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  1. I LOVE fishing for bass....but 36" northerns....those might make me forget about bass for a while.....
    6 points
  2. Went out to run my 225 Ficht for a few minutes like I always do when it sits for a month or more. When it sit's, I pump all the gas out of the tank, and every four to six weeks I put about a 1/2 gallon of gas in a jug with an ounce of SeaFoam and let it run about 10 minutes on it. I sit the gas jug in the splash well, pull the tank hose off the primer bulb, stick a short piece of hose on it and stick it in the jug. Eight years of doing this, I've never had to pump the primer bulb, the motor starts and runs just fine with the gas in the system. A very simple process that doesn't take but a few minutes to do. Well not today, it didn't want to start, so I pump the primer bulb some. Still didn't want to start, so I pump it until it's a little firmer, Then I see a small stream of gas coming out of the plastic webbing over all the wires and hoses. Cut it loose and slide it back and some how, where the fuel hose was touching the rubber insulator it goes through, had reacted with something about it and there was a small, soft bulge in the hose and a small hole, so I pull cover off and replaced the fuel line. While doing this, I see a small puddle of oil in the lower pan and I see where a hose on the oil pump is leaking, so I put a new OMC tie wrap on it and fixed that. OK, got all that done and so I should be good to go. Tried to start it, nothing, didn't even click after it went through the self check, which this is nothing new, for years it has always done this on rare occasions, thinking it's just the shifter not making the neutral start switch, I could move it back and forth a couple of times and it would usually start, not this time. The switch was loose also loose so it was wanting to spin with the key and figured just as well tighten it, nope, the treads had broken loose. While screwing with the switch and holding with my other hand to keep it from turning, I found if I pressed against one wire, the motor would crank, but touch that wire another way, and it wouldn't. A little more trouble shooting and found the terminal was loose inside the switch, so it was a bad switch that has always caused my random not wanting to crank. Just ordered a new key switch. Ok, got it cranking, the leaking oil line fixed and the leaking fuel line replaced, she started up the second I turned the key. While letting it run and since I still had the cover off, I just used the throttle linkage to rev it up to 2,000 rpm and hold it for a few minutes. That's when I noticed the roller on the throttle cam has come apart and I need a new one of those, That's a 90 mile round trip to the dealer. Went out there for a 20 minute task and two hours later, I'm still doing that 20 minute task, but much better to find all that in the back yard instead the lake.
    4 points
  3. Here is what became of the jigs I assembled pictured several posts above. Matching trailers for everyone. Hoping for a strong jig bite again this fall!
    4 points
  4. That's from the shock of seeing the size of your SNAP.
    4 points
  5. Got a story about BFS. My first setup was a 6'9" ML-XF LTB, with an Alphas. Had 6lb fluoro line on it. I had that Alphas tuned to perfection. Was out with a buddy one day, and asked him if he wanted to try a BFS setup. He took it and backlashed it about 6 times in a row. After he handed it back to me he asked, what the *&%% is BFS anyway? I replied, "in your hands it means Backlash For Sure".
    2 points
  6. x2 Not just kayakers, but all boaters should wear a PFD.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I just use one of there. It's a CD case. I'm not that fancy and it works well for me.
    2 points
  9. If you're getting 36 inch pike on a spot - chances are decent that the school of bass that fed there previously may have stopped using it. Competition for food is hard enough in any environment and there's no need to battle big pike for food. That body of water has plenty of room to roam and the bass are well equipped to do so. I'd be looking else where. A-Jay
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Here's the finished holo wrap. Not exactly what I was going for, but after three tries, this will do.
    2 points
  12. Grubs have been catching quality bass for a long long time. Smallmouth bass In particular have a real affinity to a properly presented grub. Here's some light reading. A-Jay http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/about-grubs.html ​ http://www.bassresource.com/fish/grubs.html ​ http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/smallmouth.html http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/rigging-grubs.html ​
    2 points
  13. Its a tragic story and a good reminder to all of us, whether in a kayak or any other type of boat. The water can be pretty unforgiving.
    2 points
  14. If you don't have bobber stops or some kind of peg you can use a few strands of a skirt. After the weight is on your line run a piece of mono through the weight and back but leave a loop. Put a couple pieces of skirt in the loop and pull it through with the mono.
    2 points
  15. Just got this baby in yesterday. It's the 6'8" M-XF model.
    2 points
  16. Briery Creek this past Saturday.
    2 points
  17. Believe it or not, those three on the top are different bass, all caught with a dropshot rig within 15 minutes of each other. And that big catfish that slammed my H20 swimbait, yeah I though I had a new pb on.
    2 points
  18. The thing about fishing that drives alot of people crazy is that it is not an exact science. You are stalking prey that has a mind of it's own. Plugging in factors A + B + C does not always garner the expected results. Alot of people cant stand it but would we really want it any other way? I say no. I love catching them like anybody else does but I also accept that sometimes the fish are gonna elude me. I fish for the love of the sport. It's that never ending pursuit thing. Maybe I am just old school, who know's? Anyway, better luck next time brother. Good fishing!
    2 points
  19. The reel was purchased in the spring in anticipation of the rod. It has been patiently waiting in it's box. Now they're together! TwinPower 2500HGS with St. Croix SCV 7' MLXF
    2 points
  20. The part that is hard for me to grasp is why it is ok when a little money or bragging rights is on the line, but not ok for joe shmo to do it for pictures? I'm going to assume that a fish sitting in well working (key words "well working") livewell doesn't get anymore stressed out than he was earlier when you crossed his eyes with a jig. The point is to do everything that you can to make sure the fish returns to his natural environment alive and well. Sometimes that doesn't happen, whether that be from a livewell, or the catch. I would hope that anyone who puts fish in the livewell "babysits" them and if they start acting up, the are released back into the deep. As stated earlier, to each his own. Certain topics will never be agreed upon.
    2 points
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX60m9CxIoo
    1 point
  22. No doubt a sub floor under there will be foam but I have found that 99 percent of the ones I have rebuilt will have a channel or what ever you want to call it under the sub floor down the center of the boat leading back to the battery area. You could call the manufacture and ask them before you drill but I would bet that area down the center is clear of any foam. Most have a wall to the left and right of the center that goes from the sub floor down to the hull. Lots of drains on amazon very cheap you dont need more than a 2 inch which is also a cheap hole saw drill bit to buy at lowes or home depot. The one I am doing now seemed to like to puddle on the left and right of center so I did drill left and ran into foam, I sealed the hole back up with the piece inside the hole saw and wound up using liquid nails in the large tube form to slope the flooring go pitch the water to the center where the drain is. You got to figure it out because standing water will ruin your carpet over time. As to to the fall and winter coming you want that boat dry and aired once covered for the winter or you will have mold and a crummy looking carpet come spring time. I even open every hatch and put a once inch wood block in them to keep them slightly open during the winter months and even in the summer to keep the inside of the hatches dry. I live in texas so there are a lot of bugs, spiders etc that want to nest in the boat so once a month I spray all the cabinet areas and all the places that bugs might like with a home boarder bug stuff to keep the little scoundrels out of there. Nothing worse than not using the boat for a month during the summer and taking the cover off hitting the lake to find a wasp nest being stirred up by the wind and boat movement same goes for the spiders. Plus all the bugs, mice and other animals around here want to eat the plastic off the wires. I treat mine like my living room when it is covered up.
    1 point
  23. I use toothpicks, and if I'm fishing from shore I'll find a grass root or alike. The monkey's got be buying too many expensive rods, reels, and 'miracle' baits to add bobber stops anyhow...
    1 point
  24. Some times, bad things happen at the best possible time. I was docking my lobster boat. The bow was headed into the slip, cut the wheel to starboard to kick the stern toward the dock, then put the boat in reverse. The boat had just about come to a stop, as my first mate slipped the spring line over the forward port cleat. A loud clunk from beneath the boat, and then the boat lost all propulsion. The prop had fallen off, right at the dock just as the boat had been secured. My first mate was also a diver, so he drove home, got his diving gear and retrieved the prop. A short drive to the boat yard for a couple of prop nuts, and a half hour later, the boat was back in business. Had it happened anywhere else I would have had to foot the bill for a new 2400 dollar prop, not to mention the potential for the wind or current to put the boat on the rocks.
    1 point
  25. It is a pain for sure but it is always better to find that stuff before you get out on the lake, I wont go through the list but just about anything can happen out there and I got something to fix it and get it back to the trailer. Speaking of which I have carried large zip ties and duck tape in my boat tool box forever. About two months ago I was out on my ski boat with a friend and when we got back I told him to stay in the boat and I wild fetch the trailer and truck. I got in line at the ramp and got out of the truck to have a cig and check the lights while the rookies in front of me attempted to load their boat on their trailer. Low and behold I notice the trailer looked weird. One entire board that the boat would rest on when loading had fallen off the brackets and was just laying there. I was like d**n it. Of course it is midnight and pitch dark I get a flashlight and everyone of the 6 bolts on the brackets had broken off. I went down to the ramp got the duck tape and wire ties put the flashlight in my mouth and went to work. Got the board secured in position and loaded the boat and went on down the road. The next morning I got under there and re drilled new holes and got it back to the way it was supposed to be. I think a lot of my friends, and I am guilty for sure, pay a lot of attention to their boats but not their trailer. I grease and check the bearings on the wheels each year but never mess with more on the trailer. I am going to put both of my boats on the lake, one at a time, next week and rebuild all the wood on both the trailers along with any and all hardware. I also bought a can of that seal stuff you see on tv all the time and after I get all the new bolts installed I am going to coat the bolts and the bracket areas with that stuff. This will never happen to me again.
    1 point
  26. The rebel pop r in blue still produces. I picked up some high roller poppers they work too.
    1 point
  27. I hope I have 1 more really good week. I don't think there's anyway I can win but I hope I can finish higher than I am now. I went with: Martens Pirch Lester Pipkens Swindle
    1 point
  28. Totally agree. If I was single I could certainly see myself spending a much larger portion of my income on unnecessarily expensive gear. Thank god I have somebody to help keep things in perspective. I want Power Poles but I need a minivan. Anyone see that episode of the Office where Oscar is going through Michael's finances?.. Oscar: "This scary black bar is what you spend on things that no one ever, ever needs, like multiple magic sets, professional bass fishing equipment."
    1 point
  29. I always buy my children fishing stuff I would use, so I can use it when they are tired of fishing and go off to play elsewhere. Just the other day I asked my 9 year old if I could borrow some Zoom shaky head worms that I bought him and he said sure.
    1 point
  30. Badass! How many u wind up catching and what did the biggest weigh?
    1 point
  31. No, not when I use 2 pieces. It's a nice tight fit when the lid is closed. There's enough of a gap to let the dividers move when you close the lid without using the mat. I experienced the same thing myself. Using 1 piece works ok, but every once in awhile I'd have something move. I use the thin boxes so I'm not sure on the regular ones. Just start with 2 and see if you need more.
    1 point
  32. Take 2 pieces of that rubber mat that you use in toolbox drawers and cut it to size. Then use spray adhesive to glue it to the lid. Nothing gets mixed up anymore. I use two of the thin 3701 boxes for terminal tackle that I did that with.
    1 point
  33. You guys tore them up!! WTG!! Great location, you always seem to find these great places in the Glades that not even the regulars know about I'm sure.
    1 point
  34. Mr. Chaumont, (yes I know how to pronouce it) First Welcome Second your post is why I started this thread!
    1 point
  35. I miss Russ such a good guy and all he did for charity. I remember getting him Charlie Moore's number to get him on Beat Charlie Moore had to have been 10 yrs ago. Glad to hear he is doing well, brings back memories of members or terms you don't hear anymore. "Mooks!!!"
    1 point
  36. Oh goodness Atlanta. Bless you dearly. Hahaha.
    1 point
  37. X2, it's a very common thing to see during the summer months, especially towards the end of summer like right now.
    1 point
  38. Just a few jigs... Decided to buy some heads and skirts separately from a few of my favorite places. The end result is about every color combination out there. Those that only fish 3 colors of jigs need not look!
    1 point
  39. You won't think that's funny 20 years from now young man. Now go to your room!
    1 point
  40. Once I know your budget my opinion might change, but when I was younger and starting to build my rod arsenal, BPS was my go to spot. Back then, I didn't know any better and forums were not in the picture, I bought BPS tourney specials and Penn 2500 or Abu cardinal spinning reels. Caught a lot of fish on them, and had a blast doing so. I just cleaned out my little fishing room over the wknd and smiled when I saw that I still had those rods and reels from over 15yrs ago. I don't know if they still carry those rods, but Carbonlite's are another option as well.
    1 point
  41. The Potomac river was a cruel, cruel place today! The wind was so bad that we would just motor up a creek and drift down the banks to fish, if there was a laydown you had one shot at making a presentation. Couple that with a high pressure system and things were just lovely....My first fish came on a texas rigged baby brush hog pitching it at the edge of the grass, the second one came on the edge of the grass with a senko. Two bass for 5.13lbs was enough to get third place and lock in a shot in the State Championship this spring! Winning weight was 11.8, the only kid who caught a limit. Second place had 3 bass for 6 something. A huge thanks to those on BR who gave me some pointers on fishing the Potomac!
    1 point
  42. Fishing has been great up here in the northeast. Got a couple good ones last Saturday. In the early morning fog 5 lb 5 oz Later on in the afternoon 7 lbs 4 oz
    1 point
  43. Yup I wear big loose oversized one from Harbor Fright so I can slip it on like lightning and grip the gals
    1 point
  44. I'm so glad to have a Cabela's close by! Love the place! I use the "ship to store" option when internet shopping to save a few bucks. No BPS in my area and Gander is more expensive. New Dick's nearby but it's worthless. I don't do Walmart. Have a couple really good independents (Capra's and Thorne Bros.) close by that actually get most of my business.
    1 point
  45. Well, it turns out users were even dumber than we thought! http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ashley-madison-bunch-dudes-talking-233158251.html
    1 point
  46. Lesson to all shimano owners... Keep them dry!!!!
    1 point
  47. You can (and I do) pitch every bait I use. When flipping, the reel is necessary, but is essentially just something that holds line as you are doing all the work manually When pitching, I'm pretty particular because I do it a lot. I want a spool that starts up with almost no effort. My favorite spool for pitching that I've used is the Daiwa RCS1016. You want something that is very comfortable and balances well on your rod as you will be holding it a lot of the times all day.
    1 point
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