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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2015 in all areas

  1. I've been out of the motorcycle scene a few years now, and I've missed it dearly. I'm happy to report my health has recovered enough to get back in the saddle. I've located the first bike I ever owned and getting it back. Nothing real special, a.1998 Honda ACE Tourer. Best of all my buddy who owns a car dealership took a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500 in on trade, I picked it up at wholesale. The plan is to take the Vulcan and build a long distance touring bike. I'm going to convert the fenders over to an Indian Super Chief (thinking of stretching the rear fender), put Harley style tour package with stretched saddle bags on it, go to a single seat, and put a batwing fairing up front with an old light bar. To finish it off, I'm removing the straight pipes, putting bagger style dual exhaust with fish tails. I'll post what it looks like now and update the progress. Can't wait to be cruising again.
    3 points
  2. Wife and I hit the lake today we caught 7 bass and a hand full of pan fish nothing to brag about. We did have a very cool moment. My wife mainly fishes for pan fish ( bluegill, crappie ) so she was fishing with her favorite lure a striking king bitsy minnow crankbait when she hooked a 3.6 lber it took awhile but she landed it. It was petty cool watching her work that fish. I know 3.6 isn't much but on a lure with hooks about a 1/4 inch I thought it was pretty cool.
    2 points
  3. Tat reel mates well with tat rod. They were made for each other
    2 points
  4. I second the love for the regular tat and reel seat. That feel with a tat reel is what made me buy both the first time but I haven't tried it with a smaller reel.
    2 points
  5. BTW, "Trouts" are a lot like "Deers", neither exist!
    2 points
  6. Am I reading this wrong? Seems the rod was the problem, not the reel. The rods are usually the weak points in those "special" combos.
    2 points
  7. My kids are done with college. No car rims needed. Open season on fishing gear. I'm a simple man living a simple life just don't mess with my fishing.
    2 points
  8. I let the mood of the fish determine that for me, water temp plays only a small part. My favorite worm for shaky heads is 4.5" and I use it in both warm and cold water but if the fish are hitting hard and aggressive or if I'm getting a lot of smaller fish I'll upsize to a 6" worm. If I'm throwing a 6" worm and bites are slow or I'm missing them because they grab it by the tail, then I'll drop back to the 4.5", but the way the fish react is what makes me change, not so much the water temp but I will start with the 4.5" worm when we get into the mid 50s with the water temp.
    2 points
  9. Nice jigs! I needed a few Plano 3601 boxes (love them- I can fit double the boxes in any given tackle bag) and that ballooned into a $120 order from TW. I caught 3 PB bass in the last 2 days; all on spinnerbaits, and I have decided I quite like spinnerbaits and don't have nearly enough.
    2 points
  10. Nice waldo and good eating. If you catch them a little bigger they fight more like a dry sock.
    2 points
  11. No, what would happen is the prices of used cars would increase as supply diminished and demand increased. At the same time new car prices would lower for the opposite reason. Eventually the benefit of buying used would lessen as the price between new and used narrowed. This exact scenario would never happen of course anyway.
    2 points
  12. Fishing from shore is only backwards fishing from a boat. (Casting direction) I fish ponds and small lakes. I look for run off streams from bigger lakes that were once used for water power over 100+ years ago. Most of these places have man-made dams with road beds. Since these places get the constant flowing of freshwater there good healthy eco systems. During the winter run off or heavy rains the fish get washed down stream from the larger body of water, get trapped and grow. Most of these places are still unfished. Fisherman just drive by them. The man made dams are droppoffs. Using a cast out hummingbird fish finder it will tell you the layout of the place so we know how to fish it. All of my larger lakes here have dams too. Fishing from shore isn't hard at the larger bodies of water too. There is a current with flowing water still there from when it was a river before it was dammed. If you locate the current. It will be a distance from shore. You will have a distance out of quiet water from the shoreline to the current. This is similar to fishing a river with a backwash only it's bigger. The fish gather on that quiet edge waiting for the current to bring the bait by. Or if the quiet water is large enough the baits are there too. I also look for coves, inlets and dog legs to fish too. You can actually see the current moving in front of the quiet water. These can also be droppoffs in certain areas too. My point is if you fish from shore there are areas to look for. These man-made dams are what to look for even the small bodies of water can be great bass fishing. For you youngsters what ever you learn fishing the pond in your neighborhood that knowledge will still apply at any body of water you fish in the future. It's skill that catches fish not luck. Bill
    1 point
  13. Just wanted to say hello. Looking forward hanging around.
    1 point
  14. Newbie here. Aside from when I was fishing as a kid I only really got into fishing about 5-6 years ago. Finally dedicated & figured out how to catch them 2 years ago haha. Mainly fished for Striped bass and ocean fish for stingrays and leopard sharks as I wanted to "catch big fish". Would like to note that it was all just soaking bait and waiting for bites, which is certainly relaxing but often times very boring. Could watch whole trilogies waiting for 1 bite haha. Recently got into bass fishing beginning of this year at the start of summer which isn't the greatest time to start. However, it was because I was throwing top water on the American River on an overcast day and had multiple bass hits, 2 big sizes as well, & 1 keeper striper. You all know how awesome topwater fishing is. Ever since, I've been hooked and have just gotten into throwing senkos and jigs.. no luck on the jigs yet. The Two things I like about bass fishing is the ability to search and "hunt" for them & the varity of baits/styles you can use to catch them. Striped bass is just soaking bait, trolling or scrambiling towards boils if your lucky to see them. Like, "I know theres some bass by that falen tree or under those covers" cant do that with stripers. well if you've read this far thanks and I'm glad to be part of this community. I don't post alot, but once in a while I will. Sorry but I'm more of a lurker and like to watch/read asborbing as much info as I can. Seriously, I have relatives who bass fish for YEARS and somehow I know more then they do after just a few months. haha, see you guys on the water..
    1 point
  15. Well, I didn't catch anything on the wrench rig. But I did catch one on the Gummy Worm, T-rigged weightless. In fact, I had several bites on it. These were off-brand from Dollar General, about 3.5 or 4" long. They are pretty sturdy and kinda heavy. No weight required for long casts. They're only good for one, maybe two fish though because they get really slimy after a little use. And they melt together in the bag in direct sunlight. Still, I think, if kept cool and maybe coated with a powder, maybe confectioner's sugar, plain sugar or salt, they could be used regularly for bass.
    1 point
  16. This should be tagged with the other thread that showed how to make the "removal tool". lol. Wow... we got a bleeder!
    1 point
  17. Well played. But, the answer would be Bigfoots, Bigfeets, or Squatchies.
    1 point
  18. Which would include the incredibly misused apostrophe. They do not exist either!
    1 point
  19. I recomend a falcon bucoo heavy-fast. But there are a lot of good rods at that price. Everyone recommends *** blacks in 3.2.1
    1 point
  20. I do not expect ever to catch a state record bass. The Michigan record LMB dates to 1934, and was tied in 1959. SMB dates to 1906. I do fish the lake that produced the 1934 record sometimes, although it doesn't have a reputation as a frequent big fish producer now, if it ever did. But supposing i did catch one? Well, I fish alone almost always, with no livewell, or any other way to keep a fish alive long enough to release successfully after getting it witnessed and/or certified. And I won't keep one, even a trophy. So I'd take pictures of the fish and measurements...and beyond that, I guess I'd just have a fish story.
    1 point
  21. A new to me 2013 Daiwa Certate 2004ch Works pretty good!!!
    1 point
  22. I have two lake records I never reported Just didn't want the hassle & wasn't really prepared to properly care for em. Having my name in a book don't impress me!
    1 point
  23. Nice order, the Lexa has been staring at me for a long time. Let us know how you like it. I have a hard time budging from Lew's at this point, they've treated me so well.
    1 point
  24. As we approach winter, the topics become very interesting...
    1 point
  25. Replacing a tip top is a $5 fix and takes 5 minutes. Of course it's annoying to fix something new. Slight damage like that is somewhat understandable given the amount of handling they endure. Check retail rods carefully regardless of brand.
    1 point
  26. It's a motor vehicle - no more difficult that keeping your car or truck registered. In fact, you can do the boat and trailer in one trip. I guess I'm not really sure what the problem is.
    1 point
  27. they both break at around 18. Japan generally rating goes by true breaking point while US does whatever they want.
    1 point
  28. Sweet!!! Couple things come to mind. Don't forget a boarding ladder. If it has the sport track system, the mooring/travel cover is nice. It's not a typical canvas cover and made of a nicer material and vented. I'm going into year and the cover is still waterproof. No mildew ever in the boat which was an issue with the canvas cover on my last boat. Boat is stored outside year round. There is a bimini option for the sport track if you want to take momma out for a cruise. As far as the trailer, I'm not too happy with the Shorelander cosmetically, mechanically it has been good. I've got the upgraded painted trailer with dual axles, aluminum wheels, and brakes. I added some bright LED back up lights to see the ramp at dark. The cosmetic issues are some type of electrolysis/rust on some of the galvanized bolts, rust on the wheel hubs, and rust on the side bunk guide ons. The paint on the trailer frame has held up well. The 24v 80lb wasn't enough for the Predator. I went to a 112 36v My hull is 200lbs heavier plus the larger gas tank and livewells add a bunch of weight. If I can think of anything else before you sign on the dotted line I'll let you know
    1 point
  29. Got a local shop that has a back surplus, bought all the blue/chrome oneknockers they had. Then decided to start buying a few of every color each week until they are gone. Seems to me when a product line is either bought out (bandit/pradco,among others) or supposedly name changed something else always changes or is lost.
    1 point
  30. Thank you effective marketing, Those damned Jones's, and the scare tactics used by dealership service centers. Imagine, you take your car in for its 100k mile service.... Service Manager: Your warranty just run out? Oh that's too bad, you're going to need xyz repairs or this things going to kill your family. You may want to talk to Salesman Illtake Yourmoney over there about getting this thing traded in... Salesman: Yeah we can take this as a trade, but as our service manager already told you it's going to need some work. So for us to make anything off of it we can only offer you a fraction of what it's actually worth. We can get you in this brand new, top of the line, ultra safe, Luxury (AKA cheaply manufactured foreign POS), for only two arms a leg and your left one. Yeah I know your really attached to your left one, but that's what it's going to take to ensure your family's safety. Wife: We should do this! I mean if we don't the old car is going to kill us! You to Salesman: Shut up and take my Money. Just make it quick. (10 hours and 187 signatures later on the way home) Wife: Wow, I'm so glad we traded in our 5 year old car for next to nothing, and borrowed all this money to have a new one! I feel so safe! And Mrs. Jones doesn't have anything this new... (Pride gone, frustrated beyond belief, and generally in a fowl mood) You (in a sorrowful voice as the separation anxiety really takes hold): Yep (From the dark dank desk draw of Salesman) Left One: (shedding a single tear of sorrow) I'll miss you too buddy! we had some good times you and I...
    1 point
  31. 3/8's is the best "all around" size, and if you only have one, that's the size I would pick. I use three sizes....1/4oz for super shallow work,from the bank out to 3'-5' FOW, 3/8's oz. for mid-depth (4'-8' FOW), and 1/2 oz for deeper weed line stuff in 8'-12' FOW. I K.I.S.S. for colors....bluegill for clear water, black/blue for dirty water, and white for when white is what they want. I also K.I.S.S. for trailers. I have tried many, but I always come back to one, and this one type is by far the most productive in every condition I use it in............the old, plain jane, nothing exciting to see here......... 4" single tail grub. Green pumpkin (sometimes with the tail dyed charteruse) on the bluegill, black on the black and blue, and white on the white. Rig the grub with the tail "curled" down if you want a little "lift" on the jig, or with the tail curled "up" if you want to keep it running low. I don't do anything fancy on the retrieve. Cast it out, let it hit the bottom, and start cranking at a moderate pace. Sometimes I will kill it and let it sink next to juicy spot if I have already ran it through there without a bite to see if that triggers a fish that may be lurking, but not chasing.
    1 point
  32. Texas actually has a winter? Haha I guess i forget that to some what you guys have down there is considered a cold season. The last few winters up here in northern WI we've had weeks straight where the high temps didn't get above 0*. I always fish as late into the year as possible, and if I lived down there I have no doubt I'd fish straight through. I believe I have a tee shirt that answers your question the best though. It states, "To fish...or not to fish... what a stupid question"
    1 point
  33. Get an Aldebaran or a Metanium @ Japan Lure Shop *
    1 point
  34. Really looking for something to weigh all those pesky 30" plus pike I've been catching along with Bass and the Rapala, though excellent for Bass, didn't hold Pike very well. One shake and they were off. Don't want to start a war but I believe all scales must be certified by the IGFA if you want to have it used for a world record, no matter the brand. Don't think IGFA recommends one over the other but could be wrong. This also does not means Bogas are not the best. They must cost that much for a reason. Just out of my budget and I prefer digital anyway. https://www.igfa.org/Fish/SCALES-AND-CERTIFICATION-.aspx
    1 point
  35. If the river's not iced over, I take my boat out all year. Being the only person on the water is awesome, but also makes it more dangerous. Be sure to wear a PFD at all times, and keep your phone/radio someplace where it'll stay dry if you go in. Also keep a change of warm clothes in the boat in a waterproof container. The lack of other boats on the water is a dream come true, but it also makes the chances of being rescued by another boater pretty slim in the winter. So do whatever it takes to maximize your chances of survival if the worst should happen. A working (dry) phone or VHF radio can mean the difference between life or death in an emergency. Not trying to be a buzzkill, just trying to be realistic. Get all of your safety gear in order and go fishing! I'm not always targeting bass, though. I do a lot of walleye and crappie fishing in the colder months. When there is a warming trend I can catch smallies in shallow water that's in the 30's. Stable weather, as mentioned above, and the bite is pretty good for almost any species. Any place where there is a warm water discharge will be a hot spot, no pun intended. edit: Also exercise caution at the ramp if the air temp is below freezing. They can get pretty slippery when covered in ice.
    1 point
  36. I fish up until the lakes are frozen and then drill through and fish. With no ice on the lake I would fish right through. It's rare but does happen on occasion that we have a mild winter and do not have any ice. It's fun learning how to catch fish in different seasons. We use completely different lures and techniques in the winter so it's a nice change.
    1 point
  37. As long as the wind isn't blowing too bad and the water hasn't frozen I will be out fishing. I don't catch many fish in the winter, but I am usually the only one on the lake.
    1 point
  38. I'd definitely go with a reproduction. Not only do you get to let someone else possibly enjoy the catch of a lifetime, but you'll also allow the big girl to keep making babies that are more genetically inclined to grow into trophy fish themselves. Not to mention they make some pretty darn good reproductions these days. They are very close price wise, they last longer, and there's no maintenance. The only down side to the reproductions is they are built from premade molds, it's sometimes hard to match the girth exactly. The first mount that was sent me was of basically the same measurement of my fish, but because of the time of year I caught it, it had more of a belly on it. We called them when it arrived to tell them it looked a lot thinner than the actual fish, and they had us box it up and send it back and completely redid it. When I got the second attempt I couldn't have been happier about how it turned out. I had mine done through. I had it done through BPS's Wildlife Creations Studio. There was no charge for the corrections and when I catch my next PB I will most likely go through them again. As for the size bass to mount in MN, I'd say it comes down to a person by person basis. Someone who doesn't fish all that much might mount something smaller than someone who fishes a lot. If it's something you can see yourself being proud of hanging on the wall, I don't see a reason not to.
    1 point
  39. I have caught some big teen channel cats on Erie using jerkbaits.
    1 point
  40. Although the OP may think it's the reel, it could have been a rod guide that got damaged somehow and is causing the issue. I wouldn't dismiss the rod so easily.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Its unfortunate that he recruited last offseason a bunch of kids with the hope of playing for him, a big time coach..then when the season starts poorly he bails instead of at least seeing it thru the year. Quitter. Loser.
    1 point
  43. Amen to that! Go Shimano...
    1 point
  44. you may want to double check all the guides on that rod with the q-tip as well, perhaps one of the rod guides has a slight nick and those damaged threads are just collecting at the line guide?
    1 point
  45. I know how it feels. The Missouri largemouth record is 13 lbs 14 oz and I lost one a couple of weeks ago that had to be pushing 15. I was fishing a pink rattletrap and when I pulled her to the surface and tried to lip her. I put my whole hand in her mouth. Alas, she broke free and disappeared into the depths, almost pulling me out of the boat. I nicknamed her Dottie and will be posting a video of the pond/lake she inhabits in the not-to-distant future.
    1 point
  46. My wife calls me Mr Double Digit but shes just trying to boost my confidence .
    1 point
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