. I also wrapped in front of the guide on a couple of them to see how it would turn out.
    3 points
  6. Tip ~ By removing the front treble and split ring and replace them with a Gamakatsu EWG Dbl Frog Hooks (or the double hook of your choice) you may increase the baits ability to come through this stuff a bit. The back treble could also be replaced but may not be necessary. Important note: ensure hook points are pointing UP. A-Jay
    3 points
  7. i meant to post these pics on my last reply....
    3 points
  8. Yup. Clayton and I will be down thursday-sunday. Looking forward to it.
    3 points
  9. I just completed a Bait Monkey 12 step program over 60 days ... Then innocently enough - I buy a small pack of EWG hooks , then the next day I have to have every color metal flake Green Pumpkin Trick Worm I can find and clean out all tackle stores in a 20 mile radius ! After a family intervention , I'm back in rehab for another 60 day stint - with any luck at all I'll be out just about the time the Spring sales start !
    3 points
  10. They will work there in all sizes of bodies of water. I've caught them here in reservoirs, state lakes, to ponds small enough to cast across. All 3 species of bass, and fish from less than 10" up to 6 pounds, and all from NE KS or NW MO.
    3 points
  11. Definitely a squarebill, because it floats. If I backlash a tiny bit, or misplace a cast by a few feet a lipless crank can sink and get itself stuck before I can even start to work it over the cover.
    3 points
  12. When launching into the Lumber, Sometimes the squarebill ends up Lipless . . . . I hate that. A-Jay
    3 points
  13. Need a button for both. Why? Cause the bass like both!
    3 points
  14. All the top reel painters use a automotive grade base and clear. Prep work is the most important thing. If your prep stinks then the finish of the paint will stink too. I painted a Steez using auto paint that was put into a rattle can. It's held up very well for 2yrs now. I just recently stripped it down to have it done a chameleon color. Top pic is 12-13 right after reassembly. Bottom pic is 4-15 after a year of use.
    3 points
  15. I primarily fish from the bank. My new workhorse/all purpose set-up; 6' 10" MH Jackall Shimano Poison Adrena & Shimano Chronarch 150HG My new flipping/pitching/frogging set-up; 7' 2" XH Megabass Levante "Perfect Pitch" & Shimano Exsense DC Me: "Come on Spring, come on Spring, come on Spring!!!" I'm like a little kid on Christmas Eve. Thought I'd post on here where they could be appreciated... the wife doesn't get it. Which is okay. Hey man! I asked you a week or two ago how you liked your Zodias rods. Thought I would follow up and let you know I ended up finding a Poison Adrena used, in excellent condition, for half the retail price. Or a little more than what the Zodias retails for. Super stoked and posted pics in this thread. BTW: Your new reels look amazing on those new Zodias rods. Keep me updated when you start hauling in swamp donkeys with 'em. JC
    3 points
  16. From this to that. All Zodias. 2x Stradic Ci4+, Chronarch Ci4+, Core101mg, 15 Aldebaran, Metanium and MetaniumHG.
    3 points
  17. I ain't talking limbs, branches, or brush! I talking standing timber, ya know stumps! When Bill invented the Trap the trees on Toledo not only had branches but the branches had leaves!
    2 points
  18. GPS is not mapping and mapping is not GPS. There are two types of plotter GPS devices. One that has mapping as a background is called a CHART PLOTTER. One that has no background mapping capability is called a TRACK PLOTTER. Both do Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks since those are not map data, they are GPS data. The Striker looks to be a TRACK PLOTTER and cannot have any maps included or added.
    2 points
  19. I've been asked several times for a jig with a Trokar hook. So I am doing a limited run of them in the most popular sizes and styles. The jigs are available in Arky, Brush, and Football. Pricing is 3.75 for a wire tie with a 55 strand skirt. I do not have pictures up yet but the heads are the same as Grid Iron Series. Pictures will come soon. Extreme Jigs with Trokar Hooks On a side note we have also have a huge sale on Rage Tail, Mega Strike, Owner, Strike King,
    2 points
  20. Bill Lewis designed the Rat-L-Trap for fishing the standing timber on Toledo Bend. It's nose down attitude allows the top of the Trap to hit first causing it to ricochet off. I simply guide my Trap with the rod tip on a path the leads it to ricochet off the stump with a glancing blow. Do I occasionally hang? Why certainly but no more than any other exposed hook lure. The key with any crank in "wood" is DO NOT SET HOOK!
    2 points
  21. If you find more than you need, let me know. I'll buy them from you. Fat boy loves me some morrels. Not sure I'll have time to make it down to the farm and get some this year. Lol, now now... lacyge can be good and even great if you happen to be the lucky power ball winner *cough cough curt cough cough*. Just depends what you are after...30+ 2-3lb greens/browns or the chance to blank chasing a giant. Being a back seater, I don't have to worry about making those decisions. lol. Now... after all that bull: I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU! lol
    2 points
  22. Unless I have a specific location and/or technique in mind and/or unless the weather dictates otherwise, I usually begin by fishing fast and then slowing down.
    2 points
  23. Paul, the original was on paper done with felt tip pen and color markers for a presentation. This version was created from the original by a computer guy named Jared Pease, I am not that creative, it's piece of art now! Tom
    2 points
  24. I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just throw out the possibility of not fishing LOZ for....mushrooms. Mushrooms. Bye Felicia. #WORD
    2 points
  25. Bearing out, and in the cleaning solution. Thanks again Mike, rippin-lips, and gulfcaptain. Hootie
    2 points
  26. I would rather fish 2hrs at wolf than 10 hours at LaCygne.
    2 points
  27. I'm in the house after work cause it's dark outside. I'm tying on baits, powder coating jig heads, shaky heads, swing heads, and spinner bait blades over the gas burner in the kitchen getting ready for my trip to Toledo Bend this weekend. My dear wife walks in, slowly shakes her head, and tells me I have a mistress! I smile and say at least it's fishin'. She smiles and says I'm glad and gives me some of her fancy arts and craft beads for C-riggen'! What a women! I hope y'all are blessed with a women like that.
    2 points
  28. I'm definitely ready for the fishing season to kick off. Plan to break that kicker curse from last year early this year. If it wants to wait until April 23-24... I'm ok with that.
    2 points
  29. Doesn't have the glitz & glamour of the high dollar brands...they just catch fish!
    2 points
  30. Thanks for the tips bluebasser! You guys are a huge help. Watching for birds has payed off for me in the past, so I'm gonna have to remember to keep an eye out.
    2 points
  31. Couple keys in finding fish at the powerplants by me. First, finding the baitfish, and sometimes even finding the right size baitfish. Next is finding the preferred water temp for the day. They're not always going to like the warmest water right by the outlet the best. Some days, it will be the colder water away from the outlet for some reason (most likely, it's because of reason 1). The really unique thing is, you could need to be fishing a topwater or burning a spinnerbait in the warm water, or you may need to be dragging a jig very slowly in the cold water, so you really have to be prepared to fish about anything. I like to cover water with a crank or trap until I find fish, then slow down and work the area over because they really seem to congregate in those warm water lakes.
    2 points
  32. A spoon, I believe it was a red/white Daredevil. Didn't catch anything on it until an elderly gentleman told me it should wobble and not spin. Once I slowed down the retrieve, I began catching walleye and an occasional pike. To this day, it's an effort for me to fish most any lure fast.
    2 points
  33. @Worm Man 2020 I have looked up many of the topics that you started and just wanted to offer some friendly observations Several of your posts are difficult to read. The grammar and punctuation makes it a little harder to understand what you are trying to say or ask. The thing that creates the most confusion for me is when you start adding some comments that are almost like you are narrarating your own post. I'm guessing that you are probably posting from a phone and having some autocorrect issues. I am honestly trying to help you here so don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. Read the first paragraph that I quoted. Read it out loud slowly and accurately. It doesn't make sense. It does seem that your thoughts are all over the place, similar to how many people with ADD come across . Myself included(especially when I don't take my adderall) In one post you talk about getting a custom rod built by DVT then something about satin pillows and then you transition into explaining why you didn't purchase some other boat. This didn't have anything to do with anything that was being discussed and made me think "what in the world is this guy rambling about." I am fairly new to this site as well and everyone has been extremely helpful and very nice. I think the issues you have been having are due to the fact that it is difficult to understand what you are saying. Try making shorter concise posts. (I am still working on that part myself)
    2 points
  34. A squarebill will be able to float it's way out of trouble and of course has a bill that can at least deflect the bait to avoid hang ups.
    2 points
  35. MFBAB, you would need to add rings for water current and elevation if you were on the TN River to complete the clock but then it wouldn't just be cosmic, would it?
    2 points
  36. Most reels that are built with finesse in mind have a light and shallow spool. Since what you are casting might only weigh 1/8oz you don't need much line. They usually only hold a fair amount of 4-8lb test. The lack of line helps keep the overall weight of the spool down. A light spool paired with good bearings allows for easy startup when throwing light baits. The rod plays a very large role in it all. Perhaps a bit more than the reel does.
    2 points
  37. Yeah - the offset line-tie is somewhat unique. I haven't bought a Shyster since the '60s but still have a couple left from back then. That line-tie design actually does reduce/eliminate line twist. I buy Rooster Tails now and the first thing I do is to bend over the line-tie to somewhat simulate a Shyster. The bait in this photo is a Shyster (look at the blade). A genuine Abu Reflex inline spinner looks like this (the only one I have left from the '60s):
    2 points
  38. Is this really happening?
    2 points
  39. Menus looking real good for the upcoming Carolina victory, but no Super Bowl grub fest is complete without guacamole and chips!
    2 points
  40. Welcome to bass boat ownership. Try going back to the dealership and have your rig set up the way YOU want. 24v 65 lbs trust is a good upgrade, or use 2 each 12 v to increase battery life, you should be credited the difference in cost. You are not tournament bass fishing, you are new to using electronics, keep the units you have and learn to use them. You don't need electric anchor poles, just more cost and battery power drain and weight. If you need to anchor, get a plastic milk crate to hold the anchor and rope. You are going to need some help learning to luanch and retrieve your boat, if you fish alone. Every boater needs to have emergency bag, search the site for suggestions. Common tools like compound plier-wire cutter, spark plugs and socket, good flash light, spare clothing, spare drain plug, etc. Good luck with your new rig. Tom
    2 points
  41. Hey I'm new to this forum and just wanted to say Hi. I'm fishing mostly Nashua, specifically the Nashua River behind Stellos to the Dam, and also Mill Pond. Looking forward to an early spring and some good times on the water.
    2 points
  42. Or snag up some old champs @ a great price if they go on sale like the old extremes
    2 points
  43. Someone needs a box of tissues and a safe place to explore their feelings!
    2 points
  44. It also depends on where in Florida you go because spawn is usually different in different parts of the state. Spawn typically starts and ends sooner in South Florida than it does in Central and north Florida. Another way to look at it is by temperature... January and February are typically our coldest months and the first 2 weeks of March. It tends to warm up in mid to late March on into April. Typically bass fishing is worst in coldest temps. Just sayin'...
    2 points
  45. Every reel requires some level of thumb control so the results will vary from user to user and reel to reel. I think it's perfectly legit to have a particular reel cast better for you. I just don't think you can say any one reel casts better across the board. The free spool on the Ambassador is actually limited by the non disengaging level wind. As a result they are a little less prone to backlash start up. You can get away with really chucking s cast with those. It's all for not out on the water anyway.
    2 points
  46. Reels don't cast, rods do. An improperly setup or cared for reel can inhibit casting but ultimately it's the Rod that will load and launch the bait.
    2 points
  47. That's a good idea. If you don't know what something is, shoot it. Even if it stays really still for multiple pictures.
    2 points
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