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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2015 in all areas

  1. No decision is necessary on WHETHER to get a Conquest '14/'15 ... the only decision necessary is WHICH size and gear ratio to get ...
    7 points
  2. You could buy one on your companies dime and you're having to try to convince yourself??? I'd already have it on the way to my house!
    7 points
  3. A recent addiction to jig fishing has led to me looking for big bites and purposely fishing for size and not numbers. It's really been paying off. It's the only way I can really target larger bass without living on trophy waters and throwing really expensive swimbaits. Nothing of massive size yet, but this 5-pounder hit a Siebert Dredge Jig/Rage Chunk yesterday. Easily could have been a 6+ if she had been eating well. Another solid one:
    6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. This past Friday I fished a small New Hampshire lake. We had got an inch and a half of heavy rain as a front was moving through the area. The forecast was for a high of 55, calm, and cloudy. A cold front was predicted to move through in the afternoon clearing out the clouds. After several windy days in the mid 40s it sounded like the perfect day to fish in mid/late November. I arrived at the lake at 10:45. It had just stopped raining a couple hours before I arrived. I had one spot in mind that has been producing a number of 3-4 lb smallies with a couple largemouth mixed in. The plan was to fish in 15-35 feet fishing a blade bait around schools of smelt. I launched my boat with the surface temperature reading 46 degrees. Motoring over to the one spot I wanted to fish I retied my line on the 5 set ups I had brought with me. I knew the blade bait was going to be the best bet but I also had a drop shot, a deep diving crankbait, a jig and jerkbait tied on. The particular spot I fished is a hump tha comes from 40 ft to 3 ft that is composed of rock, gravel, ledge, hardened clay and boulders. With in the first few minutes I had caught my first fish a 3-12 smallie. With the skunk out of the boat and practically no wind I made cast after cast after cast to specific spots on the hump I had marked with my gps. The fishing was great. I was catching a fish about every 15 minutes. I couldn't have asked for a better bite. I was catching by casting out a blade bait and slowly hopping it on bottom back to the boat. I had noticed several arches under my boat using my down imager. I watched as my bait went towards bottom as the arch came up and slammed it. It turned out to be a decent largemouth at 4-2. I hadn't really had much experience using my down imager to catch fish while being directly over them. Every time for the rest of the day when I saw an arch I would immediately reel in and try on drop my lure right on the fishes head. It seemed I would catch that fish half of the time. The bite was consistent and pretty good most of the day. Around 2 pm a front moved through pushed the clouds out and the air temp dropped about 10 degrees. Not to be discouraged it was time to add another layer, dress for ice fishing. After the front moved through the fishing slowed considerably. In the last hour I did mange to catch two fish a 3-6 and a 3-12 smallie. I fished from 11 am until 3 pm catching 3 largemouth and 12 smallies all on a blade bait. Two of the largemouth were over 3 lbs, the biggest being 4-2. Of the 12 smallies I caught 9 were over 3 lbs and the 3 fish that weren't were all 2-12 or over. Lunker smallie for the day was a tie with two weighing 3-12. Biggest 5 fish for the day weighed 18 lbs 14 oz. I cant ask for much more then that for November 20th. Some great fall fishing. I am going to try and get out there atleast one more time before the end. Plenty of fish still willing to bite. Got to be out there to get them !
    4 points
  6. Well the day didn't go as good as i wanted but i guess it went alright. Started the morning off boat 120 out of 122 to blast off. Started at daylight throwing a crank bait off of a rock ledge. First cast of the day i catch a 3.5 lb large mouth. Second cast i hook up to the biggest rock in the lake and lose my brand new crank bait. After that we hit a couple of different spots and nothing. Started to fish laydowns as the sun started getting up and caught a 2lb spot. 5lbs in the boat before 10am i was thinking it was going good and then i hit a 4 hour streak with out a bite. Then went far back in a creek where fish we busting the surface. All i had in hand was a shakey head. Just threw it in the middle of them and boom a keeper spot was in the live well then caught another keeper spot. Then a shortie. Going into the weigh in with only 4 fish is never a good thing, I was thinking if i was looking for 5 bites and got them i had a good day. Going to the scale with 4 fish and ended up with 8.22lbs. Winning weight was 15.32lbs. just wanted to note that i passed the ''winning'' team 4 times and I could of gave my sister the rod and could cast better than them. Something didn't add up but Second took 12lb and 3rd was 11. i finished 20 out of 122 boats. Thanks to everyone for the help. Stickem Hard
    2 points
  7. Been having a blast this past month catching some big hybrid striped bass (wipers). These fish have ranged from about 13 up to 19 pounds, and our state record is 22. Hoping if they survive the winter for one more year that I'll get lucky in 2016. Here are a few pics of some of them...
    2 points
  8. Hey RW - we talked about this back in January so I'll re-use some of that discussion: The CTE-100GT is the functional equivalent of a Conquest 100 (last generation - aka CQ00). The differences are: CQ has a forged handle / TE-GT has a stamped handle CQ has a forged drag star / TE-GT has a stamped star CQ has clicking spool tension knob and drag / TE-GT has no clicks CQ has a ported palm-side sideplate / TE-GT is plain/unported I have both the CTE-100GT and a CQ00-100 and they perform and feel the same to me. These photos show the external differences: NOW - to compare the CTE-100GT to the Conquest 2014/2015: Conquest 14/15 has the same differences as mentioned above (forged, ported, clicks, etc.) PLUS has all the latest Shimano features and gizmos - X-Ship, micro-module gears, and SVS Infinity braking system, etc. The CQ 14/15 has a smaller sideplate and palms noticeably smaller than the CTE-100GT, it MIGHT (or might not) cast a bit farther due to the braking system, and will probably feel smoother to most folks due to the micro-module gears and X-ship. All in all, just a nicer reel than the earlier generation. Is CQ 14/15 enough better than a CTE-100GT to warrant buying a new reel? That's up to each person to decide... Edit: I forgot to mention ONE more improvement in the new Conquest - the CQ15 "HG" geared model. Formerly, Shimano round reels were only available in a single gear ratio for each size. Now, Shimano is offering TWO ratios in the 100 and 200 size Conquests. The standard gear ratio gives about 23 IPT - approximately the same as the CTE-100GT. The new "HG" model, introduced this past summer, gives 30 IPT and really expands the envelope for the presentations that can be accommodated by the reel...
    2 points
  9. Hopkins Shorty. I don't really have any others - never needed anything else.
    2 points
  10. Had this stud show up on my little bro's trail cam. He has until Thursday to do something about it or I'll be in the tree all day every day Friday-Sunday. God willing, I plan to let the air out of this beast.
    2 points
  11. Like AJ said, you need to make sure that the line is coming off the spool the same way it's going onto the reel. Otherwise, you're just twisting the line as you put it on the reel. We all know twist + spinning reel = no good! All is not lost though since it's messed up. Go out in your boat, and dip you line in the water as you start idling and start stripping line off. Run it out behind the boat until you're down to the spool, reel it all up keeping the line tight and you're good to go.
    2 points
  12. Sometimes I really think we need a Goose52 tackle porn sticky at the top of the page. Beautiful collection as always.
    2 points
  13. Be careful with that line of thinking... There's always something be learned, diminishing your opponents that figure it out isn't going to help you. If you passed them 4 times you have 4 points of data to clue you into what they might have been doing differently that lead to success. Sounds like you had a pretty good finish on what was likely a tougher day given your placement and the number of boats...Good job.
    2 points
  14. Is it just me or has there been a lot of Bad Football being played today ? Quaterbacks are running for their lives . . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  15. BTW, you should get at least 10 FEET accuracy with the GPS. The map quality is probably your issue. I get 1' - 4' accuracy with my Humminbird units.
    2 points
  16. It has been stated several times by some of the builders on the forum that it would be difficult to build a custom rod for less than $150. In addition to components and materials you have their shipping costs and rod building charges. These two alone equal a minimum of $75 ($25 for shipping and $50 for them to build it). I would bet anything you couldn't get a custom rod $100 unless the above to variables are far less... IE free shipping or they build it for basically for fun. I could never get a custom rod quote for under $150 for something "decent". As WRB noted once you get to the $200 point a custom rod is more in play.
    2 points
  17. I agree, but would even say the $100 mark is when you should start looking at custom. You could conceivably get the exact same components (or equivalent) in a $100 rod; add the cost of building it, and come out at about the same price, but end up with a much better rod.
    2 points
  18. This is the type of topic / thread that often times stirs some very deep emotions. This often results in and then this ~ and finally (hopefully) this I'm out. A-Jay
    2 points
  19. A-Jay, The Predator looks like a Gheenoe. Nice craft.
    1 point
  20. I kind of cheap out, but I ended up with a case of the Spiderwire 30b moss green years ago, and its what Ive been using ever since. Works really well for what I do..
    1 point
  21. Nice one, Kyle. There is something very satisfying about catching big fish on jigs. Maybe it has to do with subconsciously justifying the money spent on a nice, sensitive jig rod! Tight lines, Bob
    1 point
  22. Well, can't say much for down lake!! Missed a couple and caught a couple smalls!! I wish I could get out there, just one day, that's not the absolute armpit of the entire week, jeez...... Name a Sunday in the last 4 that was not just a PITA to be out there!! Boat sale: everything must go...........
    1 point
  23. LFT Flutter Spoon 4" Magic Shad BPS Strata Spoon BPS Jiggy Twitch Fish Image Bomber Slab Metachrome
    1 point
  24. The pack are back! Go pack go!! Defense wins championships.
    1 point
  25. Looks like the packers are going to finally win. Now they will be tied for first in the division. That looked a bit more like the packers from the start of the season.
    1 point
  26. Although a little pricey and soft - try the Strike King KVD Fat Finesse Worm in Dirt color ...It WILL produce !
    1 point
  27. I really want to get better using jigs. Have a fun box of them. However, my home lake just doesn't produce in jigs. At least not for me. Caught a few drinks on them but nothing noteworthy and not a lot of numbers. I know part of it is a confidence thing but I have used it repeatedly and unless I am swimming it, it just doesn't catch me much fish. Sucks, because I love watching the videos of people setting the hook hard on a jig fish.
    1 point
  28. Jigs For Pigs ~ You may be onto something there Congrats A-Jay
    1 point
  29. I have the curado I and the Tatula r. The curado casts farther and is smoother under load. Also palms better for me. That's doesn't mean the Tatula is a bad reel, far from it. It's just the curado is a little better.
    1 point
  30. 1/2 c brown sugar 1/4 c paprika 1 tbsp black pepper 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp chili powder 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp cayene pepper
    1 point
  31. Rage Tail Menance T-rigged (bullet weight). Retrieve the bait so it just nicks the bottom occasionally. Pop the bait whenever you hit a rock. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/163835-its-on-at-pickwick/#entry1855383
    1 point
  32. Ryne thanks for the inspiration. Your pic got me off my butt and out to pour for the first time in months.
    1 point
  33. I use yellow PowerPro (regular) and PowerPro SuperSlick on all my reels and add a leader of varying pound testage. Yellow is easier to see (IMO) and for my old eyes, is perfect for line watching. None of my spools have faded to white yet. If I feel they get too "old", I walk off the spool down to the backing, and tie it on "backwards" so the newer line is on top.
    1 point
  34. I fish the Zoom Magnum Finesse worm on a shakyhead all the time.
    1 point
  35. Case Plastics have been making a sinking bait with a tapered end like that called the Jack's worm for several years.
    1 point
  36. I like the tapered tail. BPS makes a mag fin-eke worm that is a good worm but doesn't have the tapered tail. Zoom makes a similar bait, again without the tapered tail. Yum makes a forked tail dinger, similar thickness but with a forked tail. Zoom makes a similar bait with the Fluke stick. There are plenty of bubba sized finesse worms out there, but I haven't seen any with that tapered tail. I can foresee an instance where that might make a difference. Changing the subject slightly, my best worm this year has been the BPS Paddle Stick which is their Stick-O with a paddle tail. Even in clear water with a secchi disc reading of over 6 feet, the paddle tail out fished a ribbon tail or a straight tail (like a Zoom trick worm) for me this year.
    1 point
  37. First piece to my new swimbait setup arrived today! It's unbelievable how refined this reel is.
    1 point
  38. I've always been baffled as to why so many put their boats away so early. I know there's a lot of people up here who start winterizing things right after Labor Day weekend. There's still a ton of time to fish, not to mention fall is one of the best times to catch some of the biggest fish of the year. This year I've been lucky enough to do just that. Although our fall hasn't been really warm, it's been consistent. What's more, the night time temp hasn't been dropping out enough to cool the water significantly from week to week. The last two weekends the water temps have been hovering in the low 50's and has made for some good fishing. I haven't been doing tremendous numbers wise, but what I've given up in quantity, I've more than made up for in quality. Most fish have been falling for a crankbait, but a jerkbait and jig have also brought in some good fish. Here's the highlights of the last two weekends:
    1 point
  39. Any rod that does the job and isn't overpriced.
    1 point
  40. The only thing my local WelfareMart carries is shame and regret.
    1 point
  41. Here's the whole wall. I need to install some overhead lights. It's a little dim in that corner. There's a shop remodel in the works. I need to build another wall to separate the tool room from the laundry. Cork dust on clean clothes is not appreciated!!
    1 point
  42. I spend the majority of my fall season on Lake Simcoe. It is my favourite lake of all time and I have fished lakes all through Ontario and 10 States. Still lots of lakes to visit, but this one is my favourite. I'm lucky that it is local for me. I've had an excellent season with big numbers of 5-7 pound fish showing up. I don't do many tournaments. I'm not much of a gambler and with a wife and young son at home, I cant justify the entry fees for most of them. Lately, I've had some kinda funny facebook comments and messages. Apparently, I sting too many fish, I dont care about the resource and there's no way I could do that in a tournament. Alright, let's see. The Barrie Bassmasters had their Simcoe Open yesterday. Let's do it. High winds, so a lot of people stayed home, but some of the lakes best anglers turned up, including a couple of my hecklers. We had a great day, put good numbers of fish in the boat and weighed a giant 29.95 lbs sack to take first place. I don't need to do tournaments to justify myself as an angler, but it felt good, maybe I'll show up more often. That 0.05 lbs away from 30 is a little haunting though. one of the fish got cut off in the photo for some reason, but here they are.
    1 point
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