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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2015 in all areas

  1. Let me say that there's no such thing as "pink" in bass fishing, the correct term is ------> bubblegum.
    7 points
  2. Senko, nothing comes close
    6 points
  3. A funeral procession pulled into a cemetery. Several carloads of family members followed a black truck towing a boat with a coffin in it. A passer-by remarked, ..."That guy must have been a very avid fisherman." "Oh, he still is," remarked one of the mourners. As a matter of fact, he's headed off to the lake as soon as we bury his wife."
    5 points
  4. Got my order in from Siebert and they look as good as usual! Picked up 9 dockrocker jigs, a swim jig and some sway jigs. Top quality as always and that Owner deep throat hook is the real deal. Thanks Mike!
    5 points
  5. And am I the only one here wondering if we are witnessing some performance art?
    5 points
  6. More largemouth bass have been caught on a plastic worm than all other lures combined. Tom
    5 points
  7. Am I the only one here who knows enough Spanish to know that "Rosado" is pink in Spanish, therefore meaning our dear Aldo has quite the eye for irony.
    5 points
  8. I doubt you know more Spanish than I do. Rosa is the appropiate translation for pink, the appropiate transaltion for rosado is pinkish or pink tint, of course, if you change just one letter, z instead of s you en up with something quite different, rozado may mean rubbed or skin burned, so it's Mr. Aldo Diaper Buttskinburn for all you bunch of ignorant rednecks ( myself included in that charmin group of people )
    4 points
  9. No, you didn't slay them that day, you smoked them that day!
    3 points
  10. 1. What is the average casting distance you make using braid?2. What rod are you using? 3. How much force is required to stretch 15 lb test big Game? 1A. Casting deep diving crankbait require long cast to achieve maximum diving depth, at 100'. 2A. Crankbait rods are moderate action, usually heavy for big deep divers, MH for smaller deep divers. 3A. A heavy moderate action crankbait rod can apply about 4 lbs of force before it bottoms out of power. 15 lb big game yield strength is greater than 5 lbs before it can begin to stretch. What many anglers think is line stretch is more than likely line drag coefficient going through the water do to it's larger diameter and higher drag pressure creating a bow in the line. I used 12 lb Big Game mono for years on crankbaits, works great, casts very well and is inexpensive enough to change it often. Tom
    3 points
  11. Thanks for sharing that story. I wish my Dad was around to take out fishing. Enjoy those times while you can.
    3 points
  12. It's on! Believe it or not, artificials outfished minnows yesterday. I will add a pic later, but of the 15 smallmouth landed, all were in the 3-5lb range. Four were caught on store bought minnows, the rest on a Rage Tail Menace, bullet weight and 3/0 Gamakatsu EWG Offset Worm Hook. We fished the minnows on spinning gear, Octopus Circle Hooks and #4 Yo-Zuri Hybrid. I fished the Menace on #12 Sniper FC, BCR 893, Curado 50E. Every fish was caught in 8'-10' of water. Surface temperature was just over 70*. I lost 4 smallmouth on the circle hooks which almost never happens. After three jumps the fish of the day threw my Menace 10' from the boat. The fish came 3' out of the water! In addition to the brown fish we caught tons of the usual suspects on live bait, including 3 giant gar. I also caught a 3lb spot on a 3/8 oz Sierbert Outdoors jig/ Rage Craw (PBJ). No trash fish on the Menace.
    2 points
  13. All my parts and pieces arrived yesterday to begin a build that I have been planning for awhile now. I'm building two rods for vertical jigging sauger on the river in the winter time. I'm building one on a St. Croix SCIII 6'3 Medium XF and the other on a Rainshadow Revelation 6'2" Medium Fast blank. I haven't built on a bunch of different brand blanks so I figured this was the best to compare and get to know a couple different brands. The main goal with this blank is to be light but also balance out to have a real light tip so it sits well in your hands when out all day.. I am going to use one of the Tennessee style grips with the slide rings that I saw recently used on here. It will hold an ultra light reel and I'm building it just big enough to hold the reel and that's it. I have ATC guides for both rods. Should turn out awesome. I began clamping up the reel seats and butt ends last night. I'll post here with updates as it goes along.
    2 points
  14. I hope this helps, you can fish pretty much every bait with a MH/F rod but if you are going to fall for bait/technique specific rods then a crank bait rod will serve you for cranks but for nothing else; jigs/worms/spinnerbaits/bladed jigs can be fished with the same rod MH/F. Will a crankbait rod make your baits perform differently ? I seriously doubt it will, the crank will continue to perform the way it was designed to perform, you see a difference in rod performance ( not lure performance ) with a crank bait rod when you fight the fish, crank bait rods have a more "forgiving" nature, the rod bends with a lot less effort. Only once, in my more than 3 decades of fishing, I owned a crank bait specific rod for a brief period of time ( Kistler Magnesium TS Crankbait rod ) and found no difference that made me catch or maintain hooked more fish than the practice of reducing the drag for fishing cranks I have been doing for years.
    2 points
  15. Two guys, two drop shots, two kayaks, one bass.
    2 points
  16. I was a huge braid guy that's almost entirely switched to copolys. Try some 8-12lb yozuri hybrid, awesome line.
    2 points
  17. I use mon except for heavy flipping and frogs which are the only techniques that I use braid with. That said, I've tried a bunch of lines and Big Game is one of my favorites but if stretch concerns you, try Spider Wire Ultimate Mono, the stuff is as thin as fluorocarbon and it has very little stretch, I 'm with WRB in that Big Game requires a lot of force to make stretch but this ultimate mono feels like it has almost no stretch. Great knot strength, abrasion resistance, and strength with less stretch than any other mono I ever used before.
    2 points
  18. I've caught fish with a bare hook before! On of my favorite YouTubers did a gummy worm challenge, he ended up catching a fish by dropshotting a twizzler. I've also seen some a YouTuber from "Brendan's Fabulous World of Fishing" catch fish on toilet paper, pine needles, etc.
    2 points
  19. Is there a question in there or just thinking out loud?
    2 points
  20. The line digging in is a common issue with braid. It usually occurs after a hook set or when trying to free a snag. If you don't pull it out your next cast will fall victim of this plight. Some of the better braids have coatings to help prevent this issue, but it still happens occasionally. As far as the hook keeper goes try to adjust your technique to prevent the line from hitting it. Cutting the keeper may leave a sharp spot on your rod that you will regret one day. It you cannot avoid the keeper after adjusting your technique wrap a piece of electrical tape over the open end. This will allow you to still place a hook in it, but prevent your line from snagging.
    2 points
  21. It's that magical time in the fall where I paddle around in my kayak watching my fish finder intently. Most of the year I am looking for conditions that ought to hold bass. This time of year it seems the best bet is to keep looking until you start marking fish. Acres of nothing, no marks, no bait, no bass. Then you find that one spot where they are completely ganged up and you can see the mayhem going on below. From my local reservoir on Sunday. The water is pretty clear and around 25 feet deep seemed to be the right depth.
    2 points
  22. I use braid, its hard to use lipless and lipped crankbaits with stretchy line with all the grass around here braid helps you rip it free.
    2 points
  23. Not likely to be the most popular choice around here, but I gotta go with Field and Stream's take on this exact question, from 9 years ago: Curly Tail Grub on a jighead: http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/fishing/bass/2006/04/50-greatest-lures-all-time/ It was the first artificial lure I ever had regular success with, and while I don't use them much any more, it's not because they ever stopped producing. They still will catch almost anything, almost all the time.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. After the slowdown of the post-postspawn days and the doldrums of summer, the pre-prespawn period saw an upswing of substandard but numerous bass with a particular taste for the Bluegill Flash color Zoom Salty Super Fluke, whose nose deteriorates such that it slides down the hook after every two dink bites. This prompted me to purchase $108 dollars worth of them, only to discover that as pre-prespawn has transitioned into prespawn, the bass (getting larger) are preferring Watermelon Red Flake and June Bug two-to-one over Bluegill Flash. Alas, I am out of WRF and JB. When the next TW shipment arrives my wife will be throwing the box at my head, I am sure of that.
    2 points
  26. C & R is my routine as well. But do you think that there might be an occasion where an angler on the bank who does not, is looking out as a boat angler releases a catch and thinks to themseleves "What's the point?" To each his own. A-Jay
    2 points
  27. I need to buy more big baits. I don't have nearly enough.
    2 points
  28. A couple decent ones from earlier.
    2 points
  29. I had a ton of fun today. My dad came all the way over from Brazil just to hang out with me. He has been fishing for at least 40 years and as we do down there, it was always fresh bait. This morning he arrived at the airport and the first thing he said was: Take me fishing! I had been telling him all the stories of my new adventures with the artificial baits and how sometimes a lure that looks completely non-natural catches fish. Of course he was skeptical. Well, I took him to a pond near my house that has some nice bass, it was windy but hey, you gotta work with what you've got! I gave him a chartreuse spinner and the very first thing he sais was: "I've seen hookers who look less flashy than that" Needless to say he was not putting a lot of faith in it. 5 mins in and he got something in the line, a very nice 3lb largemouth! He was speechless and said that he wants to take 50 of those spinners to Brazil. After that we went home and I showed him all my tackle boxes and lures. He went to bed now, he took both of my tackle boxes with him to bed and is now "evaluating" the lures! lol I did it, one more for the team!
    1 point
  30. Since your father is from Brazil I'd highly recommend getting him some large top waters for Peacocks.
    1 point
  31. That's a great story! I'm glad your father found out how exciting fishing with lures can be.
    1 point
  32. I bet he was to busy to watch the game. You know with picking out a grooms cake, and fixing the oil leak in the Harley.
    1 point
  33. Remember, he has to go back through a TSA checkpoint on his way home. Imagine what a non-fishing inspector might think when he or she looks at several packages of soft, slippery rubber thingies labeled "Fuzzy Beavers." Or worse yet, "D-Bombs." :-) Glad to hear you dad enjoyed himself while in the states. Tight lines, Bob
    1 point
  34. Being a retired logger I went to a local drug store and explained my situation. I'm deep in the woods running chainsaws. I got the 6"x6" gause, the tape. I wanted that foam stuff that melts into open wounds that stops the bleeding. I had a 50cal ammo box as a first aid kit
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I throw mine on a mh/f rod. You need some backbone to set that hook home. Jeff
    1 point
  37. There's a club dedicated to the art of Scrounga fishing. You may want to check it out. The only requirements for joining are owning three-piece travel rods and catching a DD per club trip.
    1 point
  38. Exactly right, gents. I just wanted to see what it would look like before wasting too much time, or ruining a decent grip. I used some scrap pieces, and some with a lot of holes and gaps, just to get an idea of how to do it for real. I have a grip made for a jerkbait rod, 5 1/2" mixed burl and regular cork, with rubberized butt cap. almost ready to color. I'll post some pics when it's done.
    1 point
  39. Peacock bassin in Amazon would be awesome. Saw the video of Casey Ashleys trip after the Classic and it was great. They went to some remote pockets of the river and caught some nice fish
    1 point
  40. Now you need him to take you on a peacock bass trip in on the Amazon. That's a dream of mine. Maybe one day before I'm too old to enjoy it.
    1 point
  41. One more for the bait monkey..he works alone. Sounds like a memory making day for all 3 of you..nice job!
    1 point
  42. did your father just forfeit his wallet to the bait mankey? what a man, took 1 for the team.
    1 point
  43. Wow Brian! What a great idea! I'm absolutely humbled by your generosity and initiative. When db (Don Barone, founder of Tackle The Storm) read this, he said, And just this weekend at the BassResource RoadTrip, we raised enough money to add 119 kids to that total. This came from a combination of the raffle, Siebert Outdoors Storm series jigs sales, and a very generous $75 donation from Brian himself. I know Brian isn't looking for recognition, as he pulled me aside to quietly gave me his donation, but I just wanted everyone to know what a wonderful and caring person Brian is. In addition, Alpster (Ronnie) custom built a fantastic spiral-wrapped rod to donate to the raffle, and Dinky (MIke) added items including an autographed tournament jersey from Randy Howell. I also wanted to thank all our sponsors for donating prizes to raffle off. Everyone can make a difference. It doesn't take much to change a child's life. Every $7.50 raised puts a magic wand into a kid's hand, and puts a smile on his face. Again Brian, what a wonderful idea. And a big thank you to everyone stepping up to the challenge. Thank you, Glenn
    1 point
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