Frog Freak, I'm going to challenge you (playfully of course). I feel like I'm also a decent topwater popper fisherman,
While I still have a lot to learn, I have learned from my mistakes and that has lead to me developing successful techniques that I have confidence in when Topwater Popper Fishing.
LOOP KNOT: I've learned how to accurately tie a loop knot which is the best knot for me in throwing poppers. The loop knot gives the bait free motion when popping the bait which helps with the action of the bait.
MONO LINE: I found mono to the be best line for me due to stretch on the hook sets(prevents me from ripping it out of their mouths) and toughness when bass take the popper around logs and stumps. I tend to use lighter line than the pros. 6lb and 8lb mono line. It helps reduce the visibility to the fish and allows me to cast it a country mile.
ROD: I like a parabolic, medium action rod that is not stiff. The softer tip allows me to walk the bait when necessary, but also just enough give to mesh with how I work the bait. A medium rod also aids me in my hook sets and does not allow me to set too hard of a hook set.
WORKING THE BAIT: To me, a popper is the definition of a finesse bait. I found that fast subtle rod twitches get the bait to dart and twitch a way that mimics a wounded bait fish. Also, the quick subtle twitches when worked at the right cadence, have the "swish, swish" sound the rattle chambers makes that emulates an erratic wounded bait fish.
CASTING ACCURACY: The structure in the lake I fish challenge me to have pin point casts by trees. I found out I have a 4-6 inch target and if I miss that target, I don't get bit. Hitting the center of a pocket, hitting a few inches away from a structure, and following the shore with a cast are all casts I use when topwater popper fishing.
LURE SIZE: I also found that the larger size poppers get bit as much as the smaller ones, and the larger ones are easier to throw, so I use the larger ones predominately.
LURE COLOR: Find out what bait you are emulating and find the color that best represents the forage. Also, use trial and error to see what works best. Then get a few confidence colors.
HOOKS: I learned the hard way about the importance of quality hooks. There's a huge difference between Owner/Gamakatsu hooks vs stock hooks on Rebel Pop R's. Even Bass that swipe at a good quality sharp hook will get hooked most of the time. When you use weak, dull hooks, you can lose a lot of fish and it can take your confidence away.
HOOK SETS: To me the key in hooking a topwater popper bass is to wait 1.5-2 seconds before setting the hook. I have a very quick reaction to the strike and I had to train myself to wait before setting the hook. The time you wait to set the hook allows the bass to fully mouth the bait and to head in a direction to allow a good hook set. Also, a very hard hook set has not proven to have good success. I set a quick hook set, but it's not really hard. It's not a jig hook set, it's milder in power, but still quick.
TOPWATER TECHNIQUES: I found a twitch twitch popper technique is my go-to technique, but sometimes dead-sticking, walking the dog or a single twitch is what works.
PATIENCE: My topwater techniques do not cover water quickly. They identify a target location and then effectively fish that particular location thoroughly. Patience has served me well. Don't overwork the bait by jerking it around and by hard pops. I found that does not work best. Finesse actions and fewer twitches have netted me most of my fish. Also, when the bait first hits the water, wait 5, 6, 7 seconds to let the ripples disperse. This creates a target ring for bass to locate the bait. A lot of times you throw the bait close to the bass, but bass can come from further distances, when you give them time to locate the lure from the ripples.
Topwater Popper fishing is my favorite and the sight of your lure being sucked under is second to none. Also, the bass that go airborne is a great sight to see. I'll take one topwater fish to 3 fish caught any other way. And when you get a big fish on a topwater, it can make your year!