My gut feeling is it has nothing to do with the knot. I fish cranks with braid, and still occasionally sail one off the line from time to time. This happens when I try to get just a little more "uumph" out of my cast than I should, and about halfway out there, the line tangles on the spool just a touch stopping the spool dead. Something has to give, and it is always the line. Fortunately, in a boat, I can go retrieve the bait and never once have I picked it up and not had at least some line left on the bait, anywhere from 6 inches to 30 feet, depending where a weak spot might have been. I use 30 pound braid for this. Once I figured out what I was doing wrong, this issue has nearly gone away.
By you saying "Should I avoid trying to whip it out there!" makes me believe you were trying to get a little more than you should have as well.