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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2015 in all areas

  1. You guys are worried about putting Shimano on Megabass? Balance point
    7 points
  2. i wouldn't take their statements the wrong way Glenn.... they came off as rather humble offerings to me, rather than a complaint of any nature....
    3 points
  3. BTW, where did you say this creek was?
    3 points
  4. I saw probably the same pic you did, it's definitely not a copperhead in the pic I saw. They were claiming it was though, but it looked more like a garter snakes head to me. But I guess it could be possible, I'll try an attach the pic I saw...
    3 points
  5. At a BFL on Okeechobee earlier this year, I drew a boater who has been a guide there for 10yrs.. After the meeting we met to discuss the usual...where we will meet in the morning, can I bring him lunch, drinks, how many bags of ice etc. Then I ask my usual questions... Did you get a chance to pre fish? Do you have a plan for the day? Where we gonna start? What type of combos should I bring? Etc. He said to me..Quote..."I have to depend on your honor not to tell anyone where we're going, and what we're gonna do. I have 3 spots that I only go too during tounament's, I don't even take clients there, even if they're stuggling. I assured him that should not be a concern, I would never do that. We both had a limit by 8:30. He finished in the top 10, and I in the top 20 and both cashed. I have since fished that lake 3 times since in tournaments all as a co angler. We are the only 2 who know where it is and what we did and I didn't say anything and absolutely won't. Now, to me thats just professional courtesy...That man fishes for a living, I don't. So the question is, which I've been asked.. Would I fish it if I was by myself? ....Nope, won't do that either. Understanding It's not the same thing, but in a lot of ways it is. Mike
    3 points
  6. First thing is ignore the timber and learn the bottom features. The fish will relate to the bottom features just like in waters with no cover. Timber is not remarkable to fish that live there. I fish several timber lakes and don't do it any different than at lakes without it. Points, humps, creek channels, thermocline, etc
    3 points
  7. I took the Boss Lady fishin again tonight, We didn't catch any hogs but we managed to catch 45 bass in 3 hours. That's a bass every 4 minutes. Most were the size of those in the pictures. We were fishing a little 12 acre county lake near our home. Had a great time and she is the best fishin partner I've ever had. img host upload an image upload gambar upload photos
    2 points
  8. Not yet. This week. Was waiting for the right size reelseat. This has to be done and delivered in 2 weeks or so.
    2 points
  9. Well, good news I don't have to sell my boat for a new truck engine the bad new's nobody want's to put in a truck engine around my city. Glad people are slaying some nice fish now. Still looking here for some hog's posted.
    2 points
  10. I do a lift quick and reel, not a hard hookset just a quick lift. Seems to work for me. Wondering though, if what you were doing worked for you why change?
    2 points
  11. I understand your conflict. We have some local FB places that we share info on, but in the last year I've seen lots of pics of either someone taking tons of short fish or big fish that were not going to be released so I'm torn. I want to post a report to my catch and release friends but I don't because I'm afraid of a "bucket fisherman" cashing in on my report.
    2 points
  12. I don't have a problem sharing spots with friends. If they burn the spot, which hasn't happened yet, i'll just find another one. I fish way too many different areas to worry about one place being burned. We are all out to have fun and catch fish and if i can help a few people have fun then why not, we only live once, might as well do it with bass thumb.
    2 points
  13. LC jerkbaits are my favorite. They out perform any other jerkbait I have used. They are worth the money. Welcome to the club! I won't put it up but AJ has a site that I spent my kids college tuition on! I'll let him ruin your kids future if he wants. Lol.
    2 points
  14. Not an expensive combo but they look great and I have not seen them anywhere but on Samurai Tackle's website. Fuji Premium Hookkeepers. Gold and Black and Gold. They also have silver.
    2 points
  15. 307 pgs, 4507 replies, talking about a 289.1 mile body of water.. A little different different than a creek, just sayin'
    2 points
  16. Aldebaran Mg7 and Poison Glorious combos. At the top is a PG164L Multirole and at the bottom is a PG168L Long Distance.
    2 points
  17. Cat's outta the bag now, can't put it back in....Consider it a lesson learned. I fish public water so I have no delusions of having any secret spots. I'm pretty open with general stuff to other members of my club, but outside of that nobody gets anything!
    2 points
  18. Football season is on!! Go on and get ya some of that, why don't ya! This plus-sized model weighed in at a stout 7lbs 7oz of crankbait eating fury. Thanks, Mainebass for an adventurous day, and lots of good times.
    2 points
  19. Well since this has veered into a Shimano V Daiwa V Lews V everyone else thread... LOCKDOWN!!!
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. I've had several PB's brought into my boat by other people, always an exciting moment. In some cases it was their first of that species, others it was just a big fish.
    2 points
  22. I absolutely love putting people on there personal best of all species no matter what it is. Getting people hooked on fishing is fun. I especially enjoy putting my family on big fish. I don't mind guiding at all. Once I retire I will be doing it full time. This past weekend I took my mom out fishing. She has some health issues which don't let her cast much. Most of the time I do the casting for her. Last weekend she got her personal best, a 6 lb 3 oz Largemouth.
    2 points
  23. Almost caught another last night. He hit my frog 2 times but missed both times. This frog fishing is awesome.
    2 points
  24. I don't see how they can come back from losing Tony unless they play Philadelphia every week.
    1 point
  25. Maybe just talk to him. Tell him how what you think about it. Given that you put him on the spot he should respect what you have to say. Doesn't mean he will. If he doesn't then the good is you've culled a friend you didn't need, bad is maybe he ruins the spot but probably just temporarily. is this on public land?
    1 point
  26. I have a package enroute now from my good friends at I Love Hard Bait. My favorite eBay store.
    1 point
  27. Thank you Matt I am sure that you would agree that pics do not do the Poison Glorious justice. It was love at first sight when I opened the box and pulled it out. It is all down here from here. I thought that buying JDM reels was great but the JDM rods take it to a whole new level.
    1 point
  28. Never heard of that. But check this out; Man catches 10 lb bass on Brazos R with a live rattlesnake for bait. http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/fishing/bass-fishing/2009/09/kayak-fishing-guide-catches-10-pound-largemouth-bass-liv
    1 point
  29. Welcome to BR Greg! I live 12 hours away, but spend a week fishing KY Lake every summer. Can't wait for next year!
    1 point
  30. The bait monkey is bad enough, but his cousin the bike monkey is outrageous. By the way Raider didn't you mean perusing rather than pontificating? Pontificating is getting up on a soapbox and orating. " pon·tif·i·cate VERB (in the Roman Catholic Church) officiate as bishop, especially at Mass. express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic: "he was pontificating about art and history" synonyms: hold forth · expound · declaim · preach · lay down the law ·
    1 point
  31. You must walk before you run. Learn to drive on the ice with 4 wheels first. Once you can master that. Then it is time for a bike. Might I suggest a 1000 dollar dirt bike vs a 15000 bike.
    1 point
  32. I have a Road King and theres two bikes Id like to park beside it, one is a custom bobber and the other is a Ducati 1200R in black
    1 point
  33. I knew they made heated snowmobile suits. Never thought of bike riders using some thing like that. With a heated suit. You could ride in till the snow fell. Not bad since most people put away the bike in October. You could get another month to two months of ridding. I am sure this would be a fun ride. Turn up the heat turn down the heat. I am to hot. Turn up the heat I am to cold.
    1 point
  34. I seldom fish a SB but when I do I give the bait a good jerk to get the blades going.
    1 point
  35. One of the coolest set ups i saw was a dude who used to come into the outdoor shop i worked at on a regular basis. He was all about the bike touring and had already ridden from Louisiana to Alaska a few times. He swore by the BMW touring bikes and had the whole heated suit deal too. Said he was toasty as could be even when temps dipped below zero. Dude was crazy though...
    1 point
  36. What you sitting on in your profile pic? Monsters are BAD, I wouldn't want anything to ride on the ice...
    1 point
  37. Fuses are cheap, why spend $30 or more for a breaker. You have $30 dollars for other accessories. Some fuse holders come with a place to store a spare. FYI my 54lb thrust came with a 30 amp fuse and I have never had to replace a trolling motor fuse.
    1 point
  38. ive got a few all bees the first is my largest bumble it is an 89 king bee the boats solid and has a v4 evinrude on the back with a motorguide on the front ive had it for 4-5 years.the second is technically in my dads name but im the one that uses it it is a 94 v254 bee with a johson 70 on the back it has been garage kept its whole life and it shows it even has the original carpet.the third be is a project that is in 2 parts as of now its getting a complete rebuild with coosa board.
    1 point
  39. In love with this setup.
    1 point
  40. Fish for the fish you cannot see. Light line, long casts, dropshot!
    1 point
  41. I'm calling BS on every one of you. We ALL have a bag of bubblegum senko type baits and we've all caught fish on them and always as a last resort!
    1 point
  42. Completed the '12 Antares, '13 Metanium, and '14 Conquest trinity. Shimano makes a nice reel. Not sure what it's going to ride yet.
    1 point
  43. Haven't seen anyone post any pics of a Yar-craft (now owned by BassCat). Here's the 1997 brochure boat... re-powered with a new Yamaha 4 stroke, Shorelander trailer, dual Hummingbird 998's and iPilot Link. Its a smallmouth river catching machine! But Yar-craft hulls are also known as wave-eaters too and have had it out on Rainy Lake and other waters with 3 footers with ease. A very versatile 2 man rig!
    1 point
  44. Ya, a Palomar knot would help a lot!
    1 point
  45. Well I am late to the party but September has really slowed down as far as snakeheads are concerned. Catching mostly smaller ones 20" or less. Had a fair summer with some niice 10 and one 12 pounder at 34". I prefer Aquia and Potomac Creeks, Potomac being the best spot for me the last summer but launching your boat or kayak is tough as most of it is private. Aquia is easy; exit 143 off I-95 to Washing rd, make a right go into the gated community and tell the guard at the booth you are heaed to the marina and the let you in. Go straight to the end of the road 1-1.5 miles then park over by the canoes and put your kayak in for free. If you are launching your boat pay the ramp fee and use the launch right there. I go out of there all summer with no isuses. Paddle out to the large weed beds just past the marina and start casting your top water weedless frogs! I catch 90% of all my snakeheads on the Stanley Top Water Toad it is awesome as well as some nice big bass. See you on the water! Dr D I will be guiding next Spring and summer for snakeheads so find me on my blog. www.SnakeheadFishing.net
    1 point
  46. My sling pack is always ready for situations like those. I have a designated outfit for bank fishing so i just grab that. Bass fishing does not have to be so cerebral. I know guys that freeze in their tracks trying to figure out what to take and throw. Geesh... just go fishing!!
    1 point
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