I posted a a few nice things about Rainshadow blanks, and my Alps power wrapper. The Batson folks shot me a PM and offered some "swag" for my good comments. I told not necessary, but they insisted.
Got a nice package from them about a month ago. Yes, I'm very delinquent in my expression of thanks. Sorry; better late than never, eh?
I got two nice hats, some decals, and a really nice Team Rainshadow long sleeve tee; in XL size. Too bad I'm not an XL kinda guy. I'm a 3XL kinda guy. My wife appropriated the shirt. She doesn't wear a tee often, but when she does, she likes "em big, loose and baggy. She likes the shirt, and has already worn it more than I thought she would.
So, to the folks at Batson Enterprises, I appreciate the efforts on your part, tuning in here; keeping your finger on the pulse of the fishing world, as it were. It's nice knowing I can make a comment or suggestion, and have it heard. That is all too often not the case.
Thanks for making the effort.