The lakes I fish are small between 1,000 to 3,000 acres or in length of miles between 1 1/2 to 4, by classification they are highland reservoirs, the primary function being water storage and flood control.
These lakes are all deep structured with sparse cover and vary greatly in depth and pool size during each year.
Each lake is subjected to weekly bass tournaments, there are lots bass boats fishing everyday, year around, so they are highly pressured by knowledgable anglers.
Just wanted to clarify where I fish maybe different than fishing larger impoundments with vast amount of different terrain and cover.
Daily bass patterns regarding prey type, location change from seasonal time periods, weather, boat traffic, time of day or night. Having fished these lakes for decades it's easy to think you can pre determine what the bass will be doing at any given time, big mistake. My routine when launching my boat is checking the marina for indications that might prevail during my outing to locate the bass and determine what they are doing. First you need to catch a few bass to develop a daily pattern, not always easy. For me my sonar unit is a valuable tool helping to see what is going on under the water, how deep the baitfish are and if any bass have passed under the boat, don't have side scanning sonar.
If I catch a bass, that 1 bass tells me what it wanted and where, catch another it helps to fill in the puzzle, that puzzle is a pattern that I keep repeating if successful, if not it's not a pattern that is working for me.
For example Thursday the bass were feeding on shad located in isolated weed patches on flats near rocks in 5' to 8' of water until about 10A, hitting small crankbaits and chatter baits, then quit. I didn't meter the bass on the flats, a splash alerted me to go check it out. The bass moved out to the deep ledge breaks in 20' with large boulders, hitting drop shot soft plastic worms.
Monday, no bass active on the flats in the weed patches, no bass metered or caught on or near the ledge breaks.
The bass had moved to the points and waited for Shad schools to come by, when a school was near, the bite was on from 20' to 30' drop shot Shad type soft plastics and structure spoons until I went home at noon.
These are daily patterns that I was able to put together, other anglers may have found something different.
This is typical, constant changes depending on bait and bass location.
The OP was stating his pattern was lasting weeks or months, that is why I asked the question, what is your pattern? Bass are not stationary fish, they move to stay close to the food source, except during the spawn when food isn't a priority.