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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2015 in all areas

  1. There is a very simple reason as to why your line is breaking and it truly comes down to one of four possible situations. 1. You have very bad line. 2. The line is too small (in test) for your situation. (like 4 lb mono) 3. You are tying a knot that is failing under the simple pressure of your knot test. 4. All of or Any combination of 1, 2 & 3. The solution is to purchase a new quality line that is suitable type & test for your fishing application and ensure that the knot(s) you select are applicable to that line type and tied correctly. A-Jay
    5 points
  2. If the reel handle is on the right side, it's right handed. Tom
    4 points
  3. Well here's the Christmas/birthday loot I received from NorcalBassin Lucky Craft SKT Spinner bait 3/4 oz, Ghost Minnow, gold/silver willow leaf Lucky Craft Gunfish 117 Pearl Threadfin Lucky Craft LC1.5 Crazy Red Craw Lucky Craft LC1.5 Black Moss River2sea S-Weaver Party Crasher Owner Stinger Treble Hooks SR36BC Awesome selection that makes not being able to go even harder but also makes me even more determinded! For some reason I've received a dozen crank baits, y'all trying to tell me something? Thanh You Josh! Merry Christmas
    4 points
  4. Thats funny in a queasy sort of way. Rather romantic of you to volunteer though.
    3 points
  5. Thanks Glenn. This was the answer I was looking for. Just wanted to know if there was a mobile version. I will adjust. I am as adjustable as a pair of old suspenders. Technology waits for no one. Hootie
    3 points
  6. All I know is, I'm right handed and I learned to fish with a spinning reel, always holding my rod with the right hand, and reeling with the left. No switching hands, always casting and fighting fish with my dominant hand. It wasn't until I first tried playing around with baitcasters this year that I really grasped how awkward it would feel to reel with the right while holding and working a bait in my non-dominant hand since i had been doing it the other way all my life. It was so alien, I just decided I would use lefty baitcasters, and so far that seems just right (as it were). The reel selection is indeed more limited -- for some reels, the left doesn't have as many gear ratios available -- but after 30 years of always using my right hand to hold a rod, and reeling with the left, my hands just don't want to cooperate the other way.
    2 points
  7. The old cliché "let them tell you what they want" still holds true to this day. Anyone who has been around the bend a few times knows some days color doesn't mean squat and some days it is of the utmost importance. I use a general guideline of trying to "match the hatch/ forage" and darker baits for darker days/ water and lighter baits for lighter days/ clearer water. Some times this exact premise contradicts itself. Also mentioned previously in this thread, sometimes none of these guidelines matter. Fish what YOU like and see if the fish agree, if not improvise, adapt and overcome!
    2 points
  8. His family photo album?
    2 points
  9. I already passed a 12 guage so that's not gonna help me any.
    2 points
  10. Justin, don't drive yourself crazy about lure colors, etc. Just purchase what you have confidence and throw it all day long. As for colors, there are many opinions out there which makes bass fishing so enticing as to which color works best under the conditions of the day and you found it. You keep this information to yourself so you can parlay it when you hit the same water under the same conditions in the future. Now, for color. We have guys on this forum that swear that color makes a difference. I am one. But, to balance our thoughts we have a Mr. Bob Underwood who did studies on bass behavior before Uncle Homer Circle, Hand Carrol and Glen Lau produced the outstanding Bigmouth trilogy in the 90's. Underwood penned the book, Lunker, which is a great read if you can locate a copy. The Bigmouth videos debunked some of our early thoughts about bass behavior and raised others. Here are some of Underwood's findings during his studies of our little green monsters that were published in an article by John Mark Warren in a great bass magazine (Winter 2015). You can also find data on Warren at www.fishingwithconfidence.net. Unlike the Stricker's who pawn to their advertisers' products, Warren is totally independent from outside influences. Please understand that the vast majority of us on the Forum know the following statements about bass are true based on what we encountered while on the water. But Underwood has confirmed this data to support what we have seen and experienced while he was on the water: Electric motors do not bother bass at all. Finding Bass in various locations and water temperatures virtually discounted water temperature as a guide for locating bass. The theory of repeated casting to one spot so as to anger bass into striking is one of the poorest ways to create anger in bass. The bass will not strike for several days after breaking-off with a lure in its mouth is sheer fallacy. Light does not bother the eyes of bass. The size and color of fishing line made no difference in the number of fish taken. Hook n' Look dispel many fishing beliefs but in a kind and gentle manner. So don't drive yourself crazy about the color of your bait. Just buy two or three and go out and see what happens. And then post your findings so we can have another wild and crazy thread debunking what you penned! Good luck and Merry Christmas!
    2 points
  11. Hey Raider, I think you should keep expanding them until you can put your legs through them, and wear them like a thong.
    2 points
  12. Anyone ever had your boat wrapped,i'd love to have my boat repainted i don't think i'll ever be able to aford it? I know all the Pro's and Nascar are having them wraped.now,i saw a fishing show where several pro's had a 30 minute show on Saturday morning where they had a boat wrapped, it was a Triton i think & they had it wrapped in a Bass Master Classic wrap i think.. I know Gerold Swindle was on it weekly,and Skeet Reese and Steven Brown some time's. I'd love to have all the information any of you have s starting with How Much & how it hold's up . God Bless & Thanks Merry Christmas & not happy hoilday We Honor the Birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ And don't get shot in Walmart over something on sale. God Help us All
    2 points
  13. I'd have to agree with the old brittle line and possibly dry knots as well.
    2 points
  14. Cool thanks guys its free wood if I get bored I might mess with it. If not fishable it can still decorate the Christmas tree lol
    2 points
  15. You guys mind if I get some responses before my post gets locked down? lol
    2 points
  16. You were anointed "Ruler Of The Basement" years ago and you are still doing a fine job!
    2 points
  17. Just got mine box in from STK and was told there were perishables in there so of course I had to open it! Thanks so much for the loot, especially the homemade toffee. I think I have already said 3 times, " last bite and then I am putting it away for the day...." haha. Seriously one of the best toffees I have ever eaten! Jeff
    2 points
  18. Hello Scott and Welcome to Bass Resource ~ A-Jay
    1 point
  19. Sounds like all the hype about the Mariners every year before the season begins.....because that's the only time they look good.
    1 point
  20. Blade baits work great in winter. Hair jigs are another good bet.
    1 point
  21. All pre season i heard about how good the cowboys were. the best o line ever, the best WR in the league, best TE and an incredible defense. Wouldn't that mean they should be able to win a few games more with their backup? I mean butt fumble went 4-4 last season....
    1 point
  22. At least Kellen Moore is taking chances and throwing the "I don't give AF" balls feeding their best WR. His 2 picks look better than anything Matt Cassel even attempted to complete and this is the kids first NFL game /w a TD to Dez. Good for you kid.
    1 point
  23. I apologize for my late report. I launched at Fin & Feather about 2 pm Tuesday and fished the little island at the entrance to Hurricane then ventured on into Hurricane. I had no bites at the island but lost two in the grass on the West side of Hurricane. One on a black worm with blue tail shaky head, and the other on a weightless Grande Bass blue flake Snake O. I never could locate the submerged road going across Hurricane. I also lost one with the black worm blue tail shaky head along the old pilings at Fin & Feather. The next morning my son and I launched about 7:30 (after the rain stopped). We fished all around the 5 way creek bed intersection between Fin & Feather and Hurricane with no bites. We spent several hours with crank baits, c-rig worms, spoons, spinner baits, swim baits and rattle traps. NOTHING! So we moved on into Hurricane. The crank bait and swim bait (about 15 feet down) along the East side of Hurricane near the entrance point produced a couple of nice fish (2 - 2.5 lbs). We fished that area for a while but had no more bites. We went over to the West side and fished the grass. Again the weightless Snake O produced a nice fish. We also lost one with a big black worm on a shaky head. That's about it for the fish. On another note, the Bald Eagle put on nice show for us catching fish and chasing the coots around. Also, I spent the day fishing with my 19 year old college student son. We both know were not just fishing.
    1 point
  24. I don't find the Bucoo line over-rated on power. The 8 I have are pretty spot on in my opinion. The moderate action of this rod tends to make it feel like it's a lighter action then it is. I should have added, I wouldn't crank heavy cover where you're going to need to "rip" the bait to clear it as this rod won't do that. As for cranking rocky areas, shallow cranks over grass or light cover with small shallow squarebill style baits it's a great rod. And it's light. It also works well with smaller 1/4oz chatterbait style jigs. You may be able to find it cheaper on Ebay.
    1 point
  25. No I have heard of it though. I mainly fish van wert and bresslers reservoirs.
    1 point
  26. trick worms, lizards and structure bugs are still working for me here in NW Fl. About the same weather.
    1 point
  27. um, I use the red craw/shad/bullbream dd22 One of those "should" work...
    1 point
  28. I used to throw a Little Cleo back in the day. Slayed the white bass. So many tactics, so little time.
    1 point
  29. Are you 100% sure that it's breaking at the knot? A cracked insert on a rod guide or the tip top can eat up line like it's nothing. I read that you tried this on multiple rods, but if you're storing the rods where the tips can become damaged it wouldn't surprise me if more than one were cracked. A good way to check for damaged rod guides is to run a cotton swab over the guide. If cotton gets stuck to the guide, then it needs to be replaced. Tip tops are easy to replace, but the other guides are a bit more work. If it's breaking at the knot, I would sit down and tie away until you figure out what's going wrong. Make sure to follow all of the advice in this thread about wetting the knot, etc.
    1 point
  30. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
    1 point
  31. ROFL....Exactly! Ever hear an Italian American try to speak French? Not good!
    1 point
  32. The "mobile version" and desktop version are the same now, bringing much more flexibility and features to the "mobile version" than ever before. I realize it's a steep learning curve if you're used to the old "mobile version". It's an adjustment to be sure. But I think after you've had some time to get used to it, you'll wonder why you liked the older version.
    1 point
  33. Greetings and Welcome to the forums
    1 point
  34. Hello and Welcome to Bass Resource ~ A-Jay
    1 point
  35. welcome! Ever fished Acton Lake at Hueston Woods State Park?
    1 point
  36. Welcome to BR. Enjoy the forums.
    1 point
  37. Can't a guy speak a little French?
    1 point
  38. Stop the presses . Rewrite the science journals . Bass can see what is not there .
    1 point
  39. je ne sais quoi? That's a big one for you....watching Sonic commercials, slonezp?
    1 point
  40. I agree. Outhouse much more appropriate if Raider is a moderator. He can institute a demerit system for those who do not abide by the rules, which will be known as ladle infractions. Violations, will be assessed from one to five ladles according to the severity of an infraction. Ten ladles will result in a severe talking to. Twenty ladles will result in the member being banished to the outhouse ditch. For those who are not familiar with how outhouses work, it goes like this. A ditch is dug, and the potty holes of an outhouse are then placed over the ditch. When the ditch is filled in, a new ditch is dug just behind the outhouse and the outhouse is moved back over the ditch. Outhouses have wood floors so the entrance floor, or the outhouse foyer's floor is now over the original ditch. In some cases a layer of soil, a few inches thick is placed on top of the ditch containing the excrement. Depending on the size of the outhouse, there will be three or four ditches beneath the outhouse. There will be the "active" ditch, and two or three that have been filled to capacity. The punishment will be banishment to the active ditch.
    1 point
  41. Caught a few on a spoon and a couple on a jig earlier today. Mostly small and barely legal.
    1 point
  42. Not going to get much rod at this price. EDIT: Several guys posted while I was out on the floor.............working.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. A little tip from a rookie. Take your time with the guide wraps. If it doesn't look good to you, unwrap it and start over. It will look a lot worse after the finish has been applied and cured. Finish will not hide any mistakes. It will make them more apparent. You know how I know that.
    1 point
  45. Nothing wrong with that winding check. After you become more comfortable building, you may find that you want to shorten the length of the threads so that none are exposed when the reel is locked down.
    1 point
  46. Stay at Roland Martin Marina on the Big O , call Steve Daniel and book a trip, and there are some excellent bank fishing opportunity's around there also. Brian.
    1 point
  47. I wore them out this fall on this craw I made this summer, it's also been a killer jig trailer.
    1 point
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