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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2016 in all areas

  1. " I can't wait for these Carrot Stix reels to come out!!" Said no one ever.
    8 points
  2. Well huge kudos and thanks to @smallie.mike for alerting me to the fact that the Stradic ci4+ 2500 is currently $147 on Tackle Warehouse. Incredible deal and I've already ordered one. Thanks a lot!
    7 points
  3. Mike at DVT is as legit as they get! He has helped me on numerous occasions both paid and un-paid. Just this morning he took my call and gave me step by step instructions on making a repair to one of my rods, with no hesitation to do so. He's a good guy with great service. If you need any work done on your rods or reels, I wouldn't recommend anyone else.
    6 points
  4. Hmm... With their reputation for rods, why would anyone try their reels?
    6 points
  5. That means she just swiped at it... senko needs to wait to set the hook longer. Lol
    5 points
  6. Plastic craws for me - mostly Chigger Craws and Ultravibe Speed Craws.
    5 points
  7. You would be hard pressed to find any body of water that has a bass population without a crawdad population. Tom
    5 points
  8. I have the rat bug as well! Will be testing these out at Baccarac in 10 days! Jeff
    4 points
  9. Can't put it much better than this !!!!
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. What is the gimmick with a nose hooked soft plastic which is what the Banjo Minnow is? Now the Helicopter lure was a gimmick.
    4 points
  12. The baitball series by live target.
    4 points
  13. 8 Fogys, 20 Jigs, 3 Spinnerbaits, 4 packs RageTail babies and 1 BADAZZ Tshirt
    4 points
  14. x2. I've sent 5 or 6 reels to him with excellent results...
    3 points
  15. In South Florida our crawfish are blue, and not easy to spot. Sometimes in the Everglades they are seen migrating over land, over a small levee with a dirt road, for instance, and at night, in large numbers. We often have success with blue jigs. Maybe this is why. Blue crawfish
    3 points
  16. Two maybe three for hollow bodies... 1.Black: muddy water/low light. This is what I throw more times than not 2.White: clear water/or when baitfish are specifically on the menu. 3. Yellow: for the times in-between. For buzzfrogs pretty much the same thing, but since it's moving across the water so fast I don't think it matters all that much. I usually just use colors that I like. You'll be hard pressed to find one that doesn't work.
    3 points
  17. The cynic in me says that they're making it just a little painful so that in the future, you'll pay them the premium for faster service. But, I'm no conspiracist, (and have a little experience in warehousing and distribution) so I can tell you that you are correct. They can save a lot of money in the long run by you giving them the flexibility to level out the workload over the next couple weeks window. Think about how they'd have to have more employees at all times to handle surges that don't happen at all times....and then during the non-surge times, many would be underemployed for a period.
    2 points
  18. Well boys do to some medical screening technicalities. I was given a discharge from the Navy. Huge let down, but I still have my full time job in construction looking to move to Merrimack in march. So I'll still be slaying some pigs with the 603 boys. Watch out Maine and Shane I'm out for that 10lber. Also thanks to my parents I'm taking a month trip to Florida near Daytona Beach for a week then to Boca Raton for the next 3 weeks to do some remodeling for a past customer of my dads. Hope to get on on some hogs as I will have my little V hull boat down there as well and looking to get some fishing in. Springs coming soon boys keep holding out tight lines brothas.
    2 points
  19. It is a borrowed unicorn! Haha Jeff
    2 points
  20. Hotmaps is the previous year's data of Hotmaps Premium. I have a Hotmaps Premium East 2009 and a Hotmaps East which is 2010. They have the exact same data. Since your card is microSD, it is at least a 2010 version when the Freshest Data program started. It should work in the Helix unless you damaged it or the unit card reader is faulty. Get a blank microSD card of any size, put that in the unit and turn on Snapshot in the Accessory menu. Push the MARK button to see if it will write a picture file to the card. The waypoint number will have a S prefix such as S001. Additionally you should have the current software installed which is version 7.730 that was released 8/3/2015. One more thing, make sure you completely insert the card in the reader, it clicks into place with spring resistance. When you remove the card, you get the spring assist when you push on the card to release it. Your issue could be improper use of the card reader.
    2 points
  21. If the reports are correct the new Antares DC will be around 1 oz lighter than the original.
    2 points
  22. And don't EXPECT any bites. In the conditions you're describing, a bite or two would be icing on the cake.However, I do believe the MD state record was caught by a kid who had to break the ice. The cool thing about winter fishing is the average size is good. I would add to the list, if you have one, a spinnerbait with Colorado blades that you can slooooow roll just off the bottom. I caught a couple tow weeks ago (one was 3.6#) on that and one on T rigged Chigger Craw. Both baits were black/blue. My buddy caught two on a Zoom Trick Worm, but that's all he ever uses. I was told by the owner of one of the ponds we fished at that crappie tube jigs under a bobber work well in his pond for winter bass. Kind of float & fly presentation.
    2 points
  23. Without knowing anything specific about your pond if I had to fish any bass lake in the country at those water temperatures and could only bring two lures I would bring a Lucky Craft Pointer 78 and a 3/8 ounce jig and craw. You sweep the Pointer down to depth then just let it hang in the water column (from 5 seconds out to about 45 seconds).
    2 points
  24. No doubt. I don't think I've ever worn a drag knob hard enough to need to verify it's materials. It's got a few small but present upgrades from the Ci4+ but probably none that would be easily noticed if you never knew. However, given the fact that I could get the Sustain for the same price, it was a no-brainer. I put a lot of thought into it after reading this thread on TT Sustain vs Stradic FJ vs Stradic Ci4+ There was no deal of $147 for the Ci4+ or I probably would've ended up with that. I had an FJ prior and it was superb and I feel the Sustain is just a bit smoother. In any case, the Ci4+ for $147 is a great deal for an awesome reel. Evan K and illinifan will not be disappointed.
    2 points
  25. I would not recommend a 4x2, yes it is a little less mpg for 4x4 but you do not want to put yourself in a position of not being able to get out of a bad ramp. Fortunately most ramps are decent but some are not. It is a minor expense which could be huge one day. One person in my club went the 4x2 route and regretted it rather quickly.
    2 points
  26. If the Banjo Minnow would have been sold in 5 packs at Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops they would have been considered revolutionary. The only reason they were a gimmick was because they were sold on an infomercial, the thing works well and it is responsible for teaching a lot of anglers about nose hooking soft plastics. My friend is on the old infomercial, he was at the Eastern Outdoor Show when they shot it and he got a bunch of Banjo Minnows for letting them use his footage. I was also in a tournament when a guy won and that is what he was using but since then we learned that nose hooked flukes and other soft plastics are very effective when nose hooked.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. I've always been a black or nothing kind of guy with the frogs. This past year though, I watched way too many fish eat the Cricket Frog from Booyah to not give it a try. Ended up having my best day ever on the local lake, mostly with that Booyah Popping Pad Crasher.
    2 points
  29. Next thing you know Daiwa will put TWS on their STEEZ
    2 points
  30. I went Talon simply because I wanted the extra 4ft of depth, (12ft Talon) and is still all contained in the same size unit (4ft high)as a Power Pole, but if I'd gone to 10ft poles it would be even taller, so that was a no go for me. Also has a manual raise if you loose power since it runs off batteries. So no need to try and manually have to lift them by getting in the water and tying them up as you will have to do if the blades fail. I do have the fold down bracket and with a $60 plug adapter I can pull the Talon off the boat and store it if needed without any problems in about 3minutes. The fold down I wanted especially for travelling and storing reasons. It may run a bit more but the positives outweighed the costs in the long run.
    2 points
  31. In itself nothing, it's the hyped up T.V. commercials that has turned it into a "gimmick". But, for a truly amazing set-up, you guys should try a Helicopter Lure, being trolled by an SOB, tied on a Pocket fishermen.
    2 points
  32. Carrotjunk reel or Chronarch ? Such a difficult choice ..... hmmm, nah.
    2 points
  33. Braid - palomar braid to flipping hook - snell mono/fluoro - uni braid to mono/fluoro - albright
    2 points
  34. A tip for #3: When your Square Bill bite dies, tie on a lipless bait, and then fish it in the same places, bumping it against the same cover as you were with the Square Bill, and see if you can't pick up a few extra bites. Seems to work pretty good from me. As for what I need to improve on, I would like to learn how to read a sonar. I have always fished from the bank and have never needed one, but I am hopefully going to get into a kayak,canoe, or small aluminum water going vessel very soon, and I would think it would be useful to spend some time learning how to use electronics effectively. I also will be looking to work on my 10'+ fishing skills. Fishing from the bank, I don't have much experience fishing water over 10'.
    2 points
  35. Hall of Fame is for great baseball players, not great people. It is a history of baseball's greatest players and their accomplishments. I think the guy that leads all of baseball in hits should have his place in the HOF, as well as the Red's HOF, the Big Red Machine would have been missing a major cog without Pete Rose.
    2 points
  36. John I will do that, probably not till the end of the week. I need to get an updated picture and they are up at the lake.
    2 points
  37. Mike, I wish that you would post your pic of all your DC reels? Those of us around here that appreciate the DC reels really like that pic. To the original poster, Shimano is coming out with a new Antares DC really soon so you might want to hold off until you see it.
    2 points
  38. Thanks for the clarification, but beginning to seize makes we wonder what type of maintenance the reels were getting in the first place. I have owned DC reels (12-13 currently) since they first came out in both round and lp profiles and have never had a problem with them. Only thing extra is taking a swab with alcohol and cleaning the sensor compared to my non DC reels . All of them get completely striped down on a annual basis just like the rest of my reels. Point is don't be afraid of working on them just because they say DC. Shimano did a real good job of keeping them very simple in my opinion.
    2 points
  39. Customer service and human relations.
    2 points
  40. Aruku shad..casted it and for a split second i thought i made the furthest cast ever. It went 100 yards..no line attached.
    2 points
  41. As much as I loved the man as a player, I say no. For the record he was my favorite player growing up and I am still a diehard Reds fan. However there has been one rule in baseball that is not to be broken since the days of the blacksox. You do not gamble on baseball. He knew it, he broke it and now he has to live with it. Baseball almost died after the Blacksox scandal. It took a larger the life figure who had his own demons to save the sport. Without George Herman it is hard to tell what would have happened to baseball.
    1 point
  42. Thanks Wesley. We had a great day. Our fish were caught in 15-20 ft on almost everything we threw. I haven't fished Rayburn much, but it has produced some big ones for me the few times I've been there! What an awesome fishery!
    1 point
  43. And we're done here. LOCKDOWN!!
    1 point
  44. Really, color depends on the water. If it's clearer water then go with natural colors like watermelons, green pumpkins, browns and smokes. Various colors of flakes work well depending on the forage in your waters too. If water has low visibility use darker colors like black, black bkue, junebug, and even dark browns to get the best silhouette for those fish to find. Me, I try to keep my colors as close to the colors of the crayfish I imitate with tubes as I can. I always keep my eyes peeled in the sunny shallows for one to immitate. In cold water here watermelon blue flake can't be beaten. And a green gold flake is awesome in the spawn. Brand wise it's up to you. Just try to find a company that does hand dipped if you want the best action, and poured of you want the best durability. Personally, I like soft, supple tubes with lots of action. I'd recommend Cabin Creek, Dry Creek, Confidence Baits little tube, provider (on word of mouth) and howies tackle (similar to cabin creek). Tube fishing a lot of fun and don't be scared to play around with a couple packs from various companies. They all should work well enough after all. Just find what you like and have confidence in and that's the best you can hope for.
    1 point
  45. Stanley Vibra Wedge 3/8 oz double gold willow leaf white shirt & chart/white skirt!
    1 point
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