Welcome to bass boat ownership.
Try going back to the dealership and have your rig set up the way YOU want.
24v 65 lbs trust is a good upgrade, or use 2 each 12 v to increase battery life, you should be credited the difference in cost.
You are not tournament bass fishing, you are new to using electronics, keep the units you have and learn to use them.
You don't need electric anchor poles, just more cost and battery power drain and weight.
If you need to anchor, get a plastic milk crate to hold the anchor and rope.
You are going to need some help learning to luanch and retrieve your boat, if you fish alone.
Every boater needs to have emergency bag, search the site for suggestions. Common tools like compound plier-wire cutter, spark plugs and socket, good flash light, spare clothing, spare drain plug, etc.
Good luck with your new rig.