All I know is, I'm right handed and I learned to fish with a spinning reel, always holding my rod with the right hand, and reeling with the left. No switching hands, always casting and fighting fish with my dominant hand. It wasn't until I first tried playing around with baitcasters this year that I really grasped how awkward it would feel to reel with the right while holding and working a bait in my non-dominant hand since i had been doing it the other way all my life. It was so alien, I just decided I would use lefty baitcasters, and so far that seems just right (as it were). The reel selection is indeed more limited -- for some reels, the left doesn't have as many gear ratios available -- but after 30 years of always using my right hand to hold a rod, and reeling with the left, my hands just don't want to cooperate the other way.