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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Added this to the lineup, Team Daiwa Zillion Type R. Looking to add a Megabass Levante Perfect Pitch for froggin' come spring!
    6 points
  2. Big day today for the bait monkey! The mighty Stella now resides in my collection Also grabbed a gill 110 +1 because the bait monkey said so, and I'm putty in his hands.
    5 points
  3. Lol, BPS never has a good fishing sale
    5 points
  4. Guess I'll have to buy all the jars I can and then sell them later at 3x the price as vintage pork trailers......lol
    5 points
  5. best handgun for home defense is a shotgun
    4 points
  6. your dad and my dad are twins it sounds like! he hand picked through every single rod Cabela's offered until he found just the right pistol grip rod.... which happened to be some cheapo combo. he tore the reel off, and put his trusty daiwa gold spincast on there and he was a happy camper. that old schooler still catches them though.....
    4 points
  7. Its pretty sad really. One of the great bait makers,who helped make bass fishing get to where it is today! Ive used it for 27yrs and still do. A wet rag will keepem from dryin out? Properly storing jjs magic, takes more time then wrapping a piece of pork? Its just easier to use plastic for some. I think over the years,sales were down so much because so many quit using it. It brought them to where they are today. If major tourneys were won USING it, the store shelves would be full again? Supply& Demand: The supply would be there, if there was a demand. The supply of pork would be had,if there was a demand,even if it was going to add to the cost? Sorry for the rant everyone
    4 points
  8. Monday a buddy and I hit up one of my private ponds. The weather was 70 degrees on Sunday and dropped to a high of 45 the next day. Water temp was still decent at 57. First bait I threw was a Matzuo Ikari Shad in red craw color and caught a bass on that. I was changing colors and brands frequently just to see if they would hit them all. Ended up catching over 20 on various cranks, a few on a swimbait and worms.
    3 points
  9. This is the warmest Chistmas eve we can all remember up here in Maine with no ice so I had to take advantage of it. Launched at 6:30 and threw some buoys on a point that runs from 10-12 fow to 40 fow. Caught a bunch of white perch and crappie on a blade and only a few bass so we went to the bank and beat em up on jerkbaits. My buddy and I ended up getting 22 bass, 2 pickerel, 1 nice brown and a good brookie on the jerk. Just a beautiful day on Dec 24th! I hope this leads to an early ice-out as well. Here's a few: Came home, washed the boat and will do some winter maintenance on it in the next few weeks.
    3 points
  10. No light wire hooks for me: http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Big-O-Football-Mata-Jig-440.htm?productId=47 My rods of choice are the G.Loomis GLX MBR844C and BCR854.
    3 points
  11. they look good together.... and no fish during the flooding rains, but playing with it in the yard it feels amazing. I got the rod for a present to myself and the wife gave me the reel for Christmas! And pay no mind to the dirty smudge on the handle, it's on the plastic which i haven't taken off yet! New Megabass Orochi F6.5-70XX Lew's Team Pro Z 7.1:1
    3 points
  12. I've responded to shootings, so I'll toss this in for thought: A .380 WILL penetrate at least two layers of drywall (interior wall, uninsulated) and the exterior sheathing (5/8" exterior plywood) without issue. In a worst case scenario, what if a target is missed travels though connecting rooms, WHERE will it land? I own a handful of different caliber guns and, quite honestly, only hope they stay locked up unless I'm going to the club or hunting. Anything larger than a .22 is likely to do its job, but accuracy might be more important. Happy New Year everyone!
    2 points
  13. I don't have a lot of experience with that, but a little in the spring on the Mississippi. Biggest thing I've found is get out of the current as much as possible. Where I fish on the Miss, it's a lot of sand. When that current gets rolling, they'll stack up super tight on sand drops. If you can find cleaner water that's even better.
    2 points
  14. It turns out that a good ol fashion tune-up did the trick. She's back to normal. slonezp...Ford
    2 points
  15. You may get away with that in Alabama, but not MA. When you get your inspection sticker they check the exhaust. No catalytic converter no sticker. Actually, it's worse than that. You do get an inspection sticker, one that says in bold graphics, "REJECTED". You have seven days to correct the problem, or you can lose your plates. Chips suck, plain and simple. Our daughter and son-in-law got a new 2000 Ford Super Duty Diesel. Being a good ol' boy from GA, your neighboring state, he had a superchip or some such thing installed. It worked fine for a couple of years, then it began dying on the road. When it did, they'd have to pull over to the side of the road, shut it off, and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then they could go on their way. Over time, the condition got worse. Finally, they had to have it towed to a Ford dealer. They popped the hood, checked the ECM and found the chip. Guess what? The chip voided the warranty and it cost them several hundred dollars to get the engine fixed. That was several years ago. The truck hasn't skipped a beat since. Those aftermarket chip makers are not smarter than the manufacturer. A manufacturer builds an engine to operate within certain limits. You can easily exceed those limits by adding superchargers, turbo chargers, blowers, and high performance chips. They can boost the horsepower by more than one hundred horsepower. The problem is that the engines are designed to handle X horsepower. Exceed that at your peril. Our son-in-law put a supercharger on his half ton pickup. He put his foot in it one time too many, and grenaded the engine. All those aftermarket add-ons don't care if you blow up an engine. It's not their problem. Auto makers have to guarantee their product, and they will not build an engine that has more power than the components are designed to handle.
    2 points
  16. looks like i'm going back to bass pro to stock up tonight
    2 points
  17. 15lb Big Game. Cheap, very strong, and abrasion resistant. Never had any reason to use anything else.
    2 points
  18. i couldn't find much of anything on them myself.... i pulled the trigger on a 6'10" L spinning rod last week... they looked so similar to a dobyns champion to me that i didn't think i would be disappointed.....
    2 points
  19. Scroll up to the top of this page and read the 5 pages on jerkbaits. This should point you in the right direction.
    2 points
  20. doesn't make much difference to me... they'll still be full price like everything else at BPS
    2 points
  21. Maybe. I went back and bought the 999 unit at Scheels. If I can't get what I want out of my Lowrance units, then I'll keep them and sell the 999. Would like to go back to HB, and the 999 is an upgrade in screen size and model year for my console unit.
    2 points
  22. Hehe...In my opinion, this is pretty close to the best answer The Spring Classic is probably "the best", but even then the sales seem very narrow in scope. If you like BPS house brand baits, Zoom, Strike King (and perhaps a few others), then there are likely some deals to be found. But when you consider how many things are not on sale, and add to that BPS's higher prices to start with, the value of the sale diminishes pretty quickly. If you're comfortable shopping online, there are better options to save $$$.
    2 points
  23. Pork trailers float and the thin legs move a lot at rest along with the fact that they have strong scent and flavor to help make the bass eat and hold on. Those reasons are a major part of why they're so popular during cold water, but guys who only fish them during the winter months are making a mistake IMO. Bigger fish seem to prefer the pork trailers in my experience. Very sad news.
    2 points
  24. That shows that you are not as twisted as slonezp or I. Hang around for a while longer and you'll reach our level of corruption/contamination. It's inevitable, and incurable.
    2 points
  25. I went a little overboard..... But it's going to be fun unboxing and using it! Rods and reels would be favorite days. (2) lew's team pro z's 7.1:1 powell spinning rod 6'10" L lucky craft magnum casting rod 6' MH some gambler plastics couple packs of trokar hooks few packs of jackal clone fry shad couple packs evolve grubs
    2 points
  26. Oh yes, Johnny Morris must be worried sick for loosing all that money when BPS' number one selling reel is ...... BPS Pro Qualifier.
    2 points
  27. A guy at work was telling me I needed to check them out so I did.... I was very unimpressed. The balance alone was enough to ignore them as an offering. I have a half dozen same price or cheaper rods that balance better and are lighter. No thank you.
    2 points
  28. Just placed ANOTHER TW order. This time for a bunch of chatter baits, some mushroom head jigs, and a bunch of Plano and Flambeau boxes. Got 3 of the 4510 boxes for plastics, they should be about perfect for storing bags- 15" x 8" x 6.25". I'll keep all the plastics in there and fill a gallon bag with ones to take out when I go.
    2 points
  29. Pork baits are reusable . I guess most people let them dry out and then quit using them . I have about three lures that excels on large bass and the jig n pig heads the list .
    2 points
  30. That actually stinks, pork rind trailer on a jig in cold water is a favorite of mine.
    2 points
  31. I've done that test and compared them side by side, and Sensation has a bit less stretch (for the same force applied) than XT does, even though the XT was .0005" thicker. All tests were performed dry. As it turns out, of the 9 lines I tested in that experiment, XT and Sensation were the two lowest "stretchers" of the bunch. Interestingly, they also had the lowest overall percent deformity ("creep") of the bunch after 24 hrs of applied force. As for tensile strength for the two, I haven't seen them compared head-to-head, and I didn't test that myself. I have seen a bunch of line data over the years, and it seems like a majority of the good, or at least popular lines all tend to fall in the 120k-130k psi range, including brands such as Izorline XXX, Trilene XT, Sufix Elite, Yozuri Hybrid, and Big Game. One final note. I know frydog62 did a similar stretch test on the two lines (along with a bunch of others), and XT came out as the least amount of stretch among the 18 lines tested (Sensation was 8th). However, if I read his data correctly, XT was also the largest diameter line tested (greater diameter generally = less stretch), and the XT sample diameter was at least .002" greater than the Sensation sample, a pretty sizable difference, relatively speaking. -T9
    2 points
  32. That's the way I prefer to spend any & every "Eve" Nice job Congrats A-Jay
    2 points
  33. nice score!! my only words of advice are to paddle and fish it for a while before you go crazy rigging it up.... fight the urge to rig it too soon and you may avoid some headaches down the road.
    2 points
  34. Haters gonna hate, fanboys gonna fan, moderators gonna moderate. LOCKDOWN!!
    2 points
  35. RoLo, With respect, it's not very correct to say that light behaves the same in Earth's atmosphere as it does underwater. Transmission, absorption, and deflection of different wavelengths of light depend very much on the composition of the medium or reflecting surface. Consider a simple case - different colors of stained glass. The composition of the glass determines which colors of light are transmitted. Likewise, 'air' and water do not share the same composition or state, and do not have the same effects on light transmission. The daytime sky is not blue because red light is 'filtered' out; in fact, nearly the opposite is true. Earth's atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, both of which in gaseous form are effective at scattering short-wavelength blue and violet light, and less effective at scattering the longer waveforms of red, orange, and yellow light. During the day, 'rays' of sunlight containing the full visible spectrum (and more!) pass overhead through the thick atmosphere, having their blue-ish frequency waves preferentially scattered. When we look at the sky, some of these scattered waves find their way to our eyes, leading our brain to conclude that the sky is blue. This same effect explains why the sky often appears orange-red during a sunset. The light that reaches our eyes during a sunset has travelled on a longer trajectory through the atmosphere than the light that reaches us during the day, and as a result much of the blue-violet spectrum has been scattered away. Clean, clear, liquid water is a different story, and it is true as you said that the shorter wavelengths of visible light (blue, violet) are able to penetrate further through this medium than the longer wavelengths (red). However, Scaleface's suggestion that other factors like turbidity, stain, and suspended particles can variably affect penetration depth of different colors of light seems plausible at least. Again, think of the stained glass. If red light can travel 50 ft (made up number) through crystal clear water, then changing the composition of the water probably won't make the red light travel any further, but it seems possible that it could selectively reduce the penetration of certain wavelengths more than others. Perhaps under certain conditions these effects can outweigh the progressive 'light filtration' effect of the clean water, creating a scenario where the normal hierarchy of penetration depth is shuffled. Several have made the point that our observations tend to be grounded in our human perception of light and color, which may not match up with the 'perceptions' of a bass. And I would agree with that. But we know a few things about bass, namely that they have eyes, and that those eyes aren't entirely different from our own. If their eyes lend the bass some kind of light-based vision, and that ability to 'see' could be harnessed by the bass under certain conditions in the pursuit of food (or to locate targets for aggression), then I don't think the discussion of light penetration in water is off-base. Even if the spectrum of light a bass can detect is different from ours, and their tiny brains function in ways entirely foreign to us, a discussion of light penetration is probably still relevant. Predicting a bass' reaction to different colors of reflected light amid the seemingly infinite other factors is a tough nut to crack, but aren't those kinds of questions really what it's all about? I, for one, am keen to experiment! Cheers, Dave
    2 points
  36. Getting a hand amputated is better than an arm. ??
    2 points
  37. Thanks for highlighting that... it somehow slipped by me. I hate to miss a good laugh! Tight lines, Bob
    1 point
  38. Well I was going to pick up a DC and DC7. DC for chatterbaits and small paddle tails and the DC7 for jigs. I should have all my bases covered lol
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Rod Power: The “power” of a rod refers to how much pressure it takes to flex the rod. Different rod powers are engineered to efficiently handle a certain range of lure weights and line sizes. Rod Action: The “action” of a rod is determined by where a rod flexes along the blank. Faster action rods flex mostly near the tip. Moderate action rods flex more near the middle of the blank. Slower action rods flex down into the butt section.
    1 point
  41. Kvd line and lure conditioner is the product you want to use. Reel magic will not give you the same results as the l&l. Spray it on as you are spooling up and then the night before you go fishing. Fire line I have no idea since I don't use it. Braid it does nothing for.
    1 point
  42. 14-17 lb. You can get away with heavier line. I use mono.
    1 point
  43. Sure. When you look at the components some of the swimbaits are constructed from, basically we are dealing with steel hooks, usually lead weights, and rubber or silicon and some coloring. These components have a certain market value individually. And when a company like Berkley puts these components all together they can produce swimbaits that are sold over the counter for $3.00 for 5 swimbaits. But not so with Huddleston. When they produce a swimbait using the same components, for some reason the price of their swimbaits are inflated to many times the component value. So why the drastic inflated pricing? Is it a realistic market value? To me, in my opinion it is not. If it were, then the Huddleston's pricing should be on par with Berkley and they are not. Tackle Warehouse shows this price difference: Huddleston Deluxe 6" Trout - $24.99 (1 bait for this price) Berkley 6" Powerbait Swim Shad - $2.74 (5 baits for this price) Let me whip out the calculator and do the math... Let's see... $2.74 divided by 5 baits makes the Berkley single swimbait cost .59 cents for just one. Now let me divide the .59 cents into the price of just one Huddleston's swimbait at $24.99 and this comes up 42.36 times the price of the Berkley swimbait. So the Huddleston swimbait is nearly 43 times higher for the same components? I'd call this "over priced" every day of the week. At these prices I could buy 43 Berkley swimbaits to just one Huddleston. This is why I buy Berkley and never buy any Huddleston swimbaits. Just too pricey and I want more bang for the buck and keep fishing fun rather than having to worry about destroying $25.00 with just one fish tearing it up. So would spending $25 on just one Huddleston swimbait deliver 43 times more fish? The answer is not just a no, it is a hell no. Paying Huddleston prices is not going to deliver more bang for the buck. But would 43 Berkley swimbaits put more fish in the boat than the one pricey Huddleston swimbait? The answer is hell yes! Berkley delivers more bang for the buck to me. Simple as that. From my perspective Huddleston is a waste of my money. Huddleston is throwing money down the drain- literally. And it is hilarious that right here on this forum there are entire threads started by fishermen crying about going fishing with an over priced Huddleston and losing it while fishing! So they come here to post all about how they paid way too much and lost it without ever catching a fish with it. And what makes losing a Huddleston worthy of crying about it in an entire thread? Price. Artificially inflated price. Let's go cry about losing so much money called Huddleston! (Just trying to make a point) I have yet to see any fishermen create an entire thread crying about losing a .59 cent Berkley! Crying goes hand in hand with throwing too much money down the drain. A clear indication of the Huddleston over pricing problem...
    1 point
  44. Last night, half of TX was under a tornado warning and the other half was under a blizzard warning.
    1 point
  45. I heard about this area and that was my intention, but with the wind and my little tin being blown all over the place, I decided to try my luck on 35 based on the wind direction. I will fish this area soon however. Thanks BocaBasser, it's been while that I haven't seen you around.
    1 point
  46. One of the best things I like about the glass rod is how effortlessly you can reel a bait out of the water, sling it up, around, and back out in one swift motion that has almost no impact to your shoulder/wrist/elbow joints. The soft/whippyness of the glass rod gives it a "slingshot" effect that lets you launch it and cover a lot of water a lot faster.
    1 point
  47. I have one on backorder from TW. I cannot wait to get it and try it out- seems perfect for the small pond I usually fish. It's loaded with bluegill and pumpkinseed and no real shad presence at all.
    1 point
  48. Take a look at bass boat seats. i got carpet for my last boat and will go here next time I need carpet. https://www.bassboatseats.com/collections/bass-boat-carpet
    1 point
  49. For the average tin can, I just go to home depot and get the gray stuff they sell on the bulk roll. To help from getting snagged, you would have to use a cut pile instead of the loop pile, the stuff HD sells I a loop pile. They pretty much go by weight in grade. The 16oz is probably a heavy as I would want in a jon. 20oz used to be the standard for plush carpet in the bigger glass boats, and then they went to 26oz. If you have a boat that has a flush deck and lids, if you go to a heavier, more plush carpet, it usually binds the lids and you have to shave it between the lids. As for the best place to get it, of the difference in quality between them, don't know.
    1 point
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