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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2016 in all areas

  1. We are extremely excited for Wes and his accomplishment. Here are his details with his permission to post. Here is my story: There was no epic battle with climatic finish. There was no bravado, no yelling or touchdown celebrations. This is a story about two knuckle heads doing voice impersonations while swinging 1lb spots into each other. This is a story about my iPhone dying, very bad cell service, a lot of luck and most importantly my friends rallying around me. In this story, the Department of Fish and Wildlife went above and beyond their call of their duty to provide guidance to two guys who weren’t prepared for what transpired that day and who didn’t bring enough cold weather gear. This is a story of one leftover Christmas ham sandwich and one pending world record spotted bass. This story starts back in November. I was originally suppose to get out on the water the last weekend in November up to the lake but,my wife pulled my yard pass on account of bad behavior and put me on landscaping duty. As a result, I had to reschedule the trip. I will never forget the look on my wife's face when I showed her the amazing fish that Paul Bailey had caught that weekend. She apologized several times but still didn't pull me from landscaping duty. Fast-forward a month later. I finally got back out on the water on December 27, 2015. My former tournament partner, John and I were running late to get up to the Lake; so late that literally we only fished for four hours or so. The day was an uneventful. After about an hour we finally started catching some dinks. We moved spot to spot catching a small fish here and there. About 2:00pm we pull up to a SSDD spot. At that point I mentally kind just checked out. I mean I was full on sitting in the old-man chair, sandwich in one hand jig rod in the other dragging a jig on the back deck. I make a cast and I get bit right away. My drag slips and I boat another dink. I remember that was odd and realized I had not adjusted my drag since my last trip in November. I adjust the drag and make the same cast. This time my sandwich is in my mouth, water bottle in between my legs and I get bit. Again my drag slips and now I am like "great, my reel is jack". I quickly reel up the line and see the color of the fish. I tell John get the net. She made one dive and with four full turns of my reel she was in the net. The whole ordeal was a whooping 8-10 seconds. At this time, I am still grubbing my ham sandwich and John tells me "Hey bud, she is big. She is a Double and might be in contention for the world record." I stand up and see her and immediately and get his live-well going. At this point I am concerned about the fish as I do this with all of my big fish. So we get her in the box, I text my friends for help on what to do. While I am waiting for cell service for my text to go through we hung her on John's cheap mustad scale and she bounces between 11.4lbs and 11.05lbs. The scale eventually settled at 11.05lbs on the water. At this point, I remember all the issues Paul had with trying to get his fish submitted. Then I began to worry about what I was going to do because like Paul, I was not willing to kill the fish just for a record. He did the right thing I planned to follow suit. Just then my phone gets reception and my friend tells me he has two certified scales was now running across the lake to get the certified scales. This whole time I was pretty much just in shock and I felt bad that he was going to come over 3 hours to meet me. I squeak out One last call to my amazing wife that I won't be home for dinner. It is now 3:30pm and my phone has died. He boarded our vessel and checked out the fish. Unfortunately, he didn't have a certified scale. The reality is it is not part of their job at all. Their job is to protect our California wildlife resources and prevent related crime. So here we are unprepared on all fronts, in the dark and the temp is dropping into the thirties when we finally see headlight coming down the hill towards the ramp. At this time it had been 4 hours since he left his house. Tim gets out of his car and walks me through everything I needed to do. It as at that point I realized exactly how out of his way he came. He literally left the warm of his home and his family to drive in the snow on his day off 4 hours away to help me, (who he had met twice before) potentially beat his world record. I literally had to say it out loud to him and John for it to set in, for me to realize exactly what a stand up guy he is. Tim walked me through all the steps that I need to do just to be able to submit the application for my fish for a world record. In the end, she settle at 11.00lbs even on Tim's certified scale and was released back into the lake. In the end, I was highly unprepared. I have amazing friends who rallied around me to get help when I needed it. My Setup: The fish ate a 3/4 oz football jig from Siebert Outdoors in a custom color I had him make. Mike is a great guy who offers a quality jig at a reasonable price and will make any color pattern you request. Check him out at Siebert Outdoors. The rod was a Dobyns 744c DX paired with tuned 100 Lexa. I apologized for not responding to people who inquired about my fish several weeks ago. I wasn't ready at that time to tell my story and I really didn't plan on telling it today. I will never forget that day and I am ever grateful for what everyone did to helped my very unprepared self. California has some amazing fisheries and I am confident the record will be broken again. Tight lines.
    22 points
  2. Easiest. Question. Ever. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/
    4 points
  3. So I bought the house on Lowery a couple of years ago thinking of it as a weekend get-a-way and eventual retirement home. Well, that plan got accelerated, with the divorce final now, it is my full time home. I did not want to mention the divorce until it was over. I can say this, I'm happier than I have been in nearly a decade, my life is back on track and life is good. I had been working off plastic tables and honestly not doing much in the last few months but I had been planning this rod shop for over a year now. Yesterday I finally got started, it's close to complete. I'm going to build a few rods like it is to see if I want to make changes and then I will finish and paint it. 10 ft 2 in by 26 in work bench
    3 points
  4. Awesome year!! I got my 10th consecutive **AOY award** This season. **Disclaimer: My "league" consists of just me, my wife, our 3 yo daughter, 1 dog and 2 cats
    3 points
  5. Don't get love and lust mixed up brother. Move on quickly. Run forest run. she wants to string you along, she's in control so she thinks. DNA TEST, WHOS THE DADDY.
    3 points
  6. Gimmick is something that is hyped to perform and doesn't, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's gimmick, Ten. handles and spinning reels with triggers are not gimmick.
    3 points
  7. Did you say "Big Wheel"?
    3 points
  8. That's a decent rig Catt. Check this one out. The Freedom Tackle Stealth Live Action Hybrid Jig. This product allows of the use of any hook - Trokar included. Though mostly kind of an unknown and against my better judgement mind you, I've posted about this one a few times in the past. I've been fishing it for a while and so far have yet to discover any limitations. Very Versatile. Also doubles as a killer way to present a swimbait. http://freedomlures.com/stealth.html A-Jay
    3 points
  9. Bait designs can be patented. Bait names can be trademarked and copyrighted. It's semantics insofar as this conversation goes. Bottom line: don't emulate others; be original, and you won't get into any trouble.
    3 points
  10. My fishing partner and best friend has been a part time multi-species guide for 24 years. Over the last ten, he kept trying to get me to join him, as he was turning away business because he didn't have enough time to do the trips. (we work full time jobs). He kept insisting that I was fully capable and I needed to just get to it. One of the things for me was a trepidation regarding a USCG Captain's license. It is required when you fish navigable waters. I hadn't had to do any serious learning and take a three hour exam in thirty years...that was a concern for me. Finally, I just said okay and threw myself into the course and the exam. Three years later, I'm doing great. It's hard work and a lot of prep of tackle, boats and expensive licensing. It costs me roughly $1200 a year for a MD guides license, boat license and insurance every year and that doesn't include boat and trailer registration fees. (and I'm sure I am missing some other expense...that my wife will always remind me of...LOL) Then there's fuel and maintenance and start up and replacement tackle and ramp fees...get the picture? It's funny when some people scoff at how much a trip costs, believe me, we are not getting rich. Anyone that is an avid fisherman and thinks that it would be a dream job has never done it. It is hard work. The charter Captains I know that are full time work their butts off. For me, once I'm fishing in the black (that what we call it when we have done enough trips to cover our licensing overhead) it is a fun way to make a few dollars doing something you love to do. Every once in a while, usually over cocktails, my buddy will ask, "well, do you love me or hate me for getting you into this life"? I always answer, "yes".
    3 points
  11. We finally had a cold snap here in the northeast and I have not been out on the boat in a week. I was teased all winter with the above average temps. and I took full advantage of it. I have had one of the best winters I've ever had. I guess what I'm saying guys is I miss it I think I have some reel issues with this whole bass fishing thing. I might be addicted and am thinking about checking into a rehab. Last night my wife had me walk into what she called an intervention. Some of my old friends were there telling me crap like "you used to like playing basketball with us and now we never see you. They all said they were all worried about me. I got really defensive and started organizing my plastics. It got so bad that they brought in my mom and she was all like Tommy you always were bright and happy with lots of interests and now all you do is sharpen hooks organize all your little plastic things and such. I had to grab a rod just to feel safe. I mean here I was thinking I was fine but not seeing what I was becoming! Anyway it ended and everyone told me how much they loved me and would do anything to help me. That night I got to thinking that I might have some reel problems. I just can't stop looking for that one big hit from a 6 pounder. I can't stop chasing it or thinking about it. I've decided to make some reel changes in my life. I'm getting a new bass boat. Thanks for listening only guys like you who have lived it really can understand.
    2 points
  12. Was just sitting thinking about the good times me and my grand pa had, one in particular was the spring night crawler hunts, after or during a rain at night, we would get our flashlights a bucket and head to his favorite hunting spots, These spots were highly coveted and secretive as you couldnt just go anywhere to find them, And there was a lot of other people also hunting them, The general way to hunt was to walk softly through the yard or field using the flashlight to search for them, as any quick movement or shaking of the ground would send them Very quickly diving back in there hole, You would then bend over and grab the night crawler before it made it back in its hole, I can remember catching over 100 in a few hours, he then had a cellar with 2 large stone crocks he would keep them in, He would keep the tops of the crocks of covered with moss he collected out of the woods, and feed them coffee grounds and other table scraps, We would have night crawlers all summer long to fish with, Just wandering if any one else and what states have hunted Night Crawlers
    2 points
  13. Investigator, non-Manning fan? Or was it the Deflatriots comment that offended you? Which one? You seem to have been there during the entire situation, got in on some real, hard, factual information, or believe everything you saw or read on ESPN, NFL Network, or whatever other media source you could find. No, allegations do not faze me when there has been virtually nothing reported since the end of December, much less any factual evidence brought forth since it was reported, unless of course you consider he said she said mumbo jumbo to be factual. Plus that's just it, THEY'RE ALLEGATIONS. Would be a shame to see the career of one of the greatest and classiest football players of al time come to an end and he's largely remembered for an injury plagued last fews years, throwing dying ducks down field, and recent allegations instead of on a higher note.
    2 points
  14. Well, it was evident that sooner or later Daiwa was going to ruin the Steez.
    2 points
  15. No less than 5, 7 or 8 would be better, more if you can afford it, just like me.
    2 points
  16. My ex was crazy... I moved on and married the love of my life..She's a blessing. She blessed me with 3 amazing boys under the age of 3... I quit drinking 3 years ago and just go fishing whenever I get a chance. I have 3 future fishing partners now! Life is great man. It's what you make of it
    2 points
  17. Yeah I wanna see progress pics..... Doubt we will lol
    2 points
  18. The lews speed spool lfs is right at $100.
    2 points
  19. I'd like that option as well
    2 points
  20. Fished the whole week on rodman and man was it a blast, me and my buddy caught roughly 130-150 bass, biggest was 8.5, with an 8.25 close behind. I caught 4 over 7lb, 8 over 6 lb numerous 5lb and probably 60-70 in the 4lb range. The worst 2 days was monday and tuesday with the brutal cold front but we still managed around 25 a day then. Last sat, sun and wed was our biggest producers but the 8.5 came on thursday. I also want to say, what a great group of people in the ocala area, very friendly and very helpful on the water. Now i cant wait to go back, thanks you all for your help
    2 points
  21. I have a local networking group that happens to meet in a local sports store (they have a nice meeting room) and as I walked out, I saw rods for sale and bought one. Outside it was snowing and it was about 10 below zero and here I am walking to my truck with a brand new 7 ft MH/F BC rod. Oh, and the gal at the checkout asked where in the world I was going to fish with the rod I just bought. I just looked at her and said Minnesota.... duh. Try living up here in Walleye country and trying to explain to everyone that you don't fish for Walleye, you prefer bass. They usually look at me like I'm an idiot.
    2 points
  22. OK guys, I get it. TN handle is not a gimmick
    2 points
  23. Tying your own is easy too. It gives you a lot of control over the final product. You just have to donate your time.
    2 points
  24. I only upgrade hooks if they have lower quality than VMCs (ex. zara spook). If the lure already comes with VMCs (rapala) or Mustads (rat l trap/flicker shad) I'll leave those on. The only other time I would change the hooks is if I want a different style than what they come equipped with.
    2 points
  25. Uhhh there's nothing gimmicky about a Tennessee handle on a spinning rod.
    2 points
  26. Kayak bass fishing is the best. Like others have said you can get places others can't.
    2 points
  27. Anything with words "nano," "erratic," or "attraction" in it.
    2 points
  28. I set my drag the same on every reel!
    2 points
  29. Berkley Big Game Mean Green 15# for everything but punching matted grass.
    2 points
  30. Stop being the sucker and move on. Something tells me you're in love with a hole and not the person. The pregnant line is the oldest trick in the book
    2 points
  31. last night we were relaxing at a restaurant until I saw fresh catfish on the menu. the shakes came over me and I got thrown out b/c i stormed in the kitchen and demanded to see the chef's rod/reel combo.
    2 points
  32. Pg. 108 in the green book: "When presenting lures in the shallows you must work all sections - top, bottom, and all the water in-between. You must 'strain' this total section with your lures. Only in this way will you attain depth control in the shallows." Plus, fish that have moved past the "scatterpoint" could be "anywhere" in the shallows, and are (typically) more aggressive and willing to move further (up, down, or horizontally) to hit a lure. Once you move deeper than 8-10 feet, you only fish the bottom, or as close to it as you can, concentrating on the breaks, breaklines, and deep water that the fish use. Buck wrote a couple articles on suspended fish, basically stating that by focusing on trying to keep your lure in position working the bottom, you will by default figure out if the fish are suspended when your baits come off breaklines, dropoffs, etc. and you work to get them back in position. The fish tend to suspend in some relation to these bottom features, and if they are doing so, will likely contact your lure when it comes off these same features. In later writings he said it also wasn't out of place to use your fishfinder to "see" if fish were suspended in relation to these features while you were trolling the deeper water (structures), but to never just go out looking in open water for them. -T9
    2 points
  33. I use the same thing. Sometimes I'll go over that with regular 33+ electrical tape.
    1 point
  34. Geez...33* for you today, it's Indian summer for crying out loud!
    1 point
  35. ALL my spinning reels used to have triggers on them. I liked that when you backed up the handle, the bail stopped in the correct position to make the next cast. I miss that on the new reels, but instant anti-reverse is good too. Back then I used Quantums and Shimanos. Never had a failure with the trigger If you are picky about balancing your spinning outfit, the Tennessee handle lets you put the reel anywhere you like. The other gimmick that did not work was G finish lures.
    1 point
  36. Me like Strike King makes one with a football head & a buddy of mine is killing on Toledo with, he's dragging em on structure with little or no cover!
    1 point
  37. Ditto, only the most comfortable spinning reel seat out there, in my opinion.
    1 point
  38. Not too hard to retrofit a retractable dog leash with a slide track mount.
    1 point
  39. It is primarily semantics (and also I'm just in one of those "moods") but how can you bring something BACK that wasn't there before? Or was it? Anyway, I dunno. Arizona has rather limited water resources already. Can it support another fishery?
    1 point
  40. I think your over thinking things a bit too much. Get them something easy for them to use. If that happens to be a spinning reel, then so be it. If later in life they want to keep using spinning reels, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. The biggest thing when introducing kids, or anyone to the sport is to keep it interesting. They want action so action is what they need. Sometimes that might not even include fishing. Maybe it's playing with the fish in the livewell, or if you're bank fishing that might mean looking for frogs. Make it fun for them and that's what will keep bringing them back. My recommendations for a combo would be a cheap ultra-light you can pick up at walmart. It'll do the job for a few years until they can figure out if they want to continue with fishing or not. Plus the ultralight will make even a small panfish feel like a big one!
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. It totally depends on the kid I'm working with my 8 year old grandson Evan, after 30-45 mins he's done! So I bought him a cheap Zebco spincast combo. My other grandson Aiden stays cocked, locked, & ready to rock! He wore out a Zebco 33 all metal after boating 425 bass last year & has moved up to a bait casting reel!
    1 point
  43. I started fishing at 5 with a cane pole. The next year my father bought me a Mitchell 300 which I used for a good many years. I don't remember having trouble learning to use it....but that was over 60 years ago so needless to say I can't trust my memory. Also I doubt that starting out with a spinning reel will keep your boys from trying a baitcast reel. It was 2009 before I used my first b/c reel, and now I hardly ever touch a spinning reel. Lets just say that the past 7 years has seen too many reel acquisitions.
    1 point
  44. I have more time to post now...trebled lures are pretty loose drag 50% maybe. Just want the drag to slip some with moderate pressure. Frogs jigs soft plastics is always 100%. Spinnerbaits buzzbaits and swimjigs are 75%. Spinning setups vary. Depends on line size, rod, and quality of drag. You should be adjusting drag on the fly.
    1 point
  45. Those Power Humps are nice for me.
    1 point
  46. Glen May founded Bass Resource with two goals in mind; To share his love for this sport and to give others a place to share their love for this sport!
    1 point
  47. As much as I am intrigued by this information, I was pretty much stopped dead in my tracks when the words "researchers did not test the water" were uttered. From what is presented here, regardless of likeliness of the actual cause, is merely speculation. This leaves too many questions: Has there always been inter-sex characteristics present in a "normal" population of bass that has been relatively unaffected by unnatural chemical influence? If so, what percentage? Is it increasing? At what rate? Can this just be a natural fluctuation or change in nature? They mention these "changes" but are bass with inter-sex characteristics unable to reproduce properly? If they can, what are the other possible negatives? Are there any benefits to these characteristics? Are these specific endocrine disrupting compounds the only possible culprits? Etc, etc, etc. I am all for protecting these waters and doing whatever is necessary to more strictly regulate these chemicals, but without data to support and identify an actual cause and its actual impact, it's really hard to facilitate change.
    1 point
  48. "We've got the buck bass on the beds, and the females staging on the first break, but I'm currently fishing a pattern for what we call the inbetweeners."
    1 point
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