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  1. Nothing like finding a Diamond in the Rough!!! very lightly used from my local tackle shop. Too bad there was only one.. typically you would have paid twice as much for one in worse condition on the bay! Can not explain my excitement!
    7 points
  2. The real reason Mayberry was a place that was happy all the time... No one was married. List of Single people in Mayberry: Andy Aunt Bea Barney Floyd Howard Goober Gomer Sam Ernest T Bass The Darlin Family Helen Thelma Lou Clara The only married person in Mayberry was Otis, and he stayed drunk.
    6 points
  3. Well, the monkey really worked his magic on me this time... managed to get lots of money out of my pockets, but it was totally worth it... oh by the way, SHE SAID YES!! ..And yes I did it out on a boat, no better place to do it than out on the water doing some chilly fall bass fishing!!
    5 points
  4. No wonder I am getting skunked bass fishing. I was using Megacarp not Megabass. Vision 110 Jr, MB F4-68X7, FX68L Viola Shooter FC Sniper 12 pounds. She sucked the lure in during a pause.
    3 points
  5. Finding either of those reels for less than $200 would be pretty tough. Another option is buying a Scorpion Xt 1000 and dropping in Hedgehog Air BFS bearings and an Avail Honeycomb or KTF spool. Edit: As Jrob suggested, the Aldebaran bfs xg limited is around $300 and will require no work to cast 1/8oz lures.
    3 points
  6. If you're simply trying to go the cheapest route, you could probably buy a spool for one of your existing Shimano reels. If you want to buy a new reel, I would look at the Aldebaran BFS XG Limited or a Daiwa SS Air, both for right around $300 NIB, after shipping.
    3 points
  7. The very best thing to do is to hire a guide. Tell him that you want to catch some fish of course, but more importantly, you would like him to show you things to look for when you are on the water.
    3 points
  8. i really love the cold weather months - family times, good eating, and fish stacked up in predicatable spots. any fishing i do may through october (which usually isn't much) is just fun fishing for numbers. but November signals the beginning of winter pattern around here and time to break out the slow stuff in search of big fish. my work schedule got me off to a late start this year, but i managed to get out last saturday and get one that went nearly 6 out of a brush pile adjacent to a secondary creek arm to kick off the month. a few dinks rounded out the day and kept things interesting. but i knew this would be the week to be out there with that big full moon hanging in the sky. fortunately i have a boss that understands my addiction and she let me off tuesday afternoon and yesterday afternoon. the fishing was incredible. with the full moon feed on, a few smaller fish were still there for the taking in 2-8 fow on spinnerbaits and rattlebaits. but the best fishing for numbers and quality was on deep timberlines in 8-15 fow using slow presentations. concentrating on irregularities in standing timber, i managed a 4 and a 5 yesterday, plus one i estimated to be 6 or 7 that i let get off having a little too much fun playing around with it once i saw it wasn't a giant. when it was over, i was blessed to have 28 fat green fish visit my little jonboat briefly before release. yesterday i only got to go for a couple of hours, but it was time well spent. again focusing on the deep stuff, i managed 19 fish raging from dinks to average with a nice 6-5 kicker to end the day. this was perhaps the fish i dumped the day before as i stuck her only a few yards from where i lost the good one on tuesday and she had a fresh hook mark in her mouth. or maybe someone else had caught her before and released her. either way i was thankful for her and i put her back too. there is still time to take advantage of this full moon. i wish everyone a happy and blessed thanksgiving period full of good times, great meals, black friday fishing deals, and of course plenty of bass action.
    2 points
  9. The thread in regards to the gentleman that caught all those 10lb bass made me start thinking why I haven't used a buzzed bait since I love fishing top water so much... I decided to take advantage of Siebert's BF offer and got myself a few Megastrike Cavitron Buzzbaits.
    2 points
  10. Took mine out of he brine last night after about a 24 hour soak and now is on the smoker.....a few hours more to go and we should be good to go.
    2 points
  11. Two of my newest setups!
    2 points
  12. For those traveling - be safe Hope everyone enjoy's the day. Please keep those not able to be with their family in your thoughts. A-Jay
    2 points
  13. I would buy the BFS XG Limited or if you already have a 50 size Shimano, as has already been stated, get a shallow spool for it.
    2 points
  14. Join a local club if one is available. In most cases, anglers like to help other anglers learn. The social benefits are many. Congratulations on your retirement.
    2 points
  15. I was using IMX CR722 for a long time casting 1/8 oz things (measured) with a KTF spool/HedgeHog Air Bearings Metanium 13. It went down to 1/16 oz okay, but you kind of have to whip it out so it wasn't particularly accurate. My advice to you would be that you should try to find a Core50 or Aldebaran 50 for 200 or less, and spend good money on the spool for 100 or so.
    2 points
  16. Im hoping to get a good deal on a pack of bobber stops.
    2 points
  17. nice set fun day flipping Fall It may seem I’m getting lazy with my typing now, kinda. Fall is one big season that I always look forward to. I love fall fishing. The fish become predictable and they eat. Enjoy some photos from the fall season, and thanks for reading. first day really whacking them in early fall Jon and I won the Imperium Baits fall brawl with around 25lbs Cal met me on shore so he could come slay them when the bite was on. Greg and I won the Barrie Bassmasters Open with 29.95 lbs… so close to 30!
    2 points
  18. Kistler Helium 3 Medium 7' 0" X-Fast (1/8-1/2) + Steez SV 103HL
    2 points
  19. Siebert Outdoors Black Friday Sale 15% off everything. Use code BR15. Code is good from 11/24/2015 until 11/30/2015. Thank you Mike Siebert
    1 point
  20. Every year around this time, I enjoy recapping my season. The boat is put away and I may still get out a few times with buddies, but for all intents and purposes, my season has come to an end. Looking back, I had a very memorable season, and with a wife and young son at home, I was certainly lucky to get out as often as I did. Let’s start off from the beginning. January First ice is always something I look forward to. I don’t enjoy ice fishing as much as I enjoy fishing from a boat, but until our climate changes drastically, that’s my only option. First ice came in decent time this year and I believe that January 11th was my first day out. I planned a vacation from work for the 3rd week of January, so it came at the right time. I was out for first ice on the Sunday that my vacation started. The bite was solid for the first couple weeks, as it often is. We fished deep water chasing Simcoe lakers. There wasn’t an awful lot of bait around in the areas we were fishing, but the fish were very willing to commit to moving baits. The good bite continued into February. This was my first laker of the season, not a bad way to start it off. This fish came on the first drop on my second trip out nice, long fish I only keep fish once or twice a season, these ones made it to the smoker and we enjoyed them as a snack back out on the ice. My biggest of the season in the 18 pound range.
    1 point
  21. Hello, I got a couple hours to fish this evening, so I went to the Wabash River by Hanging Rock. I brought my jerkbait rig (6'6" Daiwa M/F, 31ipt Ambassadeur 4600), my jig rig (6' Cherrywood HD, 26ipt Ambassadeur 5500), and my heavier rig that I use for frogs, but really need to replace with something slightly heavier (7' Daiwa MH/F, 26ipt Ambassadeur 5500). There was snow left from a couple days ago, and there was some skim ice in the shadow of that huge rock that hangs out over the river, so water temps were around 32-34 degrees. The jerkbait rod is a new build. I got the reel for my birthday. Before I used it, though, I used the 7' Daiwa MH/F, which seems slightly slower than the traditional fast action, to through a square bill Live Target Bait Ball. A few casts and the rod bent. The way it was pulling drag, I thought I'd hooked a drum. Nope! A minute or two later, I landed this: She was 15 inches long, and a couple pounds. I really shouldn't have caught her as I was fishing a bit faster than I should have at that water temp. Not huge, but a respectable little brownie. Then it got interesting: I tried to release her. She didn't want to go out into the river, and swam back to me. I tried to nudge her that way again, and she swam back and hid under the rock on which I was standing! I wasn't trying to move her into current or anything; it was slack water I was fishing. So, I kept fishing. A gent came down to the water to watch. He asked if I was doing any good, and I told him that I'd caught a smallie. Just then, it splashed. Bending down, I grabbed it from the water and said, "In fact, here's that smallie I caught!" The guy was somewhat amazed. I told him I was going to take it over to another spot (and indicated the spot) to let it swim out into a pool, and did so. I'll be damned if that bass didn't turn right around and swim back to me! Well, I had fishing to do. After a while longer playing with my jerkbait rod and not catching anything, I decided to move to that pool in which I released the bass. Walking up, I saw the lil' brownie just hanging out, waiting on me! So I started stomping up to the bank. That scared it and it took off quite quickly for the deeper water I'd been trying to get it to swim to the whole time! It was some fun. Nice fish, fun time. I need to sharpen hooks now; rocks are hard on 'em! Regards, Josh
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. And to you and everyone...another day...another gift
    1 point
  24. Happy Turkey Day to all... Leaving in the AM for Florida - with my non-resident fishing license in hand...
    1 point
  25. I grew up fishing that River. Most of it is very swift. You may do a lot better with small swimbaits. I would try a small 3-4 inch keitech easy shiner on a heavy head or the robot worms shiner on a drop shot.
    1 point
  26. Well, since he's an accountant, I assume he's capable of doing basic addition...
    1 point
  27. Time of day or year?Smallmouth tend to be on thier own time table, usually in the fall the afternoon bite is good. Don't forget to try a smaller buzz bait, good lure to determine where the bass are located and follow up with the jig. The ranger at Boulder Gutch ramp should be able to help you. Tom PS, I wrote a article for In-Fisherman; book #64 Dec/Jan 1986, pages 134-144, A Rare Chance for a World Record, lake Isabella CA.
    1 point
  28. Looks like you'll be busy, decent size order from me too . Anyone looking to pick up some jigs should jump on this, you won't find a better quality product...Most here know that already though I'm sure .
    1 point
  29. Can't remember the last time I heard a pro refer to themselves in the third person... that was pretty funny.
    1 point
  30. X2 ~ And don't be afraid to add a moderately priced Fly Rod to this as well. Bass on a Fly is a TON of FUN ! A-Jay
    1 point
  31. Scottjish ale and wee heavy ale are my weakness. Ice cold poured in a frosty Belhaven glass. Cures what ails ya.
    1 point
  32. On structure, breaks and breaklines....with whatever baits will allow you to properly control your depth and speed for the water being fished.
    1 point
  33. My guess is a mix of Opiates and Benzos.
    1 point
  34. its all in good fun, bigbill. i really enjoy your posts, i know others do too. (tu tambien, Raul, admite lo) you do have to let us know what your poison is. poisonokie thinks youre spiking your moonshine, Alonerankin2 is curious if you go for the body buzz or the mind type and iabass8 doesnt care, he just wants to throw down. im thinking an upper, prescribed.
    1 point
  35. It's much easier to do this time of year: grab a machete or an axe and whack yourself 5-6 + good places around the pond.
    1 point
  36. Lower Kern below lake Isabella. The water flow is very slow this year due to the drought condition. However the dam has been condemned so water is flowing, the lake is going down, down....Isabella still has some giant bass, don't over look it!Small finesse 1/4 oz jigs would be my suggestion; brown/purple with brown UJ #101 frog for the river and 1/2 oz brown/purple UJ #11 brown frog trailer for the lake. Tom
    1 point
  37. Successful day One of the darkest smallies I’ve ever caught July/August I’ll group these months together since it is just one big blur of bass fishing. I do a lot more largemouth fishing once the water warms, but still target transitioning smallies for the first little while. won my first clubbie of the year on Simcoe fun day largie fishing Cal thought he had a giant smallie Biggest largie of the season, well over 6 lbs
    1 point
  38. My biggest pike of the year came on opening day, just passing the 46 inch mark Another solid pike Good solid fish from a solo trip June Bass season opens this month, which I always look forward to, but there lots of time before then. Some more rigging and pike fishing, then when the last Saturday of June comes around, it seems not much else matters. My last targeted pike of the season my biggest laker of the rigging season first smallie of the year was a good one
    1 point
  39. April I literally didn’t fish in April. Brutal. May I missed steelhead opener, so I got out one time on May 1st and went 3 for 5 or something. Nothing crazy, but always a good time. Perch fishing took up the next couple weeks until lakers and pike opened up. May is always a favourite for me. So much variety, that I rarely experience once bass season opens up. We got some big fish throughout the month. some slob perch more giant Simcoe perch nice laker to start off the rigging season
    1 point
  40. You are paying for the cosmetics when you buy Megabass reels. The performance difference is minimal and mostly spool based.
    1 point
  41. I've seen this bottle around. I may have to give it a shot! Picked up a bottle of knob creek last night to add the the collection for 25 dollars. Probably the sweetest bourbon I've got on my counter. This isn't a bad thing. I like it, but it wouldnt be my first bottle to buy if I could only pick one.
    1 point
  42. They are great reels and I have a few. That said, I like the I series better. To me, the I palms better and has a better connected feel than the previous versions. It's probably going to be hard to find a new 200E.
    1 point
  43. Tbat looks a hell of a lot better than the wrench
    1 point
  44. On my schedule is the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are always a busy time of the year. After that we'll be off to Daytona for speedweeks, and hopefully much warmer weather. Late March or April, we may go to visit out daughter in Georgia. I'll check the long range forecast and if it looks decent, we'll tow my bass boat to GA. There are several lakes within and hours drive, or a little longer. Alatoona, West Point, and three or four lakes in Rocky Mountain State Park to the north. One of them is a trophy lake, open only the first ten days of each month. Weiss, and Logan Martin in Alabama are also within an hours drive. Another hour would get me to Guntersville, or Wheeler. The bite around here should be getting serious about the time I'll be getting home.
    1 point
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