It may not be as quick as you think right now to establish a pattern. This is the exact time of year a lot of people start to struggle. If you were fortunate enough to catch the short window of very aggressive feeding, then you may be expecting the fish to just be going crazy like they were a couple weeks ago. Front after front, extreme fluctuations in barometric pressure and temperature, oxygen levels changing dramatically, angle of the sun, and of course going from low low water, to very high water, are all your main factors in what mood those fish are in. Will you still find bass near food supplies as always? Yes, pretty likely, however, finding them there (or anywhere) with this particular set of environmental circumstances, is sometimes challenging. I'm a big fish hunter, so I choose to always start on my off-shore humps, and points first, and this time of year, I want to know where any active fish are immediately, if not sooner, so a crank will get in there and scout a section of the area I wanna hit. If I get hit, I'll go to a jig, see what happens. At least 3 flips to each primary target. If I get on fish that way, I have a pretty good idea my depth I should be working, and to what they are relating to. Depending on how those first two presentations went, If I need to keep looking for fish, I will check shallow, often using a topwater as my search bait first, tossing it all the way up onto shore, and slowly crawling it into the water, and creeping it back to the boat. If that works, sweet, if not, I'll switch to a swim jig, and make my way through the water column, see if they are on those wind blown shorelines following baitfish. Of course, I'll never pass standing timber if it's in my target depth, and a jig or a Tx -rigged Lobster, Bug, or Space Monkey on braid to check all those. Again, hit as close to the tree as possible, then try the other side, then put a couple behind and to both sides of it. I could flip trees all day, every day, and be happy. Just be versatile out there, keep your lake changes in mind, don't be afraid to try as many things as you need, and you can still have a successful late Fall, and they are all fat right now, so you just might mess around and catch a PB. I'll see you out there.