Went out to run my 225 Ficht for a few minutes like I always do when it sits for a month or more. When it sit's, I pump all the gas out of the tank, and every four to six weeks I put about a 1/2 gallon of gas in a jug with an ounce of SeaFoam and let it run about 10 minutes on it. I sit the gas jug in the splash well, pull the tank hose off the primer bulb, stick a short piece of hose on it and stick it in the jug. Eight years of doing this, I've never had to pump the primer bulb, the motor starts and runs just fine with the gas in the system. A very simple process that doesn't take but a few minutes to do. Well not today, it didn't want to start, so I pump the primer bulb some. Still didn't want to start, so I pump it until it's a little firmer, Then I see a small stream of gas coming out of the plastic webbing over all the wires and hoses. Cut it loose and slide it back and some how, where the fuel hose was touching the rubber insulator it goes through, had reacted with something about it and there was a small, soft bulge in the hose and a small hole, so I pull cover off and replaced the fuel line. While doing this, I see a small puddle of oil in the lower pan and I see where a hose on the oil pump is leaking, so I put a new OMC tie wrap on it and fixed that.
OK, got all that done and so I should be good to go. Tried to start it, nothing, didn't even click after it went through the self check, which this is nothing new, for years it has always done this on rare occasions, thinking it's just the shifter not making the neutral start switch, I could move it back and forth a couple of times and it would usually start, not this time. The switch was loose also loose so it was wanting to spin with the key and figured just as well tighten it, nope, the treads had broken loose. While screwing with the switch and holding with my other hand to keep it from turning, I found if I pressed against one wire, the motor would crank, but touch that wire another way, and it wouldn't. A little more trouble shooting and found the terminal was loose inside the switch, so it was a bad switch that has always caused my random not wanting to crank. Just ordered a new key switch.
Ok, got it cranking, the leaking oil line fixed and the leaking fuel line replaced, she started up the second I turned the key. While letting it run and since I still had the cover off, I just used the throttle linkage to rev it up to 2,000 rpm and hold it for a few minutes. That's when I noticed the roller on the throttle cam has come apart and I need a new one of those, That's a 90 mile round trip to the dealer.
Went out there for a 20 minute task and two hours later, I'm still doing that 20 minute task, but much better to find all that in the back yard instead the lake.