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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2015 in all areas

  1. I'll have to get some better closeups but FishinDaddy went way over the top and sent me a custom built rod! 7' 6" H/MF with an awesome looking cork handle and a turkey feather with a wolf on it on the handle as well was a really nice touch. It was just very nicely done and way more than I could have ever expected and a huge thank you to FD not just for the gift, but setting this up every year. I guess probably the most important part about the rod, it catches fish!
    12 points
  2. I held out all the way til Christmas to open my package from Catt that had been staring at me for a couple weeks... it was well worth the wait and I cannot wait to try out these swim jigs w/menace trailers, shell crackers, and SB's! This exchange is one of my favorite gift-related things every Christmas... thank you to Catt and to FD for setting this up each year!!
    5 points
  3. Caught my biggest smallie of the day on Christmas Eve after we got called off of the lake due to high winds. Slammed my bladed jig almost as soon as I started my retrieve.
    5 points
  4. Christmas eve I stopped at a few ponds for a short period and threw swimbaits. After a few casts along the bank with a 6'' hudd in perch color a nice bass snatched it up. Just as it was close to my feet the braid somehow failed and lost a 4lber. Next I tied on a rig walker and threw it in the same general area and when it was near the bank a decent bass partially came out of the water for it. Last bait I threw was a 6'' reaction strike swimbait and caught a few on that. Today I hit a neighborhood pond and caught 2 right away on the rig walker before the pouring rain came.
    4 points
  5. One rule of thumb is try a big bait if the small bait isn't getting hit & vice versa. I almost always start with a bigger bait & only downsize if that doesn't get bit.
    4 points
  6. Opened my gift from @deaknh03 today! Huge thanks to him for a really awesome gift!. He sent me a Jackall tn60, a rapala shadowrap, a kinami crankbait, a pack of rage craws, a pack of powerbait powerhawgs (awesome looking creature bait), a pack of keitech swing impacts, a 3 bladed spinnerbait, 2 awesome jigs, and a beautiful christmas card! Thanks again for everything Deaknh03!
    4 points
  7. First bass on my dobyns swimbait rod. I've had the rod for a few months but haven't had the chance to use it until today. I just arrived in florida today, and on my 2nd cast I hooked into this 5.26 lb largemouth. Caught on the savage gear 6" line thru.
    3 points
  8. 22lb bag, all on a 3/8oz black on black Cavitron. Only buzzbait brand you need.
    3 points
  9. Which spinnerbait blade style gives off the most vibration? a) Willow b)Colorado c)Indiana A palomar is what? a)Brand of soft plastic baits b)style of flat bottom boat c) a double line knot Which of the following is the fastest gear ratio? a)5.1:1 B)6.3:1 c) 7.2.1 Your fishing buddy isn't a member of BassResource, what do you do? a) Don't tell him of the awesome information available here b)slap him on the back of the head and call him names c) as a true friend, get him to join today
    3 points
  10. If you expected anything different from me, then you , my friend, have problems....
    3 points
  11. Been there done that. Last summer (2014) on the 4th of July, no clouds, bright skies, no bites. Chatting with another angler and spotted a big fish just off the bank. I threw a 8" Line Thru floating swimbait past her, watched her swim up behind it, paused it and she sat underneath it. Gave it a quick pull and moved it about 3 feet, she quickly followed. Paused it again and she inhaled the bait....Next words had some explict language and the fact I hooked her.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. This is the warmest Chistmas eve we can all remember up here in Maine with no ice so I had to take advantage of it. Launched at 6:30 and threw some buoys on a point that runs from 10-12 fow to 40 fow. Caught a bunch of white perch and crappie on a blade and only a few bass so we went to the bank and beat em up on jerkbaits. My buddy and I ended up getting 22 bass, 2 pickerel, 1 nice brown and a good brookie on the jerk. Just a beautiful day on Dec 24th! I hope this leads to an early ice-out as well. Here's a few: Came home, washed the boat and will do some winter maintenance on it in the next few weeks.
    2 points
  14. Deep the 120sp is 4.75" & 5/8oz. It has a weight transfer system & a 4 chamber sound system. The action of a 120sp is more of a slash bait with real strong rolling action. I work them hard & erratically. The 100sp is 4" & 7/16oz. It has a 4 rattle chamber sound system but no weight transfer. The action is more subtle with less pronounced action than the 120sp. It's more of a walking style bait. The 110sp is 4" & 1/2oz. It has a 3 rattle sound system with a balanced weight system. It's an inbetween action between the 120 & 100 but doesn't run a deep as the other two. I have a couple of the 110's but mostly use the 120sp & less often use the 100. The 100 might be better used as a finesse jerkbait while the 120 is a more aggressive in your face type of action. There are times when both baits catch fish with just a steady retrieve. Just saying.
    2 points
  15. Just ordered my Metanium from JLS. I've been telling myself I would get one for over a year now but I always end up getting another Chronarch CI4 or another Curado.
    2 points
  16. Hello and Welcome to Bass Resource ~ I have & fish Glass, composite & graphite sticks for different type applications but all for crankbaits. Each anglers preference over one or the other all comes down to what You like; they all work. I'll say that the type & test of line I use affect the performance of each system. So despite how much experience I may have with a certain type of rod, Fishing a glass stick is just one of those deals where if you really want to know what it's like, you're going to have to experience it for yourself, my description may not be how you perceive the performance. btw - after reading & reading & reading about the three different rods - I just finally went out and got my own and fished them. I'm glad I did & I learned a ton. Best part was - I got to go FISHING ! A-Jay
    2 points
  17. uh, you camera skillz need work.
    2 points
  18. Grand Rapids Minnesota. Why? Pull it up on Google maps and draw a hundred mile ring around it. You'll see why.
    2 points
  19. I don't even know what to say besides, LOCKDOWN!!
    2 points
  20. Cool. Thanks man. I will try that. Christmas was already done for my son, but I will buy him the box set Btw, as a Christmas gift my gf and I remodeled his room. He loved it. Those are Legos he built scattered all over the room. The star wall will have phatheads on it.
    2 points
  21. That RW fella doesn't mess around. A generous guy for sure!
    2 points
  22. I'm going with the red eye shad since I used it today for the first time and the second cast brought in a 3 - 4 pounder here in Indy. Don't know how to load a pic or I would post it.
    2 points
  23. Raiders gonna be so jealous when he reads the title of this thread.
    2 points
  24. Nice catch none the less. Congrats on your PB. Based on the pic the bass looks to me in the 4.5 - 5 lb range.
    2 points
  25. Plenty of fish today; just wrong species and/or wrong size.
    2 points
  26. Glad they announced before Christmas. I still have time to take the wife and kids' presents back so I have cash to put a couple pre-orders in.
    2 points
  27. Yes sir, That lure will be in a bass's mouth by lunchtime tomorrow! It will definitely get used
    2 points
  28. Received my gift this morning, and I just couldnt wait to open it! I would like to thank gone_phishin for the awesome gifts! I have been wanting this exact one ten for a while now, and just never pulled the trigger. Merry Christmas everyone!
    2 points
  29. You don't HAVE to have technique specific rods, and you don't HAVE to have high end rods. My most expensive combo might be MIGHT BE $200.... some are only $100. Work hard, learn hard, then fish hard. You get out of all things what you put in, trust me.
    2 points
  30. Well here's the Christmas/birthday loot I received from NorcalBassin Lucky Craft SKT Spinner bait 3/4 oz, Ghost Minnow, gold/silver willow leaf Lucky Craft Gunfish 117 Pearl Threadfin Lucky Craft LC1.5 Crazy Red Craw Lucky Craft LC1.5 Black Moss River2sea S-Weaver Party Crasher Owner Stinger Treble Hooks SR36BC Awesome selection that makes not being able to go even harder but also makes me even more determinded! For some reason I've received a dozen crank baits, y'all trying to tell me something? Thanh You Josh! Merry Christmas
    2 points
  31. No question what it would be if it were me. TwinPower 2500HGS
    1 point
  32. Try all of them! I like Berkley because they are reasonably priced, and found in most Walmarts. Another reason to love Berkley is their scents. No one else specializes in scents like Berkley and this is an added bonus for their products. I do however use more than just Berkley, I also use zoom swimming super fluke jr's and do very well them! And calcutta flashfoil swimbaits too. Just yesterday I caught a nice size bass in central Florida while speck fishing with 2 inch Berkley swimbaits that the specks were tearing up. Kind of surprised me to catch such a nice bass on the smallest of Berkely swimbaits seen hanging out of this bass' mouth...
    1 point
  33. I don't think it's perfect, but he outlines the properties of the different wavelengths at different depths and water clarities and provides some pretty good outlines for choosing colors. I think it's a good read to help build confidence in colors/lures and not waste a whole lot of time on the water. And it's a fast read.
    1 point
  34. I have one of the first ones. It's light, fish more scattered cover(sparse reeds and brush) with jigs opposed to heavy grass with the Quantum Tour "Hackney" rod. Tried it in the grass, just prefer the moderate action if I'm out punching and can't give them much room to run.
    1 point
  35. Sunline doesn't make 15 lb Sniper,14 or 16 lb. Tom
    1 point
  36. Great baits, great paint schemes, reasonably priced, durable, not much more you can ask for.
    1 point
  37. I just got a tray full of Creative Custom Bass Jigs from @Brayberry. Dont know the types in here but im pretty confident with the football head jig. Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  38. I got a box full of Creative Custom Bass jigs. Thanks @Brayberry!!!!
    1 point
  39. I've seen a lot of marks like that on bass and suspected they had had a run in with a gar, gator, or otter. One would like to find for forensic purposes more distinct teeth impressions, like a row of triangular teeth marks from a gator or gar, or the paired vampiric stab wounds from the long canines of otters, or the stripes of their claw marks. Perhaps those fish with the most diagnostic marks have the worst prognosis, and the majority end up being killed and thoroughly consumed by, say, an otter family. I have fished opposite a pair of otters in very good humor on the opposite bank chowing down a five or six pound bass, disassembling and consuming it quite expertly. Predators do tend to complete the job more often than not -- and I think a still viable, merely injured fish is unlikely. An exception is, of course, the human predator of bass, who surely has a bad reputation among other predators, for we injure and capture the bass, but then take the hook out and return him or her to the water, hoping the fish will be "okay." Thanks so much for that adventure, Mr Human! The honest predators must see the immorality of our actions, and I am as guilty as any. We humans frighten and abuse a ton of fish without killing and eating, just for sport. Oh, but it is really great fun! Sometimes, to seem a more useful animal among the natural fauna, I donate some bass to a local charity, namely the great blue heron that follows me around the banks. He flies over to stalk behind me when he sees me fishing. I talk to him but he does not answer back -- just looks at me. He's thinking, "Give me a fish, idiot." Anyway, I usually do. I toss it on the bank and he clamors over for it, stabs it, and flies off. Once, when I tossed the bird a larger bass, the heron decided to mortally stab the fish once and allow it to swim off. The bird stood there, attentively. Ten minutes later, when the fish had finally succumbed, the carcass rose to the surface and the bird swept in, picked it up and flew off with it. Anyway, we in Florida don't get a citation for a big one per se, but we can get the "TrophyCatch Award." I believe it involves a $100 gift certificate from Bass Pro and they put your name in a drawing for a fancy bass boat. All you have to do is show them a photo of the fish hanging from your scale weighing 8 lbs. or more.
    1 point
  40. Yes, that's them. They were working today too.
    1 point
  41. This family tree is no longer part of the Star Wars Canon. Once Disney bought LucasFilm they essentially hit a reset button on what is officially part of the Star Wars canon. Much of the source material used for the graphic above includes books and other materials from the "expanded universe". As of now this is what is being considered as "official": http://www.slashfilm.com/new-star-wars-canon-timeline/
    1 point
  42. I do pretty well with a bladed jig during the winter at the power plant lakes.
    1 point
  43. In my opinion, acton is the best lake in ohio for largemouth (the best smallmouth lake being Erie of course). I don't know when exactly your fishing but, assuming it is the pre spawn, toss a red colored square bill crank bait against wood in the backs of creeks. Also pick up some Spro Rock Crawler designed by Mike McClelland. I'm not affiliated with them at all, however I just can't think of a better crank bait for imitating crawfish. You'd want to throw the Rock Crawler in the deeper water cause it dives to about 12 feet. Any ways, I've never gotten the chance to fish Acton in pre spawn so these are just a few generic tips.
    1 point
  44. Keep following the Facebook Page for the site instead. Same material posted regularly, just in smaller bites. Today they covered turnover graphs from some of the major reservoirs and explained what was happening. Should be lots more science and news to come...and a bit more interactive than the website.
    1 point
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