At a BFL on Okeechobee earlier this year, I drew a boater who has been a guide there for 10yrs..
After the meeting we met to discuss the usual...where we will meet in the morning, can I bring him lunch, drinks, how many bags of ice etc.
Then I ask my usual questions...
Did you get a chance to pre fish?
Do you have a plan for the day?
Where we gonna start?
What type of combos should I bring?
He said to me..Quote..."I have to depend on your honor not to tell anyone where we're going, and what we're gonna do. I have 3 spots that I only go too during tounament's, I don't even take clients there, even if they're stuggling.
I assured him that should not be a concern, I would never do that.
We both had a limit by 8:30. He finished in the top 10, and I in the top 20 and both cashed.
I have since fished that lake 3 times since in tournaments all as a co angler.
We are the only 2 who know where it is and what we did and I didn't say anything and absolutely won't.
Now, to me thats just professional courtesy...That man fishes for a living, I don't. So the question is, which I've been asked..
Would I fish it if I was by myself? ....Nope, won't do that either.
Understanding It's not the same thing, but in a lot of ways it is.