Since you are a beginner, I would actually suggest limiting yourself to just a couple baits/presentations. This way you can become familiar and build confidence with them. For only 2.5 hours, I feel that you switched lures too fast to work them properly.
Try taking that chigger craw and a moving bait of your choice like a spinner-bait or topwater and only use those the entire time you are there. Then the next time you are out, use two different baits to slowly familiarize yourself with them. Eventually you will figure out when each one works better than the others. As for changing spots, that can be tricky, for now stay efficient and cover water, hit high percentage targets, then move on. Don't be afraid to revisit spots like you said, fish move in and out.
Also, when it comes to bass fishing, remember a lot of bass will be right up on that shoreline so cast close and make parallel casts to get them.
When it comes to hooksets, since you are not used to them, when ever you feel a bite or feel a fish is on, reel in slack if there is any, then let it rip. For now it will be better to set the hook too hard rather than not enough as you are learning, you will eventually dial it in.