I fish lipless bait about 3 different ways. My #1 method is what I like to call the "reel and sweep"....I cast it out, let sink to the bottom, and start winding it in at a moderate speed, every couple turns of the reel handle I "sweep" the rod .....but not vertically, more of a sweep to the side, this gets the bait vibrating aggressively, and the then it shimmies back to the bottom as I catch up to the slack, but I am always reeling. #2 is the "yo-yo" ....let it sink, lift it up...drop it,much like you would hop a jig or worm across the bottom, the speed of the lift varies, but I don't move it "up" much, I don't want it coming way up off the bottom. And #3 is the "grass rip"...cast it into a grassy area, I use a steady retrieve to keep it in contact with the grass, changing the way I hold the rod to maintain that contact, and when it hangs....give it a sharp "rip" out of the grass.