To be totally honest I was asked to stay after and then scolded by this woman.
Apparently I ticked her off a year ago when I was hired and she hasn't forgot. Not sure what I did specifically but I p'od all the HR training crew. Only one I remember ticking off was the girl who's in charge of the benefits. I told her she'd be better off financially if, rather than spending $150 a month on meds, she took her sick cat to the woods and fed it to the coyotes, and then pick up a healthy cat from the pound. She hates me to this day...but I digress . We had a meeting on customer service 2 weeks ago and empathy and sympathy last week. The meeting was split into 2 groups of tradesmen. She does this intentionally to keep me and another guy, who I will refer to as T to keep his anonymity, apart because we both feed into each other and are not afraid to say what's on our minds. Anyway, the other group went first. I get back from lunch and the sparky(team lead) tells me "Don't get kicked out of the meeting. T already ticked her off. T tells me "Tell her she wasn't very empathetic the way she treated me" I walk into the meeting, it hasn't started yet. I say to the trainer "I was told not to get kicked out so I will do my best not to" and I sat down. Now, normally when I walk into meetings that she holds she warns me to keep my mouth shut before I even sit down. In fact, the customer service meeting 2 weeks ago when I walked in, she asked how my shoulder was doing and held up her index and middle fingers and said she would dig them into my wound if I got out of line. Back to the meeting in question. I sit down and raise my hand and ask to stand up because it is more comfortable for my shoulder. She says ok. I stood up and said "By the way, T said you weren't very empathetic towards him during his meeting, I hope we don't have that same problem" She gives me the evil eye and begins the training session. A bit later I mad a quick sarcastic comment about the plumber. I then tried to engage in conversation about the topic at hand. and was asked to stop interrupting. The meeting was over and she dismissed everyone except me.
"Do you do this to me on purpose?"
"Nope" (What I wanted to say was "Don't feel special, I treat everyone like this")
"Why do you always interrupt my classes?"
"I apologize for the remark about the plumber because that interrupted the class. I'm not apologizing for anything else"
By now, she had smoke coming out of her ears and was grinding her teeth. Her next class was walking in the door and she said "If you have a problem with me we need to handle this one on one" I said "I don't have a problem with anyone" and I walked out.
In my defense, I treat everyone equally. Some just more equally than others. I get along with everybody, just not everybody gets along with me. In fact, the girl who accused me of being mean, some months ago, gave me a hand written Christmas card saying what a help I have been to her and that she missed me when I was out for surgery, and I've become a good work friend.
I don't show up to work to make friends. I show up to work. Is that such a bad thing?