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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2015 in all areas

  1. Bass anglers are a gullible crowd if you appeal to their belief "it's the tackle not the angler"! Got my hinny chewed for posting that
    4 points
  2. "Help! My power poles have fallen and they can't get up!"
    4 points
  3. 5-10 on a buzzbait makes this my biggest of the year... Summer has been pretty busy with work and preparing for college and I've only manged 5 fish over 4 lbs this season. Moving into school Friday (University of Maine) which has me pretty pumped! Definitely going to try to be more active on the forum again during the winter anticipation and next spring.
    4 points
  4. Hello Bass Resource Forum Members. Although most All of you are at least vaguely familiar with me, please allow me to formally introduce myself. I’ve been around for as long as fishermen have been fishing. I am very hard to see and even more difficult (if not impossible) to meet. It is widely believed that I can be found under logs or docks, in the weeds or on the flats. Where ever I may be, I have quite a following. People spend an unbelievable amount of time, money & effort just looking for me. I’ve been called a lot different things. But sometimes when fisherman are floating through my area, just before they cast, I hear them say “Gotta Be one right there”; so I think that’s my name. Gotta Be. Anyway, just wanted to stop by to say hello and to let you guys know that I am out there, somewhere. So keep looking and if you’re really lucky, perhaps one day we’ll meet in person. Doubtfully ~ Gotta Be
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. A reel is a mechanical tool with moving parts. Some being more refined, will be quieter but none should be expected to be completely silent, especially if setup for peak performance.
    3 points
  7. I like the wacky jigheads personally.
    3 points
  8. That's the most asinine thing that I've heard someone say about Bill D.!
    3 points
  9. your high school has a bass club? Luckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
    3 points
  10. I don't know what the "Research" indicates but I've caught both dark & lighter colored smallies right from the same spot on several occasions. A-Jay
    3 points
  11. Got out today from 10 am till 2 pm on a local lake. Casting and pitching spinnerbaits and t/rigged plastics with 1/8 oz tung weight in and around lily pads. Stoked to report that I broke my PB I set back this past April with this 7 lb 6 oz monster caught on watermelon red fleck net bait b bug. Ended with 7 bass total and 5 pickerel thanks for looking. 7.6
    2 points
  12. Of course any weekend I fish is a great weekend, but I was blessed with some gorgeous weather and chunky bass. Fishing has been very tough lately, but there was a great bite these last two days. These fish were caught on dropshot, fluke, tube, and the Missile Baits D Bomb. I've fallen in love with tubes lately, the Ned Rig is a lot like them, and they're soft so that the bass hold on to them. And I also have a new pitching and Texas rigging bait, namely the D Bomb. I've also had some fish bite it when I swim it, so I'm pretty happy with its versatility. I'm a believer, this bait is D Bomb .
    2 points
  13. I am a new addict where hollow body frogs are concerned. I too just recently started using them consistently. I caught my first one about a month ago. This past weekend I actually caught a new PB using a frog (see my profile pic). I still can't get them every time but I feel like I am getting better at setting the hook. The funniest blow up I had though didn't result in a hookset. I had casted my frog between two trees, and ended up with my line over a branch. Just as I started reeling up away from the water a bass blew up on it. It managed to come out all the way to the tip of it's tail. It was really cool to see. I have had lures get hung up on limbs a bunch of times, and always wondered what would happen if a fish grabbed it in the air, but honestly I never thought I would see it. Like I said though, now I am completely addicted to frog fishing. Too bad I had to get "hooked" so late in the summer. At least the water stays pretty warm around here late into the fall so I should still have a few more weeks of froggin'.
    2 points
  14. The late Bill Murphy (In Pursuit of Giant Bass) fished with spinning tackle using a salt water size Cardinal 6 reel and rods with larger size guides, 14 lb mono. The key to using heavier or larger diameter line is using larger diameter spinning reel spools that reduce the coil affect. The other option is use braid. Tom
    2 points
  15. I wondered the same thing for the longest time. I noticed it was the worst in shimano reels, I had a curado I, citica e, and calcutta and sold all of tyem in like a week because I hated the gear noise. I have found that daiwa is the way to go if you want a silent reel. I have an alphas ito, a pixy, and a couple of tatulas and you can't even tell they have gears! Quantums are actually really smooth as well, I have an older energy and an exo and both are nice and quiet.
    2 points
  16. At some point you will find that it isn't worth the bother to be worried about what other people think about your PB, or anyone else's for that matter. This so called "vocal few" are only the tip of the iceberg for a much larger group of naysayers who are so insecure in their own worth and abilities, that they feel the need to set fake standards that everyone else is supposed to live up to. At the end of the day, nothing you, I, or Bill Dance does will live up to their standards, so it make no sense in even trying to do so. In other words: Who Cares!
    2 points
  17. Nothing to add about coloration, but here's another dark one for you:
    2 points
  18. Jerkbaits, ned rigs, and wiggle warts are all trout killers.
    2 points
  19. I think they died down a little for awhile after the initial rush but these past few years they've been red hot. Now there's bladed jigs specialist like Brett Hite out there and even technique specific rods. B.Hite destroyed the tournament field in an Elite tournament last year with a Chatterbait, then A. Mart won the last Elite with one and they've played a big roll in a couple more in between including producing the heaviest single day weight on Guntersville in the Classic 2 years ago. I'm probably a little biased towards them, but I certainly don't think they've fallen to the wayside. Right now I'd say the Ned Rig is probably one of the biggest buzzwords out there.
    2 points
  20. I'm not sure what does it, but I do know they can vary widely in the same area. I caught these 2 on the same spot a couple cast apart. This first one was one of the blackest smallies I've ever seen.
    2 points
  21. whether it is worth the investment is totally up to you and your budget. As far as what you want to spend, that is also up to you What kind of trout and situations would you be fishing for because bass gear and trout gear are pretty different for the most part. One thing to remember is he weight of the fly rod is as much about the flies your tossing as it is your intended species. back when i was a poor college kid i did everything with my 4 wt. I caught Brookies, smallies, carp etc...all on that rig. it worked but only because of my stubborness I would figure out a budget and go with about 60% for your rod, 30% for line and whatever is left over for your reel (unless you will be targeting a lot of carp then you will need a good drag). Fly gear has gotten so much better over the years that you can get a good set up for a fraction of what it used to cost. Also keep in mind the expense of leaders, flies etc.... All that being said, it is worth it to me and overall it is probably cheaper than conventional. I have one rod for largemouth ,Sage Bass II, and i can fish any bass fly i want from big poppers or streamers to smaller dragonflies. that is something you usually can't do well with one conventional set up.
    2 points
  22. Check out the Rod Choice Basics thread pinned at the top of this forum.
    2 points
  23. Those complainers you're referring to are generally called "haters". We just ignore those people, they think some purist angle makes them better somehow. Which is fine if it makes them happy but it's not ok if they're going to be douches to other people living a different dream.
    2 points
  24. I loved the shows he did with Jerry Reid, back in the day. Like some of yall, I've been watching Bill for a long time. I learned alot from him. He did'nt always fish those private holes like he's been doing for the last several years. Bottom line, he's one of THE best that has ever been.
    2 points
  25. A lot of wisdom in both WRB's and AJ'S posts!
    2 points
  26. Washed out coloration is usually from being tight to the bottom especially soft bottom. Both of these fish were caught from the same waypoint. My theory is the washout ones have been tight to the bottom where you caught them or just migrated there from some place else.
    2 points
  27. Today's Manufacturers have done a most excellent job of turning the sport of bass fishing into Annually changing Fads. From boats & motors, to rods, reels & line, to hard lures & soft plastics; whatever the "In Thing" is at the last Icast or caught some fish at the last Bassmaster Classic, there's a perception (based on advertising) that this is the way to go and if you don't have it - you're missing out on bass. So what happened to the best baits ever ~ nothing. The seasoned anglers are still throwing them. There's all different types of Hard Baits, Soft Baits, Swim Baits, Umbrella Rigs, Jigs, Frogs, Spinnerbaits, Buzzbaits, & Spoons and whichever bait the bass are biting that day, well, that's the Best Bait Ever. A-Jay
    2 points
  28. If you watch MLF the format doesn't promote specific lure sponsors, the angler use only what catches bass under the specific conditions. You don't see the latest and greatest promotional lure, you see tired and proven lures that catch bass. Chatter baits, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jigs and worms dominate the MLF competition. The same lures are doing very well in the B.A.S.S. Elite series. This years Kentucy lake event the top 12 used hair jigs, worms, Scrounger jig and swim jigs/ swimbait trailers and crankbaits on ledges, nothing new. Tom
    2 points
  29. Whoa! What kind of swimbait is that?? Love the double top hooks!! Also I picked up an 1st gen MXF *** Black spinning rod for a friend after I saw them on sale for $59. It will be his first nice rod, as he's been fishing with Ugly Sticks for as long as I can remember. He is going to be so stoked!!
    2 points
  30. Maybe someday, with all the leaps in technology, someone can invent something, a switch perhaps, that will allow the television viewer to put different programing on the television. Even better, if this switch could work remotely, from the couch perhaps, the OP wouldn't be subjected to such drivel like the Bill Dance show.
    2 points
  31. Sounds to me you better download a weather app asap. I personally use weatherbug elite. This app also has a sub-app called spark. This program shows you in real time how far and where the lightening has been striking, as well as the direction of where the storm is heading. We have the technology, use it. Lightening is nothing to mess with.
    2 points
  32. Mr Bill Dance has repeatedly shined on the biggest of stages for a long long time. To those who feel compelled to cast aspersions his way I have to ask "What have you done?" A-Jay
    2 points
  33. Your bait casting reel shouldn't backlash unless it's adjusted incorrectly or your casting skills are lacking after 2 years. What causes a blacklash is the reel spool turning faster than the line is coming off it loosens the spooled line. Simply adjusting the spool breaking mechanism should prevent a backlash, too loose will cause a backlash. The line plays a roll, if the line has a lot of memory it tends to spring off the spool loosening the spooled line. If you use high memory line like FC a line conditioner helps to reduce the memory. Poorly adjusted reel with dry FC line will backlash easily. The more breaking you add reducing casting distance. If you want maximum casting distance it takes fine tuning the breaks, using line with low memory and a rod that doesn't over accelerate the spool, a moderate action rod. The faster the action, the more difficult casting long distances becomes. Reducing spool breaking to increase casting distance requires skill and a trained thumb to prevent backlashes. The isn't any panacea's, braid is very low memory however tends to kite in the wind because it's light weight compared to both mono or FC. Monofilament nylon line is also low memory and casts very good, you best choice to manage backlashes. Smaller diameter line has less memory than larger diameters, another consideration when selecting line. Tom
    2 points
  34. Josh there is a big difference between a public pond or lake and a managed private lake or pond. The managed water is private with controlled fishing pressure. It will not have a stunted fish population but a maximized quality fish population. Depending on its age there could be a large population of big fish. The owner typically maintains a strong forage base so that the bass reach maximum size & growth on an accelerated basis. Knowing the differences between the public & private managed water the fish caught from the managed water will be bigger & healthier than the public water. They might also be easier to catch but not always because they might be more than adequately fed. The question is it cheating is up to you as an individual to determine. Most guys I have fished with do consider the private pond to be easier to catch a big fish than public water. I think the average knowledgeable fisherman realizes that a fishing show done on private water is not going to be as difficult as filming on public water hence the bias. Rest assured the Bill Dance does catch more & bigger fish from his private waters than he would from public water. It's just an easier film job.
    2 points
  35. ..................well, whad'ya think I meant?
    1 point
  36. anyone ever done it?? I've been successful. It uses a lot less gas than a big boat.
    1 point
  37. Several years ago I loaned my boat to a couple of out-of-state college kids who were fishing a tournament here in Oklahoma. The boat has a thirty-three gallon tank, and it had a full tank when I loaned it to them. The only rules I laid down were that they pay for any damages and to return the boat with a full tank. One of the boys was chaperoned by his father so I had few worries. The boat was returned on time, with no damage. Naturally, I assumed that I also had a full tank of gas also. The next week-end I took the boat out. After I got on plane I checked the gas gauge. The needle was pointing at empty. Lesson learned.
    1 point
  38. Aj hit the nail on the head.we all as individuals know what works and dont.Just like boats whats the differance in a 2015 ranger and a 2016 ranger of the same model? nothing but a number.i can catch bass with 40 year old reels and rods and lures.the only real thing that changes the whole fishing scene.is fishing line.fishing line has made fisherman better not new lures or new reels boats and rods.
    1 point
  39. Nothing to add about the logistics or feeding habits. Just one of the darkest smallies I have ever seen. My buddy Paul caught it out of the back of my boat while we were fishing the TN River. We have caught hundreds of smallies out of it, and never seen any this dark before or since. BTW- this is straight out of the river, no livewell time! Jeff
    1 point
  40. Welcome! Great post!
    1 point
  41. Holy crap! You guys make those smallmouth look like goliath grouper! I Want me some of those in any color variety! It seems like most of the smallmouth I catch around here in the Deleware River are of the darker variety and much smaller. Rocky bottom.
    1 point
  42. I don't know what you're using but the Owner Phantom Tube Hook is a Killer way to present a tube weedless. A-Jay
    1 point
  43. Do a replica now and one after he catches it again. Show the stages of growth.
    1 point
  44. No idea what the handles are for other than something to hold onto. Sweet new boat though skunked! Seems like all the KC area guys have bought boats in the last 2 years.
    1 point
  45. It would be hard to fish deep without an electronic aid. Seagulls are a good clue as to where fish are , all kinds of game fish , bass included .They gulls know where the feeding opportunity will arise , their lives depend on it , and bass are often close by. Even when they are not actively feeding , they are waiting patiently while a few scouts are in the air watching for food .
    1 point
  46. I'd also try a shaky head out deeper and maybe a silent crankbait for heavy pressure.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Yup ~ Just Plain Ugly - but the Fish are Gorgeous. A-Jay
    1 point
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