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  1. Ok, Ive done the conversion but I just want to see what you guys think. She was 24.5 inches on the nose in length. Didn't take girth but its the fattest bass Ive ever seen not on TV lol and her back went up into an arch. alright let me know what you think she weighed. Thanks!
    5 points
  2. Where's the study claiming reel noise is transmitted to the water via line? Even if it did it wouldn't come near what a crank bait puts out not to mention trolling motors, radios, impact with structure etc. not that a level of stealth isn't prudent, but we're way over thinking this one.
    5 points
  3. I play with my worm all the time in the car. Wait.........what?
    4 points
  4. Try one of these....it will hold all your stuff, and you'll look fabulous.
    4 points
  5. I got a 21 and a quarter inch bass this morning, my scales broke but based on the weight to length conversion it's 5.71 lbs. I thought this river only had 1 to 2 pounders until today.
    3 points
  6. Three Best Decisions I've ever made ~ Enlisting ~ Provided Purpose Taking the Plunge ~ Made me a Better Man And Eliminating this from my life ~ Life's Too Short A-Jay
    3 points
  7. Ahhhhhhh....football season. Fall is coming .... days are getting shorter and the nights are cooler along with the days. The fish start biting better...less people on the water. Sorry you were talking about football.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Last year, I found a gorgeous section of our local river with some deep pockets, yet still clear enough and shallow enough that from an overhead bridge I could see fish in there. This is a very good smallmouth river and I figured I had just found the motherlode of smallmouth pockets. I threw everything in my tacklebox at those guys, with no bites. Now, this past week, I see those guys in there again. Stacked like cords of wood, all facing upstream, sitting there motionless. Well yesterday the water level got low enough that I could wade out to the very spots they were holding, I figured I could be quiet enough to at least get close to see how big they were. I was able to get surprisingly close before a few scurried away....and.... What a surprise....they're NOT smallmouth!!! They're carp!! Which is why I had so much trouble/lack of success catching one with conventional smallmouth tackle. The bridge I could see the fish from was a good 30-40ft off the ground, and since I catch so many good smallmouth in this river, I just assumed they were staging in that pocket since fall is approaching. So, that makes me feel a lot better. These fish had me stumped. I couldn't get a bite, it had me questioning the very reasons I even pick up a rod/reel. Ha....not really.
    2 points
  10. When I was teaching, I had a classroom aquarium with one bluegill/green sunfish hybrid. "Barbie the Bluegill" lived for 4 years in my classroom of 5th graders. She was able to eat both live and manufactured food. She grew to a nice big size, then I had to let her go after I got a new job in a new city. Her is a picture of her when I first put her in, she gained her color back quickly, and she was very colorful most everyday.
    2 points
  11. Smallies are more fun than the wife gjm. The Elk is in my very near future and I am anxious to get going. I have four more days of work and I'm off for ten days!
    2 points
  12. Waiting to see what is happening with Deflategate, but happy to see my pats picking up Reggie Wayne from the Colts. Let's hope he has some gas left in the tank.
    2 points
  13. The BA and I skipped La Cgyne so he could give me a lesson on the bull shad. That lesson cost me after seeing the insane blow ups that bait produced.
    2 points
  14. btw - this thread is At Least 3 months premature. Go Fishing. A-Jay
    2 points
  15. The video address a co-angler fishing behind a Professional Angler, the OP is 2 anglers who are supposedly friends. I've never understood why 2 anglers who are supposedly friends do not understand the benefits of fishing as a "team". When done in unison both anglers can cover water quickly & thoroughly, allowing a greater opportunity to establish patterns faster. Y'all must fish as a "team" not two "individuals" out for a day on the water.
    2 points
  16. I would get the Metanium because it's heavier and for such a long rod, that is a plus IMHO. BTW, Yumeya makes a deep spool for the Metanium. It's $85 at Japan Tackle.
    2 points
  17. They use the baits they need to give themselves the best chance to win. It's pretty well known that Randy Howell used a DT6 to catch a lot of fish at the Classic at Guntersville, then used the Livingston Lures Howeller to catch some key kicker fish. I can tell you for certain that KVD was throwing a Megabass 110 or 110+1 at Grand a couple years ago, despite being sponsored by Strike King and having his own namesake jerkbait.
    2 points
  18. Best there is. Lake Fork Tackle. Baits last a long time too.
    2 points
  19. A faster action fly rod is probably easier to learn on. In fly fishing you're casting the line as opposed to the bait so don't cheap out on flyline. Cortland and scientific angler have some good reasonable priced lines. I'd start with a weight forward floating line. You can add a split shot and lengthen the leader for sub surface fishing. The leader or tippet is tapered and sized to match the fly size so it turns over correctly and lays the fly down softly. A reel with interchangeable cassettes is nice for later on but beside that it only holds the line so don't go nuts on the reel.
    2 points
  20. Good job. Gonna check out the D Bomb!
    2 points
  21. Of course depends on what refinery blew up today, but usually between $70 and & $90.
    2 points
  22. I should be avaliable that day. We have our biggest event at the church on the 26th so I'll be tying up some loose ends leading up to that but should be able to get away.
    1 point
  23. I haven't really learned anything but a couple of things were re-confirmed. The preseason is entirely too long and if Romo misses any significant time, the Cowboys are done. Oh, and Randy Gregory is going to be a stud if he can keep his nose clean.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. No, but when I'm fishing (and maybe at times during the day) I do keep a bag of Mann's Jelly worms handy for smelling. Takes me back to a simpler time.
    1 point
  26. I T-Rig these weightless and toss them under overhangs in the shade. They sink really slow and with all the flaring and movement they get hammered.
    1 point
  27. Studies have shown that when the economy tanks people look to fishing to pass the time and not think about the negative like not having a job. But you are keeping the fishing industry employees employed.
    1 point
  28. No......I read that twice to make sure i read it right.
    1 point
  29. Simplest way to live bait. Catch baby bluegill with bread or dough balls and you have bass favorite prey.
    1 point
  30. FLW in general doesn't impress me. Same lakes every year, poor coverage, TV shows air in the fall, months after the events themselves. I mean, I'd still fish the tour if I qualified, but still. Haha!
    1 point
  31. Frogs are absolutely my favorite way to fish, but I will admit the learning curve is STEEP! It takes a lot of finagling and trying to figure out exactly works for you and your setup. Once you do though- look out! You're going to be doing it a lot!! Just a few small pieces of advice: (I'm just going to assume you're using a heavy rod, locked drag and heavy braid because you should be) Practice walking the dog until you could do it with your eyes closed. Its ability to draw strikes is well known and STILL underrated. I slay with frogs simply because I can squeeze a ton of action out of a tiny break in the pads. Maximize that as best you can. You won't regret it. If it's a missed swipe and the frog doesn't disappear, just leave it right there and twitch it a little. They may be coming back to hammer it and I've gotten quite a few on the return strike. Some people say to wait after they take it down but I do not- the second I see it disappear it's WHAM!- Hookset as hard as I can, rod tip up at 12:00 high. My reason for this is that a bass can spit something they deem to be a non-food item faster than you can blink, so take that little time they give you in a topwater strike to make that hookset. My percentage has gone way up since I stopped waiting for the fish to catch itself. They rarely keep it in their mouth for very long so make that second count. Bend the hooks out on stiffer frogs. Don't worry about it getting caught on stuff, that's just going to happen no matter what and what you're REALLY worried about hooking is the fish- you want every advantage when that strike does happen and trailer hooks literally catch every single little thing they touch so I don't use them much. Just bend out your stock frog hooks a little bit and your hookup percentage should go up. Also work on your agility. I don't care who you are- Joe Q Newbie or Dean Rojas- there are going to be times when that frog is coming at you like a bullet. Try not to let it hit you. I hear the fish laugh when it does haha
    1 point
  32. Never bought from them but Tackle Center has some awesome prices. I was eyeballing their Live Target lures at 50% off.
    1 point
  33. The "price per bait" of some of the "premium" brands is kind of ridiculous. 75 cents to $1 per plastic is nuts. I think 25 cents is a nice sweet spot, and companies like Zoom, Yum, and Berkley's Havoc line will always be around to give us some solid plastics to use at a cheap price.
    1 point
  34. When presenting a wacky rigged bait in & around shallow shoreline or mid-depth cover, the Revenge Flippin Wackers Jighead gets the job done. The extra-strong Mustad Ultra Point hook allows me to step up my line size. This changes the rig from what's routinely a finesse deal to one that's more suited to the conditions. A-Jay
    1 point
  35. I like the wacky jigheads personally.
    1 point
  36. check out the buy/sell section of forums, by the way. You can get better quality gear at a price that'll fit you a lot better.
    1 point
  37. your high school has a bass club? Luckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
    1 point
  38. Got my Big Foot switch installed today: Now i am ready for those windy days.
    1 point
  39. If you're dumb enough to cheat on your wife then you deserve to be caught.
    1 point
  40. I'm no expert, but I don't mind teaching anyone what I do know. I can show you how to find fish on 2d, DI, and SI and how to use SI to find cover on structure. I'm avaliable most Fridays if your ever up there on a Friday.
    1 point
  41. Yup yup, Another Doc-Drew custom painted jerkbait!
    1 point
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