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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2015 in all areas

  1. One that works sometimes is to get a backlash....then while picking it out, my line just starts moving sideways
    13 points
  2. I would make her guess how much I weighed . . . . A-Jay
    10 points
  3. My newest rig: Orochi XX Perfect Pitch Shimano Core 100 mgFV
    7 points
  4. Bass do talk. I read all the time on here " Let the Bass tell you ... "
    7 points
  5. I realize that this thread is almost two years old, but that was how long it took for my replica to be completed. I thought I would post a few pictures of it as I appreciate when other guys post pictures their replicas (especially in relation to a picture of the actual fish). I ended up going with Joe Fittante out of Antigo, WI and I have to say even though I had to wait 20 monthes, it was well worth it. As you will see from these pictures, I think he nailed this replica and I couldn't be happier. First, here is the picture I gave Joe (which is the same one I displayed in Post 1)... This is pretty much your run-of-the-mill Great Lake Strain Fish with three distinct markings. First, there is a black dot on the gill plate, second, there is a black dot on the side closer to the tail, and third, there is a small scar area on the upper back (I circle these three areas in red)... Well, guess what, Joe picked up on those things and incorporated them into the mount. To me, it is those small things that make this replica "my fish" vs. just some replica the same size as my fish painted quickly with no attention to detail. Here is the replica... And here is a close up of those three distinct items I mentioned... The backdrop is actually a large underwater picture (it's a little hard to tell in the picture) and I suspended the actual Medusa I caught her on from the ceiling. I am more than pleased with the mount and moderately pleased with the overall display (I may have to figure out a little better way to position the lure). To be honest, I was a little hesitant to spend the money on a replica and figured a nice picture was good enough, but I have to admit, I am really glad I pulled the trigger. The feeling of excitement I had at that moment when I caught her comes back in my mind when I look at this replica. Again, well worth the money and Thanks to Joe for his incredible work.
    4 points
  6. Actually, it works better than just about anything else in weeds. The weight drags the bait, and line straight down through cover, instead of draping it over the weeds. It's just about replaced Texas rigging in weeds. I'm even using it to punch through super heavy slop with 1 to 1.5 oz, weights. The key is to use SKINNY PENCIL WEIGHTS. You can also drop down what you normally use by 30-50%. A 1/2 oz. Jika penetrates most milfoil/coontail beds as well as a 3/4 to 1 oz. pegged Texas Rig.
    3 points
  7. I would ask him/her if they can see my line?
    3 points
  8. "Lake George is, without comparison, the most beautiful water I ever saw; formed by a contour of mountains into a basin... finely interspersed with islands, its water limpid as crystal, and the mountain sides covered with rich groves down to the water-edge: here and there precipices of rock to checker the scene and save it from monotony." -- Thomas Jefferson, May 31, 1791 I grew up fishing this lake, for 25+ years, but hadn't until this summer spent serious time on it the entire season. I ice-fished a few times in Feb-March, and went out a few days after ice-out, then over the next 3 months made about 25 trips, about 300 hrs on it this summer... mostly dawn-dusk trips, a few overnights, and two very grueling 24 hour marathons. I mainly fished for SMB/LMB, catch and release but did keep bunches of rock bass and pumpkinseed for eating a few times, they were everywhere. Perch were here and there, a few jacks but nothing consistently, probably because I wasn't jigging much. A couple trips I targeted either Northern Pike or Lake Trout but had very little success. Overall what I learned is: - LMB and SMB populations are doing great here - Most people I see out in boats fishing seem to fish way too shallow - Shallow water (<20 ft)- any time, any day, any weather- is never productive for LMB/SMB >12" here in July or August. Period. - The key with both species is finding structure where the thermocline (30-32') and bottom intersect- humps, submerged points, sunken islands, drop-offs, or even just flats- at 28-38' deep and near deeper water. - Locating and fishing around "cover" (fallen timber, weedbeds, docks, et) is not very helpful on this lake in the summer - Best baits are the ones that stay at the target depth (20-30') the longest - jigs, drop shot rigs, texas rigs, etc. - ...But the most efficient methods (catch the most fish in the least time) keep the baits at target depth while also covering the largest area in the least time. For me this was speed trolling (3-4mph) deep diving crankbaits and weighted plugs. Honestly, the bigger the better. StrikeKing 10XD, 2-3oz Matzuo Kinchou plugs, etc. The boat: Pants: Fjallraven Vidda Pros. There are inserts for foam knee pands so they were great for a canoe or small boat where you can be on your knees a lot. Also plenty of pockets, and reinforced seat because, well, you're sitting a lot. Some of the routes and fish: I covered a lot of the South Basin, mainly around the major islands and open water structure. Humps and reefs. Only parts I didn't get to were Diamond Island, Dunhams Bay or any of the very southern end. Since I was in a canoe I didn't just jump spot to spot, I trolled along everywhere I went and found some fish in very strange places. Dink SMB will suspened 10-15 ft down almost anywhere in the lake, but esp over structure 30-40 ft deep. And the larger SMB and LMB will also suspend 20-35 feet down sometimes in up to 60 fow. Didn't really weight or measure any of the fish this year but I think largest of each species was around 20" and 4-5 lbs, not necessarily pictured. Storm approaching: Got caught between 2 thunderstorm cells north and south of me on the lake, this one to the north dumping huge amounts of rain. Wind and waves got a little sketchy. I headed into a small bay and some people offered to tie up to their docks. It passed and I survived. 1. Northwest Bay at sunset, 2. Moonrise in Harris Bay, July 3. This was an awesome night. Full moon, calm waters, tons of people at the lake but not much boat traffic since it was at night. When I first got there around 6-7pm the entire bay smelled like grilled steak. Fishing was great until around 11pm when it slowed down a little. Even though it was early in the season and at night topwater wasn't producing. Shallow crankbaits over 15-20 ft weedbeds on sunken humps worked best. 3. Sagamore Hotel at night. Lac Du St Sacrament - largest of one of the cruise ships on the lake. Snuck up on me one time while anchored at a mid-lake hump when the wind was from the opposite direction. It came within about 100 yds. Dome Island about 10mi down the lake. I did fish Dome quite a bit and it does have prolific numbers of SMB around it and the extensive reef structure to its north. The drop-offs to the south seem hold the bigger fish, but overall I found Dome Island to essentially be just a big dink sanctuary... tiny smallmouth after tiny smallmouth. It was hard to fish deep enough to avoid them while still catching something. There seemed at times to be hundreds, even thousands, of 3-5" smallmouth bass around the island and the reefs and it became a real hassle compared to other places. I have not once caught a LMB around or near this island. SMB have taken over, and I've started to think the lake is overpopulated with smallmouth. Most productive lure of the season and the year by far. Perch were there but I wasn't able to target them specifically. I plan on focusing more on them in the fall. Small cottage on the lake... Owned by Red Sox owner John Henry. No one was ever really there until August when the Sox were 15+ games back. One of many very nice SMB. It was very hard to fish for SMB and LMB separately. Toward the end of the summer SMB have been a bit harder to find. Beat up bass. I have been noticing a lot of jaw and mouth wounds in various stages of healing on basses mouths as the summer has gone on. This LMB actually had the entire lower jaw bone broken in the middle, bones no longer connected. It looked like it was healing though and the fish looked well fed. If anyone is interested I have 4-5 very specific spots that always produce big fish, PM me. I trade info for fluorocarbon line.
    2 points
  9. Although 'weed-probing' can be done with a 3/8 oz sinker, true "mat-punching" normally requires a punch sinker between 3/4 oz & 2 oz. I keep a 1-1/4 oz punch sinker on my mat-punching outfit which is very rarely changed. IMO, too much weight is better than too little weight, as it tends to trigger more strikes out of impulse. Roger
    2 points
  10. I wouldn't get too upset. Rods break during shipping - it happens. And the more you do it - the more you realize that some companies pack their products better than others. Once you find out which ones do - these are the people that you deal with in the future. The others are left behind. You'll be able to get a new one quite easily, but if it's prepared & shipped in the same manner, you could see similar results. A-Jay
    2 points
  11. You can manually mute the whole conversation and not have to put your entire phone in airplane mode.
    2 points
  12. Ups just delivered my 6'7 M/F *** black 2. I brought my Alphas SV to work so I could get a feel for it. They pair well cosmetically and functionally. The balance is great and it should make a good jerkbait rod. Also squarebills and weightless plastics. It's a $100 rod so I understand not to have super high expectations. I'd like to see... Drop shot style hook keeper Smaller guide train Less epoxy on thread wraps I really like the evolve reel seat and the full handle. It seems to put together with decent cork. Not a terrible amount of filler used.
    2 points
  13. one day when my kids ask me about their inheritance..... i'm going to have to break it to them that it all went to Mike!
    2 points
  14. Steve it WAS worth the wait. Joe does really does beautiful work. I think he has done Steve Sworrall's mounts.
    2 points
  15. Or wait for the new mojo to come out. Going to have the SCIII blank and will be considerably lighter than the old mojo, according to the lady I talked to at St Croix.
    2 points
  16. Awesome fish once again, and a REALLY nice replica! Congrats! Jeff
    2 points
  17. They would all reply "get your thumb out of my mouth!!!!"
    2 points
  18. Really Really Nice Steve ~ Sounds like you've gotten what you hoped for ~ an Instant Feel Good Memory Flashback . . . . . .and that High Quality work certainly plays a big role. I'm betting the longer that beast hangs there - the More You'll Enjoy It. Worth the wait. Congrats Again A-Jay
    2 points
  19. Do any of you guys still use a RAGE SHAD?? Looks nice but I haven't caught a fish on it. Caught many on Stanley Ribbit however. Sometimes I think it's the waters you fish as to what works. I think that plastic bait that glided was the HELICOPTER BAIT on TV.
    2 points
  20. I have done that with my fly rod.It works great! Spinnerbaits.Rather than just cast and retrieve i sometimes will cast and burn it through the water a few feet then stop reeling.Let it drop a few feet then burn through the water then stop again.All the way in.I have let it drop all the way to the bottom before the fast retrieve.I figure it 's something different the fish don't usually see. and it will get their attention.I have caught a lot of bass doing this.This may be something we all do im not sure.
    2 points
  21. My Rainshadow is one of my favorite rods.
    2 points
  22. srmbass is a Class Act. Said it before & I'll say it again ~ I really like his style. A-Jay http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/user/14342-srmbass/
    2 points
  23. Finally finished up a reel I have been working on modifying for a while now. Just picked up an SV spool for it and it may just be one of the most impressive reels I have used. Paired with a DX 703.
    2 points
  24. Caught my second personal best bass today! It was also my first fish on a baitcaster. She was 21" and I didn't have a scale, but I'm gonna guess around 6lbs give or take a few ounces.
    2 points
  25. First fish on a jig! Largest Smallie that my better half has caught to date:
    2 points
  26. What are some of your favorite ways to trigger bites? This isn't bait specific, just what are some of your favorite ways to work various baits? One that I just learned recently from panfishing w micro jigs (1/64 oz - 2 lb line) is to just do a slow wind, like 2-3 seconds per turn of the handle, while shaking the rod tip - sort of like when you take a rod in the store and shake it to feel the balance. Done correctly, you are sort of twitching the lure randomly on slack line, so it just does an unpredicatable series of little darting moves. For the micro jigs, it is intended to imitate the movements of emerging insects that trout and panfish feed on... But I have also found it to be pretty good on shakyheads and even topwater at times for bass. What are some odd-ball retrieves you guys have cooked up??
    1 point
  27. and maybe take a quick survey on favorite foods
    1 point
  28. welcome to bassresource! Sounds like you might want to look at a 300 size reel such as a Daiwa Lexa 300. They have outstanding reviews and are well within your price range. There is also a slick new HD version just outside your budget. They all come in any retrieve you might want and have various handle choice. Check amazon.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I heard this back in 2014 and saw an ad for a used 2014 for sale a number of months ago in Canada.(It was listed as a 2013 but it had the 2014 graphics) If they are using the same hull for another model, I don't see why not. If not, I highly doubt they will rework their production line for A Jay. He's a nice guy and all but.......
    1 point
  31. What are you planning to fish for? If you are going for Peacocks, midsize jerkbaits are "hot" right now. As far as license fees here you go: http://www.myfwc.com/license/
    1 point
  32. Remember that guy at Christmas, that's a deal
    1 point
  33. I taught I could use it to hold the guides on before wrapping
    1 point
  34. Your tackle is looking good BBD!! You can do some damage with that line-up for sure. Glad you're catching a few. I haven't been out in a couple of weeks, just been busy but hope to change that soon. Y'all try to leave a few for me With Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston posting here now, I think I'll change my handle to "Middle-Aged Roland Martin"
    1 point
  35. There are baits and techniques I don't like too. I'm not even going to try dropshot. Rather than using a jig/craw, I use a large T-rigged craw. I have jigs, I just don't have luck with them like I do the T-rig.
    1 point
  36. I've used parasite clips and they do work. Unfortunately, they require you to remember to put them on the line before you tie the hook. Trivial, no? Not for me. And when I inevitably forget, I almost always choose not to cut the line, put on the clip and retie. Buzz, take a look at this: But skip to 1:30...it doesn't really take four minutes to put one on
    1 point
  37. Um...isn't that erratic movement purposefully designed INTO the scatter rap? Just sayin'.
    1 point
  38. Man, I have to talk to you guys more about where you're getting your deals on reels. I looked at a Tatula today while restocking at a tackle shop and I didn't find the body that big or awkward. I may pick up a Tatula for one of my next casting reels. Much like Chronarchs and Curados, it's rare to read anything really negative about their performance.
    1 point
  39. I've never heard of a pflueger president causing problems simply by it's design. Windknots and birdsnests are caused by line selection and user error when retrieving slack line or reeling against the drag. JMO of course.
    1 point
  40. Also made a spine tester to try
    1 point
  41. And we had to leave the house to buy our music at the record store. Pick up an iron-on t-shirt while we were there. We had an iconic record store here in Chicago called Rolling Stone Records. Bands would do autograph signings before the shows. Could put on a pair of headphones and listen to the music before you buy it. Posters for sale. Smoking paraphernalia for sale.....memories
    1 point
  42. I do not buy any of that BS! Y'all trying to say how bass see things through a human brain! If a bass can identify line as danger they will know your lure is fake! Bass might see your line but have no clue what it is!
    1 point
  43. Sound Bite is the name of the product. Endorsed by Bill Dance over 15 years ago. Google is your friend. Two jigs and two in-line "weights" that looked like Carolina rig egg sinkers. They make a clicking sound when wet.
    1 point
  44. I fished too many knock offs of the senko and there is no equal. With that said, I will not pay $7+ for a bag. I wait until DSG has them on sale, use a coupon and stock up. I usually end up paying about $3.50 to $4.00 a bag. At that price, they are worth it.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. I am in desperate need of a break from everything else that stops me from fishing. At one time, quite a few years ago, I fished everyday for a couple of months. I never needed a break. Oh for those days. Too answer your question; NO!!!!!
    1 point
  47. I see a bunch of letters but I can't understand anything you just typed.
    1 point
  48. The boss and I we're just recently talking about our own roadtrip for 2016. We decieded to run Rt 66 all the way to Pacific in our new motor home... (I just Love this retirement gig) Even tho we're both from Chicago which is where it starts, I really didn't want to drive that much out of the way being we live on the So West coast of Florida. So we thought of picking it up in Oklahoma, which with a little time planning on the boss end, who I elected as our official navigator, we probably could make both, maybe one coming and one going! Hmmm That may work out. We had such a great time at the last Official Road Trip in 2014 and met so many people who I can still call friend, that we may have to work both of these in. Anyway, as of now put me and Jeannie down for both. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Mr. Yates, but what better way to honor a members contributions than to have a permanent remembrance of a man that was obviously respected by the folks who knew him! Mike
    1 point
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