Here ................"Hot" is a 85-90....and we don't get a bunch of days like that, and even when we do, I still fish. Often times the best bite is during the hottest, brightest part of the day, it puts the fish in predictable spots, like shade, or in thick grass. When and if we do get the rare "heatwave"...conventional wisdom says fish deep, and in the morning or evening, I go just about 180 degrees the other way, and fish in the dirt, during the heat of the day, and do just fine. Sunscreen up, bring lots of water and gatorade, and just go fishing. I have been known to take my shirt off dip it in the water and put it back on, the evaporating water off your shirt and skin have a cooling effect that really works. I hate night fishing......for one, I have terrible low light vision, and I really have never had the need to go at night, I catch them just fine during the day.