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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Labor Day Largie 21" alil over 5 lbs Got up real early on the holiday expecting to land the large ones early but only hooked the dinks til around 8am when she woke up.. Always nice to wake up on a holiday aside a big gal.
    3 points
  2. I catch small bass on every medium sized lure .
    3 points
  3. It's not the action, it's the profile. Finesse jigs excel in clear water and for finicky fish or when they're targeting smaller forage. All of our local lakes get pounded and are very small with poor bass populations, so a finesse jig is often a great option as it was this past Friday.
    3 points
  4. My back is healing nicely and can get out at my own pace. Some of my more delicate problems will not be treated with surgery or chemo, I'm elated and could not have asked for much more. I have decided to give up fishing all together, my target to get back out there maybe January. I do not plan much BR activity until I get back into the swing. Quite honestly I don't care about rods and reels now. I spend most of my time reading and watching current events, that's my focus for now.
    2 points
  5. Can you politely link me to specific sentences where the judge says anything related with his judgment being applicable to Brady's innocence in the deflation part, and not the process by which he was punished? And before I get steam rolled by the Brady posse, let me just say this, I'm not a Brady hater. In fact I like him a lot and want to see him play, so I'm glad that he now gets to play. Personally I would have been happy with a fine only. Do I think he deserved 4 games? Heck no. Do I think he had something to do with the balls being under inflated? I do. Personally I see this case and judgement the same way I see this speeding ticket scenario. Cop pulls over someone and gives them a ticket for going 55 in a 30 MPH zone. Driver proclaims he wasn't going over the speed limit and decides to go to court. The judge hears the case and dismisses it on the grounds that the officer didn't fill out the ticket properly. Driver doesn't pay the ticket, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going 55 in a 30. I don't have any problem with the judge throwing out the Games for Brady. Doesn't mean I think he's innocent when it comes to deflated balls, and unless any of you, who think he's innocent of everything, were actually there when these infractions allegedly took place, you don't know for a fact either, so stop acting like you do.
    2 points
  6. Caught July 31 full moon at two AM. on a crankbait. I dont know the weight . It was really long but no stomach.
    2 points
  7. Don't know who Jason Lucas is but I've been smoking a pipe for about twentyfive years. Maybe I'm old school or as my kids and grandkids say, I'm just old.
    2 points
  8. Tested my new yak mod, the Railblaza Mobi mounted on the Uni-Trak Accessory Mount, and it worked pretty good. Better
    2 points
  9. I don't really target small bass. But sometimes I catch them on all the same baits I catch bigger ones on. T rigs, jerkbaits, fluke, cranks...
    2 points
  10. More likely the effect the line has on lure action than visibility
    2 points
  11. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works best for me.
    2 points
  12. You untie your shoe laces with a sword, don't you? (Two bonus points to me for referencing Alexander the Great.)
    2 points
  13. Just about knocked the rod out of my hands when he hit it! That's how a southern smallmouth is shaped Dwight
    2 points
  14. Just joined the Forum. I live in the Winchester VA area. Really into Bass fishing and I have a lot of gear. I normally fish the parks around here and the river at times. I was wondering if anyone could provide me with information on where some local ponds are? I have a Jon Boat but like to do shore fishing do to my limited time. I am strictly catch and release. I am a well mannered young man that is in his mid twenties. If anyone has a farm pond that they would let me fish that would be great, I won't cause trouble or leave trash. I fish alone and won't bring everybody in The area to your front door to ask for permission. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you and I look forward to being apart of this forum.
    1 point
  15. Well after having prostate cancer the PSA is "0" yup zero I been told. My spinal stenosis isn't treatable(no operation), my golf ball sized kidney stone is inoperable, (bad risk), the steroid injections in my L3, L4 & L5 discs are working out. But I have this weird pulling muscle tention that's so bad I can hardly walk. I have the belt/support for my hiatal hernia but I haven't been wearing it. Stupid me. I put the belt on the pulling muscle pain is totally gone . I can go fishing now. I can walk again. My point is, Get your prostate checked it's a blood test. Get your kidneys checked for stones. Any back problems get it checked. Wear your supports when required. When your young take care of yourself at any age. I found out there's no big "S" on my blue tee shirt(SUPERMAN). I thought I was. See a doctor for a checkup at least once a year. Take care of yourself. Most of this stuff is a silent killer. That's aches and pains isn't from old age sometimes. That cancer took 60lbs off of me. I was 390lbs of tough guy. Thank god I had the weight to lose. Now lookout world I have a new lease on life. Look out bass I'm back. I'm not perfect but I can cast a line. Please take care of your health. Your family needs you.
    1 point
  16. I have always had some soft of purpose in the casts I make for as long as I can remeber. I always kinda knew places that would likely have fish but couldn't give you all the details why when when I was just a kid. There was no internet and any fishing info I could really get way a basspro catalog and stuff like watching Roland and Bill on weekend mornings. Now I know so much more about conditions and why and where to look for fish but even that still didn't really dial me in. I would have to say realy what made me better was fishing big swimbaits. Lots of times for all you know is it might be a one chance deal to get this fish to bite. And if not you had better think that way really if you want to start catching more consistently. This can be really true when casting pretty much anywhere except like submerged structure in open water or something. You need to or should have a plan of attack and go rght for it first cast. You can work a spot and after some casts get to the cast that really struck you as the place to cast. That's prett ok when fishing normal baits but I totally noticed I hooked better fish consistently setting everything up perfectly and getting it all right on the first cast. I am not sure how many people really try to break down the angle you need to come across something at and peolw who are new to fishing it probably never crosses their mind. Even if you have the angle what speed and depth if possible do you fish it at. That also can be a huge factor. Then when you do get to your target what do you do? Do you even know when you are actually right next to it or over it. Do you just keep fishing like nothing has changed or do you kill it? Maybe a few quick turns of the handle or rip it hop it ect? It is also just not knowing how to work baits right. You can really say there is a "right" way but there are things you can do that help you get bit. Just this winter / early spring fishing I was fishing with a buddy of mine a bunch. He had a fairly good grasp of what was going on but didn't really know the little tricks you can do. Like fishing traps and me telling him every once in a while kill it for a split second then give it a long drag and let it die for another split second and start feeling again. Or casting to a spot and me say watch I am going to let it sit for a little then give it a quick hop or crank it down really quick for a second. That is just such a huge part. Peolw who are new have terrible technique or no past experience they can relate to on what has got them bit before. There have been lots of times I have fished with people and there might be 3 or 4 of us all using the same lure. I have caught say 6 fish so far they all have none of maybe someone got one or maybe just missed one and they ask why. I will tell them straight up that it's cause you suck and a huge part is your terrible at casting. The angle you approach something at along with your casting accuracy can play a enormous factor in catching fish. The way you work a bait also plays a big factor but even with flawless technique of you blow the cast of come past a fish that has its back to it or is on the other side of something and never gets to see it or it's just to far to late you probably won't catch it. If you have someone better then you to fish with who can give you pointers or tell you why this or that your fishing can really explode all of a sudden. I have a buddy who moved this year pretty and I never really see him. He is kinda new to fishing and has a few years under him but we didn't fish much. Before he moved we fished constantly together for a good little stretch. We usually put a hurt on some fish and now he is out there solo and still doing pretty good. It is the best year he has ever had he said. He is catching way way more fish and bigger one and more often. He knew what he was doing before because he is not completely oblivious to what is going on around him but he didn't really know. He didn't think about it the same way he does now. He also never had those key bites r enough of them before were it just clicked. You really have to have to right mindset and how you break it down to be successful on a constant basis. It also really helps to fish with people who are better then you are and learn from them.
    1 point
  17. You right wrong big word... , but what you said . It's all a matter of what you prefer. I'm not worried about getting to a spot fast, but it is good if your on a new body of water especially a large one. The Lure is actually fast enough on a calm day, it just sucks when you have to paddle back to the launch with the wind blowing in your face... That's the only time the wind likes to pick up for some reason.
    1 point
  18. Watch using the alcohol. A lot of the cork fillers are alcohol soluble. It will do a good job of removing if not careful.
    1 point
  19. I will echo what has been said. Get yourself a box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and a bottle of U-40 cork sealant. Clean the cork with Eraser and let it dry. After drying you can seal it with a light coat of U-40. One bottle will do close to 100 rods. I have already done about 30 and have 2/3 or so left even after spilled a bit.
    1 point
  20. I've used booyah frogs with no modifications this entire summer and gone through about 4 of them. I've had them turn inside out and every way imaginable but I have never had one fill up with water. Just my 2 cents.
    1 point
  21. I don't honestly know. You'd think it would be even better. I'd just have to try them side by side. I don't have a rod shorter than 6'6".
    1 point
  22. Drove down to lake Frederick this morning for a change of pace. Would like to have gotten there a hour earlier but managed to catch 20 or so. Mostly were dinks but landed 5 keepers. All but one fish were caught on a shakey head, the other on a spybait right in the middle of schooling bass. First time using the missile baits head and I'm pretty impressed with it. Fish were deep but there really isn't much shallow there. Kept the boat in about 27' made cast to to points and coves in the 19 footish range and worked it back. Got to se a big pike and lots of schooling dinks witch made for a good day. Now where to go tomorrow morning?
    1 point
  23. They actually make a weedless version now. I had some ones that were not weedless and they caught me tons of fish. I ended up having to make them weedless myself since they are fairly heavy and always end up fouled. I have caught a ton of fish in Ohio rivers with them.
    1 point
  24. I'll just chime in as someone who still, in spite of the outcry, still fishes nothing but mono on all my setups (4lbUL, 8lbM, 12lbMH/H). If you're having that many issues with mono, one of three things is at work: 1) You're using mono that was pre-strung on the reels (poorly) and has been on the spool a long time 2) Your mono was strung poorly resulting in a lot of line-twist 3) Your reel spool is either too full or not full enough Mono is still serviceable for almost every fishing application, though I won't argue that there are potential benefits to braid/fluoro in specific situations. If you'd like to give mono a fair shake, but a new pack of good line (Trilene XL is what I mainly use now) and freshly spool the reel correctly. Having said all that, you definitely need lighter braid on that UL setup. Using that heavy diameter, braided line on such a light setup will lead to spool issue (again) and other potential problems. Something like 10lb braid is more than enough for light tackle.
    1 point
  25. You don't need a fancy rod for frogs. Team daiwa s has a 7'4" rod that is lightweight that I like for frogs and punching and is roughly 100.
    1 point
  26. Using mono with frogs is like wearing a tutu and a tiara out to the bars trying to meet ladies... You might get a bunch of attention but you're just going to get your feelings hurt in the end.
    1 point
  27. I actually went to Cabela's yesterday and picked up a St. Croix Mojo Bass 7' Medium Heavy-Fast for $83 on sale. That'll be my frog rod for now since it I needed a Texas Rig/Jig rod as well. And I have a Daiwa Tatula Tactical 8.1:1 in the mail to put on it with 65# Power Pro
    1 point
  28. Cast ~ Retrieve ~ Squeeze ~ Repeat. A-Jay
    1 point
  29. Son - Finesse jig versus Flipping jig = two different tools, for use in different situations. Different weights - different size & strength of hooks, different lb. test and types of line used, and so forth. I guess if you looked enough you could find some overlap between the two types of jigs, and the conditions you might use them under, but for the most part, not so much.
    1 point
  30. I'd stick with the braid/leader set up. You have issues with the braided line bowing in the wind when you keep your rod tip up. Not as much with the rod tip down and the line in/on the water as much as possible. That's my approach anyway.
    1 point
  31. I use a jigsaw for my shoelaces..need to be precise.
    1 point
  32. Hey boostr...not sure why this would be redundant. I THINK what you meant was need to get to a spot fast (which in a yak you think is contrary with the purpose of a yak?) but I am not sure. Anyways... General rule of thumb is to spend least amount of time getting to your destination so you can spend more time fishing (unless you are floating down a river, or sightseeing along the way). I have some "go to" lakes with favorite spots that I just want to travel to quickly. Second rule of thumb is to get to my spots with the least amount of energy as possible (conserve energy). The easier it is to move around in your boat the less energy expended and the more distance you can go/longer you can stay out fishing without feeling tired. This is why at least for me, I felt getting a boat that was a bit faster and easier to paddle would pay dividends each time I was out with it. I also know this is why I look for the lightest cargo to accompany me. I question every piece of equipment I take...all in the pursuit of the conservation of energy. I might be different than most...IDK. I stand almost every time I am on my yak fishing. But I spend the vast majority...like 90% of my time, seated. Therefore, if I had to choose which attribute takes priority, standing or speed/maneuverability, I would give the edge to speed. Of course I would want BOTH...I think the Cuda gives me a decent balance between the two. This is also why you will hear (and I think its fair) that there are boats more stable than the Cuda...but I always know that something got traded off. Sorry for the ramble. Hope this helps the OP.
    1 point
  33. I use mono for most applications but when frogs are on the menu the line goes to braid. I don't think the line was causing the problems, I don't think the fish were eating it. I had 6 good, at least they looked good, hits in one small area a few years back and I could not hook the fish, it was the 7th strike that my buddy watched and told me that I'll never catch it. The reason was the fish was "tail slapping" the bait, and I've had it happen with spooks and poppers as well and when I have it happen more than once I switch up anymore. So switch out the line to braid and wait until you feel the fish before setting the hook, if you don't feel them, they aren't eating it.
    1 point
  34. I've only fished them on a football head. I will have to try a swing jig, makes perfect sense.
    1 point
  35. Here are a couple of thoughts. The first thing, I would personally change is the mono. You will not have the umph... you need to really drive the hook home. 30 blow ups and 0 connections means there is a problem. Are sure they were bass? If so, they were probably little guys. Your profile is very vague so I can't speculate what other species of fish it could have been because I don't know where you live or fish. Sorry.
    1 point
  36. I honestly don't even like BP that much, Cabelas isn't that much better. TW fan here......not that I don't mind a trip to Bass Pro
    1 point
  37. Sadly the 893, 873, and 894 could all do the job. I ended up with the 873 as it is sort of a slightly shorter "tweener" type between the 893 and 894. I love it and have zero complaints. However if you have a tendency to use heavier trailers say like a beaver or rodent those 1/2 oz jigs are going to be much closer to 3\4 oz, maybe more with those trailers. For jigs I tend to prefer a bit more stouter rod and power for hooksets. I would probably get the 894 if I could do it again simply for a bit more power. The 893 is a great weightless plastics and lighter jig rod IMO. Probably no right/wrong answer as we all pperceive things differently.
    1 point
  38. I went back and forth this past winter on the 893 or 894. I fish open, shallow tidal water. I never use more than a 1/2 oz jig but use mostly 3/8. I feel like the 893 is right for what I do. If you're using a 1/2oz jig in deeper water with cover I would go with the 894.
    1 point
  39. All I did on my last few trips. Dragging it in rock in 20 fow, getting over 30 smallies a day with a few over 5. Dirty jigs swing head and a hula grub.
    1 point
  40. Around here you about have to throw brown & orange in late winter/early spring.. Black & brown followed by a green pumpkin or watermelon color scheme.. Black works great as well. I prefer hair jigs myself, w pork.. In more heat I use plastic.
    1 point
  41. Basically it's a membership they offer that entitles you to discounted pricing. For an occasional, small purchase it isn't worth the cost. If you are contemplating a major purchase, or shop on line a lot, you will save some cash. I purchased a generator and it was priced over $60 less for members. The membership costs like $29.............. No brainer.
    1 point
  42. If they meet regulation length... I usually take those eye hooked fish home and eat them.
    1 point
  43. Generally finesse jigs have lighter hooks and less strands making them less intimidating when bass are on a slow bite.
    1 point
  44. Love dem Cut R's! I throw mine on a 4/0 skip gap hook with the rudder up. Mike
    1 point
  45. I use this technique all the time with the Rage Cut'R worm, fastest tail action of any worm. (or so they claim) I rig it with a 3/0 Straight Shank hook, 1/4 oz. bullet weight pegged or sometimes I'll just leave it loose. I've caught quite a few fish with that setup.
    1 point
  46. The Xcaliber Zell Pop Z2 (now the Booyah Bass Pop) and R2S Bubble Walker 80 are my personal most effective poppers.
    1 point
  47. I like the yellow magic poppers if you can find them. I believe lakefork makes a similar one that's alot cheaper but haven't tried them yet
    1 point
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