These big box stores always seem to collapse from within the bigger they get. Bass Pro used to not only be the best tackle store in terms of availability and variety, it also had the best website in the late 90s. But now they seem more focused on selling 10 thousand different varieties of scented candles and beef jerky seasonings. They have an art gallery for crissake. There is not enough profit margin for selling quality items. Selling junk assembled by 7 year olds in China to idiotic impulse buyers- soccer moms, kids, gift shoppers, people who've never fished or stepped foot outdoors in their lives- is far easier and more lucrative. Still the best places to buy tackle are the small father/son tackle shops. The prices aren't always bargains but I almost always find lures and tackle I'm looking for. Size 14 snap swivels, oversized 8" crankbaits, whatever. They cater to a different crowd.